(welcome "\nThis script will install MBlank 1.06,\n14-Jan-1997, damian@cybercomm.nl")
;-choose destination path
(set MBlankDir
(prompt "Where do you want to install MBlank?\nA new drawer called MBlank will be created there.")
(help "\n Choose a path.")
(default "WORK:")
(set @default-dest MBlankDir)
;-make new drawer: MBlank in chosen path or RAM:
(set #mbpath (tackon MBlankDir "MBlank/"))
(makedir #mbpath (infos))
(set #mbpathmods (tackon #mbpath "MB_Modules/"))
(makedir #mbpathmods (infos))
(set #mbpathdocs (tackon #mbpath "MB_Docs/"))
(makedir #mbpathdocs)
(set #mbpathdev (tackon #mbpath "MB_Develop/"))
(makedir #mbpathdev)
;-ask whether executable should be installed in WBStartup or not
(if (exists "SYS:WBStartup")
(set #exeinwbs (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want to install the MBlank executable\nin your 'WBStartup' drawer?\n\n(WBStartup+ users no worries, see HELP...)")
(help "YES:\nThe installer will copy the executable to your 'WBStartup' drawer. If 'WBStartup (Enabled)' is present, MBlank will be copied there.\n\nNO:\nMBlank executable will be copied to '"#mbpath"'.")
;-if previous answered with YES, set executable path to WBStartup,
;-but if 'WBStartup/WBStartup (Enabled)' exists, adapt
;-alter tooltypes to suit user's needs, experts only
(if (= @user-level 2)
((if (= (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want the MBlank window\nto popup at program-startup?")
(help "\n No help for experts!") ) 1)
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "CX_POPUP" "YES")
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "CX_POPUP" "NO")
(if (= (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want blanking to be reset\nby a mouse-event? (move/press)")
(help "\n No help for experts!") ) 1)
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "MOUSETRIG" "YES")
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "MOUSETRIG" "NO")
(if (= (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want blanking to be reset\nby a disk-insert/removal?")
(help "\n No help for experts!") ) 1)
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "DISKTRIG" "YES")
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "DISKTRIG" "NO")
(if (= (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want MBlank to add a menu-item\nto WorkBench's Tools menu?\n\nPicking this item will activate blanking\nafter a short 'release mouse first' delay.")
(help "\n No help for experts!") ) 1)
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "MENU" "YES")
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "MENU" "NO")
(if (= (askbool
(prompt "\nDo you want multiple modules\nto alternate at random?")
(help "\n No help for experts!") ) 1)
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "RANDOM" "YES")
(dest "MBlank")
(settooltype "RANDOM" "NO")
;-show the statistics and ask for approval
(if (= (askbool
(prompt "\n* The destinations *\n\nFiles: "#mbpath"\nExecutable: "#exepath)
(help "Proceed:\nThis is like it is.\n\nCancel:\nAbort installer now.")
(choices "Proceed" "Cancel") ) 1)
(exit "\nReport any problems with this script to:\n\ndamian@cybercomm.nl (subject: MBlank)" (quiet))