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- ***************************** PageSetter **********************************
- * *
- * Thank you for purchasing PageSetter *
- * *
- * the DeskTop Publishing Tool for your AMIGA *
- * *
- * © 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Gold Disk Inc. *
- * *
- *****************************************************************************
- **************************************************************
- *** To make a hard copy of this file procede as follows: ***
- *** ***
- *** double click on the "System" drawer. ***
- *** double click on the "CLI" icon. ***
- *** type: copy :Click_Me to prt: ***
- *** type: endcli ***
- **************************************************************
- Getting Started
- ---------------
- Before you begin using PageSetter you should make a backup copy of the
- original disk and store it in a safe place. To do this simply click once
- on the PageSetter disk icon (it should then be highlighted). Then chose
- "Duplicate" from the WorkBench menu and follow the instructions. If you
- are working from the Command Line Interface (CLI) simply type:
- DiskCopy df0: to df0: (if you have a single drive system)
- or
- DiskCopy df0: to df1: (if you have an external 3 1/2" drive)
- and follow the instructions.
- Please note that PageSetter is distributed on a disk which is not copy
- protected. We are relying on you not to distribute copies of this disk and
- manual. Remember that quality software development takes a lot of time and
- energy. Software "piracy" (read: theft) robs these software authors of the
- fruits of their labour as well as contributing to higher software prices.
- While the disk is being duplicated take the time to fill in your owner
- registration card. This will allow Gold Disk Inc. to keep you informed
- about the latest changes and upgrades to PageSetter, as well as to provide
- you with better product support. Gold Disk Inc. will also be issuing a
- newsletter periodically with application notes and suggestions. If you
- haven't sent in the registration card, we can't send out this to you.
- Using PageSetter
- ----------------
- To run PageSetter from the Workbench simply double click on the
- PageSetter icon. If you want to alter a previously saved document then
- open the drawer containing the document (the drawer "Documents" is provided
- for this purpose) and double click on the document. PageSetter will then
- run and the selected document will be automatically loaded into PageSetter.
- If you prefer to work from the Command Line Interface (CLI) you should
- click on the "System" drawer and the double click on the "CLI" icon. You
- can then run PageSetter by typing "PageSetter" followed by RETURN or by
- typing "PageSetter docname" to automatically load a document. Note that
- you should include the directory name in "docname" to ensure that the
- system knows where to find it. If you would like PageSetter to boot to the
- CLI automatically then type "Rename s:startup-sequence to
- s:WB_startup-sequence" then "Rename s:CLI_startup-sequence to
- s:startup_sequence".
- Alternate KeyMaps
- -----------------
- PageSetter is distributed on a V1.2 Workbench disk and fully supports
- the alternate keymaps for users outside of the United States and Canada.
- To install a keymap other than that set on the disk proceed as follows:
- 1) double click on the "System" drawer icon.
- 2) single click on the "SetMap" icon
- 3) chose "Info" from the "WorkBench" menu.
- 4) click "ADD" to the right of "TOOL TYPES", click in the string requester
- and type "KEYMAP=xxx" where "xxx" is the name of the keymap desired
- (see the documentation supplied with the V1.2 software for a list of
- keymaps available).
- 5) click on the "SAVE" gadget.
- 6) finally, double click on the "SetMap" icon to install the new KayMap.
- From now on, when you boot the PageSetter disk the keymap you have chosen
- will be used. Note that you still have access to many of the other
- alternate characters by appropriate "ALT" key combinations. Consult your
- system documentation, or just experiment to find out what these keys are.
- Contents of disk
- ----------------
- PageSetter - This is the main Page Layout program. The operation of
- PageSetter in described in detail in the PageSetter User's
- Guide.
- PagePrint - This is a utility program which will allow you to print
- documents saved by PageSetter without the need to run
- PageSetter itself. Since PagePrint is a much smaller
- program, this will allow you to easily print a document in
- the background while running other applications. This
- program will print all of the pages in the document in
- order of page number. If you wish to print selected pages
- from your document simply hit ESC when prompted to set the
- paper to the top of the paper. This will skip printing of
- the current page and allow you to proceed to the
- particular page that you want.
- * If you find that printing a document from within the main PageSetter
- program (from the "Department" menu) results in the printing of a
- strip approx. 1.5" (about 4 cm.) and then skips some space (or
- ejects the page) you will have to use PagePrint to print you
- document in it's final form. This is due to an undocumented
- "feature" of the printer.device and will be corrected in a future
- release of the operating system. If you have any difficulties in
- this regard please do not hesitate to call Gold Disk, or write to us
- at the address given below.
