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- Beeb Base
- By Diamond Braganza
- Beeb Base is a database system written in using the Amiga
- Beebulator program. This program will therefore need Beebulator to
- run or can be transfered to other BBC emulators such as those used
- in schools on Nibus Research Machines or on actual BBC micros.
- Installing Beeb Base.
- The program can be installed by first loading your workbench
- disk. Then open your Beebulator disk. Open the disk containing
- Beeb Base and then move the icons over to the Beebulator disk. The
- files will then be copied into your disk provided there is enough
- room.
- Running Beeb Base
- To run the program just double click on the run Beeb-Base icon
- and the program should start loading.
- Using the program
- The program is quite simple to use. To obtain different
- functions just type in the corresponding number on the menu and
- that will take you to the section of the program which will carry
- out what you want. Below is a list of the main menu options and
- what they allow you to do.
- 1. Create New File - This allows you to create a new file by
- typing in the fields you want in the database. The program will
- allow you to type in up to 9 fields. When you enter the name of
- the file you are limited to 7 letter names.
- 2. Add Records - This will allow you to add records to existing
- files. If you have a file already loaded then it will add to the
- position of the last record. If you use option 5 to move around
- the file to view different records then where ever you leave this
- section the last record you saw will be from where it starts to
- add records. for instance you have records 1 to 5. You view record
- 3 and then leave this section. Then when you add records it will
- start at record number 4.
- 3. Load File - This allows you to load previously made files. It
- will load a catalog of all the files on the current directory and
- display. Just type in the name of the field and press return.
- 4. Delete Records - This will set a marker on a record which tell
- the program not to save the record with all the rest of the
- records on the file. This has the effect of deleting the record on
- the file. You can tell which records will be deleted by going to
- search records. All the records that will be deleted lash red-
- green. To undelete just choose delete and the records that are set
- to be deleted will return back to normal.
- 5. Search Records - Will allow you many options such moving around
- the file to see different records.
- Edit Record - Will allow you to change the contents of the fields.
- To use this press return until you reach the field you want to
- change then type in the new contents over the old information.
- Print Record - Will let you print the record you are looking at to
- a printer.
- Print Selection - Will let you type in a range of records in the
- file to print.
- Enter Search Mode - This allows you to type in data you want to
- find a match with. For instance you might have a name and address
- database and want to find all those with the name Smith to use
- this type in Smith in the right field. If you don't want to search
- a certain field then just press return. You can search for several
- matches in different fields.
- Within this mode you will move up and down from one matching
- record to the next. The same applies to ranged printing only those
- that match within the range will be printed. To leave search mode
- Press F10.
- Delete/Undelete Record - Will allow you to select records to
- delete so they are not saved at the end of your session. These
- records will appear red-green colours on the screen.
- Move To Record - In larger files this will be useful to move to
- the middles of files.
- 6. Disk Options - This will let you select different drives or
- change the DFS setting this is useful if you want to use the
- database on different machines that have different DFS setting.
- For instance to use this program on the RM Nimbus you need to
- select option model B DFS or the program will not work properly.
- 7. Print Options - Will set how the records will print on paper.
- It will select options such as printing several records across the
- paper and the spacing bewteen each record and field.
- 8. End and Store Changes - This will end your session with the
- program. It will allow you to save any changes to the program if
- you wish. To leave the Beebulator altogether type *FORCECLOSE
- after choosing to end.
- Using This Program On Different Machines.
- I have tried using this program using a BBC Emulator on the RM
- Nimbus. This program should also work on the BBC B, BBC MASTER and
- ARCHIMEDES any other BBC emulator. To use this program on the RM
- Nimbus you will need a piece of PD Software called "MessyDOS" this
- will allow you to transfere the program to MS-DOS format and be
- able to read the program to the Nimbus. To transfere the program
- first load your workbench disk with messydos already mounted on
- it. Then load the program and then select option 8 to end. Then
- put in your IBM Format disk and type:
- When you type list you will see the whole program listing infront
- of you. Be sure to use the "*ASPOOL" after this is finished.
- To load it on the Nimbus insert you disk and type:
- *DR. A:\
- This will load back the program.
- Then save the program with the save command:
- Then you can load the program straight to the Nimbus by typing.
- This will also run the program. You will need to set the DFS to
- option 2 before you can use the program.
- Or you can change the varible in the start of the program that
- says LET DFS%=0 to LET DFS%=1. which will save you the trouble of
- having to do this evry time you run the program.