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- =====================================================================
- W E L C O M E T O D I S K L O G V E R S I O N 1 . 3
- Copyright (c)1991 Rich & Steve Bamford
- Not for distribution without author's prior consent
- This Utility is Shareware, and not Public Domain
- If you like it and intend to keep it please send
- a donation to the authors.
- You may register for a fee of five pounds,
- the authors will then endevour
- to keep you informed of any updates as and when they occur.
- NG14 5GN
- =====================================================================
- DiskLog is a handy utility designed to assist in the cataloging of
- large disk collections.
- Almost all disks can be uniquely identified by information stored in
- the boot and root sectors. Using this method DiskLog is able to
- log information about a disk and recall it at will. Ever had the
- situation when you've got a box full of disks but can't remember what's
- on each one, or you know the disk but can't find it? Help is at hand!
- ---------
- DiskLog may be run either from it's icon or from CLI. When first
- activated the LOAD option will automatically be selected. Click on
- the CANCEL gadget if you wish to start a new database. Clicking on
- PROCEED will load the demonstration database called Noname.DLog
- To log a disk, simply insert it into drive Df0:. DiskLog will then
- interrogate the disk and scan the current database to see if it
- has already been logged, if not a new entry will be created.
- Information regarding the current entry is shown in the main window.
- The title, which defaults to the volume name, may be user defined.
- To change the title, simply click on it and type in a new one.
- Any one database is divided into 10 separate categories. To select
- a category click on the SELECT gadget to display the 'types menu';
- see below for details of operation.
- Each disk may be given your own personal rating from 0 to 100%. This
- may be adjusted by moving the slider situated at the bottom of the
- window.
- Two numbers are shown at the bottom screen. The top (white) number
- is a unique serial number given to each entry as and when it is logged.
- It is a good idea to write this number on the disk (label preferably).
- The second (Green) number indicates the total number of disks logged.
- Each database is automatically maintained in order, sorted on category
- and title. To single step through the entries use the left and right
- chevron gadgets, or for more rapid movement use the top slider.
- ----------
- This is activated by clicking on the SELECT gadget on the main screen.
- Clicking on any of the 10 categories will move the current entry into
- this category. Clicking on the PROCEED or CANCEL gadgets will return
- to the main screen without moving the entry.
- The EDIT gadget toggles the category edit mode. Whilst this gadget is
- highlighted any of the categories may be edited in the same manner as
- the titles on the main screen.
- Any changes made to the category titles are saved along with the
- current database and do not affect any categories defined in other
- databases.
- Ten categories may not seem much but it is intended that you split
- you disk collection into several smaller groups eg. Games, Utilities,
- etc. with a database for each.
- --------
- Below the PRINT gadget are two gadgets which indicate the destination
- of the database report. Either 'DISK' or 'PRINTER' should be highlighted
- as appropriate. Clicking on the PRINT gadget will inititiate the report.
- If the report is directed to disk, a file requester will appear to
- enable the report file to be selected. The cancel gadget will terminate
- the report.
- The `types menu' will appear next with all the categories highlighted.
- Deselect any categories that you do not wish to appear in the rpeort.
- Click on PROCEED to generate the report or CANCEL to abandon it.
- ----
- Click on the LOAD gadget to load a new database.
- ----
- Click on the SAVE gadget to save the current database.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- The program is pretty well self-contained, the following files should,
- however, be present on the system disk:-
- Fonts:Dlog.... (Will use TOPAZ if not found)
- Libs:DiskFontLib
- + Any printer drivers etc for your printer.