- PageIFF - This is another utlity program which will output your
- document in the form of an IFF graphics file. Each page
- of the document will be put into a seperate file with the
- name "<prefix>.IFF###" where <prefix> is a string chosen
- by you and ### is the page number within the document. As
- with PagePrint you may skip a page simply by hitting ESC
- when prompted. Note that the files written by PageIFF
- could be relatively large (up to 95,000 bytes for an 8.5"
- x 11" page) and may use a lot of disk space. Most Amiga
- graphics programs can read picture files up to only
- 640x200 pixels (or 640x400 in interlace mode). This
- corresponds to a page size of about 5.75" x 2.75" (5.75" x
- 5.5" in interlace mode).
- * Both PagePrint and PageIFF can be run from Workbench or the CLI. To
- run them from Workbench click on the document icon and, while
- holding down the SHIFT key, double click on the PagePrint or PageIFF
- icon. To run them from the CLI simply type: PagePrint <docname>
- where <docname> is the name of the document you wish to print.
- Click_Me - This file.
- Preferences - The WorkBench Preferences program. Use this to change the
- preferences to allow the Amiga to use your printer. The
- disk is supplied with the Epson printer driver set up so
- if you have a different printer you should run Preferences
- and change the printer to suit your needs before printing
- any douments.
- In addition to these program files, the following drawers are present on
- the disk: (they do not all have Workbench Icons so may not be visible on
- the Workbench)
- 1) Drawers used directly by PageSetter:
- Documents - This drawer is set up for your convenience to contain your
- documents. You may, of course, save your documents to the
- drawer of your choice.
- ClipArt - This drawer contains the ClipArt supplied with PageSetter.
- The graphic editor will automatically look here for your
- ClipArt unless you tell it otherwise. The ClipArt is
- supplied on 13 screens lised below. See the PageSetter
- User's Guide for reproductions of these ClipArt files.
- celebrate circles critters flowers
- food holidays misc misc 2
- sports toys xmas xmas 2
- amiga.pic
- fonts - This drawer contains the fonts which PageSetter uses.
- The fonts available on this disk are listed below:
- typeface: | sizes available (pts.)
- ----------+--------------------------
- ruby | 8 12 15
- sapphire | 14 19
- opal | 9 12
- garnet | 9 16
- diamond | 12 20
- emerald | 17 20
- topaz | 11 (+ 8 9 in ROM)
- If you wish to use other fonts (such as FontSet 1) you
- must copy them into this drawer (consult the documentation
- with the fonts) or from the CLI type:
- assign fonts: fontdir
- where "fontdir" is the full name of the directory
- containing the desired fonts.
- devs - This directory contains (among other things) the drivers for
- the various printer supported by Amiga Preferences. These
- printers are listed below:
- Canon_PJ-1080A
- CBM_MPS1000
- EpsonQ EpsonX[CBM_MPS-1250]
- HP_DeskJet HP_LaserJet HP_PaintJet HP_ThinkJet
- ImagewriterII
- Okidata_293I
- Toshiba_P351C Toshiba_P351SX
- Please see the Amiga User Guides for more details on which
- driver is appropriate for your printer. In addition many
- printer drivers for printers not in this list are available
- through user's groups and from you local dealer. If you
- are having difficulty finding a driver please contact
- your Amiga dealer or write to Gold Disk and we will try to
- provide you with one.
- 2) Drawers used by AmigaDOS or WorkBench:
- The following drawers are the standard Workbench drawers and are required
- by the Amiga operating system. Consult the Amiga User Guides and the
- AmigaDOS User's Manual for more details on the use of the contents of these
- drawers.
- Trashcan \
- System \ these have icons visible from the WorkBench.
- Empty /
- Expansion /
- c \
- l \
- s > these can only be accessed from the CLI.
- t /
- libs /
- Disk Space
- ----------
- In order to fit the entire PageSetter system onto a single disk we have
- had to remove some of the less useful commands from the c: directory. THIS
- more comfortable with the Command Line Interface you may want to replace
- these commands from your WorkBench disk. In order to make more space on the
- disk you should remove the printer drivers which you do not need from the
- devs directory. Make sure, however that you keep a copy in case you later
- need them. In addition you might want to delete the example document and
- text in order to create more room. With these measures you should be able
- to free up about 90K bytes of space on the disk.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have any problems with PageSetter or wish to contribute
- suggestions or application notes for the "New Laser Times" please feel
- free to write to us at:
- P.O. Box 789,
- Streetsville, ON
- CANADA, L5M 2C2.
- You may also contact us through our vendor conference on BIX (Byte
- Information Exchange) or Compuserve. To join our BIX conference, get onto
- BIX and type "join golddisk" at any ":" prompt. On Compuserve simply type
- 'Go Amiga' and you'll find us on the AmigaVendor conference.