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Text File | 1978-02-05 | 49.7 KB | 1,851 lines |
- *****************************************************************************
- * *
- * Amiga system takeover framework *
- * 1988 Dave Jones, DMA Design *
- * *
- * Allows killing of system, allowing changing of all display & blitter *
- * hardware, restoring to normal after exiting. *
- * Memory must still be properly allocated/deallocated upon entry/exit *
- * DOS routines for loading must be called BEFORE killing the system *
- * *
- * Written using Devpac2 *
- * *
- *****************************************************************************
- section Framework,code_c
- incdir "fast:devpac/include/"
- include libraries/dos_lib.i
- include exec/exec_lib.i
- include hardware/custom.i
- Hardware equ $dff000
- SystemCopper1 equ $26
- SystemCopper2 equ $32
- PortA equ $bfe001
- ICRA equ $bfed01
- LeftMouse equ 6
- BackgroundWidth equ 100 100 bytes wide
- ForegroundWidth equ 92 92 bytes wide
- ScreenHeight equ 192 playing area 192 lines high (12 blocks)
- NumberPlanes equ 3 3 planes in each playfield
- BytesPerBackPlane equ BackgroundWidth*ScreenHeight
- BytesPerForePlane equ ForegroundWidth*ScreenHeight
- BackgroundMemory equ 2*NumberPlanes*BytesPerBackPlane
- ForegroundMemory equ NumberPlanes*BytesPerForePlane
- MemNeeded equ BackgroundMemory+ForegroundMemory
- FullFirepower equ 1
- aliensize equ 24<<6!3
- *******************************************************************************
- start lea GraphicsName(pc),a1 open the graphics library purely
- move.l _SysBase,a6 to find the system copper
- clr.l d0
- jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
- move.l d0,GraphicsBase
- lea DOSName(pc),a1 open the DOS library to allow
- clr.l d0 the loading of data before
- jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) killing the system
- move.l d0,DOSBase
- move.l #MemNeeded,d0 properly allocate some chip
- moveq.l #2,d1 memory for screens etc.
- jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) d1 = 2, specifies chip memory
- tst.l d0 where screens,samples etc
- beq MemError must be (bottom 512K)
- move.l d0,MemBase
- *******************************************************************************
- lea variables(pc),a5 a5 is the variables pointer
- lea rasters(a5),a0
- lea displayraster(a5),a1
- move.l d0,(a0)+ calculate the address of each plane
- move.l d0,(a1)+ store them in the variables area,
- add.l #BytesPerBackPlane,d0 twice for the background as it is
- move.l d0,(a0)+ double buffered
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l #BytesPerBackPlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l #BytesPerBackPlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- add.l #BytesPerForePlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- add.l #BytesPerForePlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- add.l #BytesPerForePlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l #BytesPerBackPlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l #BytesPerBackPlane,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- move.l #Hardware,a6
- jsr TakeSystem
- *******************************************************************************
- move.l #$dff000,a6 a6 ALWAYS point to base of
- move.l #-1,bltafwm(a6) custom chips
- bsr GameInit
- move.l #clist,cop1lc(a6)
- move.w #$87e0,dmacon(a6) enable copper,sprite,blitter
- move.w #$7fff,intreq(a6) clear all int request flags
- *******************************************************************************
- * Main game loop with the routines we are yet to cover commented out
- *******************************************************************************
- vloop bsr waitline223 interrupt set at vertical
- not.b vcount(a5) position 223 (panel start)
- beq twoblanks alternate every frame
- lea copperlist(pc),a1 set up registers for routine
- move.w pf2scroll(a5),d0 checkpf2
- move.w pf1scroll(a5),d1
- bsr checkpf2 and branch to it
- bsr moveship
- * bsr check.collision
- * bsr erase.missiles
- * bsr levels.code
- * bsr update.missiles
- bsr drawfgnds
- * bsr print.score
- * bsr check.keys
- bsr check.path
- bra vloop
- twoblanks
- bsr checkpf1 the following routines are only
- bsr flipbgnd executed every second frame
- bsr moveship
- bsr restorebgnds restore backgrounds behind aliens
- bsr process.aliens
- bsr save.aliens save the backgrounds behind aliens
- bsr draw.aliens and then draw the aliens
- btst #LeftMouse,PortA lest mouse button to exit
- bne vloop
- bra alldone
- **************************************************************************
- waitline223
- btst #4,intreqr+1(a6) wait for vertical line 223
- beq waitline223 interrupt set by the
- move.w #$10,intreq(a6) copperlist
- return rts
- **************************************************************************
- checkpf1
- cmp.w #3,level.end(a5) level.end = 3 means
- beq return guardian on, so no scroll
- lea copperlist(pc),a1
- move.w pf2scroll(a5),d0 d0 = pf2 scroll value (0-15)
- move.w pf1scroll(a5),d1 d1 = pf1 scroll value (0-15)
- subq.w #1,d1 scroll a pixel
- bcs resetpf1 reset back to 15
- checkpf2
- cmp.w #3,level.end(a5) as above
- beq return
- subq.w #1,d0 scroll a pixel
- bcs resetpf2 reset to 15 and update pointers
- storescroll
- move.w d1,pf1scroll(a5) resave the values
- move.w d0,pf2scroll(a5)
- move.w pf1count(a5),d2
- subq.w #1,d2 check if at the end of the two
- or.w d1,d2 screens and flag for the sprite
- move.w d2,screenend(a5) routine if true
- lsl.w #4,d0
- or.w d0,d1
- move.w d1,54(a1) put the new scroll value into
- rts the copper list
- resetpf1
- moveq #$f,d1 reset scroll to 15
- subq.w #1,pf1count(a5) decrement words scrolled
- bne storepf1 carry on if not zero
- move.w #23,pf1count(a5) otherwise reset the number of
- lea rasters(a5),a4 words to scroll and reset the
- lea displayraster(a5),a3 display planes back to the very
- move.l (a4)+,(a3)+ start.
- move.l (a4)+,(a3)+
- move.l (a4)+,(a3)+ six planes in all
- add.w #12,a4
- move.l (a4)+,(a3)+
- move.l (a4)+,(a3)+
- move.l (a4)+,(a3)+
- bra checkpf2 now check pf2
- storepf1
- lea displayraster(a5),a3 increment the plane pointers
- addq.l #2,(a3) by a word each
- addq.l #2,4(a3) these are background planes
- addq.l #2,8(a3) and are therefore double
- addq.l #2,12(a3) buffered
- addq.l #2,16(a3)
- addq.l #2,20(a3)
- bra checkpf2
- resetpf2
- lea rasters(a5),a4
- moveq #$f,d0 reset scroll back to 15
- subq.w #1,pf2count(a5) decrement the word scroll
- bne respf2 value and reset if zero
- move.w #23,pf2count(a5)
- clr.w pf2offset(a5) offset is reverse of pf2count
- cmp.w #1,level.end(a5) and is used for the copper
- bne respf2 level.end = 1 when map finished
- addq.w #1,level.end(a5) so start to draw guardian
- * bsr change.colours setup the guardian colours
- * move.w #6*72,guard.offset(a5) changes the missiles
- respf2
- move.l 12(a4),d2 get the foreground plane
- move.l 16(a4),d3 pointers and add the offset to
- move.l 20(a4),d4 them
- addq.w #2,pf2offset(a5)
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d2 store these in the copper list
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d3
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d4
- storepf2
- move.w d2,30(a1)
- move.w d3,38(a1)
- move.w d4,46(a1)
- bra storescroll
- **************************************************************************
- flipbgnd
- lea copperlist(pc),a1 swap the background displays
- lea displayraster(a5),a3 every second frame
- move.l (a3),d4
- move.l 4(a3),d5
- move.l 8(a3),d6
- move.l 12(a3),(a3)
- move.l 16(a3),4(a3)
- move.l 20(a3),8(a3)
- move.l d4,12(a3)
- move.l d5,16(a3)
- move.l d6,20(a3)
- addq #4,d4 add 4 bytes (32 pixels) to the
- addq #4,d5 pointers so that clipping can
- addq #4,d6 be carried out on the left
- move.w d4,6(a1) hand side
- swap d4
- move.w d4,2(a1) store the new ones in the copper
- move.w d5,14(a1) list
- swap d5
- move.w d5,10(a1)
- move.w d6,22(a1)
- swap d6
- move.w d6,18(a1)
- not.b screen.num(a5)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- drawfgnds
- cmp.w #3,level.end(a5) 3 for guardian fully on
- beq return
- cmp.w #2,level.end(a5) 2 for drawing guardian
- beq return
- tst.w pf2scroll(a5) every 16 pixels a new strip
- beq drawbegin of foreground graphics are
- cmp.w #$e,pf2scroll(a5) drawn into a hidden part
- beq drawend of the screen
- rts
- drawbegin
- bsr setupblit
- clr.l d6 d6 = offset into the screen
- move.l fgndpointer(a5),a0 for the start of the screen
- bsr drawfgnd this will be zero
- subq #1,a0
- move.l a0,fgndpointer(a5)
- rts
- drawend
- bsr setupblit
- moveq #46,d6 as the screen is 46 bytes
- move.l fgndpointer(a5),a0 wide, this is the offset
- cmp.b #$ff,(a0) at which to draw the strip
- bne drawfgnd
- sub.w #12,a0 the end of map is flagged
- move.l a0,fgndpointer(a5) by an FF block number
- move.w #1,level.end(a5) flag the end of the map
- drawfgnd
- clr.l d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0 d0 = block number (0-254)
- lea rasters(a5),a4 get the current foreground
- move.l 12(a4),d1 plane pointers in d1,d2,d3
- move.l 16(a4),d2
- move.l 20(a4),d3
- add.l d6,d1 add the offset passed
- add.l d6,d2
- add.l d6,d3
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d1 add the scrolled words
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d2 offset to each plane
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d3
- moveq #11,d7 12 blocks in height
- move.l #graphics,a4 a4 = base address of the graphics
- fgndloop
- move.l a4,d4
- mulu #96,d0 96 bytes per graphic blocks
- ext.l d0 (2 bytes wide x 16 high
- add.l d0,d4 x 3 planes)
- bsr blitfgnd
- add.l #ForegroundWidth*16,d1 work out address of 16 scanlines
- add.l #ForegroundWidth*16,d2 down
- add.l #ForegroundWidth*16,d3
- clr.l d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0 get next block number
- dbf d7,fgndloop and repeat for all 12
- rts
- blitfgnd
- move.l d1,bltdpt(a6) blit a 16x16 pixel block
- move.l d4,bltapt(a6) into the foreground screen
- move.w #$0401,bltsize(a6) unmasked with no shift
- add.l #32,d4
- move.l d2,bltdpt(a6)
- move.l d4,bltapt(a6)
- move.w #$0401,bltsize(a6)
- add.l #32,d4
- move.l d3,bltdpt(a6)
- move.l d4,bltapt(a6)
- move.w #$0401,bltsize(a6)
- rts
- setupblit
- move.w #$09f0,bltcon0(a6) minterm for D = A
- clr.w bltcon1(a6)
- clr.w bltamod(a6) data is stored sequentially
- move.w #ForegroundWidth-2,bltdmod(a6)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- buildbackgnd
- lea rasters(a5),a0
- move.l (a0),a1 get the background plane pointers
- move.l 4(a0),a2 in a1-a4 (double buffered so 2 sets)
- move.l 24(a0),a3 background graphics are only 4 colour
- move.l 28(a0),a4 (2 planes) so third plane is ignored
- addq #4,a1 skip the hidden words used for
- addq #4,a2 clipping
- addq #4,a3
- addq #4,a4
- move.l #backgroundtable,a0 a0 = the background map
- move.w level.number(a5),d0
- mulu #144,d0 144 bytes per background map
- add.w d0,a0
- moveq #11,d0 12 blocks high
- build1 moveq #11,d1 24 blocks across
- movem.l a1-a4,-(sp)
- build2 move.b (a0),d2 this loop draws 2 across
- lsr.b #4,d2 block number stored in 4 bits
- bsr drawback
- move.b (a0)+,d2
- and.b #$f,d2
- tst.w d1
- beq skipit
- bsr drawback
- skipit dbf d1,build2 do all 24 across
- movem.l (sp)+,a1-a4
- add.l #BackgroundWidth*16,a1 next block down the way
- add.l #BackgroundWidth*16,a2
- add.l #BackgroundWidth*16,a3
- add.l #BackgroundWidth*16,a4
- dbf d0,build1 do all 12 high
- move.l #$dff000,a6
- rts
- drawback
- lea backgrounds,a6 a6 = the background graphics
- move.w level.number(a5),d3
- mulu #1024,d3 1024 bytes per level of background
- add.w d3,a6 graphics (16 blocks)
- and.w #$f,d2
- mulu #64,d2 64 bytes per block
- add.l d2,a6 (2 bytes x 16 high x 2 planes)
- movem.l a1-a4,-(sp)
- moveq #15,d3
- drawb1 move.w (a6),(a1) draw into both the screens
- move.w (a6),(a3)
- move.w (a6),46(a1)
- move.w (a6),46(a3)
- move.w 32(a6),(a2)
- move.w 32(a6),(a4)
- move.w 32(a6),46(a4)
- move.w 32(a6),46(a2)
- add.w #BackgroundWidth,a1
- add.w #BackgroundWidth,a2
- add.w #BackgroundWidth,a3
- add.w #BackgroundWidth,a4
- addq #2,a6
- dbf d3,drawb1
- movem.l (sp)+,a1-a4
- addq #2,a1 next block along
- addq #2,a2
- addq #2,a3
- addq #2,a4
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- GameInit
- lea map,a0
- move.l a0,fgndpointer(a5) set up the map index
- move.w #23,pf1count(a5) width of the foreground in words
- move.w #24,pf2count(a5) width of the background in words
- move.w #15,pf1scroll(a5) initial scroll value
- move.w #15,pf2scroll(a5)
- move.w #100,xpos(A5) ships initial x,y & speed
- move.w #80,ypos(a5)
- move.w #2,ship.speed(a5)
- move.w #1,mult.number(a5)
- move.l #ship1.2,shipaddress(a5) setup address of initial ship
- move.w #10,path.delay(a5)
- lea copperlist(pc),a1
- lea rasters(a5),a0
- move.w (a0),2(a1) copy the plane adresses into the
- move.w 2(a0),6(a1) copperlist
- move.w 4(a0),10(a1)
- move.w 6(a0),14(a1)
- move.w 8(a0),18(a1)
- move.w 10(a0),22(a1)
- move.w 12(a0),26(a1)
- move.w 14(a0),30(a1)
- move.w 16(a0),34(a1)
- move.w 18(a0),38(a1)
- move.w 20(a0),42(a1)
- move.w 22(a0),46(a1)
- addq.w #4,6(a1) skip the hidden words in the
- addq.w #4,14(a1) background
- addq.w #4,22(a1)
- lea scroll.value(pc),a0
- move.w #$ff,2(a0)
- move.l #panel+32,d0 put the address of the panel
- lea rastersplit2(pc),a1 graphics into the copper
- moveq #3,d1 the panel is 4 planes
- setup1 move.w d0,6(a1)
- swap d0
- move.w d0,2(a1)
- swap d0
- add.l #1408,d0 panel size is 352x32 (1408 bytes
- addq #8,a1 per plane)
- dbf d1,setup1
- lea level.colours(pc),a0 copy the level colours into the
- lea colours(pc),a1 copperlist
- moveq #31,d0
- .copy move.w (a0)+,2(a1)
- addq #4,a1
- dbf d0,.copy
- lea panel.colours(pc),a0 copy the panel colours into the
- lea colours2(pc),a1 copperlist
- moveq #15,d0
- .copy2 move.w (a0)+,2(a1)
- addq #4,a1
- dbf d0,.copy2
- bsr ship.to.copper setup the hardware sprite pointers
- bsr clear.screen
- bsr buildbackgnd and draw the background
- bsr setup.mouse
- IFNE FullFirepower
- st.b mult1.on(a5)
- st.b mult2.on(a5)
- st.b canons.on(a5)
- st.b lasers.on(A5)
- move.w #2,ship.speed(A5)
- move.b #3,ship.status(a5)
- bsr change.ship
- rts
- clear.screen
- move.l rasters(a5),a0 clear all the screen memory
- move.w #MemNeeded/4-1,d0
- clear.scr1
- clr.l (a0)+
- dbf d0,clear.scr1
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- moveship
- bsr joy read joystick & mouse
- tst.w ypos(a5) upper y limit of 0
- bge up.ok
- clr.w d0 reset up flag if not allowed
- clr.w yvector(a5) and no y movement
- up.ok cmp.w #150,ypos(a5) maximum y value is 150
- ble down.ok
- clr.w d1 if at max signal down no more
- clr.w yvector(a5)
- down.ok tst.w xpos(a5) minimum x position is 0
- bge left.ok
- clr.w d3
- clr.w xvector(a5)
- left.ok cmp.w #266,xpos(a5) maximum x position is 266
- ble right.ok
- clr.w d2
- clr.w xvector(a5)
- right.ok
- move.w ship.speed(a5),d4 d4 = ship speed
- move.w d4,d5 d5 = -ve ship speed
- neg.w d5
- clr.w up.down(a5) make ship untilt
- move.w yvector(a5),d7 change the y vector first
- up tst.w d0 are we going up?
