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- ** If you have a HARD DRIVE attached, Quartet will reclaim the memory
- used and reboot the machine. You must run Quartet a second time for it to
- work **
- ** After exiting Quartet hit Return to get to the main menu **
- © 1990 Dan Lennard
- The ability to play high quality sound samples is one
- of the Amiga's greatest assets. QUARTET makes four track
- composing with such samples easier than ever before.
- Although the staves follow the Treble Clef convention for
- pitch, you don't need to be able to read music, since pitches
- are shown at the left edge of each stave and Quartet doesn't
- use minims and crotchets.
- The package comes with 100 high quality samples from
- 'Celtic Harp' to'Syndrum', but by using the SAMP REDO
- function, you can use any raw binary sample such as those
- widely available in the Public Domain, or those produced
- with samplers such as the A.M.A.S. and MASTERSOUND cartridges.
- By using either the Amiga keyboard or a MIDI instrument
- ,via an interface, you can play the samples polyphonically
- over three octaves and record 'live' onto any track, while
- Quartet plays back the other tracks (supported in the demo).
- The program also fully supports MIDI sync START/STOP signals
- and can thus be part of any MIDI set-up.
- The numeric keys at the left of the Amiga keyboard each play
- a sample; you can directly record a drum sequence onto a
- track just by hitting the appropriate sample keys in the
- desired rhythm.
- You can also compose in the conventional manner by inserting
- and deleting notes on the staves with the mouse; for maximum
- flexibility, each note has its own volume, there are extensive
- Copy/Cut and Paste options, and such facilities as Slides,
- Loops, and Selective Key Transpose are all fully supported.
- You can manipulate samples in memory by using Quartet's
- Sample Editor, enabling you to cut out sections and define the
- start/stop positions and looping points for each of the 16 samples.
- When the disk activity ceases you'll see a file selector showing the files
- and drawers on disk. Click on the QUARTET drawer. Click on LOAD SET. Click
- on the file DEMOSET. Click on PROCEED. Click on LAOD MUS. Click on the file
- DEMOMUSIC or GONZO (Jon Bates' composition). Click on Proceed.
- You can then hear the 16 individual samples by
- pressing the numeric keys.
- Click on the long MUSIC EDITOR icon to go into that part of
- Quartet, characterised by four staves (one per track) and an
- option bar along the top of the screen.
- Click on the PLAY icon at the top and centre of your new screen
- to hear the demonstration music from Quartet. Click again to stop playing.
- You can move through the music in the buffer by clicking on the
- icons either side of the play icon. Quartet supports 16 samples
- in blocks of four. Each of the digit pairs on the staves are
- notes, '21' is a note played in sample 1 of block 2.
- With Quartet you can record five seconds of your own.
- Firstly, press the appropriate numeric key to select which
- sample you want to record in. Then click on the REC icon next
- to the PLAY icon. The top stave will be illuminated in red,
- indicating which stave you are recording onto; click on your
- prefered stave. Recording starts when you start playing a
- melody on the Amiga keyboard. Tap the top four numeric keys
- to record a drum sequence.
- So after recording on one stave, record onto another by clicking
- on a different stave when you start recording. In this way you
- can record 4 five second tracks.
- Click on the PLAY icon to hear your recording.
- Note that all editing facilities have been removed from the
- demo version, as have many other facilites, including all MIDI
- compatibility and the POLY PLAY mode, which allows you to play
- any sample polyphonically over three octaves. In all about 40%
- of the program remains.
- Other Demo Features:
- When you click on the SET icon in the file handler part of
- Quartet, the window changes to a list of the current sixteen
- samples; return to the disk directory with the DISK icon.
- You can toggle any of Quartet's tracks ON/OFF by clicking with
- the right mouse button at the left edge of that track's stave.
- ON staves are gold, OFF ones black.
- At the left of the staves are two green diamonds which represent
- a vertical marker. If these markers are green, then playing
- starts from the start of the music buffer. If you move them,
- by clicking on the bottom diamond, holding the button down, and
- moving the mouse, then the markers turn gold. Play now starts
- from the markers.
- You can turn the Amiga's internal Low Pass Filter ON/OFF, by
- clicking on the LPF icon.
- Quartet is available from all good software stockists or directly
- from Microdeal:
- PO Box 68
- St. Austell
- Cornwall
- PL25 4YB
- Telephone: 0726 68020
- Fax: 0726 69692