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- 1. *CAT (<drive>)
- -----------------
- XDFS now supports the number of times written to the disc BCD cycle count and
- the boot up options (although I haven't put SHIFT - BREAK boot up in yet).
- You will need to add 1 line to the top of all your catalogs giving the
- number of times the disc has been written to (BCD, 2 characters) and the
- disc boot up option (1 character between 0 and 3 inclusive). Eg.:
- 44 0
- $.Hopper FF2000 FF4800 002A00 FFF
- $.HopLScr FF5800 FF5800 002800 FFF
- $.HopLdr FF0E00 FF802B 000191 FFF
- XDFS uses part of the start sector as a locked flag indicator. If you want
- files unlocked, set the start sector to 0x3ff or lower. Note that *ACCESS has
- not been implemented yet (even though it appears on *HELP DFS). If you want
- to lock or unlock a file in xbeeb then use the relevant OSFILE call.
- *CAT outputs the disc catalog on the xbeeb screen as in the Acorn DFS roms.
- The current working directory (set with *DIR) is displayed first, followed by
- the remaining directories. You cannot have more than 31 files in a directory.
- Be careful not to put any redundant newlines at the end of the __CATALOG__
- file otherwise you will get some strange output.
- The single parameter supplied is the drive number (0-3 inclusive) that you
- wish to catalog. This number is meaningless and is only implemented for the
- sake of compatability. A Bad Drive error is generated if the drive is not in
- the range 0-3 inclusive. There is a bug in the *CAT in all Acorn DFS roms that
- allows you to enter:
- *.0 Blobby Blobby Blobby
- ie.: only the first character is being checked. This feature is also
- implemented in XDFS.
- If no parameter is supplied, then the currently selected drive (selected with
- *DRIVE or *DIR) is used.
- 2. *HELP
- --------
- XDFS responds to *H.., *HELP DFS and *HELP UTILS. In each case a list of star
- commands the rom responds to is printed in the xbeeb screen. Along with most
- functions in XDFS no case checking is done, so things like *HElp utILs will
- work.
- 3. *DRIVE <drive> (40/80)
- -------------------------
- This command is provided to provide compatibility with those programs written
- for Acorn DFS v 2.00 and above. The drive is a single digit in the range 0-3
- inclusive. The second parameter is optional but is parsed if supplied, so
- *DR. 0 52 is not allowed. Wherever possible the errors generated are the same
- as the Acorn ones with the same error numbers, but I have invented some of my
- own.
- 4. *DIR <dir>
- -------------
- This command is identical to the Acorn DFS version. All further occurances of
- *LOAD, *RUN, *EX, *DELETE, etc will occur on the directory specified.
- *DIR :1 - Sets drive to 1, directory unchanged.
- *DIR P - Sets directory to P, drive unchanged.
- *Dir :2.O - Sets the drive to 2 and the directory to O.
- 5. *LIB (<dir>)
- ---------------
- This command is identical to the Acorn DFS version. Any *commands unrecognised
- by the system will be checked against the currently selected directory and then
- the library directory. Any parameters not supplied are set to those as given
- by the last *DIR command (as DFS v 2.45).
- *DIR :1.Q - Sets the drive to 1 and the directory to Q
- *LIB :0.W - Sets the library drive to 0 and directory to W
- *LIB P - Sets the library drive to 1 (currently selected drive)
- and the library directory to P.
- Note that the internal flags and pointers used by XDFS are identical to Acorn
- DFS v 0.90. So, if anyone's illegally changing directory by ?&10CA=ASC"$" this
- will work. The tube not present flag is also set but not used. A list of flags
- and pointers used by Acorn DFS v 0.90 is given in the Advanced Disc Users Guide.
- 6. *DISC, *DISK
- ---------------
- This command selects the XDFS. The library and currently selected directories
- are set to :0.$ and the tube not present flag is set. This command jumps into
- the OS ROM quite a bit and won't work on any OS before OS 1.00 (but then and
- again, if you're trying to run xbeeb with OS 0.1 then you really are sad).
