ocr: a - - Disk 86 AMIGA FORMAT *AppCon: Get the best out of Shell and Workbench. *ClassAction: Display files by dragging-and-dropping them. **Cybertools: Two tools for CybergraphX-users. Imagine objects: Two tasty cars - a jeep and a sporty motor. FastimageFX: A speedy universal loader. UniversalGiO: Same as the above for Photogenics. UniversalXiPaint: Yep, this is the XiPaint version. *Magic ParNet: Link up your Amigas. *PCRestore: Restore MSDOS Backup files. *ScriptFile: Create batch files with the greatest of ease *ShellBench: A spiffy replacement for the Execute command. *Urouhack: Jazz up tho ...