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- Jan-Ivar Bruaroy
- IntuiTracker V1.1 is a soundtrack module-player.
- IntuiTracker is an attempt to bring the music-world of the popular
- Soundtracker/Noisetracker programs, to the common amiga-user.
- It's purpose is to play music of your choice in a multitasking-
- friendly manner. This gives you the opportunity to listen to your
- favourite Amiga 8-bit-digital-stereo-music-trax while you do other
- things, like programming, writing, painting, downloading or whatever
- you do with your amiga. (No! you can't use IT with "Xenon II"!)
- Sure, you could just turn on the CD or cassette player, I hear you
- argue. Ok, but haven't you ever been humming on a tune from a game
- or a demo, while doin' some coding ? No? (I have!)
- With IntuiTracker you can have your own collections of songs on
- either disks or on your harddisk.
- (At present I have about 10 Mb of modules on my harddisk!)
- Features:
- - Supports Soundtracker V2.0 - 2.5 and Noisetracker V1.0 - 1.1 modules.
- - Multitasking friendly.
- - Control panel for easy control of play.
- - Volume control
- - Graphic spectrum-equalizer display
- - Programmable sequence of play of selected modules.
- - Random play of selected modules.
- - Introduces new format for Composers to sign their work (*)
- - Leave a song playing, when exiting program.
- (*) - musicians: read chapter 6!
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- This program is released as shareware. This means that if you like
- this utility, you should express it by sending around $10
- to the the author (that's me).
- I will mail you updates of this program when available, (if you don't
- specify otherwise). I will charge for the disk only.
- Jan-Ivar Bruarøy,
- Tiurstien 31a,
- 3190 Horten,
- I can be reached on these norwegian BBS's:
- Crusaders BBS: (068) 1088
- MediaFoto BBS: (02) 176056
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- IntuiTracker V1.1 will play music produced by:
- Soundtracker V2.0 - V2.5 or Noisetracker 1.0 - 1.1 or compatibles.
- Songs must be saved (or ripped) as ´modules´ in order to be played.
- (Nearly all songs on demos and most games are made on a
- Soundtracker program. There are several soundtrack module-rippers
- available that will extract these as modules for you.)
- IntuiTracker can be started from either CLI or Workbench.
- Click on the IntuiTracker-window to access the menus.
- 1. Find a disk which you know has some soundtracker-modules on it.
- (Any soundtracker disk or a music-collection disk that's not
- crunched and not a NON-DOS disk should do.)
- 2. Click on the IntuiTracker-window.
- Choose the menu/menuitem: Tracks/Choose Disc.
- 3. Enter the name of the disk:directory where the module is located.
- (Probably DF0:modules or just DF0:)
- 4. After loading, examine the Tracks-menu. If a module-name has
- appeared, select it. If no names appear, don't panic. Do this:
- - Select the menu/menuitem: Prefs/MOD.files ONLY
- - Do step 2, 3 and 4 again.
- (Explanation: IT assumes all module-names begin with: "MOD."
- When you do step 4, IT will treat ALL files
- as modules. BE CAREFUL; Trying to load a file
- that NOT an ST-module is generally not healthy! )
- 5. The song should now be loaded and played.
- 6. You can select PREFS/Equalizer and PREFS/Control Panel to get some action.
- 3. MENUS
- Menu: Control -
- PLAY/PAUSE/STOP - Obvious.
- EJECT - Removes song from memory. To play it again, it
- has to be reloaded.
- PLAY NEXT - Loads and plays the next song on the menu.
- In PROGRAM MODE the next in sequence will be loaded.
- If RANDOM PLAY is active, the song to be loaded
- will be a song on the menu chosen at random.
- With RANDOM PLAY in PROGRAM MODE the songs
- chosen at random is limited to the those
- which are programmed.
- PLAY PREV - Loads and plays the previous song on the menu.
- PROGRAM MODE - This command allows you to program IntuiTracker
- to play several songs in a certain order.
- To program, select this menu-item.
- The text "Select tracks" should appear in the
- window.
- - Enter the "Tracks"-menu.
- The first menu-item has now changed to:
- - Select the songs you wish to enter in the
- program, in the order you want them to be
- played. The menu-item's short-keys will indicate the
- order you have chosen.
- (HINT: You can multi-select songs by pressing
- the left button and drag the mouse over several items)
- - To remove an item, just select it again.
- - When you're finished, select END PROGRAMMING,
- and the first song in the program will be loaded.
- - Program is now running.
- - To end program mode and go back to normal
- operation, select PROGRAM MODE again. (checkmark will disappear.)
- REPEAT SONG - Option. Checkmark indicates ON.
- When this option is on, a loaded song will play
- continuously until the user desides otherwise. This is the default.
- When this option is off, the song will stop when
- the final position in the song has finished,
- or when a position-jump to an earlier position is found.
- When in PROGRAM MODE, this option is called:
- REPEAT PRG, and it enables/disables repeat of
- the whole program sequence.
- RANDOM PLAY - Option. Checkmark indicates ON.
- Random play affects the sequence of play in PROGRAM MODE.
- It also affects the use of the PLAY NEXT
- and the PLAY PREVIOUS commands in both PROGRAM
- MODE and normal mode. The default is off.
- ABOUT - Checkmark indicates ON.