- beq down no, so check down
- move.w #-560,up.down(a5) yes, so tilt ship up (anims 560 bytes apart)
- cmp.w d7,d5 are we at max y speed
- beq right yes, so go and check x movement
- subq.w #1,d7 no, so decrease the vector
- bra right
- down tst.w d1 are we going down?
- beq right no, so check right
- move.w #560,up.down(a5) yes, so tilt the ship down
- cmp.w d7,d4 are we at max y speed
- beq right yes, so check x movement
- addq.w #1,d7 no, so increase the y vector
- right move.w d7,yvector(a5) store the new y vector
- move.w xvector(a5),d7
- clr.w d6 now do the x vector which is
- tst.w d2 virtually identical to the y above
- beq left
- moveq #1,d6
- cmp.w d7,d4
- beq add.vectors
- addq #1,d7
- bra add.vectors
- left tst.w d3
- beq add.vectors
- moveq #-1,d6
- cmp.w d7,d5
- beq add.vectors
- subq #1,d7
- add.vectors
- move.w d7,xvector(a5)
- or.w d2,d3 if we have moved left or right we
- bne checky may have to alter the animation
- move.w #4,mult.delay(a5) of the multiples
- moveq #1,d7 if the ship is not being moved but
- tst.w xvector(a5) still has some inertia then decrease
- beq checky the x & y vectors until they hit 0
- bmi xto0
- neg.w d7
- xto0 add.w d7,xvector(a5)
- checky or.w d0,d1
- bne add.vectors2
- moveq #1,d7
- tst.w yvector(a5)
- beq add.vectors2
- bmi yto0
- neg.w d7
- yto0 add.w d7,yvector(a5)
- add.vectors2
- move.w xpos(a5),d4 finally add the new vectors to
- move.w ypos(a5),d5 the x & y coordinates
- add.w xvector(a5),d4
- add.w yvector(a5),d5
- move.w d4,xpos(a5)
- move.w d5,ypos(a5)
- bsr xytosprite convert the xy coords into
- move.l shipaddress(a5),a0 hardware sprite format
- add.w up.down(a5),a0 add the up/down offset
- * now set up the four hardware sprite control words
- move.l d0,(a0) ship 1.1 (rear end)
- bset #7,d0
- move.l d0,184(a0) ship 1.2 with attach bit set
- add.l #$0b080000,d0 add 11 to vstart & 16 to hstart
- bclr #7,d0 reset attach bit
- sub.w #$0b00,d0 vstop is 11 less
- move.l d0,2*184(a0) ship 1.3 (front)
- bset #7,d0 set attach
- move.l d0,2*184+96(a0) ship 1.4
- bsr ship.to.copper put the address of the current
- subq.w #1,mult.delay(a5) ship in the copper
- bne same.outrider and finally work out which multiple
- move.w #4,mult.delay(a5) to display
- add.w d6,mult.number(a5) outriders must be between
- bne max.mult 1 & 5
- move.w #1,mult.number(a5)
- max.mult
- cmp.w #6,mult.number(a5)
- bne same.outrider
- move.w #5,mult.number(a5)
- same.outrider
- bsr draw.outrider draw the multiple into the sprite
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- xytosprite
- * d4 = x coordinate
- * d5 = y coordinate
- * returns d0.l as the control words
- clr.l d0 return longword in do
- add.w #44-11,d5 hardware offset vertical
- lsl.w #8,d5 into bits 8-15
- add.w #128,d4 horizontal offset
- lsr.w #1,d4 /2 low bit into extend
- or.w d5,d4 X intact
- move.w d4,d0 X still intact
- swap d0 ditto
- roxl.w #1,d0 get low bit of hstart into bit 0
- add.w #$2c00,d5 calcualate vstop (+44 lines)
- or.w d5,d0 low word set up
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- draw.outrider
- move.w mult.number(a5),d0 get the animation number
- tst.b mult1.on(a5) for the multiple
- bne mult1ok
- clr.w d0
- mult1ok
- lea outriders,a0 base address of outriders
- mulu #44,d0 44 bytes per plane for pair
- add.w d0,a0
- move.l a0,a1 a0 = plane 1
- add.w #264,a1 a1 = plane 2
- move.l shipaddress(a5),a2 current ship address
- add.w up.down(a5),a2
- addq #4,a2 get past sprite header
- movem.l a0-a2,-(sp)
- moveq #10,d7 11 lines high
- out1 move.w (a0)+,(a2)+
- move.w (a1)+,(a2)+
- dbf d7,out1
- tst.b mult2.on(a5)
- bne mult2ok
- lea outriders,a0 if mult 2 not on then
- move.l a0,a1 point the data to zeroes
- mult2ok
- add.w #22*2*2,a2 pass the ship graphics
- moveq #10,d7 and draw the bottom one
- out2 move.w (a0)+,(a2)+
- move.w (a1)+,(a2)+
- dbf d7,out2 planes 1 & 2 done
- movem.l (sp)+,a0-a2 get back pointers
- add.w #528,a0 a0 = plane 3
- add.w #528,a1 a1 = plane 4
- add.w #44*4+8,a2 next sprite
- moveq #10,d7 11 lines high
- out3 move.w (a0)+,(a2)+
- move.w (a1)+,(a2)+
- dbf d7,out3
- tst.b mult2.on(a5)
- bne mult3ok
- lea outriders,a0 if mult 2 not on then
- move.l a0,a1 point the data to zeroes
- mult3ok
- add.w #22*2*2,a2 pass the ship graphics
- moveq #10,d7 and draw the bottom one
- out4 move.w (a0)+,(a2)+
- move.w (a1)+,(a2)+
- dbf d7,out4 planes 3 & 4 done
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- setup.mouse
- move.w joy0dat(a6),d4 read the mouse x,y position so
- move.w d4,-(sp)
- and.w #$ff,d4 the ship doesnt jump when we
- move.w d4,oldmousex(a5) start
- move.w (sp)+,d4
- lsr.w #8,d4
- move.w d4,oldmousey(a5)
- rts
- joy move.w #$0100,d0 setup the mask for each bit in
- move.w #$0001,d1 the joystick register
- move.w #$0002,d2 the routine returns left/right
- move.w #$0200,d3 /up/down in d0..d3
- move.w joy1dat(a6),d4 if the corresponding data register
- and.w d4,d0 is not = 0 then the joystick
- and.w d4,d1 had been pressed in that direction
- and.w d4,d2
- and.w d4,d3
- lsl.w #1,d0
- lsl.w #1,d1
- eor.w d2,d1
- eor.w d3,d0
- move.w joy0dat(a6),d4 read the mouse counters, if a move
- move.w d4,-(sp) has been detected then set the
- and.w #$ff,d4 appropiate joystick registers
- sub.w oldmousex(a5),d4 to mimick a joystick move
- beq noxmove
- bmi leftmove this is not a proper proportional
- moveq #1,d2 read but a simple up/dowm/left/right
- bra noxmove check
- leftmove
- moveq #1,d3
- noxmove move.w (sp),d4
- lsr.w #8,d4
- sub.w oldmousey(a5),d4
- beq joyend
- bmi upmove
- moveq #1,d1
- bra joyend
- upmove moveq #1,d0
- joyend move.w (sp),d4
- and.w #$ff,d4
- move.w d4,oldmousex(a5) save the mouse values for comparison
- move.w (sp)+,d4 next time around
- lsr.w #8,d4
- move.w d4,oldmousey(a5)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- ship.to.copper
- move.l shipaddress(a5),a1 get the current ship address
- add.w up.down(a5),a1 and update the four sprite
- move.l a1,d0 pointers in the copperlist
- move.l a1,d1
- move.l a1,d2
- move.l a1,d3
- add.w #184,d1 work out the address of each
- add.w #184*2,d2 hardware sprite
