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- ______________________________
- / \
- / · Boum · \
- / \
- \ by /
- \ Olivier `StAn' Fabre /
- \ /
- \ v1.1 - 2 May 1997 /
- \ FrEEWaRE ! /
- \________________________/
- ===============================INTRODUCTION================================
- ANOTHER minesweeper ? Yep, but mine has the safe start, highscores, 3
- map sizes, 3 difficulties, doesn't make my Amiga crash or open an
- interlaced screen, adapts to your WB resolution (eg 640x256 or 640x512)
- (BTW, it looks better on 1:1 pixels screens with enough colours).
- AFAIK, every graphic emulation software (EGS, CyberGraphics, Picasso96)
- is supported.
- ===============================REQUIREMENTS================================
- An Amiga with OS 3.0 and a 68020, or better. Also, I don't recommend
- playing it on a 4 colours WorkBench (though it's still totally playable).
- =============================PLAYING THE GAME==============================
- You have to find all the mines hidden in a mine field. To achieve this,
- click with the left mouse button over a square if you think there's no mine
- under it. If there is a mine, BOUM! You lose. But if there was nothing, a
- number appears. This number indicates the number of mines around the square
- you just clicked. If there are no mines around, nothing is drawn inside the
- square (ie no '0'), and the 8 squares around are automatically 'digged'.
- Note that the first dig you make is always safe. So the first time, you can
- click anywhere in the window without fear...
- Now, if you think there IS a mine, use the right mouse button to mark
- the square. Clicking a second time with the RMB will make a '?' appear;
- it's usefull if you're not sure whether there's a mine or not. Clicking a
- third time will put the square back to its original state.
- You win when all the squares are either digged or marked.
- The number of mines still undiscovered is written in the window title
- bar, along with the time in seconds since the begining of the game.
- To start a new game after having won or lost, simply click anywhere in
- the window with the left mouse button. Or select 'New Game' in the menu
- anytime..
- If you want to change the size of the map, or the difficulty, use the
- menu. Of course, if you want to access the menu during a game, you have to
- move the mouse pointer out of the window !
- BTW, to get right mouse button clicks, Boum needs to have its window
- selected; so if you go away from Boum to, say, change the volume of your
- CD player, and then return to Boum and want to mark a square, you first
- have to select the window with the left mouse button (click on the title
- bar or on a square already marked or digged).
- ====================NOTE TO PEOPLE UPGRADING FROM v1.0=====================
- (yes, I'll suppress this passage next time)
- You can delete the file Boum.prefs. Prefs are now stored in
- Boum.hiscores (old hiscores won't be deleted).
- ==================================SOUNDS===================================
- If you don't like them, you can:
- - use the menu to disactivate them
- - delete the "Sound" directory... (argl! ;-) )
- - copy your own sound samples other the originals..
- (ButtonClick.8svx = left click
- click2.8svx = right click
- expl2.8svx = explosion)
- You simply must have the datatype corresponding to the format of
- your new samples.
- ==================================THANKS===================================
- Thanks to:
- Frank Wille (PhxAss 4.35)
- Jürgen Schober (How2UseGfxV39)
- Michael Sinz (Enforcer 37.62)
- the author(s) of (mungwall 37.64)
- Nico Schmidt (GfxMaster 1.10)
- Cloanto & Nomad (Personal Paint 4.0 Lite)
- And also.. (·in order of appearance·)
- Thomas Riedel, Stewart Skelt, Petter Lindquist
- for bug reports and/or suggestions and/or no-bug report :-)
- (and/or sound samples... ;-) thanks Thomas !).
- And of course a big thanks to KAKACE for his help ! :·D
- ==================================CONTACT==================================
- To contact me for comments, bug reports, suggestions or whatever you
- want, try:
- Until june 1997 : fabre@iutazoe.univ-lyon1.fr
- After : stan@komicom.remcomp.fr
- (don't send big mails there, 5kb is a maximum; ONLY TEXT !)
- Pour les français, 3615/3614 Amigatel,
- ou (vers Lyon) 04 74 01 98 50 (bal StAn).
- Or...
- Olivier Fabre
- 19 chemin de l'ermite
- 38230 Tignieu
- France
- When sending a bug report, please provide me with all the information
- particular to your system that may cause this bug to happen.
- ==================================HISTORY==================================
- v1.0 - 2 March 97
- Initial release.
- "Boum" now officialy doesn't work on (at least) some graphic
- boards :-(.
- v1.0a - 10 March 97
- Fixed highscores bugs.
- Now saves hiscores and prefs in a single file at exit.
- Little modifs that *may* improve gfx drawing.
- I've been told that "Boum" version *1.0* works correctly with EGS &
- also on a A2000 OS3.1 with Picasso II / CGFx ! (even on a truecolor
- screen, I can hardly believe it ;-) )
- v1.0b - 24 March 97
- Little checkmark bug in the menu fixed.
- Minor gfx modifs.
- Added a 'New Game' menu.
- Handles big fonts in the highscores name requester.
- Last highscores bug totally atomised !!! *<8·) (Well, I think. It
- didn't cause any problem for me & some other ppls, but I was forgetting
- to test something indeed.)
- v1.0c - 15 April 97 - internal version
- Added some more error checks...
- Changed colours allocation order, in order to make it look a bit
- better when there are less than 6 free colours.
- More tries to improve graphics boards support...
- v1.1 - 2 May 97
- In order to make it work under Picasso96 v1.17, no more call to
- BitMapScale() when it's not needed (ie when your WB screen has
- square pixels). This function is bugged in Picasso96 ATM.
- Sound.