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- HHsFastUniversalGioModules 3.6
- ==============================
- +++ including fast PhotoCD loading support (correct orientation) and support
- for over 20 other file formats and additionally DataTypes! +++
- +++ including TrueColor animation creation support (see below) +++
- -> new: now with optional downscaled loading option... gets your "too large"
- pictures into Photogenics in reduced size... <-
- -> new: create your own animations with Photogenics e.g. for CyberGraphX,
- EGS or OS3.x-Amigas with the included HHsYUVSq sequence saver module; see
- below for details!! <-
- Warning: I am aware that illegal/modified keyfiles of this module may exist.
- !Use of such keyfiles ("hhsgiokey.library") is strictly prohibited and
- !can lead to undefined results and problems! For a program which you use
- !you should also be willing to pay the shareware fee. Only if enough users
- !register I will be able to do further improvements or create other graphic
- !applications. You can also help me by sending me illegal keyfiles of
- !this product which you find somewhere.
- The fast universal loader module can be used with Photogenics (I have tried
- it with Photogenics V1.2; it should also be usable partially with older
- versions; it will probably NOT be usable with Photogenics Lite or Demo
- versions, so better get the full version of Photogenics...; DataTypes option
- and downscaled loading option are only usable with Photogenics V1.2 or higher).
- It is shareware; without a keyfile which you get after registration,
- it will load all pictures in greyscale, regardless if they are color or not,
- but the speed and format support is the same, so that you can try if
- the module fits your needs.
- The loader module currently supports the following file formats:
- * IFF-ILBM (all standard formats 1 to 8Bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8, 24Bit)
- * PhotoCD (Base format 768x512 or 512x768 (portrait); linear 24Bit colors)
- * PPM/PGM/PBM (P1&P4 b&w, P5 grey, P6 color)
- * QRT (also known as dump format by PD raytracers as POV-Ray)
- * Targa (RLE compr.&uncompr. 1/8/15/16/24/32Bit;incl. interleaved)
- * PCX (compr.&uncompr. EGA1-4Bit, VGA 8Bit grey/Colormap and 24Bit)
- * MacPaint (b&w compressed 1Bit format; datafork only)
- * BMP (uncompr. 24Bit RGB,1Bit,4Bit or 8Bit Colormap; RLE compressed 8Bit,1Bit)
- * TIF (packbit-compr.&uncompr. 24Bit,1-8Bit grey/Color Motorola&Intel formats)
- * EGS7.x window iconification file format
- * DEEP (compr.&uncompr. 24Bit and 32Bit)
- * RGB formats (RGB8, RGBN, RGB5)
- * ACBM formats (1 to 8Bit, incl. HAM6/HAM8)
- * FBM formats (8Bit grey/color and 24Bit)
- * IFF-PBM (DPII) format
- * Sun raster (1Bit, 8Bit grey/color and 24Bit uncompressed)
- * YUV (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale)
- * VLAB raw (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale)
- * HHsYUVSq sequence format (sequential or random access)
- * HHsXRL formats (1-8Bit ColorMap incl. HAM6/8, 8Bit grey, 24Bit RGB compressed)
- * binary-EPS bitmaps (RGB and CMYK; this function is experimental)
- * TBCPlus frames&fields
- * DataType (incl. first frame of animations with Anim-Datatypes)
- DataTypes are only used as option (if selected in the "Prefs" for
- the module; see below for details)
- To install the modules, just copy the file ending with ".gio" to your
- Photogenics:Data/Gio directory or use the install script.
- The name of the loader .gio module starts with a "-" so that it appears
- first in the list of loader modules (and usually will be tried first
- for automatic format detection). This makes sure that the fast module
- is used automatically instead of other modules if it can load a format.
- This should make your loading of many formats much faster!
- Preferences: Select Prefs button when the loader is selected in the loader
- list; Preferences for GIO modules are only available with
- Photogenics V1.2 and higher!
- a) Datatype support: Select "On" if you want Datatypes to be used if the
- internal file formats of UniversalGIO fail; Please note that if this
- option is selected all files which are not supported internally by
- UniversalGIO will be tried by Datatypes which can take some additional
- time or lead to unwanted results (if you have a bad Datatype which
- then loads a picture instead of one of the original Photogenics GIOs).
- b) Downscaling factor: Select a downscaling factor (greater 1) in the
- range 1..16 if you want to get pictures into Photogenics in downscaled
- form; useful if memory is insufficient to load big pictures in full size.
