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- '...recursive binary tree using turtle graphics
- sub tree(n)
- if n<5 then exit sub
- turnright 30
- forward n
- tree(n*.75)
- back n
- turnleft 60
- forward n
- tree(n*.75)
- back n
- turnright 30
- end sub
- sub usage
- print "usage: tree <depth>"
- end sub
- if argcount<>1 then
- ask.depth=-1
- else
- ask.depth=0
- x$=arg$(1)
- if x$="?" then
- usage
- input "enter depth: ",depth
- else
- depth=val(x$) '..get depth
- end if
- end if
- screen 1,640,200,2,2
- window 1,,(0,10)-(640,200),32,1
- font "topaz",8
- color 1,0
- cls
- locate 3,1
- if ask.depth then
- input "enter depth: ",depth
- cls
- locate 3,1
- end if
- print "depth of tree is"
- print depth
- penup
- setxy 320,150
- pendown
- tree(depth)
- locate 23,1
- print "press 'q' to quit...";
- while ucase$(inkey$)<>"Q":wend
- window close 1
- screen close 1