- add.w #184*2+96,d3
- lea sprite(pc),a0
- move.w d0,6(a0)
- swap d0
- move.w d0,2(a0)
- move.w d1,14(a0)
- swap d1
- move.w d1,10(a0)
- move.w d2,22(a0)
- swap d2
- move.w d2,18(a0)
- move.w d3,30(a0)
- swap d3
- move.w d3,26(a0)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- change.ship
- clr.w d0
- move.b ship.status(a5),d0 1 = canons, 2 = lasers, 3 = both
- lea ship1.2(pc),a0
- mulu #1680,d0 968 bytes for the four sprites
- add.l d0,a0 per ship
- move.l a0,shipaddress(a5) store the ship address
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- restorebgnds
- bsr getscreeninfo
- clr.w bltamod(a6)
- move.l d0,bltapt(a6) set blitter A channel to the saved
- clr.w bltcon1(a6) background data
- restoreloop
- move.w (a0)+,d1 fetch the blit size
- beq return once zero all have been replaced
- move.w d1,d3
- addq #2,a0
- and.w #$3f,d1 work out the length in bytes
- lsl.w #1,d1
- move.w #100,d2 subtract from the screen width
- sub.w d1,d2 to give the destination modulo
- move.w d2,bltdmod(a6)
- move.w #$09f0,bltcon0(a6) use D = A for the blit
- move.l (a0)+,bltdpt(a6) and do all three planes.
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6)
- move.l (a0)+,bltdpt(a6)
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6)
- move.l (a0)+,bltdpt(a6)
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6)
- bra restoreloop
- savebgnds
- bsr check.end.screen watch out for screen wraparound
- bsr coords.to.pf1offsets convert pixel coords to byte offsets
- move.w #aliensize,d3
- move.w #94,bltamod(a6)
- clr.w bltdmod(a6)
- clr.w bltcon1(a6)
- move.w #$09f0,bltcon0(a6) use D = A for the blit
- bsr setup.addresses save the blitsize and addresses
- bsr blit.to.buffer and save the background data
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- drawbobs
- move.w #94,bltdmod(a6) set up the destination modulos
- move.w #94,bltcmod(a6)
- clr.l d6 d6 will hold an offset if the
- tst.b upsidedown(a5) bob is drawn upside down
- beq normal
- move.w #-106,bltdmod(a6) draw from the bottom up by using
- move.w #-106,bltcmod(a6) a negative modulo
- move.l #23*100,d6
- normal move.w (a0),d3 get the blitsize in d3
- move.w 2(a0),d1 the scroll value in d1 (0-15)
- ror.w #4,d1
- move.w d1,bltcon1(a6) set up the B scroll value
- or.w #$0fca,d1 set up the A scroll value and the
- move.w d1,bltcon0(a6) minterm for D = notA.C + B
- move.w #-2,bltbmod(a6)
- move.w #-2,bltamod(a6)
- move.l a1,bltbpt(a6)
- bsr blit.to.backgnd draw to the screen
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- getscreeninfo
- * returns the address in a0 of the data listing the screeen locations
- * where the backgrounds have to be replaced
- * d0 points to the buffer containing the saved backgrounds
- tst.b screen.num(a5) double buffering means we have
- bne getscreen1 to have two lists running
- move.l #buffer0,d0
- move.l #screen0bgnds,a0
- rts
- getscreen1
- move.l #buffer1,d0
- move.l #screen1bgnds,a0
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- process.aliens
- clr.w all.coords(a5)
- move.l #path.buffer,a0
- lea alien.buffer(a5),a1 where to store the info
- moveq #11,d7 12 aliens max
- process.loop
- move.w table.offset(a0),d0 get offset in d0
- move.b mode(a0),d6 d6 contains the mode byte
- move.w x.pos(a0),d1
- beq finished alien dead
- clr.w last.x(a5)
- clr.w last.y(a5)
- move.w y.pos(a0),d2
- subq.b #1,anim.delay(a0)
- bne same.anim
- move.b num.anims(a0),d3
- beq same.anim
- btst #3,d6
- beq up.only
- btst #4,d6
- bne down.anim
- addq.b #1,anim.num(a0) increase anim num
- cmp.b anim.num(a0),d3
- bne process1
- bchg #4,d6
- bra process1
- down.anim
- subq.b #1,anim.num(a0)
- bpl process1
- move.b #1,anim.num(a0)
- bchg #4,d6
- bra process1
- up.only
- addq.b #1,anim.num(a0) next animation
- addq.b #1,d3
- cmp.b anim.num(a0),d3 wrap around anims
- bne process1
- clr.b anim.num(a0)
- tst.b sprite.num(a0) was it an explosion
- bne process1
- clr.w x.pos(a0) yes so
- move.w d1,last.x(a5) store its coords
- move.w d2,last.y(a5)
- clr.w d1 kill this alien
- bra finished
- process1
- move.b anim.delay2(a0),anim.delay(a0) restore the delay
- same.anim
- tst.b sprite.num(a0)
- beq finished dont move explosions
- tst.b pause.count(a0)
- beq no.pause no pause
- cmp.b #$ff,pause.count(a0)
- beq finished ff means pause forever...
- subq.b #1,pause.count(a0)
- beq update if zero update the offset
- bra finished not zero so do nufink
- no.pause
- clr.w d3
- clr.w d4
- clr.w d5
- move.b speed(a0),d5 speed in d5
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d3 d3 is the x coord to go to
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),d4 d4 is the y coord to go to
- bsr check.seek check all seek bits
- tst.b sprite.num(a0)
- beq store.coords a heat seeker may have exploded
- btst #0,d6 test for offset mode
- bne add.offsets
- tst.w d3 if x goto is minus then
- bmi check.y leave x coord alone
- lsl.w #1,d3 even coord only
- cmp.w d3,d1 check difference between the
- sne x.equal(a5) two x coords
- beq check.y
- blt increase.x if d1<d3 then increase x
- sub.w d5,d1 else decrease it
- cmp.w d3,d1 has it now passed
- bgt check.y the x coord
- move.w d3,d1 if so, make it equal to the x
- sf x.equal(a5)
- bra check.y
- increase.x
- add.w d5,d1
- cmp.w d3,d1
- blt check.y is it still less than x
- move.w d3,d1
- sf x.equal(a5)
- check.y tst.w d4
- bmi store.coords check wether to leave y alone
- lsl.w #1,d4
- cmp.w d4,d2 compares d2 to d4
- sne y.equal(a5)
- beq store.coords
- blt increase.y if d2<d4 then increase y
- sub.w d5,d2
- cmp.w d4,d2
- bgt store.coords
- move.w d4,d2
- sf y.equal(a5)
- bra store.coords
- increase.y
- add.w d5,d2
- cmp.w d4,d2
- blt store.coords
- move.w d4,d2
- sf y.equal(a5)
- bra store.coords
- add.offsets
- ext.w d3
- ext.w d4
- add.w d3,d1 add the offsets
- add.w d4,d2
- clr.b x.equal(a5) signal to update table
- clr.b y.equal(a5)
- store.coords
- move.w d1,x.pos(a0) restore the new coords
- move.w d2,y.pos(a0)
- move.b x.equal(a5),d3
- or.b d3,y.equal(a5) is the alien there
- bne finished no, so dont update the table
- btst #5,d6 heat seeker ?