- When a song is played, turning on this option
- will (when possible) display the name of the
- composer for that song. (musicians: see notes in chapter 6)
- If no song is loaded, this option gives you
- some additional notes on IntuiTracker.
- LEAVE SONG - Will quit IntuiTracker, but the last song will
- keep on playing. In technical terms:
- The program is unloaded, but the player-interrupt remains.
- If REPEAT SONG is on when you exit this way,
- the song will go on forever.
- If REPEAT SONG is off, the interrupt will kill
- itself when the song finishes, and memory will be free'd.
- Note that IT can intercept this playing interrupt again the next time
- you start IT.
- QUIT - Unloads everything.
- Menu: Prefs -
- The following menu-items are all options. Checkmarks indicate ON.
- EQUALIZER - X Check it out!
- NONE - Turns off the three above.
- FILTER - Turns the amiga hardware low-pass filter (and the LED) on or off.
- This does not works on Amiga 1000. The default is off.
- A soundtracker song has the option to turn the filter on or off by itself.
- This will by default override the IntuiTracker setting.
- Some ST-musicians tend to mis-use the filter
- by flashing the LED, with their soundtracks.
- By selecting the FILTER OVERRIDE switch on
- IntuiTracker, the filter settings in each song
- will be ignored, and the IT setting is final.
- DEPTH GADGET - Gives the IntuiTracker-window depth gadgets.
- Because of lack of space and cosmetic reasons, this defaults to off.
- When depth gadgets are off, the window is pushed
- to the front when you active it.
- MOD.files ONLY - IntuiTracker, as default, expects all module
- files to begin with the letters "MOD.".
- If they don't, they wont appear on the menu.
- Turning "MOD.files ONLY" off will make IT
- accept all filenames as valid module-files.
- The Noisetracker versions and the earlier
- Soundtracker versions all defaults to writing
- the "MOD." prefix on all modules they save.
- Soundtracker V2.4 and V2.5 has regretably dropped this.
- I say regretably because a soundtrack-module
- as a result of it's crowded format, is hard to
- distinguish from other files.
- Note that, although IntuiTracker checks the
- files being loaded, you should avoid trying
- to load any NON ST/NT-module files, as
- the checking routines aren't fail-safe.
- MUSIQUE NON-STOP - When IT loads a new song, by user command, or
- as a part of a program sequence, it will, if
- chip-memory allows it, load the new song without
- cutting off of the song being played.
- This gives you as much uninterrupted listening
- pleasure as possible.
- (In a program-sequence, this is done by
- pre-loading the following song, before the current has finished.)
- With this method, however, IT needs to have both
- songs in memory at one time. This is very
- memory-intensive, and it may also fragment
- your memory if you use other memory-intensive programs at the same time.
- Therefore; If memory is a concern, you use this
- option to turn off the non-stop loading technique. (The default is on.)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The control panel has the following set of gadgets:
- +---+---+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------+-------+
- | + | - | |< | << | |> | >> | >| | . | ^ |
- +---+---+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------+-------+
- |> - PLAY/PAUSE (*)
- . - STOP (*)
- ^ - EJECT (*)
- >> / << - Forward / Rewind. Moves through positions in song.
- >| - PLAY NEXT (*)
- |< - PLAY PREVIOUS (*)
- + / - - Changes the speed of play-back.
- A soundtracker-song may change it's speed
- during play. Since you may start a song from
- any position, the speed may not be set correctly.
- These gadgets are useful for correcting this.
- Pressing PAUSE or STOP cancels your changes.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As mentioned earlier, IntuiTracker assumes all module files begin
- with the letters "MOD.". Although the "MOD.files ONLY" option will
- allow you to load ANY kind of file, I strongly suggest that when you
- make a collection directory of your modules that you rename your
- files appropriately.
- If you have the ARP rename command installed in your system this can
- be done quite easily by entering your directory and typing:
- rename * to mod.*
- As a rule for future expansion, IT will also accept the following
- extension formats: ".Snn" and ".Nnn"
- These extensions indicate the soundtracker or noisetracker version
- used to create the module. The versions in the example are
- Soundtracker V2.5 and NoiseTracker V1.1 respectively.
- PLEASE NOTE that these extensions have NO bearing on IT's treatment
- of the modules. The ".Snn" and ".Nnn" extensions are for future
- compatibility, or for your own reference only.
- This version of IntuiTracker handles all formats without distinction.
- ~~~~~~~~
- 1. Intuitracker has been carefully tested for bugs, and should under
- normal circumstances not crash your machine.
- (This is no guarrantee though. If this DOES happen, let me know!).
- Please note however that due to the memory-intensive nature of
- IT's operation, running a large music-piece on IT simultaniously
- with other programs, may cause OTHER programs to crash!
- Many Amiga programs (including the workbench!) may crash when
- it runs out of chip-memory.
- You should therefore always keep an eye on your chip-memory,
- when using IntuiTracker.
- Ejecting a song after you are done with it frees up chip-memory,
- so does turning off the equalizer window, etc.
- 2. FOR HARDDISK USERS, a system crash can be fatal if the system
- crashes while you are saving to your harddisk.
- IntuiTracker works absolutely fine with my harddisk and my system-
- configuration. All I am saying is, that until you get aquainted
- with IntuiTracker, take it easy. Make sure it works with your
- system. I hope you understand I can take no responsibility for
- any mis-haps. This product is delivered "as is".
- Have this in mind when you use IntuiTracker.