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- Zap v2.04
- ---------
- Zap is a binary file view/edit program. You can examine and modify the
- file in hexadecimal and ASCII mode. Zap keeps the file in memory, so moving
- in the file and searching is very fast, but available memory may limit
- the size of files that zap can handle.
- Starting the program:
- ---------------------
- Zap can be started from CLI or workbench. When starting from CLI, file
- name can be given as a command line parameter. If the name contains spaces
- it can be enclosed in double quotes. When starting from workbench, a file
- can be selected by first clicking the Zap icon and then holding down
- shift-key and double clicking the icon of the file you want to edit.
- If you don't specify a file name when starting Zap, you can use the 'Load'-
- menuitem to load a file into Zap.
- (If you want to start Zap from workbench, you must first create
- an icon for it)
- [ NOTE: I've included an Icon for WB users. Enjoy. - J. Swan ]
- The following menu functions are available:
- -------------------------------------------
- Project menu:
- Load - Loads a new file, The file name can be selected with a file name
- requester. If the current file has been modified the program
- asks first if you really want to load.
- Save - Saves the buffer with the current filename (The name
- is displayed in the Zap title bar). (The save begins
- immediately, with no requesters or yes/no questions. It is
- easy to accidentally save a file you don't really want to.)
- Save as - Saves the buffer with a new name. You can select the name
- with a file name requester.
- About - Displays some information about the program.
- Quit - Exits Zap. If the buffer has been modified, asks first
- if you really want to quit.
- Goto menu:
- Top - Moves to the beginning of the buffer.
- Bottom - Moves to the end of the buffer.
- Any position - Moves to the selected position. A requester appears
- where you can type the position. You can use decimal
- or hex numbers. Use '$'-prefix for hex.
- Search menu:
- Find - Allows you to enter a text string and searches it in
- the buffer starting from the current cursor position.
- Find binary - Allows you to enter a byte secuence (hex or decimal number).
- and searches for it.
- Find next - Repeats the last search. Can be used to find the
- next occurence of a string.
- Direction - Allows you to select the search direction. Default is
- forward.
- Ignore case - Allows you to select whether the search is case sensitive
- or not. Default is case sensitive. Note that this does not
- affect binary search.
- Gadgets:
- --------
- At the side of the window are three gadgets that you can use to move in
- the buffer. The drag bar (proportional gadget) allows you to select a
- position anywhere in the buffer. The arrow gadgets allow you to scroll
- the display up and down one line at time. The repeat if you hold the
- left mouse button down on them.
- The following keyboard functions are available:
- -----------------------------------------------
- (in addition to the menu shortcut keys)
- TAB - toggles HEX and ASCII entry mode.
- Cursor keys - move cursor left/right/up/down
- Shift-Cursor left/right - move cursor to left/right edge of a line.
- Shift-Cursor up/down - move up/down one screenful at a time.
- Control-Cursor up/down - scroll the display up/down while the cursor
- position in the buffer does not change.
- You can use the keyboard to directly edit the data in the buffer.
- In HEX mode you can enter numbers 0-9 and letters A-F/a-f to modify
- the data. In ASCII mode you can directly enter all printable characters.
- The file requester:
- -------------------
- The Zap file requester allows you to select/enter filenames with load/save
- operations. (Note that you must select 'Save as' if you want to select the
- filename. 'Save' selects with the current name).
- It is possible to select files or directories when the file requester is
- still reading the directory from disk. To make this easier, the file
- requester does not sort the names until the list is complete or you
- use the dragbar (proportinal gadget) or the arrow gadgets.
- Pressing the right mouse button or selecting 'Parent' at the root level
- causes a list of volumes, devices and assigned directories to appear in
- the file requester display. (This list may also appear in some DOS error
- conditions, for example if the volume with the current directory is not
- mounted when entering the file requester).
- If you don't want to load/save you can exit the file requester by clicking
- the 'Cancel' gadget.
- There are three ways to exit the file requester and select a file. First,
- you can select a file and then click the 'Load' or 'Save' gadget. You can
- also double click the filename in the list to select it. The third way is
- to press return/enter in the filename string gadget.
- Copyright and distribution:
- ---------------------------
- Zap v2.04 is Copyright © 1990 by Timo Rossi. It can be freely
- distributed for non-commercial purposes.
- Zap was programmed in assembly language using Charlie Gibbs' A68k assembler.
- Send suggestions, bug reports etc. to:
- (use e-mail if possible)
- Timo Rossi
- Kellankoski internet e-mail:
- 44300 KONNEVESI trossi@jyu.fi