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- Welcome to GRAVITY FIGHT !
- A game by Thorsten Grosch
- Written in Blitz 2.1
- This is only a Demo-Version with limited features !
- If you like to play the full version, please send 10 DM (or equivalent + 2 DM
- for postage from foreign countries) to the following address:
- Thorsten Grosch
- Habichtweg 11
- 63322 Roedermark
- Germany
- The complete version features: * two player competition mode
- * bugs fixed - better playability
- * millions of different levels -
- never ending fun !
- Please register for this low price - give Shareware a chance !
- Starting the Game
- -----------------
- To start this game from Disk, just open the GF drawer and
- double-click at the GravityFight Icon.
- To install the Game on your HardDisk, copy the complete GF Drawer to
- your HD. The mathtrans.library and diskfont.library should be in your
- Libs drawer.
- The GF Directory should contain the following files:
- GravityFight_Demo
- GravityFight_Demo.info
- ReadMe
- ReadMe.info
- g
- p1
- p2
- p3
- p4
- s1
- s2
- s3
- s4
- Instructions
- ------------
- The rules are simple: Two teams consisting of three ships fight against
- each other, somewhere in space. In each turn, one player can fire a rocket
- to destroy an enemy ship. But the rocket doesn´t fly straight on, it´s
- influenced by the gravity force of the planets !
- The bigger the planet, the stronger is it´s gravitation. If the rocket is
- flying closer to the planet, the gravity becomes stronger.
- I had the idea for this game some years ago and I made a very simple
- version for the PC. Now I decided to code this version with Blitz Basic.
- (a little bit inspired by "Worms", one of the greates games ever written)
- What all the buttons are about:
- -------------------------------
- Use + and - to change your shot-power: 5 is a very slow,
- 250 is a very fast shot
- Change your shot-angle with the rotated arrows:
- The little arrows rotate your ship slowly, the big arrows rotate fast.
- Use the left/right arrow to scroll through the playfield.
- If you think that power and angle are correct, press the rocket button
- (at the right side) to fire the rocket.
- After the shot you can move your ship to a new position by using the
- four arrow buttons. But take a look at your fuel!
- Press the end button to finish your move, now it´s the turn of the next
- player from the other team.
- This Game was tested on the following machines:
- -----------------------------------------------
- Amiga 1200 (Standard)
- Amiga 500 (Standard)
- Amiga 500 (68030 TurboBoard)
- I hope it works on other Amigas too, send me a mail if you´ve any trouble
- running the game or comments, improvements, etc....
- If many people send their shareware-fee I´ll think about creating
- a new version with features like different weapons, serial link mode,
- save & review shots, ...
- Bye-Bye and enjoy the game
- Thorsten Grosch
- grosch@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de