- This command is also issued when the XDFS ROM initialises, either if XDFS is
- the highest priority filing system or the 'D' key is held down on a BREAK.
- Note that *D. is equivalent to *DISC (as Acorn DFS up to 2.10) and not *DUMP
- (as on the Master DFS v 2.24 and 2.45).
- 7. *ROMS (<rom id>)
- -------------------
- This command is quite different to the Acorn DFS version, although the output
- is similar to that is DFS releases 1 and 2. The parameter supplied is a rom
- id in the form of a string or a number 0-15 inclusive.
- If no parameters are given then all ROMS are cataloged. If the ROM is a bank
- of sideways RAM then this will be identified as Ram. Note the new RomSelect.c
- required to make this feature work. The ROMs name and version number are also
- printed.
- If the parameter supplied is a number in the range 0-15 inclusive then that
- ROM bank is cataloged. If the socket does not contain a valid ROM then no
- output will be given.
- Otherwise the parameter is taken to be a ROM title string, eg.: DFS. All ROMs
- titled DFS will be cataloged. It is only necessary to enter the first word, so
- *ROMS Acorn will catalog Acorn ADFS and Acorn ANFS. Again, no case checking
- is made (unlike Acorn's version) so *ROMS BASIC and *ROMs baSIc will give the
- same result.
- In either case, if the ROM cannot be identified then the error Bad ROM id will
- be generated. This may give some compatibility problems at this point as
- Acorn's version gave no error.
- >*ROMS
- Rom 15 : ( L) BASIC
- Rom 10 : (S ) DFS 0.70
- Rom 09 : (S ) SLAVE 1.34
- Ram 04 : (S ) DISC DOCTOR 1.0B
- Rom 02 : (SL) ViewSheet B1.0
- Rom 01 : (SL) VIEW
- Notice that bank 4 in the example above is declared as Ram.
- >*roms 9
- Rom 09 : (S ) SLAVE 1.34
- Rom 02 : (SL) ViewSheet B1.0
- 8. *EX (<dir>)
- --------------
- This command is identical to the command provided in Acorn's DFS v 2.00 and
- above. The contents of the specified directory are given with their load,
- execution, length and start sector. If no parameter is given then the
- currently selected directory is used.
- 9. *NEWDISC, *NEWDISK <Unix dir>
- --------------------------------
- This command changes the current disc used by xbeeb. Its single parameter is
- a Unix directory relative to the XBEEBROMS define in Config.h. This is the
- only command in the ROM that is case sensitive, since Unix is case sensitive,
- and Acornsoft and acornsoft could be two different directories.
- If the directory does not exist or it does not contain a readable __CATALOG__
- file then the error Bad Unix disc is generated. The old disc is no longer
- selected. The title of the disc is taken to be the directory given to the
- *NEWDISC command.
- *NEWDISC Acornsoft
- *NEW. Superior
- *NEW. ../efs-demo
- 10. *DELETE <fsp>
- -----------------
- For some reason, there are a shortage of people willing to test this function.
- I have tested it and am happy that it works, but I'd be grateful if you'd do
- the same. Please make a backup of your hard disc before attempting to use this
- function. Although I am confident that the code is bug free, I cannot take
- responsibility for any data lost by whatever means through direct or indirect
- use of the XDFS ROM. In using the DFS ROM it is taken that you agree and
- understand this disclaimer.
- 11. *RENAME <old fsp> <new fsp>
- -------------------------------
- This works but is not yet bug free. The function will not let you rename a
- file to its original name, and nothing is printed if *OPT 1,2 has been set.
- I have included it as it is a good indication of how errors that occur in the
- Unix end of the filing system will be handled.
- 12. *OPT x,y
- ------------
- Identical to Acorn's version.