- beq update
- ; bsr explode.alien heat seekers explode when they
- bra finished hit their target
- update
- btst #1,d6 check for seek mode
- beq new.offset
- bsr copy.coords
- subq.b #1,seek.count(a0)
- bne finished
- bclr #1,d6 reset seek mode
- new.offset
- addq.w #2,d0
- move.w d0,table.offset(a0) new offset
- tst.w 0(a0,d0.w)
- beq path.finished path finished, so branch
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d4 get code in d4 & d3
- move.w d4,d3
- and.w #$f0,d4 get upper 4 bits
- cmp.w #$e0,d4 hex E for a code
- bne finished no code so carry on
- and.w #$f,d3 otherwise get code number in d3
- lsl.w #2,d3 x4
- lea vector.table(pc),a2 get table base
- move.l 0(a2,d3.w),a2 get routine address in a2
- jmp (a2) and jump to it
- vector.table
- dc.l init.pause
- dc.l loop.back
- dc.l toggle.offset
- dc.l change.speed
- dc.l change.sprite
- dc.l seek.mode
- dc.l reload.coords
- dc.l new.table
- dc.l restore.offset
- dc.l fire.heatseeker
- dc.l change.anim
- dc.l restart.table
- dc.l start.xy
- dc.l start.seekx
- dc.l start.seeky
- dc.l return 16 codes maximum
- finished
- or.w d1,all.coords(a5)
- move.w d1,(a1)+
- move.w d2,(a1)+ store it all in the
- move.b sprite.num(a0),(a1)+ buffer
- move.b anim.num(a0),(a1)+
- move.b d6,mode(a0) save the mode byte
- add.w next.path(a0),a0
- dbf d7,process.loop
- rts
- path.finished
- clr.w d1 make x = 0
- clr.w x.pos(a0)
- btst #2,d6
- seq no.bonus(a5)
- bra finished
- check.seek
- btst #6,d6 bit 6 for seek on ship x
- beq check.seeky
- st y.equal(a5) make sure it never updates table
- move.w xpos(a5),d3 get new x coord to goto
- moveq #-1,d4 signal to leave y alone
- add.w #54,d3 hardware sprite offset
- lsr.w #1,d3 even coords only
- subq.b #1,seek.count(a0) check count
- bne check.seeky
- bclr #6,d6 reset if count zero
- check.seeky
- btst #7,d6 bit 7 for seek on ship y
- beq check.heat
- st x.equal(a5) make sure it never updates table
- move.w ypos(a5),d4 get new y coord to goto
- moveq #-1,d3 signal to leave x alone
- add.w #14,d4 hardware sprite offset
- lsr.w #1,d4 even coords only
- subq.b #1,seek.count(a0) check count
- bne check.heat
- bclr #7,d6 reset if count zero
- check.heat
- btst #5,d6 bit 5 for a heat seeking mine
- beq return all finished
- move.w xpos(a5),d3 get new x coord to goto
- move.w ypos(a5),d4 get new y coord to goto
- add.w #56,d3 hardware sprite offset
- add.w #16,d4 hardware sprite offset
- lsr.w #1,d3 even coords only
- lsr.w #1,d4 even coords only
- subq.b #1,seek.count(a0) check count
- bne return
- ; bsr explode.alien kill mine if count zero
- rts
- init.pause
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),pause.count(a0) setup the pause
- bra finished
- loop.back
- clr.w d3
- move.b loop.offset(a0),d3 get the loop offset in words
- lsl.w #1,d3 convert to bytes
- subq.b #1,loop.count(a0) reduce the loop counter
- beq update
- sub.w d3,table.offset(a0) and work out the new path PC
- bra finished
- toggle.offset
- bchg #0,d6 start or end offset mode
- bra update get the next path value
- seek.mode
- bset #1,d6 set the seek mode bit
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),seek.count(a0) copy the count
- addq.w #2,d0
- move.w d0,table.offset(a0)
- bsr copy.coords
- bra finished
- start.seekx
- bset #6,d6 set the seek on X bit
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),seek.count(a0) copy the count
- addq.w #2,d0
- move.w d0,table.offset(a0)
- bra finished
- start.seeky
- bset #7,d6 set the seek on Y bit
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),seek.count(a0) copy the count
- addq.w #2,d0
- move.w d0,table.offset(a0)
- bra finished
- copy.coords
- move.w xpos(a5),d3 copy the ship coords
- move.w ypos(a5),d4 for the seek functions
- add.w #54,d3 into the path table
- add.w #14,d4
- lsr.w #1,d3
- lsr.w #1,d4
- move.b d3,0(a0,d0.w)
- move.b d4,1(a0,d0.w)
- rts
- change.speed
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),speed(a0) copy the new speed byte
- bra update
- change.sprite
- addq.w #2,d0
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),sprite.num(a0) new sprite number
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),num.anims(a0) new max anims
- clr.b anim.num(a0)
- move.b anim.delay2(a0),anim.delay(a0) new anim delay
- bra update
- reload.coords
- addq #2,d0
- clr.w d1 copy a new x,y position
- clr.w d2 into the sprite structure
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d1
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),d2
- lsl.w #1,d1
- lsl.w #1,d2
- move.w d1,x.pos(a0)
- move.w d2,y.pos(a0)
- bra update
- new.table
- addq.w #2,d0 setup a new path PC
- move.w d0,d4 saving the old one in the
- move.b d4,loop.offset+1(a0) loop.offset word
- lsr.w #8,d4
- move.b d4,loop.offset(a0)
- move.w 0(a0,d0.w),d0
- subq.w #2,d0
- bra new.offset
- restore.offset
- move.b loop.offset(a0),d0 restore the old path PC
- lsl.w #8,d0
- move.b loop.offset+1(a0),d0
- bra new.offset
- fire.heatseeker
- move.l #path.buffer,a2 start a new path at the
- moveq #11,d5 present paths x,y coord
- addq #2,d0
- heat1 btst #5,mode(a2) only if a free path entry
- beq heat2 can be found
- tst.w x.pos(a2)
- bne heat2
- move.w d1,x.pos(a2)
- move.w d2,y.pos(a2)
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),seek.count(a2)
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),hits.num(a2)
- move.b #2,sprite.num(a2)
- move.b #2,anim.delay(a2)
- clr.b anim.num(a2)
- move.b #3,num.anims(a2)
- bra new.offset
- heat2 add.w (a2),a2
- dbf d5,heat1
- bra new.offset
- change.anim
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),anim.num(a0) new animation number
- bra new.offset
- restart.table
- move.w #table.size-2,d0 restart the path from the
- bra update beginning
- start.xy
- move.b 1(a0,d0.w),d4 get path number to start
- subq.b #2,d4 cant use path 0
- move.l a0,-(sp) save path pointer
- move.l #path.buffer,a0
- find.num
- add.w next.path(a0),a0
- dbf d4,find.num get the path
- move.w d1,x.pos(a0) new one starts at present x & y
- move.w d2,y.pos(a0)
- move.w d1,d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- move.b d4,table.size(a0) set up the first xy coord to
- move.w d2,d4 goto. Must be the same as
- lsr.w #1,d4 the present xy
- move.b d4,table.size+1(a0)
- move.w #table.size,table.offset(a0) start of path
- move.b #128,hits.num(a0) indistrutable
- move.b #2,anim.delay(a0)
- clr.b pause.count(a0)
- clr.b anim.num(a0) reset anim info
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- bra new.offset
- **************************************************************************
- save.aliens
- lea alien.buffer+66(a5),a4 the buffer contains
- moveq #11,d7 word x-cord
- bsr getscreeninfo word y-cord
- save.alien1
- move.w (a4),d1 byte sprite number
- beq save.next byte animation number
- move.w 2(a4),d2
- bsr savebgnds
- save.next
- subq #6,a4
- dbf d7,save.alien1
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- draw.aliens
- clr.w bltalwm(a6)
- moveq #11,d7
- bsr getscreeninfo
- lea alien.buffer+66(a5),a4 work DOWN through
- draw.alien2
- tst.w (a4) the buffer so that the first
- beq draw.next2 sprite is drawn first and
- clr.w d1 therefore hit first.
