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- Eye of the Beholder2 - Character Editor by Gert De Roost
- ***********************************************************
- 1. If you are one of those people who can't finish EOB2 because their party
- isn't strong enough and not because they can't solve the puzzles, then
- this program is for you. It enables you to change the statistics of your
- party, like health and level.
- *
- At the end of this file there are some pointers on how to complete the
- puzzles in and around Temple Darkmoon !
- 2. How does it work ?
- ------------------
- After double-clicking the icon, the program screen appears. All functions
- can be accessed by on-screen gadgets, so there are no menu's. Now insert
- your savegame-disk ("EOB II Saved Games:") in any drive and click
- on 'Load'. Alist of your saved games will appear on the right. Pressing
- the right mouse button will cancel the operation. Click on a name with
- the left mouse button to select that saved game slot.
- A warning message will flash, giving you the choice to either
- go on (left button) or cancel the operation (right button). The stats
- will now appear, ready to be changed. The same procedure is used for
- the 'Save' gadget to save your new stats. Changing the saved game name
- is not possible (Sorry!).
- 'About ECE' gives a quick note about the program.
- Selecting 'HELP' tells you how to view the documentation file from
- within the program.
- Changing values is very easy. Each value is accompanied by two arrows.
- One left (to go back or lower the value) and one right (opposite effect).
- You can use both left and right mouse buttons to change values. The left
- button changes the value one step each time you click on an arrow.
- The right button makes the value change continually until the button is
- released, so it is best used for big changes.
- *****************************************************************************
- IMPORTANT : Don't make values TOO big. In-game they often keep getting
- bigger and bigger (when you gain more experience etc.). When
- values get too big, they'll flip around and become NEGATIVE !
- *****************************************************************************
- The value called 'Pic' holds the number of the portrait of your
- character.
- Experimentation is the best way to discover the different faces. Values
- from 0 to 255 are possible, although some values hold no picture, causing
- the portrait to be distorted. Values close to 255 hold the portrait
- of the NPC's.
- Next to the experience and level boxes, there's a button containing the
- first letter of the class of the current character. Clicking this button
- button only has effect with multi-class characters like Fighter-Thieves.
- A click will switch between the different exp. and level values for each
- class of the character.
- The name of your character can be changed by clicking in the box
- containing it. A cursor will appear and you'll be able to edit the name
- using standard keys like <Del>, backspace and cursor keys. Press <return>
- when you're finished.
- *** IMPORTANT: to quit, click on the big logo at the top of the screen. ***
- 3. Note that the values can be changed to values that are not possible
- to obtain if you normally play the game. You can for example change
- strength to 127, while 19 is the maximum possible in-game. So maybe
- those high values have no effect, but they sure look mighty special!
- You can also have experience values that don't match with the level
- value, which can have some weird effects in-game ! It's best to look
- at the tables on page 52-54 of your manual and only enter values that
- correspond !!!
- The Armor Class value will change back to normal whenever you collect
- and wear a new armor, an armor ring or bracers, so don't touch those
- objects if you want to keep your own value. Changing the AC is reallyome
- useful when you saved your game just before a vicious fight.
- IMPORTANT: When first loading an edited saved game, there can happen some
- strange things to your party members. The game has to 'adjust' a little
- to the changed situation, especially if you changed classes. After a
- few rests though, all will be OK again !!
- 4. Some tips for the game:
- -----------------------
- - Don't worry about food too much because rations are plenty, and once
- your cleric can cast Create Food, it's best to drop all rations because
- you won't need them any more.
- - Useful spells to have in store are Neutral Poison, Remove Paral.,
- Create food, Prayer, Haste (especially in the higher towers)
- Cure Light/Serious/Critical, all offensive spells like Fireball, a
- Lightning Bolt, and so on...
- Burning hands is also very useful, especially when used by high-level
- mages.
- Try to use true seeing as often as possible!
- - Some monsters can't hit immediately after they have moved (skeletal
- warriors, frost giants,...). So all you have to do is hit them once
- and move. Your party members will take no damage.
- - Insal will rob your party if you let him join and then rest. (Insal is
- a good chap though: you'll see him again later in the game!)
- - Deep in the catacombs there is a plaque reading: "Leave many things
- behind". To open the door next to it, drop objects on the pressure pads
- following this pattern:
- X O X O = no object
- O X O X = object
- X O X
- - Some of the locks on the level with the cleric-sleepingquarters can
- be picked! One bed contains a key, so search them all. The little
- black statues can be destroyed with your weapons: one of them reveals
- a little button!
- - Follow the path through the electrical barriers, kill the mantis
- warriors and pull the lever on the right wall. Some barriers will have
- disappeared. Now you can return and enter the left or right corridors.
- Kill the dying mantis warrior, he can't be trusted.
- - Go for 'Almost certain death' not for 'The next trial'.
- - There's a room with a plaque reading something like: "You must have
- faith". Pull the lever that is directly to the left of the entrance.
