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- Animation Station V1.0
- ----------------------------
- Designed and written by: Michael W. Hartman
- of
- Cryogenic Software
- Published by: Progressive
- Peripherals
- & Software
- You will not be able to use this program unless you have at least 1
- megabyte of memory (more is recommended).
- Since animation is so highly memory intensive it is recommended that
- you expand your system to at least 1.5 megabytes. But for those who wish
- to use Animation Station with only 1 Meg the following hints are given.
- 1. Either save your undo buffer to a floppy or a hard disk, or modify
- the Station.CONFIG file so that Animation Station will not attempt
- to save its undo buffers.
- 2. Work on a BARE MINUMIM system. This means you should not run
- ANYTHING else in the background prior to running Animation Station.
- 3. Run Animation Station from the Workbench. Have NO open CLI or Shell
- windows. Make sure that the Station.CONFIG file has the CLOSEWBENCH
- flag set to "YES". This will allow Animation Station to close the
- workbench screen, freeing up an additional 40K of CHIP RAM.
- 4. Some features will undoubtably not function when you have only 1
- Meg. Sometimes you will not be able to load the animation without
- entering LOW MEMORY mode. Sometimes it will load the animation
- properly, but it will not be able to allocate enough memory to
- perform a specific function. Simple editing (COPY, MOVE, DELETE,
- etc...) should function in MOST cases. The higher level functions,
- such as special effects require larger amounts of memory, hence they
- probably will NOT function, they also are not implemented for LOW
- MEMORY mode.
- 5. After loading an animation, check available memory displayed on the
- title bar of the screen. If you have less that 200K total, I would
- recommend that you split the animation. If you have less than 300K
- total the advanced features will probably not function, but you
- should be able to view, and perform simple editing. If CHIP ram ever
- drops below 100K the situation should be considered DANGEROUS, and I
- highly recommend spliting the animation. If FAST memory drops below
- 200K you will most likely be limited simple editing functions.
- 6. BE CAREFUL! If the available system memory get too low the system
- will run out of memory, and the results are unpredictable.
- Animation is a memory HOG! If you are serious about animation you will
- most likely require much more that 1 Meg of memory.
- EVERYONE !!!!!
- Sometimes even those people with lots of spare memory will run into an
- animation that requires more memory than they have. The BEST solution to
- this problem is to use the SplitANIM and CombineANIM programs. Split the
- animation in half, perform the editing that you want (saving individual
- frames on disk for importation into the OTHER half if need be), and combine
- them together when you are done. This technique will allow you to use all
- the features of Animation Station which aren't available when using LOW
- ---------Keyboard equivalents !!!!
- This file contains keyboard equivalents for Animation Station
- Users. Most of the screens and requesters within Animation Station
- have keyboard equivalents for the gadgets and icons. The main edit
- display has a key equivalent for every gadget and icon. To see what
- these key equivalents are press the HELP key while on the main edit
- screen. They are repeated here for convienence.
- NOTE: no key equivalents within Animation Station are case
- sensitive.
- ALSO NOTE: The F1 key always corresponds to the positive gadgets.
- i.e. Proceed, OK, and Accept. While the F10 key always
- corresponds to the negative gadgets. i.e. Exit and
- Cancel.
- P = Play
- F = Fast Play
- [ = Insert before frame
- ] = Insert after frame
- + = Select all frames
- - = Deselect all frames.
- R = Mirror selected frames
- Y = Gray scale selected frames
- A = Append ILBM
- Q = Palette
- X = Special Effects
- B = Brush Movement
- T = Frame Timing
- ; = Grab brush
- ' = Crop frames
- / = Fast Mode
- , = Save ILBM
- . = Load ILBM
- S = Save ANIM
- L = Load ANIM
- M = Move mode
- C = Copy Mode
- V = View Frames
- G = Merge ILBM
- U = Undo last
- I = Disk Info
- E = Erase frames
- D = Delete Frames
- ARROWS = scroll through frames
- HELP = Help with key equivalents
- The rest of the requesters key equivalents are documented below.
- *****
- Palette Requester
- A = All or One mode toggle
- / = Calculate color usage
- P = Previous frame
- N = Next frame
- G = Gray scale
- V = View the frame
- R = Restore changes
- S = Spread mode
- W = Swap mode
- C = Copy mode
- Keypad
- 3 = + Blue value
- 6 = + Green value
- 9 = + Red value
- 1 = - Blue value
- 4 = - Green value
- 7 = - Red value
- *****
- F/X Requester
- X = Flip on X
- Y = Flip on Y
- I = Toggle IN/OUT scroll direction
- ARROWS = scrolling direction
- H = Scale to Half size
- F = Scale to Fourth size
- 1 = From A
- 5 = To A
- 2 = From B
- 6 = To B
- 3 = From C
- 7 = To C
- 4 = From D
- 8 = To D
- *****
- Brush Movement Requester
- N = Next frame
- P = Previous frame
- Q = Quick/Smart toggle
- F = Front/Back toggle
- I = Show Image
- B = Show Brush
- K = Set Key
- M = Make Key
- S = Show Motion path
- H = Home
- > = As Next
- < = As Prev
- ARROWS = move brush
- *****
- Merge Requester
- S = Smart Merge
- Q = Quick Merge
- F = Merge in Front
- B = Merge in Back
- A = Merge with all frames
- E = Merge with selected frames
- *****
- Frame Info Requester
- N = Next frame
- P = Previous frame
- A = All mode
- *****
- Disk Info Requester
- 1 = Far left device in list
- 2-9 = in between devices in list.
- 0 = Far right device in list
- *****