home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- skip 60
- lab 61
- endif
- lab 60
- echo "*EcPlease enter the pathname you wish to install to."
- echo "NB. Hard drive *E[32mONLY*E[0m."
- echo "E.g. 'dh0:', 'work:test/', etc..."
- setenv >nil: pathname ?
- failat 21
- cd $pathname >nil:
- if fail
- failat 10
- skip 61 back
- endif
- failat 10
- echo "*EcOK... Installing disks."
- lab 75
- assign af98b: exists >ram:necessary
- search ram:necessary "Mounted" >nil:
- if warn
- echo "*EcPlease insert the *E[33m*E[3mAmiga Format*E[0m Coverdisk."
- else
- skip 76
- endif
- skip 75 back
- lab 76
- endif
- delete ram:necessary quiet
- echo "*EcDe-archiving..."
- af98b:c/unlzx -a -q x af98b:archives/ScionsPreview2.lzx ""
- makedir AlienF1
- copy AF98b:Archives.info AlienF1.info
- af98b:c/unlzx -a -q x af98b:archives/AlienF1.lzx AlienF1/
- af98b:c/unlzx -a -q x af98b:archives/Soliton.lzx ""
- delete ram:env/pathname quiet