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- /* Visage_Slideshow for Directory Opus 5.5 and Visage.
- by Leo 'Nudel' Davidson for Gods'Gift Utilities
- email: leo.davidson@keble.oxford.ac.uk www: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~kebl0364
- Visage is (C)1996 by Magnus Holmgren (Internet: cmh@lls.se or cmh@augs.se,
- Fidonet: 2:204/204.6) and available on Aminet or from Magnus' WWW Page
- (http://www.lls.se/~cmh). Many thanks to Magnus for a great picture viewer,
- especially the rare random-slideshow and xpk-decrypt options.
- $VER: Visage_Slideshow.dopus5 1.10 (13.6.96)
- This simple script will call "Visage" to display a slideshow of all
- pictures in the source-lister's path, in random order. Optionally, a
- requester will appear so that you can give it a password to xpk-decrypt the
- pictures with, if required.
- To change the default amount of time pictures are displayed for, alter the
- "Visage_Delay" variable below (time in seconds).
- This script has the ability to disable SwazBlanker for the duration of
- the slideshow. For this to work you must have a program called "handlecx"
- in your path and you must enable it by having the "DisSwaz" switch below
- as "YES". If you don't run SwazBlanker or don't have handlecx, make sure
- you set it to "NO" or things might not work. Users of MCP's blanker system
- should replace the two occurances of 'handlecx enable "SwazBlanker"'
- with 'handlecx enable "MCP"'
- Call as:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ARexx DOpus5:ARexx/Visage_Slideshow.dopus5 {Qp} {Ql} {s} [NoPass] [<Time>]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turn off all switches.
- "[]" means this part is optional.
- Arguments must be given in the order shown.
- NOTE: Command-line changed in v1.10
- NoPass: Tells the script not to prompt for a password (no decryption).
- <Time>: Override the default delay-time (seconds) between pictures.
- //- Path to Visage command -------------------------------------------------*/
- Visage_Path = "DH0:Tools/Art/Visage"
- /*- Default Delay variable -------------------------------------------------*/
- Visage_Delay = 10
- /*- If you run SwazBlanker and have "handlecx" in your path, put "YES" -----*/
- DisSwaz = "NO"
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- options results
- options failat 99
- signal on syntax;signal on ioerr /* Error trapping */
- parse arg DOpusPort source_handle.0 '"' source_path.0 '"' opt1 opt2 .
- If DOpusPort="" THEN Do
- Say "Not correctly called from Directory Opus 5!"
- Say "Load this ARexx script into an editor for more info."
- If ~Show("P",DOpusPort) Then Do
- Say DOpusPort "is not a valid port."
- End
- Address value DOpusPort
- dopus version
- If ( result='RESULT' | translate(result,'.',' ') < 5.1218 ) then do
- lister request source_handle.0 '"This script requires DOpus v5.5 or greater." OK'
- end
- Delay = Visage_Delay
- AskPass = "Y"
- If opt1~="" then do
- If upper(opt1)="NOPASS" then do
- AskPass = "N"
- opt1 = opt2
- End
- If Datatype(opt1,"N") then
- Delay = opt1
- End
- Visage_Password = ""
- If AskPass = "Y" then do
- lister getstring source_handle.0 '"Enter password, if required" Secure 256 "" Okay|Cancel'
- If DOPUSRC = 0 Then Exit
- If Result ~= "" Then Visage_Password = ' PASSWORD "' || RESULT || '"'
- /* Note: Result not cleared in DOpus versions < 5.5 */
- End
- If DisSwaz = "YES" Then Address command 'handlecx disable "SwazBlanker"'
- address command Visage_Path '"'source_path.0'#?" DELAY' Delay Visage_Password "NOBUSY FOREVER QUIET RANDOM WAITFORPIC CENTRE"
- If DisSwaz = "YES" Then Address command 'handlecx enable "SwazBlanker"'
- syntax:;ioerr: /* In case of error, jump here */