- clr.w d2
- move.b 4(a4),d1 d1 = sprite number
- bclr #7,d1
- sne upsidedown(a5)
- move.b 5(a4),d2 d2 = animation number
- move.l #alien.pointers,a1
- move.w level.number(a5),d3
- mulu #24*4,d3
- ext.l d3
- add.l d3,a1
- lsl.w #2,d1
- add.w d1,a1
- move.l (a1),a1 get the sprite pointer in a1
- mulu #384,d2 from the lookup table
- ext.l d2 and then work out the animation
- add.l d2,a1 number address
- move.l a1,a2
- add.w #288,a2 a2 = mask address
- bsr drawbobs
- draw.next2
- subq #6,a4
- dbf d7,draw.alien2
- move.w #$ffff,bltalwm(a6)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- blit.to.backgnd
- addq #4,a0 skip the hidden words
- move.l (a0)+,d5 get the screen offset
- add.l d6,d5
- move.l d5,bltcpt(a6) setup the screen pointers
- move.l d5,bltdpt(a6)
- move.l a2,bltapt(a6) setup the bob mask
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6) and blit the bob to the screen
- move.l (a0)+,d5
- add.l d6,d5
- move.l d5,bltcpt(a6)
- move.l d5,bltdpt(a6)
- move.l a2,bltapt(a6)
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6) plane 2
- move.l (a0)+,d5
- add.l d6,d5
- move.l d5,bltcpt(a6)
- move.l d5,bltdpt(a6)
- move.l a2,bltapt(a6)
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6) plane 3
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- blit.to.buffer
- tst.l d6 copy the background where a
- beq no.blit bob is to be drawn into
- move.l d0,bltdpt(a6) the buffer
- addq #4,a0
- move.l (a0)+,bltapt(a6)
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6)
- move.l (a0)+,bltapt(a6)
- move.w d3,bltsize(a6)
- addq #4,a0
- no.blit clr.w (a0)
- add.l #3*6*24,d0
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- coords.to.pf1offsets
- * convert the x,y coordinate in d1,d2 into a byte offset
- * in d1 and a scroll offset (0-15) in d2
- add.w #16,d1
- sub.w pf1scroll2(a5),d1 d2 = y coord
- mulu #100,d2 d1 = x coord
- swap d2
- move.w d1,d2
- and.w #$f,d2
- swap d2
- lsr.w #3,d1
- add.w d2,d1
- swap d2 d2 = scroll value
- ext.l d1 d1 = offset
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- coords.to.pf2offsets
- * As the above routine but for the front playfield which is only
- * 92 bytes wide
- sub.w pf2scroll(a5),d1
- mulu #92,d2
- swap d2
- move.w d1,d2
- and.w #$f,d2
- swap d2
- lsr.w #3,d1
- add.w d2,d1
- swap d2
- ror.w #4,d2
- add.w pf2offset(a5),d1
- ext.l d1
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- setup.addresses
- * setup the list of addresses to which bobs are to be blitted
- move.w d3,(a0) d3 = blitsize
- move.w d2,2(a0) d2 = scroll value
- move.l (a2),d6 d1 = offset
- add.l d1,d6 stores the addresses
- cmp.l 4(a0),d6
- beq dont.save
- move.l d6,4(a0) without updating the
- move.l 4(a2),d6 pointer
- add.l d1,d6
- move.l d6,8(a0)
- move.l 8(a2),d6
- add.l d1,d6
- move.l d6,12(a0)
- rts
- dont.save
- clr.l d6
- add.w #16,a0
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- check.end.screen
- tst.w screenend(a5)
- bne notend
- lea rasters(a5),a2
- move.w #16,pf1scroll2(a5)
- rts
- notend lea displayraster(a5),a2
- move.w pf1scroll(a5),pf1scroll2(a5)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- check.path
- tst.w all.coords(a5) wait until all the x coords are 0
- bne check.end before a new path can start
- not.b bonus.delay(a5)
- bne check.end a small delay before the bonus
- tst.b last.path(a5) path can start
- bne start.path
- clr.b bonus.mode(a5)
- move.w last.x(a5),d1
- beq start.path if all the aliens had been killed
- tst.b no.bonus(a5) then we will start the bonus path
- bne start.path
- move.w #10,path.delay(a5)
- move.w last.y(a5),d2
- lea paths,a0
- st bonus.mode(a5)
- clr.w bonus.num(a5)
- move.w #5,bonus.count(a5) setup the bonus path coordinates
- move.w d1,x.pos+2(a0)
- move.w d2,y.pos+2(a0)
- clr.b anim.num+2(a0)
- lsr.w #1,d2
- move.w #$0200,d1
- or.w d2,d1
- move.w d1,table.size+2(a0)
- bra copy.path
- check.end
- rts
- start.path
- cmp.w #1,level.end(a5) start a new path, providing
- beq return the guardian is not scrolling on
- cmp.w #2,level.end(a5)
- beq return
- subq.w #1,path.delay(a5)
- beq start.path1
- rts
- start.path1
- move.w #10,path.delay(a5) start a normal path
- move.w path.number(a5),d0
- lea paths,a0
- add.w d0,a0
- move.l (a0),d1
- bne start1
- moveq #4,d0
- lea paths,a0
- move.l 4(a0),d1
- start1
- addq #4,d0
- move.w d0,path.number(a5)
- move.l d1,a0
- copy.path
- clr.w d0 copy the new path data
- lea colours(pc),a2 and set up the new alien colours
- move.b sprite.num+2(a0),d0 get sprite num
- and.b #$7f,d0
- subq.w #1,d0
- lea alien.colours(pc),a1 get colour table
- move.w level.number(a5),d3
- mulu #384,d3
- add.w d3,a1
- lsl.w #4,d0 16 bytes per alien
- add.w d0,a1
- move.w (a1)+,2(a2) copy 8 colours
- move.w (a1)+,6(a2)
- move.w (a1)+,10(a2)
- move.w (a1)+,14(a2)
- move.w (a1)+,18(a2)
- move.w (a1)+,22(a2)
- move.w (a1)+,26(a2)
- move.w (a1)+,30(a2)
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- move.l #path.buffer,a1
- lsr.w #2,d0
- copyloop
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbf d0,copyloop
- clr.b no.bonus(a5)
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- clist DC.W $0A01,$FF00
- copperlist DC.W bplpt+0,$0000,bplpt+2,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+8,$0000,bplpt+10,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+16,$0000,bplpt+18,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+4,$0000,bplpt+6,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+12,$0000,bplpt+14,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+20,$0000,bplpt+22,$0000
- DC.W bplcon0,$6600
- scroll.value DC.W bplcon1,$00FF,bpl1mod,$0036
- DC.W bpl2mod,$002E,bplcon2,$0044
- DC.W ddfstrt,$0028,ddfstop,$00D8
- DC.W diwstrt,$1F78,diwstop,$FFC6
- colours DC.W color+0,$0000,color+2,$0000
- DC.W color+4,$0000,color+6,$0000
- DC.W color+8,$0000,color+10,$0000
- DC.W color+12,$0000,color+14,$0000
- DC.W color+16,$0000,color+18,$0000
- DC.W color+20,$0000,color+22,$0000
- DC.W color+24,$0000,color+26,$0000
- DC.W color+28,$0000,color+30,$0000
- DC.W color+32,$0000,color+34,$0000
- DC.W color+36,$0000,color+38,$0000
- DC.W color+40,$0000,color+42,$0000
- DC.W color+44,$0000,color+46,$0000
- DC.W color+48,$0000,color+50,$0000
- DC.W color+52,$0000,color+54,$0000
- DC.W color+56,$0000,color+58,$0000
- DC.W color+60,$0000,color+62,$0000
