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- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* encrypt2.rexx */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- TEMP='ram:t/temp'
- SOURCE_PROMPT='Please enter source file name'
- DEST_PROMPT='Please enter destination file name'
- KEY_PROMPT='Please enter encryption key file'
- SIZE_ERROR='source or key file length error!'
- SOURCE_ERROR='cannot open source file'
- DESTINATION_ERROR='cannot open destination file'
- END_PROMPT='All done!'
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- say SOURCE_PROMPT; pull source_name
- say DEST_PROMPT; pull dest_name
- say KEY_PROMPT;parse pull key_name
- address command 'list' key_name 'to' TEMP 'nodates nohead'
- if Open(t,TEMP,'r') then
- do
- list_output=Readln(t)
- key_length=Word(list_output,2)
- Close(t)
- if key_length >0 & key_length<65536 then
- do
- address command 'list' source_name 'to' TEMP 'nodates nohead'
- if Open(t,TEMP,'r') then
- do
- list_output=Readln(t)
- source_length=Word(list_output,2)
- Close(t)
- if source_length>0 then
- do
- block_count=source_length%key_length
- remaining_bytes=source_length-block_count*key_length
- call Encrypt()
- end /* of source_length >0 ok */
- end /* of source_name temp file open ok */
- end /* of key_length ok */
- else say SIZE_ERROR
- end /* of key_name temp file open ok */
- exit
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- Encrypt:
- if Open(k,key_name,'r') then
- do
- key=Readch(k,key_length)
- Close(k)
- end
- if Open(s,source_name,'r') then
- do
- if Open(d,dest_name,'w') then
- do
- do i=1 to block_count
- source=Readch(s,key_length)
- source=BitXOR(source,key)
- Writech(d,source)
- end /* of handling i'th block */
- source=Readch(s,remaining_bytes)
- source=BitXOR(source,key)
- Writech(d,Left(source,remaining_bytes))
- Close(d)
- end /* open dest */
- end /* open source */
- else say SOURCE_ERROR
- Close(s)
- return
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */