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- @database DropView guide
- @smartwrap
- @font Courier.font 11
- @node Main "DropView V1.0"
- @{code}
- @{b}@{fg shine} DropView V1.0@{fg text}
- By
- Steven Eckles
- 1996@{ub}
- @{b}@{u}Contents.@{ub}@{uu}
- @{" Distribution " link distribution } Legal stuff.
- @{" Introduction. " link introduction } What does DropView Do.
- @{" Requirements " link requirements } What you need.
- @{" Installation " link installation }
- @{" Using DropView " link usage } How to use DropView
- @{" Interface " link interface.iff/main} What everything does.
- @{" DropView ToolTypes " link tooltypes } The Tooltypes DropView uses
- @{" Contact Me " link contact } Please!.
- @{body}
- @{b}DISCLAIMER :@{ub} This program is provide "as is" without warranty of any kind,
- and you therefore use it entirely at your own risk. I cannot be liable to you for
- damages of any kind arising out of the use of this program.@{par}
- @endnode
- *********************************************************************************
- @node CONTACT "Contact Me"
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}How To Contact Me@{uu}@{ub}
- @{line}
- If you find DropView of use then PLEASE let me know.@{line}
- if you find any bugs or have any suggestions for this or any other programs
- contact me at:@{par}
- 25 Paterson Close,@{line}
- Stocksbridge,@{line}
- Sheffield,@{line}
- ENGLAND@{line}
- S30 5JQ@{line}
- e-mail steve@intech.co.uk@{line}
- Look out for @{i}Transcribe@{ui} a guitar music editor & Tablature transcriber,
- coming SOON (Well, if I ever finish it)@{par}
- @endnode
- *******************************************************************************
- @node DISTRIBUTION "Legal stuff"
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}Conditions of use & Distribution@{uu}@{ub}
- @{line}
- DropView is Messageware(??) If you like DropView (or if you don't!) then
- @{"let me know" link contact}.Feel free to include bug reports or suggestions
- for this or any other ideas.@{par}
- DropVew may be freely distributed (the more the better) providing :@{par}
- @{lindent 2}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} ALL files are included - @{i}Dropview, Dropview.info,
- dropview.guide, dropview.guide.info & interface.iff.@{ui}@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} ALL files remain unaltered.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} No charge is made for DropView. You may only charge enough
- to cover reasonable costs.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} Drop may not be included in a commercial release without
- permission from @{"Me" link contact}@{line}
- @endnode
- *********************************************************************************
- @node REQUIREMENTS "Requirements"
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}Requirments@{ub}@{uu}
- @{line}
- DropView needs the following to run:@{line}
- @{lindent 2}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} AmigaOS 2.04 / Kickstart V37 or higher.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} Asl.library V37 or higher.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} Gadtools.library V37 or higher.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} Icon.library V37 or higher.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} The RUN command somewhere in your path (which it should allready be).@{line}
- @{lindent 0}
- The above libraries are standard Commodore ones, and should be supplied with
- Workbench 2.04 and above.@{par}
- @endnode
- *******************************************************************************
- @node TOOLTYPES "ToolTypes"
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}ToolTypes used by DropView@{ub}@{uu}
- @{line}
- Dropview uses Workbench ToolTypes, even if it's started from the shell, to save
- the various parameters you set using the @{"Interface" link interface.iff/main}.
- You can therefore use the ToolTypes ( @{i}icon->information@{ui} ) as an
- alternative to the interface.@{par}
- DropView regognises the following ToolTypes:@{line}
- @{lindent 2}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} DONOTWAIT - Workbench thing, essential if in WBStartup.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} Viewer=<viewername> - Full name,including path, of the
- viewer you wish to use.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} IconXPos=<nnn> - X position of the DropView AppIcon.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} IconYPos=<nnn> - Y position of the DropView AppIcon.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} WindowTop=<nnn> - Y position of the DropView interface window.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} WindowLeft=<nnn> - X position of the DropView interface window.@{line}
- @{fg shine}
- @{fg text} DontCare = 1 or 0 - If = 1 then ignore IconXpos & IconYPos
- and let workbench decide where to put the AppIcon (as recommended by Commodore).@{par}
- @{lindent 0}
- Any other ToolTypes you add will be ignored and discarded next time you Save
- Changes.@{line}
- @endnode
- *********************************************************************************
- @node INTRODUCTION "Introduction"
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}What is DropView?@{ub}@{uu}
- @{line}
- DropView is a very simple, handy little utility that will add an AppIcon
- to any applictaion.@{par}
- Basically, I seem to get loads of PD. stuff and I was sick of having to run
- MultiView first when I wanted to read the docs that come with them, as the default
- tool is nearly always something I haven't got, or is something like "mydisk:multiview" etc. And since Commodore didn't add an
- AppIcon to Multiview I decided to write my own and here it is, DropView.@{par}
- All DropView really does is to add an AppIcon to your workbench screen so that
- when you drag and drop a file on to it, DropView will launch an application with
- the file you dropped as a parameter.@{par}
- So, you have an icon sitting on you Workbench screen and whenever you want
- read a doc, view a picture etc. you just drop the file on the icon. Also
- you can have multiple copies of DropView running with different viewers, so for
- example you could have one using @{i}MultiView@{ui} and another using @{i}FastJPEG @{ui}
- and then just drop files accordingly. @{par}
- Finally, although I originally wrote DropView to allow me to easily view files,
- with MultiView, you can in fact launch any type of program that accepts a filename as
- a parameter, should you wish. @{par}
- @endnode
- **********************************************************************************
- @node INSTALLATION "Installation"
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}Installing DropView?@{ub}@{uu}
- @{line}
- To install Dropview simply copy it (and it's icon) to anywhere you like and double
- click on the icon. You can just copy to WBStartup and forget about it, as I do,
- but you must have the DONOTWAIT @{"ToolType." link tooltypes}@{par}
- @endnode
- *********************************************************************************
- @node USAGE "Using DropView""
- @{line}
- @{b}@{u}Using DropView@{ub}@{uu}
- @{line}
- DropView is really very simple to use, just double click on the program icon to
- launch DropView. If all goes well you will have an AppIcon on your Workbench
- screen whereby you can simply drag and drop a file on the AppIocn to launch
- your specified program. The default is SYS:Utilities/MultiView.@{par}
- Double clicking on the DropView AppIcon will bring up the Dropview
- @{"Interface" link interface.iff/main} where you can set both the position of the
- AppIcon and which viewer (or other program) you want to launch when you drop a
- file on the AppIcon.@{par}
- By copying and renaming the DropView program to another name (e.g DropJPeg), you
- can have multiple copies of DropView running all with different viewers.@{par}
- @endnode
- ********************************************************************************