- sprite DC.W sprpt+0,$0000,sprpt+2,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+4,$0000,sprpt+6,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+8,$0000,sprpt+10,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+12,$0000,sprpt+14,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+16,$0000,sprpt+18,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+20,$0000,sprpt+22,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+24,$0000,sprpt+26,$0000
- DC.W sprpt+28,$0000,sprpt+30,$0000
- DC.W $DF01,$FF00
- DC.W bplcon1,$0000,bplcon0,$4200,ddfstrt,$0030
- rastersplit2 DC.W bplpt+0,$0000,bplpt+2,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+4,$0000,bplpt+6,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+8,$0000,bplpt+10,$0000
- DC.W bplpt+12,$0000,bplpt+14,$0000
- colours2 DC.W color+20,$0000,color+30,$0000
- DC.W color+2,$0000,color+4,$0000
- DC.W color+6,$0000,color+8,$0000
- DC.W color+10,$0000,color+12,$0000
- DC.W color+14,$0000,color+16,$0000
- DC.W color+18,$0000,color+22,$0000
- DC.W color+24,$0000,color+26,$0000
- DC.W color+28,$0000,color+0,$0000
- DC.W bpl1mod,$0000,bpl2mod,$0000
- DC.W $DF01,$FF00,intreq,$8010
- panel.colours DC.W $0600,$0333,$0fb3,$0d00,$0b00,$0720,$0fc2,$0c90
- DC.W $0a40,$0eb0,$0eca,$0456,$0577,$0252,$0444,$0000
- rsreset
- screen.num RS.B 1
- vcount RS.B 1 vertical blank counter
- mult1.on RS.B 1 byte set if a multiple is attached to ship
- mult2.on RS.B 1 same for another multiple (2 max)
- canons.on RS.B 1 bytes are set to signify what weapons
- lasers.on RS.B 1 are attached
- ship.status RS.B 1 values to indicate which ship to draw
- ship.speed RS.W 1 speed in pixels
- xpos RS.W 1 ship x position
- ypos RS.W 1 ship y position
- mult.number RS.W 1 multiple animation number
- mult.delay RS.W 1 multiple animation delay
- xvector RS.W 1 inertia vectors for the ship
- yvector RS.W 1
- oldmousex RS.W 1 store the old mouse values to reference
- oldmousey RS.W 1 the new ones to
- up.down RS.W 1 this holds the graphic offset for a ship tilt
- pf1count RS.W 1 number of background words to scroll
- pf2count RS.W 1 number of foreground words to scroll
- pf1scroll RS.W 1 pixel scroll value (0-15) background
- pf2scroll RS.W 1 pixel scroll value (0-15) foreground
- pf1scroll2 RS.W 1
- pf2offset RS.W 1
- screenend RS.W 1
- level.end RS.W 1
- level.number RS.W 1
- path.delay RS.W 1
- last.x RS.W 1
- last.y RS.W 1
- path.number RS.W 1
- all.coords RS.W 1
- x.equal RS.B 1
- y.equal RS.B 1
- upsidedown RS.B 1
- no.bonus RS.B 1
- last.path RS.B 1
- bonus.mode RS.B 1
- bonus.num RS.W 1
- bonus.count RS.W 1
- bonus.delay RS.B 1
- fgndpointer RS.L 1 foreground map pointer
- displayraster RS.L 6 holds the addresses of the planes
- rasters RS.L 9 updated plane addresses
- shipaddress RS.L 1 ship animation address
- alien.buffer RS.L 18
- vars.length RS.B 0
- variables DS.B vars.length
- * *********************************
- * * Data structures *
- * *********************************
- rsreset
- next.path RS.W 1 offset to the next path
- x.pos RS.W 1 current x position
- y.pos RS.W 1 current y position
- kills.what RS.W 1 kills others if dead (0-11)
- table.offset RS.W 1 the current table offset
- sprite.num RS.B 1 sprite number
- anim.num RS.B 1 animation number
- anim.delay RS.B 1 delay in 1/25 secs
- anim.delay2 RS.B 1 static delay
- speed RS.B 1 speed in pixels
- pause.count RS.B 1 dynamic pause counter
- mode RS.B 1 flags, see bleow
- loop.offset RS.B 1 loop offset (-ve)
- loop.count RS.B 1 dynamic loop count
- hits.num RS.B 1 number of hits to kill
- num.anims RS.B 1 no of animations
- seek.count RS.B 1 dynamic seek count
- table.size RS.B 0
- * This is followed by x,y bytes to move to (always even) with the following
- * special codes
- * x = 0, path finished, terminate alien
- * x = $e0, perform a pause (up to 10 secs), followed by the pause value, $ff forever
- * x = $e1, perform the loop
- * x = $e2, toggle the offset mode
- * x = $e3, speed change, followed by new speed byte
- * x = $e4, sprite change, followed by sprite num, max anims
- * x = $e5, start seek mode, followed by count & two 0 bytes
- * x = $e6, reload the aliens x,y coords, followed by two xy bytes
- * x = $e7, reload the table offset, old one stored in loop.offset
- * x = $e8, restore the old table offset
- * x = $e9, fire a heat seeker, followed by count
- * x = $ea, new animation number, followed by animation number
- * x = $eb, repeat table indefinitely
- * mode bit 0 = offset mode
- * bit 1 = seek mode
- * bit 2 =
- * bit 3 = up/down animation type
- * bit 4 = 0-animate up/1-animate down
- * bit 5 = heat seeker path
- backgroundtable DC.W $0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123 background
- DC.W $4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567 map
- DC.W $89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB
- DC.W $0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123
- DC.W $4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567
- DC.W $89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB
- DC.W $0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123
- DC.W $4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567
- DC.W $89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB
- DC.W $0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123,$0123
- DC.W $4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567,$4567
- DC.W $89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB,$89AB
- backgrounds DC.W $1430,$0C30,$0C10,$0413,$8403,$4442,$2142,$3120
- DC.W $3110,$2810,$141C,$1417,$140B,$0C71,$0A00,$DC08
- DC.W $8A08,$9208,$0229,$8208,$4244,$2221,$12A1,$0891
- DC.W $0888,$148A,$0A03,$2A48,$8A44,$9208,$8524,$2204
- DC.W $0210,$0230,$1118,$0118,$8128,$414C,$314C,$10CA
- DC.W $1005,$1013,$5103,$31C3,$5023,$D011,$3018,$6304
- DC.W $0129,$0908,$0884,$0884,$4294,$22A2,$08A2,$0825
- DC.W $0842,$0908,$2880,$C824,$2890,$2808,$0904,$1092
- DC.W $0300,$4220,$0461,$0451,$0850,$08C8,$38C8,$1848
- DC.W $0848,$0848,$0848,$08C8,$0148,$1050,$E060,$4041
- DC.W $2084,$2110,$2210,$0228,$0429,$1424,$0424,$0424
- DC.W $8424,$8424,$8424,$8424,$80A4,$8828,$1011,$2420
- DC.W $1430,$0C08,$0800,$0413,$8083,$4442,$2242,$2120
- DC.W $2110,$2810,$040C,$1487,$104B,$0C71,$0A10,$D908
- DC.W $8A08,$9000,$042D,$8008,$4244,$2221,$1121,$0091
- DC.W $0888,$048A,$0A03,$2240,$8220,$9208,$8124,$2004
- DC.W $7028,$6218,$8218,$C208,$C210,$C210,$6420,$2420