- Then pull the one directly to the right. Finally pull the right switch
- on the opposite wall. Enter the corridor on the right and search the
- walls for a stone that sticks out a little. Push this stone and return
- to the lever-room. Go to the switch you haven't yet pulled and walk
- over the hole. You won't fall down (faith, remember?). Pull the lever
- and the final gate will open.
- - On the mantis level you enter a room full of eggs. Take out every egg
- one by one before taking the green gem from the eyes in the wall. Now
- put the gem back in the eyes to reveal a secret passageway!
- - Listen to the trapped cleric that asks you not to come any closer !
- - The mouths that are asking to be fed, must be given (in no particular
- order): rocks, potion of vitality, femurs, mantis idol, rotten food,
- polearm (give it the cursed one!).
- - After receiving the mark of darkmoon, you find encounter a green
- crystal shield is blocking the passage. Return to the level where you got
- the mark of darkmoon (a nice mouth will open the door that Dran closed)
- and search for the secret button (it is located
- in one of the 'Here you can rest'-alcoves). Now find your way through
- the illusionary walls (you can use a map you found earlier!). Kill the
- beholder that is stuck in the hole, go up, and you will find a crystal
- hammer (use it to shatter the green shield!)
- - Cast dispel magic on the statue that 'seems to be magical'.
- - In the room 'The sentry' there's a wall that keeps on moving in front
- of you. Step onto the first pressure pad on the left and drop an
- object on the pressure pad on the right. Pick this object up again and
- throw it at the far wall. Now move onto the second row of pressure pads
- and you'll see that the wall is to late to keep you from crossing!
- - There is a room containing three levers, a button and many glass
- walls. Put the levers in this position: up-up-down (from left to
- right). Now press the button and the glass walls will move into the
- good position.
- - The glass walls in the room with the many elephant guys can be
- shattered with a few blows of your swords.
- - The third time Khelben appears, he advices you to let the party be
- killed. Don't listen to him, because it's Dran in disguise (clever guy!)AM
- - You might have trouble finding the 6 mirror shields: there's one in a
- secret passage to the right of the first door after 'The sentry'.
- After putting the 6 decorative shields on the walls, don't forget to
- take them with you into the Medusa's labyrinth.
- - In the Medusa labyrinth, there is a long corridor where your compass
- heading turns around suddenly. Make sure to turn around when this
- happens!
- - There's a room containing 5 pressure pads in the center and another
- behind glass walls. Put the pads in these positions:d
- O O X O O X O = not pressed
- X O O X X O X O O O O X O X X O O X X = pressed
- X O O X O O
- After forming each combination, search for the teleport behind the hole AM
- and throw an object into it. Six objects later, the door will open!
- - Use Hold Monster spells to trap the Medusa's on the pressure pads. It
- can be very difficult to put a Medusa on the last pad. All you have to
- do is trap a group of three or four Medusa's in a room containing two
- pressure pads (so you haven't got to close the inner doors). Now wait
- in front of the closed door. The two pressure pads are bound to
- be pressed simultaneously after a while!
- - Before entering the level with Frost Giants, make sure you found the
- stone dagger in the Medusa's labyrinth!
- - After entering the door opened with the Crimson key, go up the right
- stairs. Kill the mage, get the crimson ring, pull the two levers, get
- at least three glass spheres (put objects in alcove) and go back
- downstairs. Go up the left stairs, look at all the banners to
- find another crimson ring. Open the door. One teleporter will have
- disappeared (you pulled the two levers, remember!). Behind it is a wall AM
- in which you must put the crimson ring.
- Do not put the sticky paper in one of your hands: it'll stick to you!
- Do not bother with the two crimson rings that keep moving away.
- - Two levels higher, put the three glass spheres into the hot walls.
- First remove the magic wall with a desintegrate spell, or by turning
- the two discs into the right combination! You will go up to a level
- containing salamanders and mind flayers: prepare for some hefty
- fighting!
- Look into the crystal ball (I wonder who that dragon could be?) and
- use dispel magic on the alcoves to open the door. Now go up and
- prepare for the final confrontation with Dran. Chop him up and make
- sure he doesn't roast you!
- 5. This program is written using AMOS and compiled using the AMOS compiler.
- I really want to recommend these languages to every new programmer,
- for games AND serious applications because now, with the compiler and
- AMOS assembler, there's very little you can't do with AMOS that you can
- with an assembler !
- If you've got any remarks, bug reports, old (not pirated) games, problems
- with programming using AMOS, a nice AMOS program, more problems with
- EOBII or complaints about your mother-in-law, send them all to me! Make
- sure you include an envelope with 15 Bf./25p. for a stamp if you want an
- answer.
- I've also got saved game editors for EOB I and PopulousII lying around.
- If anyone likes to have them, write a letter and I might put them in the
- shareware circuit!
- My address: Gert De Roost
- Gevaertlaan 1
- B-2850 Boom
- (Belgium)
- **** IMPORTANT: the diskfont.library needs to be in the libs: directory to
- run this program !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- **** By pressing Left-Amiga and 'a' together, you can switch between the
- EobCharED and Workbench screens. AMOS MULTITASKS !!!!
- **** Bye now. Let Dran have it!
- ...