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- /* C definitions for using the 'proplayer.a' and 'pro8player.a'
- play-routines of OctaMED Pro V3 - V6. OctaMED Pro V5 specific
- features are marked as (V5) and V6 features as (V6) */
- /* $VER: proplayer_h 6.0 (24.03.1995) */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE
- /* In 'proplayer.a' */
- LONG __asm InitPlayer(void);
- void __asm RemPlayer(void);
- void __asm PlayModule(register __a0 struct MMD0 *);
- void __asm ContModule(register __a0 struct MMD0 *);
- void __asm StopPlayer(void);
- void __asm SetTempo(register __d0 UWORD);
- /* In 'proloadmod.a' */
- struct MMD0 * __asm LoadModule(register __a0 char *);
- void __asm RelocModule(register __a0 struct MMD0 *);
- void __asm UnLoadModule(register __a0 struct MMD0 *);
- /* These are the definitions for the 8-channel OctaMED routines,
- in 'pro8player.a' */
- LONG __asm InitPlayer8(void);
- void __asm RemPlayer8(void);
- void __asm PlayModule8(register __a0 struct MMD0 *);
- void __asm ContModule8(register __a0 struct MMD0 *);
- void __asm StopPlayer8(void);
- #endif
- #endif
- /* If you're playing multi-modules, set the 'modnum' variable to the
- number of the song you want to play before calling PlayModule(). */
- #ifdef LATTICE_50
- extern UWORD far modnum;
- /* 'modnum8' is the equivalent in 'mod8player' */
- extern UWORD far modnum8;
- extern UBYTE far hq; /* (V6) */
- #else
- extern UWORD modnum,modnum8; /* for less intelligent compilers */
- extern UBYTE hq;
- #endif
- /* This is the main module structure */
- struct MMD0 { /* Also for MMD1 and MMD2 */
- ULONG id; /* "MMD0" or "MMD1" */
- ULONG modlen; /* module length (in bytes) */
- struct MMD0song *song; /* pointer to MMD0song */
- UWORD psecnum; /* (MMD2) - used by the player */
- UWORD pseq; /* (MMD2) - used by the player */
- struct MMD0block **blockarr; /* pointer to pointers of blocks */
- ULONG reserved1;
- struct MMDSample **smplarr; /* pointer to pointers of samples */
- ULONG reserved2;
- struct MMD0exp *expdata; /* pointer to expansion data */
- ULONG reserved3;
- /* The following values are used by the play routine */
- UWORD pstate; /* the state of the player */
- UWORD pblock; /* current block */
- UWORD pline; /* current line */
- UWORD pseqnum; /* current # of playseqlist */
- WORD actplayline; /* OBSOLETE!! SET TO 0xFFFF! */
- UBYTE counter; /* delay between notes */
- UBYTE extra_songs; /* number of additional songs, see
- expdata->nextmod */
- };
- /* These are the structures for future expansions */
- struct InstrExt { /* This struct only for data required for playing */
- EXAMINE mmd0->expdata->s_ext_entrsz */
- EXAMINE mmd0->expdata->s_ext_entrsz */
- UBYTE hold;
- UBYTE decay;
- UBYTE suppress_midi_off; /* 1 = suppress, 0 = don't */
- BYTE finetune;
- UBYTE default_pitch; /* (V5) */
- UBYTE instr_flags; /* (V5) */
- UWORD long_midi_preset; /* (V5), overrides the preset in the
- song structure, if this exists, MMD0sample/midipreset
- should not be used. */
- UBYTE output_device; /* (V5.02, V6) */
- UBYTE reserved; /* currently unused */
- };
- /* Bits for instr_flags */
- #define SSFLG_LOOP 0x01
- #define SSFLG_EXTPSET 0x02
- #define SSFLG_DISABLED 0x04
- /* Currently defined output_device values */
- #define OUTPUT_STD 0
- #define OUTPUT_MD16 1
- #define OUTPUT_TOCC 2
- struct MMDInstrInfo {
- UBYTE name[40];
- UBYTE pad0; /* two pads? */
- UBYTE pad1;
- };
- struct MMD0exp {
- struct MMD0 *nextmod; /* for multi-modules */