- DC.W $4820,$4820,$8843,$0882,$108C,$2118,$2220,$4421
- DC.W $0914,$1104,$4104,$2504,$2508,$2508,$9250,$1250
- DC.W $2450,$2410,$4420,$8441,$0840,$1080,$1110,$A210
- DC.W $C60C,$C60A,$4609,$2209,$A201,$A223,$9011,$901F
- DC.W $900C,$8C18,$0620,$060F,$0213,$0404,$1405,$1419
- DC.W $2102,$2105,$2104,$5104,$5124,$5110,$4908,$4900
- DC.W $4902,$4204,$8912,$0900,$2508,$0212,$4A02,$EA04
- DC.W $0080,$0100,$0110,$0918,$0A14,$0A33,$8A31,$0621
- DC.W $0220,$8204,$8204,$860D,$860A,$8A0C,$0108,$0101
- DC.W $4940,$0888,$8888,$8484,$852A,$8508,$4508,$8110
- DC.W $4911,$4902,$490A,$4102,$4905,$4502,$8084,$9088
- DC.W $7028,$4318,$8298,$C248,$8250,$C210,$6120,$20A0
- DC.W $5820,$4820,$8813,$188A,$108C,$2100,$2220,$4421
- DC.W $0914,$1004,$4144,$2504,$4528,$2528,$9290,$1010
- DC.W $2010,$2410,$4428,$8405,$0842,$1080,$1100,$A210
- DC.W $8820,$0440,$0204,$1202,$8221,$8220,$8300,$8410
- DC.W $C080,$0180,$20C0,$6040,$7060,$31A1,$2820,$2820
- DC.W $4410,$8A24,$0122,$8921,$4910,$4110,$4090,$4208
- DC.W $2448,$8048,$1020,$1220,$0910,$0850,$9492,$1412
- DC.W $CE02,$4A02,$5402,$0442,$0844,$9048,$E148,$4150
- DC.W $23A0,$31C4,$3185,$3842,$2820,$11A0,$23A0,$6322
- DC.W $0101,$2501,$2A01,$9221,$9422,$68A4,$10A4,$A0A8
- DC.W $1050,$0822,$0842,$04A1,$1412,$8850,$5051,$1091
- DC.W $3100,$11C0,$10C1,$10E1,$4862,$8850,$9850,$88F0
- DC.W $E830,$7031,$0028,$8248,$4088,$4018,$2018,$3018
- DC.W $0881,$0821,$0820,$0810,$2411,$5429,$44A9,$4408
- DC.W $0408,$0808,$8114,$4124,$2144,$2104,$1224,$0844
- DC.W $C820,$4440,$2204,$1002,$8225,$8224,$8308,$8418
- DC.W $C980,$1188,$20C4,$6040,$6260,$2121,$2820,$2820
- DC.W $0410,$AA24,$1122,$8921,$4912,$0110,$4094,$4380
- DC.W $2448,$8844,$1020,$1220,$0110,$0850,$9492,$1412
- level.colours
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
- DC.W $0000,$0F55,$0B05,$0700,$08A7,$0182,$0065,$0055
- DC.W $0000,$0FF6,$0000,$0FD0,$0A00,$0BDF,$06AF,$004F
- DC.W $0FFF,$0CDD,$0ABB,$0798,$0587,$0465,$0243,$0E32
- alien.colours DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$0DFF,$06AC,$036A,$0038 level1
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$0FE0,$0DA0,$0B62,$0900
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$0FE0,$0DA0,$0B62,$0900
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$0DE9,$0FE0,$0F90,$0D32
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$0FE0,$0DA0,$0B62,$0900
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0000,$09E7,$06A0,$0D00,$0460
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0DDF,$099E,$0569,$0348,$0235
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0FFC,$0FF2,$0DE9,$0BC6,$09A4
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$09FF,$0AF5,$03DF,$01BF,$008F
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0F77,$08A7,$0385,$0265,$0722
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0F66,$08A7,$0283,$0065,$0700
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0F66,$08A7,$0283,$0065,$0700
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0F66,$08A7,$0283,$0065,$0700
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0B85,$0DDA,$0C00,$0952,$0700
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0D8C,$0B5A,$000E,$0937,$0705
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0E00,$0A98,$0B60,$0832,$0733
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0E00,$0A98,$0B60,$0832,$0733
- DC.W $0332,$0055,$0543,$0E00,$0A98,$0B60,$0832,$0733
- DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- *******************************************************************************
- *******************************************************************************
- alldone
- bsr FreeSystem
- MemError
- move.l _SysBase,a6
- move.l MemBase,a1
- move.l #MemNeeded,d0 free the memory we took
- jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)
- move.l GraphicsBase,a1
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
- move.l DOSBase,a1 finally close the
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) libraries
- clr.l d0
- rts
- *******************************************************************************
- TakeSystem
- move.w intenar(a6),SystemInts save system interupts
- move.w dmaconr(a6),SystemDMA and DMA settings
- move.w #$7fff,intena(a6) kill everything!
- move.w #$7fff,dmacon(a6)
- move.b #%01111111,ICRA kill keyboard
- move.l $68,Level2Vector save these interrupt vectors
- move.l $6c,Level3Vector as we will use our own
- rts keyboard & vblank routines
- FreeSystem
- move.l Level2Vector,$68 restore the system vectors
- move.l Level3Vector,$6c and interrupts and DMA
- move.l GraphicsBase,a1 and replace the system
- move.l SystemCopper1(a1),Hardware+cop1lc copper list
- move.l SystemCopper2(a1),Hardware+cop2lc
- move.w SystemInts,d0
- or.w #$c000,d0
- move.w d0,intena(a6)
- move.w SystemDMA,d0
- or.w #$8100,d0
- move.w d0,dmacon(a6)
- move.b #%10011011,ICRA keyboard etc back on
- rts
- *******************************************************************************
- Level2Vector dc.l 0
- Level3Vector dc.l 0
- SystemInts dc.w 0
- SystemDMA dc.w 0
- MemBase dc.l 0
- DOSBase dc.l 0
- GraphicsBase dc.l 0
- even
- GraphicsName dc.b 'graphics.library',0
- even
- DOSName dc.b 'dos.library',0
- *******************************************************************************
- shipbase include ships.s
- paths include paths.s
- graphics incbin foregrounds
- map incbin map
- panel incbin panel
- aliens incbin aliens
- alien.pointers
- explosion1 equ aliens
- guardian.eye1 equ explosion1+(9*384)
- tadpole equ guardian.eye1+(4*384)
- eye equ tadpole+(4*384)
- bubble equ eye+(15*384)
- jellyfish1 equ bubble+(4*384)
- jellyfish2 equ jellyfish1+(4*384)
- bordertl equ jellyfish2+(4*384)
- borderbl equ bordertl+(6*384)
- bordertr equ borderbl+(6*384)
- borderbr equ bordertr+(6*384)
- mouth equ borderbr+(6*384)
- slime equ mouth+(8*384)
- snakebody equ slime+(9*384)
- snakehead equ snakebody+(1*384)
- dc.l explosion1
- dc.l 0 ;bonus.sprite
- dc.l 0 ;mine
- dc.l guardian.eye1
- dc.l explosion1
- dc.l tadpole
- dc.l eye
- dc.l bubble
- dc.l jellyfish1
- dc.l jellyfish2
- dc.l bordertl
- dc.l borderbl
- dc.l bordertr
- dc.l borderbr
- dc.l mouth
- dc.l slime
- dc.l snakebody
- dc.l snakehead
- ds.l 6
- path.buffer ds.b 2048
- buffer0 ds.b 6144
- buffer1 ds.b 6144
- screen0bgnds ds.b 256
- screen1bgnds ds.b 256
- end