home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** This program copies source files to a destination
- ** directory/volume. Wildcards are supported. Recurses
- ** into directories if "all" is part of the pattern and
- ** directories are created as necessary.
- **
- ** Files are copied piece-wise according to a CHUNK
- ** size. This permits slow/dodgy devices (eg. my 100M
- ** SCSI Zip drive on an A1200 Ferret SCSI interface can't
- ** handle big (~0.5M) files correctly).
- **
- ** Known Bugs: Assumes that all path components higher
- ** than the ones to be visited exist, eg. if we're
- ** trying to create the directory 1.3 in ACE:bin/1.3
- ** when supplying the pattern "ACE:bin/#? all", then
- ** ACE:bin must already exist. So, it's best to choose
- ** a source which is high-level and can be recursed into.
- ** An obvious solution to this bug is to call a SUB which
- ** examines all path components and creates any that don't
- ** exist. Use Examine and ExAll for this? Or just take
- ** substrings delimited by ":" and "/"?
- **
- ** Author: David J Benn
- ** Date: 29th December 1994,
- ** 15th July 1996,
- ** 25th,26th,27th August 1996
- */
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosasl.h>
- #include <funcs/exec_funcs.h>
- #include <funcs/dos_funcs.h>
- DefLng a-z
- Library "exec.library"
- Const FILEPATHSZ = 1024 /* size of file pathname */
- Const CHUNK = 10240 /* copy files in 10K chunks */
- Declare Sub Abort
- Declare Sub CopyFile(src$,dest$)
- On Break Call Abort : Break On
- SUB Usage
- PRINT "usage: ";ARG$(0);" file-pattern [...] destination"
- Sub Abort
- /*
- ** Quits but does no cleanup!
- */
- Print Arg$(0);": ***break!"
- Library Close
- Stop
- End Sub
- Sub VisitFiles(pat$, dest$, allFiles)
- /*
- ** Visit each file specified by the pattern.
- ** If the pattern contains "all", this function
- ** is called recursively. Each recursive call
- ** requires a new AnchorPath structure variable
- ** so that previous pattern match states aren't
- ** affected.
- */
- Declare Struct AnchorPath *anchor
- Declare Struct FileInfoBlock *fileInfo
- /*
- ** Allocate a structure for the search.
- */
- anchor = AllocMem(Sizeof(AnchorPath)+FILEPATHSZ, MEMF_ANY Or MEMF_CLEAR)
- If anchor = NULL Then
- Print Arg$(0);": Memory allocation error!"
- Else
- /*
- ** Set file path buffer length.
- */
- anchor->ap_StrLen = FILEPATHSZ
- /*
- ** Pattern-based search.
- */
- result = MatchFirst(pat$, anchor)
- While result <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES
- /*
- ** Get the path.
- */
- path$ = anchor->ap_Buf
- /*
- ** Get the path minus the first directory
- ** or volume name.
- */
- destFilePart$ = path$
- posn = Instr(destFilePart$,":")
- If posn > 0 Then
- destFilePart$ = Mid$(destFilePart$,posn+1)
- Else
- posn = Instr(destFilePart$,"/")
- If posn > 0 Then
- destFilePart$ = Mid$(destFilePart$,posn+1)
- End If
- End If
- /*
- ** Is this a directory or file? If the former,
- ** does it need to be created? Otherwise, just
- ** copy the file.
- */
- fileInfo = @anchor->ap_Info
- If fileInfo->fib_DirEntryType > 0 Then
- /*
- ** Try to create the directory. If it
- ** fails, either it already exists or
- ** we don't have any space left.
- */
- dirLock = CreateDir(dest$+destFilePart$)
- If dirLock Then
- Print path$;" [directory created]"
- UnLock(dirLock)
- Else
- Print path$;" [directory]"
- End If
- /*
- ** Visit this directory recursively?
- */
- If allFiles Then Call VisitFiles(path$+"/#?", dest$, allFiles)
- Else
- /*
- ** Copy the file then sleep for awhile to let
- ** the destination device (eg. Zip) to catch
- ** up if need be.
- */
- CopyFile(path$, dest$+destFilePart$)
- Sleep For .25
- End If
- result = MatchNext(anchor)
- Wend
- /*
- ** Clean up resources associated with this search.
- */
- If anchor Then
- MatchEnd(anchor)
- FreeMem(anchor, Sizeof(AnchorPath)+FILEPATHSZ)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub ReportFileError(n)
- n = 1 : PRINT "Unable to open source file."
- n = 2 : PRINT "Source file empty."
- n = 3 : PRINT "Unable to allocate memory for file buffer."
- n = 4 : PRINT "Error while reading from source file."
- n = 5 : PRINT "Unable to open destination file."
- n = 6 : PRINT "Error while writing to destination file."
- CLOSE #1
- CLOSE #2
- End Sub
- Sub CopyFile(src$, dest$)
- /*
- ** Copy a file from the specified full source path
- ** to the specified full destination path.
- */
- ADDRESS src,dest,buf
- LONGINT length,bytes,bytes_read,bytes_written,total
- Print src$;" -> ";dest$
- OPEN "I",#1,src$
- src = HANDLE(1) : IF src = NULL THEN CALL ReportFileError(1)
- bytes = LOF(1)
- OPEN "O",#2,dest$
- dest = HANDLE(2) : IF dest = NULL THEN CALL ReportFileError(5)
- IF bytes = 0 THEN CALL ReportFileError(2)
- If bytes > CHUNK Then length = CHUNK Else length = bytes
- buf = AllocMem(length, MEMF_ANY Or MEMF_CLEAR)
- IF buf = NULL THEN CALL ReportFileError(3)
- While Not Eof(1)
- bytes_read = _Read(src,buf,length)
- If bytes_read = -1 THEN
- ReportFileError(4)
- Else
- If bytes_read <> 0 Then
- bytes_written = _Write(dest,buf,bytes_read)
- If bytes_written <> bytes_read THEN CALL ReportFileError(6)
- total = total + bytes_written
- End If
- End If
- Print "Written";total;"bytes (";Str$((total*100)\bytes);"% )";Chr$(13);
- Wend
- If buf Then Call FreeMem(buf,length)
- Print
- CLOSE #2
- CLOSE #1
- End Sub
- /*
- ** Main.
- */
- If Argcount >= 2 Then
- /*
- ** Construct the pattern from potentially multiple arguments.
- ** There must be at least two arguments the last of which is
- ** asumed to be a destination directory/volume (see usage).
- */
- pat$ = ""
- For i=1 To Argcount-1
- pat$ = pat$ + Arg$(i)
- If i <> Argcount-1 Then pat$ = pat$ + " "
- Next
- If Ucase$(Right$(pat$,4)) = " ALL" Then
- allFiles = TRUE
- pat$ = Left$(pat$,Len(pat$)-4)
- Else
- allFiles = FALSE
- End If
- /*
- ** Make sure we have a semi-sane destination.
- */
- dest$ = Arg$(Argcount)
- If Right$(dest$,1) <> ":" And Right$(dest$,1) <> "/" Then
- dest$ = dest$ + "/"
- End If
- /*
- ** Go to it.
- */
- VisitFiles(pat$, dest$, allFiles)
- Else
- Usage
- End If