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- ;
- ; $VER: Scions Preview Installation script 1.3 (1997-01-13)
- ; (c) Copyright DSP 1996-97
- ;
- ; FS Set Requirements Strings
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- (set #mincpu "68020")
- (set #minos "39")
- (set #mindisk 1400000)
- (set #minchip "AA")
- (if (>= @installer-version 42)
- (set #choicehead (cat "\x1b[2p"))
- (set #choicehead (cat ""))
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS English strings
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- (set #DirName "Scions_PreviewII")
- (set #Welcome (cat "Welcome to the\n"
- "'Almagica - Scions of a Forgotten World'\n"
- "Preview installation script.\n"
- "This Preview will require atleast this equipment:\n"
- "A " #mincpu " cpu or better\n"
- "AmigaDOS V" #minos " of better\n"
- (/ #mindisk 1024) " KBytes of free harddisk space\n"
- "AGA Chipset or A CyberGraphX compatible graphics card\n"))
- (set #OldOS (cat "You need V" #minos "+ of AmigaDOS to run this preview."))
- (set #LowCpu (cat "You need a " #mincpu " or better to run this preview."))
- (set #OldChip (cat "You need AGA chipset to run this preview."))
- (set #LowDisk (cat "This preview requires atleast " (/ #mindisk 1024) "KBytes of free disk space."))
- (set #Exists (cat "An Installation of " #DirName " has already been done."))
- (set #Location (cat "Where do you wish to install this preview? A directory named "
- #DirName " will be created here."))
- (set #LocationH (cat "Please select where on your harddisk you wish to place "
- "'Almagica - Scions of a Forgotten World'. A directory "
- "called '" #DirName "' will be created there and all "
- "files needed will be placed inside that directory."))
- ;
- ; CybGfx strings
- ;
- (set #cyberquestion (cat "Do you have a CyberGraphX installed?"))
- (set #cyberhelp (cat "I can see that you don't have the AGA chipset. In order to be able to "
- "play Almagica, you will need a CyberGraphX card."))
- ;
- ; AHI strings
- ;
- (set #ahiinstall (cat "Do you wish to install Audio Hardware Interface (AHI) ?"))
- (set #ahiinstallhelp (cat "Audio Hardware Interface (AHI) is a system for hardware independent audio. "
- "AHI supports most soundcards for the Amiga. If you do not have AHI installed "
- "you will not be able to use any sound or music in the game."))
- (set #ahideviceprompt (cat "Do you wish to install the file ahi.device into your DEVS: drawer?"))
- (set #ahiprompt (cat "Going to install Audio Hardware Interface (AHI) into your DEVS: drawer.\n\n"
- "Current file : "))
- (set #ahihelp (cat "Almagica uses the Audio Hardware Interface (AHI) to play sounds and music. "
- "AHI is the CyberGraphX of the audio, meaning that AHI supports a number of "
- "diffrent audio cards."))
- (set #yes (cat "Yes"))
- (set #no (cat "No"))
- ; FE
- ; FS P_TestRequrements
- ;
- (procedure P_TestRequrements
- (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) #minos) (abort #OldOs)) ; Test OS-version
- (if (< (database "cpu") #mincpu) (abort #LowCPU)) ; Test CPU
- (if (not (patmatch #minchip (database "chiprev"))) ; Test Graphics
- (set #usecyber ;
- (askchoice ;
- (prompt #cyberquestion) ; No AGA chips found, ask if user got
- (help #cyberhelp) ; Cybergraphics
- (choices (cat #choicehead #yes) #no) ;
- ) ;
- ) ;
- ) ;
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS P_SetDest
- (procedure P_SetDest
- (set @default-dest ; Ask for the destinition
- (askdir ;
- (prompt #Location) ;
- (help #LocationH) ;
- (default @default-dest) ;
- )
- )
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS P_CheckDiskSpace
- (procedure P_CheckDiskSpace
- (if (< (getdiskspace @default-dest) #mindisk) (abort #LowDisk))
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS P_CheckOtherInstallation
- (procedure P_CheckOtherInstallation
- (if (<> 0 (exists @default-dest)) (exit #Exists))
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS P_InstallAHI
- (procedure P_InstallAHI
- (if (askbool ; Ask if we should install AHI
- (prompt #ahiinstall) ;
- (help #ahiinstallhelp) ;
- (default 1) ;
- (choices #yes #no) ;
- )
- (
- (copylib ; Copy the ahi.device file
- (prompt (cat #ahideviceprompt)) ;
- (help #ahihelp) ;
- (source "ahi/ahi.device") ;
- (dest "Devs:") ;
- (optional oknodelete) ;
- (confirm) ;
- )
- (makedir "Devs:AudioModes") ; Create needed directories in DEVS:
- (makedir "Devs:AHI") ;
- (set #t 0)
- (while (< #t 2)
- (set #file (select #t "FileSave" ; The files we shall copy
- "Paula")) ;
- (set #src (cat (tackon "ahi/ahi" #file) ".audio"))
- (set #dst (cat (tackon "DEVS:ahi" #file) ".audio"))
- (set #srcv (/ (getversion #src) 65536)) ; Get source and dest
- (set #dstv (/ (getversion #dst) 65536)) ; versions and revisions
- (set #srcr (- (getversion #src) (* #srcv 65536))) ;
- (set #dstr (- (getversion #dst) (* #dstv 65536))) ;
- (if (or (> #srcv #dstv) (and (= #srcv #dstv) (> #srcr dstr)))
- (
- (copyfiles ; Copy driver file
- (source #src) ;
- (dest "DEVS:Ahi") ;
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (exists (tackon "DEVS:AudioModes" #file))) ; Make sure the prefs file
- (copyfiles ; exists
- (source (tackon "ahi/AudioModes" #file)) ;
- ;(dest (tackon "DEVS:AudioModes" #file)) ;
- (dest "DEVS:AudioModes") ;
- )
- )
- (set #t (+ #t 1))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS P_CopyMain
- (procedure P_CopyMain
- (makedir @default-dest (infos))
- (copyfiles
- (source "")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (all)
- )
- )
- ; FE
- ; FS Main
- (message #Welcome)
- (complete 0)
- (P_TestRequrements)
- (complete 5)
- (P_SetDest)
- (complete 10)
- (P_CheckDiskSpace)
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest #DirName)) ; Append Our directory name to the choosen path
- (complete 15)
- (P_CheckOtherInstallation)
- (P_InstallAHI)
- (complete 30)
- (P_CopyMain)
- (complete 99)
- (message "Please remember to run the SETUP program before you start Almagica the first time.")
- (complete 100)
- (exit)
- ; FE