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- 11/3/92
- Ben Campbell
- 8 Montana Ave
- Christchurch 4
- New Zealand
- QUICK MONEY - A two player game of reflexes, cunning, strategy and explosions.
- The Requirements:
- Any model Amiga
- Two input devices (mice or standard digital joysticks)
- Two people (or one person with both homocidal and suicide tendancies)
- The Scene:
- A globally broadcast gameshow in which the contestants participate in
- mechanised gladiator fights and try to destroy each other for cheap and tacky
- prizes. The fights take place in purpose built arenas, the players controlling
- their craft remotely (after all, this future society is very non-violent),
- so nobody is physically hurt as such. Other targets are introduced into the
- arenas, in the form of mechanical and biologically-engineered droids.
- The Game:
- If it moves, blast it. If it doesn't move, blast it anyway, just to be
- on the safe side.
- The game is presented as a split-screen-top-view of the arena - the top window
- tracks player one, and the lower window, player two. Arenas are simple
- mazes which scroll vertically to keep each player centered.
- Each craft has a shield system, which is depleted by contact either with
- droids, or with blasts fired by the other player. Shield status is represented
- as a white bar next to the scores in the middle of the display. If a shield
- reaches the zero mark, then the respective player is respectively very dead
- indeed. Blowing away your opponent earns you bonus points. So needless
- violence is strongly encouraged, as the overall winner of the game is the
- player who has the most points when the game finishes.
- Points may be earned by shooting and destroying droids or the other player.
- Shields may be recharged by moving over a recharge area, which looks
- like a yellowish/brownish squarish thing on the floor. However, recharging
- involves 'buying' back shield energy with points, and so recharging is not
- always a very good idea. If you have no points, you cannot recharge.
- The contestants stay in the arena until they are either dead, or they have
- destroyed a set number of droids, in which case the next arena is entered.
- If one player dies, the other player continues playing until the end of the
- current arena (survival is optional), so if you are in a losing position, you
- have a chance to gain some more points. The scores are then compared and an
- overall winner is declared.
- Droids always originate from the area of floor marked with inward-pointing
- arrows. Every level has one of these areas, and it is not a good idea to be
- over one when a droid emerges, as your craft will take damage. However, a
- good way to gain points is to stay near this area and pick off droids as they
- come out. The other player will often have the same idea, and so you may find
- yourself having to fight for this valuable territory.
- There are a number of different droid types, each acting in a different way.
- They get tougher (although not so very much brighter) and increase in numbers
- as you progress.
- The game really is quite simplistic, so it shouldn't take too long to get
- the hang of it.
- The ESCape key may be used to quit back to the title screen during play.
- The Options:
- On the title screen, there are three keyboard options with may be
- played around with. F3 toggles the game between NTSC and PAL setup. The only
- actual difference is that in NTSC a smaller area of the screen (200 lines as
- opposed to 256) is used. Generally this will mean that you have less warning
- of vertically-flying projectiles, but hey, don't worry, be happy. And duck.
- If you have one of the later model Agnus chips (don't you just love all these
- cool custom-chip names? I know of some people who wrote to Commodore giving
- some very good reasons (which I won't go into here) as to why the 8520 CIA
- chip should be called "Terry", but as it's not a custom CBM chip it sticks
- with its old name of 8520, or alternatively "that scum-sucking miserable
- waste of silicon" by people who have had to replace them once or twice) you
- can use one of those little programs to switch between 50Hz (PAL, 256 lines)
- and 60Hz (NTSC, 200 lines) modes before you run the game. There are many of
- these programs in public domain. If you play the game in 60Hz mode you
- must remember to use F3 to switch to NTSC, or else the game will be a bit
- out to lunch. You can also, pretty obviously, play the game in NTSC if you
- are living (god help you) in a country which uses the NTSC TV system.
- Playing the game in 60Hz mode makes it run about 10% faster than intended,
- but really does give it just that little kick of speed, which is has a pretty
- good feel to it. The downside is (as I said) that you see a smaller area
- on screen.
- F1 and F2 let you select either joystick or mouse control for each player.
- In mouse mode, a little sphere appears about your craft, and may be moved
- around with the mouse. The craft will go in the direction of the sphere. To
- stop, move the sphere on top of the craft.
- With joystick control, to go up, push up. To go down, push down. To go left,
- push left. To go right, push right. You'll have to figure out diagonals for
- yourselves. Firing (using the mouse or the joystick) is really pretty
- intuitive, so you should be able to figure that out after a game or two
- (or three or four - it will really depend on your hand-eye coordination and
- manual dexterity).
- Pressing ESCape on the title screen will exit from the game and bring
- back the system.
- The Code:
- The game was written in assembly - Devpac source code included.
- You may or may not be interested in the source code, but if you are, then I
- hope you learn something useful from it. It is NOT a perfect example of the
- best way to write a game, so feel free to laugh hysterically at it.
- It takes over the system (ie disables multitasking) but leaves interrupts
- running. Normally this doesn't really mean much, but, for example, it does
- mean that you can do stuff like running soundtracker modules while the game
- is going. The sound effects will conflict a bit with any modules you've got
- going, as my sound effects routine is really pretty crap and directly
- accesses the sound hardware (very non-amigaish) but then, so do most
- module players so who really cares? I can't really see a bit of sound-conflict
- stuffing things up too badly... (I haven't managed to GURU it yet!)
- Apart from the sound, everything else is pretty system-legal as far as I can
- tell, and should run ok on any Amiga. It was written on a stock A500, and
- runs fine on a 3000, so I'm assuming that It'll work on anything inbetween.
- I've made sure that the timing is all OK - ie it'll run at correct
- speed even if your machine is at warp-factor 10. Of course, it won't take
- advantage of any extra processor speed, but as I cannot afford an accelerator
- board, I don't see why anyone else should have a good time. I have an idea
- that the arena fadein/fadeout routine isn't properly timed, but it will
- probably look better going faster anyway (and it won't affect the gameplay).
- Also, The keyboard routine is pretty sad and pretty illegal, but it works,
- doesn't hurt anything, and is really pretty minor anyway, so it stays (I
- haven't managed to get this routine to GURU either).
- Overall, the game is a lot more system-legal than many games I could mention,
- including a lot of commercial games - games that conk out on anything other
- than a standard-configuration 500. This really sucks, but the situation
- is getting much better now that there are a number of other Amiga models
- about.
- Well, that is about all I have to say, so enjoy the game...
- Ben.
- "I thought he was going to shoot me so I shot him back first."