home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Trash
- Printer
- Types
- VAT codes
- Markers
- Regular
- Budget
- VAT code
- Reference
- VAT %
- Add
- Quit
- Name
- Number
- Account code
- Opening balance
- Warning limit min
- Warning limit max
- Type
- Icon title
- Show as icon
- OK
- Cancel
- Type
- Reference
- VAT code
- Marker code
- Reference
- Start date
- End date
- Type
- Reconciled
- Frequency
- From
- To
- Reference
- Debit
- Credit
- Marker
- VAT code
- Investment
- Reference
- Quantity
- Unit price
- Current date
- Current time
- Order
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Year
- Debit/credit
- Date
- Type
- Reconciled
- Reference
- Chq number
- Debit
- Credit
- M
- VAT code
- Balance
- Screen
- Printer
- File
- Config
- General
- Icons
- Printer
- VAT registered
- Autosave (minutes)
- Confirm deletes
- Automatically empty Trashcan
- Desktop clock
- Name Show
- Page length
- Top margin
- Bottom margin
- Left margin
- Print page numbers
- Spooler buffer size (KB)
- Use spooler
- Back date to
- Stacked
- Tiled vertically
- Tiled horizontally
- Replicate
- Calculate
- Total
- Start month
- End month
- Start value
- Inc/dec value
- Add value
- Subtract value
- Divide over months
- (
- )
- /
- *
- -
- =
- .
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- +
- AC
- C
- I
- L
- Exit
- Next
- Prev
- Topics
- Accounts
- Include reconciled transactions
- Include unreconciled transactions
- All Types
- Include blank entries
- Include unreconciled transactions in balance
- Date format
- Last entered
- Type Reference
- Amount
- System date
- Path
- Filename
- Info
- Header
- Footer
- Body
- Left justified
- Centred
- Right justified
- Pitch 10
- Pitch 12
- Pitch 17
- Underline
- Bold
- Italic
- Double width
- Condensed
- Next
- Previous
- Delete
- Insert
- Text
- Show Notepad
- Page width
- Style
- Total disk space
- Bytes used
- Bytes remaining
- Replace once
- Confirm replace
- Replace all
- Cheque number
- Start date
- End date
- Target balance
- Number of transactions
- Show Account warnings on unreconciled balance
- Reconcile
- Unreconcile
- Confirm each one
- Type
- Reference
- Amount
- Total entered
- Colours
- Format drive
- A
- B
- Single sided
- Double sided
- Formatting track
- Format
- Cancel
- F1
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- Control
- Alt
- Header
- Screen saver (minutes)
- Backup files
- Playtime file
- Default drawer
- Opening balance
- Periods
- Interest rate %
- Payment
- Calculated balance
- Calc
- Next
- Prev
- Parent
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Include reconciled & unreconciled transactions
- Include reconciled transactions only
- Include unreconciled transactions only
- Include debits & credits
- Include debits only
- Include credits only
- Name
- Organization
- License number
- Type VAT code
- Save
- Open
- Use
- Edit
- I/E
- Cut sheets
- Printer type
- Dot matrix
- Daisy wheel
- Colour
- B/W
- Colour
- Pixels/line
- 1280
- 960
- Printer port
- Parallel
- Serial
- Paper type
- Cut sheets
- Continuous
- Reset all
- Select all
- Show desktop buttons
- Desk
- File
- Edit
- Set up
- Trans
- Options
- Reports
- System
- About Home Accounts2...
- New... N
- Open... O
- Save S
- Save as... V
- Delete...
- Open comparatives...
- Clear comparatives
- Quit Q
- Add... A
- Amend... M
- Delete D
- Sort... T
- Find... F
- Find again G
- Find and replace... R
- Add Account...
- Amend Account...
- Delete Account
- Transaction Types
- Transaction Markers
- Regular transactions
- Budget
- Investments
- VAT Code
- Window headers...
- Function keys...
- Password...
- Set defaults...
- Add or amend...
- Reconcile...
- Auto balance...
- Auto balance again
- Preferences... P
- Arrange windows...
- Clean up desktop
- Empty Trashcan
- Types...
- Markers...
- Budget...
- Regular transactions...
- VAT codes...
- Account summary...
- Account statement...
- Income and expenditure...
- Budget progress...
- VAT...
- Portfolio...
- Net worth...
- Help...
- Calculator C
- Interest calculator I
- Format a disk...
- Set date and time...
- Playtime
- All Markers
- All Accounts
- All VAT codes
- Snap to grid
- Resolution
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- High
- 4
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- Draft