- struct InstrExt *exp_smp; /* pointer to an array of InstrExts */
- UWORD s_ext_entries; /* # of InstrExts in the array */
- UWORD s_ext_entrsz; /* size of an InstrExt structure */
- UBYTE *annotxt; /* 0-terminated message string */
- ULONG annolen; /* length (including the 0-byte) */
- /* MED V3.20 data below... */
- struct MMDInstrInfo *iinfo; /* "secondary" InstrExt for info
- that does not affect output */
- UWORD i_ext_entries; /* # of MMDInstrInfos */
- UWORD i_ext_entrsz; /* size of one */
- ULONG jumpmask; /* OBSOLETE in current OctaMEDs */
- UWORD *rgbtable; /* pointer to 8 UWORD values,
- ignored by OctaMED V5 and later */
- UBYTE channelsplit[4]; /* for OctaMED only (non-zero = NOT splitted) */
- struct NotationInfo *n_info; /* OctaMED notation editor info data */
- UBYTE *songname; /* song name */
- ULONG songnamelen; /* length (including terminating zero) */
- struct MMDDumpData *dumps; /* MIDI message dump data */
- struct MMDInfo *mmdinfo; /* (V6) annotation information */
- /* These are still left, they must be 0 at the moment. */
- ULONG reserved2[6];
- };
- /* Info for each instrument (mmd0->song.sample[xx]) */
- struct MMD0sample {
- UWORD rep,replen; /* repeat/repeat length */
- UBYTE midich; /* midi channel for curr. instrument */
- UBYTE midipreset; /* midi preset (1 - 128), 0 = no preset */
- UBYTE svol; /* default volume */
- BYTE strans; /* sample transpose */
- };
- /* The song structure (mmd0->song) */
- struct MMD0song {
- struct MMD0sample sample[63]; /* info for each instrument */
- UWORD numblocks; /* number of blocks in this song */
- UWORD songlen; /* number of playseq entries */
- UBYTE playseq[256]; /* the playseq list */
- UWORD deftempo; /* default tempo */
- BYTE playtransp; /* play transpose */
- UBYTE flags; /* flags (see below) */
- UBYTE reserved; /* for future expansion */
- UBYTE tempo2; /* 2ndary tempo (delay betw. notes) */
- UBYTE trkvol[16]; /* track volume */
- UBYTE mastervol; /* master volume */
- UBYTE numsamples; /* number of instruments */
- }; /* length = 788 bytes */
- /* The new PlaySeq structure of MMD2 */
- struct PlaySeq {
- char name[32]; /* (0) 31 chars + \0 */
- ULONG reserved[2]; /* (32) for possible extensions */
- UWORD length; /* (40) # of entries */
- /* Commented out, not all compilers may like it... */
- /* UWORD seq[0]; */ /* (42) block numbers.. */
- /* Note: seq[] values above 0x7FFF are reserved for future expansion! */
- };
- /* This structure is used in MMD2s, instead of the above one.
- (Be sure to cast the pointer.) */
- struct MMD2song {
- struct MMD0sample sample[63];
- UWORD numblocks;
- UWORD songlen; /* NOTE: number of sections in MMD2 */
- struct PlaySeq **playseqtable;
- UWORD *sectiontable; /* UWORD section numbers */
- UBYTE *trackvols; /* UBYTE track volumes */
- UWORD numtracks; /* max. number of tracks in the song
- (also the number of entries in
- 'trackvols' table) */
- UWORD numpseqs; /* number of PlaySeqs in 'playseqtable' */
- UBYTE pad0[240]; /* reserved for future expansion */
- /* Below fields are MMD0/MMD1-compatible (except pad1[]) */
- UWORD deftempo;
- BYTE playtransp;
- UBYTE flags;
- UBYTE flags2;
- UBYTE tempo2;
- UBYTE pad1[16]; /* used to be trackvols, in MMD2 reserved */
- UBYTE mastervol;
- UBYTE numsamples;
- };
- /* FLAGS of the above structure */
- #define FLAG_FILTERON 0x1 /* hardware low-pass filter */
- #define FLAG_JUMPINGON 0x2 /* OBSOLETE now, but retained for compatibility */
- #define FLAG_JUMP8TH 0x4 /* also OBSOLETE */
- #define FLAG_INSTRSATT 0x8 /* instruments are attached (sng+samples)
- used only in saved MED-songs */
- #define FLAG_VOLHEX 0x10 /* volumes are represented as hex */
- #define FLAG_STSLIDE 0x20 /* no effects on 1st timing pulse (STS) */
- #define FLAG_8CHANNEL 0x40 /* OctaMED 8 channel song, examine this bit
- to find out which routine to use */
- #define FLAG_SLOWHQ 0x80 /* HQ slows playing speed (V2-V4 compatibility) */
- /* flags2 */
- #define FLAG2_BMASK 0x1F
- #define FLAG2_BPM 0x20
- struct MMDDump {
- ULONG length; /* dump data length */
- UBYTE *data; /* data pointer */
- UWORD ext_len; /* bytes remaining in this struct */
- /* ext_len >= 20: */
- UBYTE name[20]; /* message name (null-terminated) */
- };
- struct MMDDumpData {
- UWORD numdumps; /* number of message dumps */
- UWORD reserved[3]; /* not currently used */
- }; // Followed by <numdumps> pointers to struct MMDDump
- /* Designed so that several info items can exist (in V6 only one supported),
- you must also check the data type before using it, currently only text is
- supported, but more types can be added in the future.
- Text is stored in plain Amiga ASCII, lines separated by \n characters.
- The last byte is \0.
- */
- struct MMDInfo {
- struct MMDInfo *next; /* next info (currently not supported) */
- UWORD reserved; /* 0 */
- UWORD type; /* 1 = text, ignore ALL other types */
- ULONG length; /* length of the following data */
- /* UBYTE data[0]; */ /* Comments may be removed in SAS/C V6 */
- };
- /* flags in struct NotationInfo */
- #define NFLG_FLAT 1
- #define NFLG_3_4 2
- struct NotationInfo {
- UBYTE n_of_sharps; /* number of #'s (or b's) */
- UBYTE flags; /* flags (see above) */
- WORD trksel[5]; /* selected track for each preset (-1 = none) */
- UBYTE trkshow[16]; /* which tracks to show (bit 0 = for preset 0,
- bit 1 for preset 1 and so on..) */
- UBYTE trkghost[16]; /* ghosted tracks (like trkshow[]) */
- BYTE notetr[63]; /* -24 - +24 (if bit #6 is negated, hidden) */
- UBYTE pad; /* perhaps info about future extensions */
- };
- /* This structure exists in V6+ blocks with multiple command pages */
- struct BlockCmdPageTable {
- UWORD num_pages; // number of command pages
- UWORD reserved; // zero = compatibility
- UWORD *page[0]; // page pointers follow...
- };
- /* Below structs for MMD1 only! */
- struct BlockInfo {
- ULONG *hlmask; /* highlight data */
- UBYTE *blockname; /* block name */
- ULONG blocknamelen; /* length of block name (including term. 0) */
- struct BlockCmdPageTable *pagetable; /* (V6) command page table */
- ULONG reserved[5]; /* future expansion */
- };
- struct MMD1Block {
- UWORD numtracks;
- UWORD lines;
- struct BlockInfo *info;
- };
- #define MMD1BLKHDRSZ 8
- /* This header exists in the beginning of each sample */
- struct MMDSample {
- /* length of one channel in bytes */
- ULONG length;
- /* see definitions below */
- WORD type;
- /* 8- or 16-bit data follows */
- };
- /* Type definitions: */
- #define SAMPLE 0
- #define IFF5OCT 1
- #define IFF3OCT 2
- #define IFF2OCT 3
- #define IFF4OCT 4
- #define IFF6OCT 5
- #define IFF7OCT 6
- /* low octaves usable */
- #define EXTSAMPLE 7
- /* a standard synthsound */
- #define SYNTHETIC -1
- /* sample with synthetic information */
- #define HYBRID -2
- /* 16-bit (flag), only type SAMPLE supported */
- #define S_16 0x10
- /* stereo (flag) */
- #define STEREO 0x20
- /* only supported while reading... V5 Aura sample */
- #define OBSOLETE_MD16 0x18
- /* Please refer to 'MMD.txt' for a complete description of MMD file format. */