- Please note that some of the file formats (which can not be loaded line
- by line) may still need full memory during loading; most formats will
- only need memory for reduced size. Some file formats may also support
- only certain downscale factors. In this case the next higher available
- downscaling factor will be used.
- About: Select About button when the loader is selected in the loader
- list to get information about your keyfile (registered users)
- and the supported file formats; About for GIO modules is only
- availabe with Photogenics V1.2 and higher!
- Example loading speed advantages on my configuration (see below):
- ACBM: upto 2 times faster
- BMP: upto 2.3 times faster (in addition some OS2-styles supported)
- DEEP: upto 1.3 times faster (in addition compressed images are supported)
- IFF-EHB: upto 2.5 times faster
- HAM6: upto 1.5 times faster (in addition colors can be better)
- HAM8: upto 1.7 times faster (in addition colors at left border should be correct)
- IFF-24Bit: upto 2.4 times faster
- IFF-8Bit: upto 2.2 times faster
- PPM-P6: upto 2.3 times faster
- PPM-P5: upto 3.1 times faster
- PCX: upto 3.8 times faster (in addition special EGA/VGA styles supported)
- PhotoCD: upto 3 times faster (in addition horizontal images are usually
- loaded in correct orientation)
- QRT: upto 1.3 times faster
- Targa: upto 1.7 times faster (this test in RAM: due to loading problems with
- original loader from harddrive; in addition compressed images and other
- depths supported)
- TIF: upto 3.3 times faster
- (GIF: upto 2 times faster with DataType-Loading and a fast GIF datatype)
- (only loading times compared, not displaying; my configuration: Amiga 3000;
- 68030/25MHz;PiccoloSD64;Photogenics 1.2;loading from Quantum harddrive; PhotoCD
- loading from NEC2x; Please note that loading times can differ much on other
- configurations)
- In addition to the speed advantages, many new formats are supported as
- well (see above).
- The fast loading functions have all been written by me in assembler and
- optimized for fastest speed. I did this for my famous shareware programs
- CyberShow, EGSPhotoAlbum and EGS-TV. When new formats are implemented
- for my other programs (or the speed is improved further), I will usually
- also update the modules, which registered user can then use due to the
- keyfile concept.
- HHsYUVSq sequence/animation saver GIO module
- ============================================
- In addition to the universal loader now an animation saver module
- is part of this package...
- The HHsYUVSq.gio module can be used to create animations with Photogenics
- in the famous HHsYUVSq sequence format. For playback of such animations
- you can use:
- a) CyberTVPlayer (Freeware) (available e.g. on Aminet gfx/board)
- Can play such animations in HiColor/TrueColor like quality on CyberGraphX
- HiColor/TrueColor Workbench.
- Can play such animations in reduced color (2 to 256) on any Amiga Workbench
- if at least OS3.0 is available.
- CyberTVPlayer plays animations direct from disk and can thus be used
- to play animations of any size! For faster speed you could copy small
- sequences to RAM: before playing them.
- b) EGSTVPlayer (Freeware) (available e.g. on Aminet gfx/board)
- Can play such animations on EGSDefault Screen in conjunction with the
- EGS graphic environment (TrueColor/HighColor or reduced color).
- EGSTVPlayer plays animations direct from disk and can thus be used
- to play animations of any size! For faster speed you could copy small
- sequences to RAM: before playing them.
- c) EGS-TV Professional (Shareware) (available e.g. on Aminet gfx/board)
- Can edit and play such animations (insert frames, append frames, delete
- frames; special effects "Blue Screen Keying" etc).
- In demo version the module will create sequences only in greyscales,
- so please support shareware and register for my UniversalGIO module now...
- By the way: Similair modules are available for ImageFX (FastIFXModules)
- and XiPaint (XiPaintModule) as well. Both now also include HHsYUVSq animation
- creation and feature ARexx scripts for automatic conversions!
- I hope that ARexx scripts are possible with future Photogenics versions
- as well.
- TrueColor animation creation with HHsYUVSq GIO module
- ----------------------------
- Using the animation saver module:
- a) Create a new sequence
- Just save the picture which you want to become the first frame of your
- animation with the HHsYUVSq.gio saver. In the file requester you should
- select a new filename. The GIO module will then try to create a sequence
- with this name.
- Important: Image dimensions are limited! Only even wide images can be
- used to create a sequence; the image wide must be in the range 80..360.
- The image height must be in the range 64..310!
- If you have a collection of much bigger images you can use the new
- downscaled loading option of my UniversalGIO loader module to get the
- images in downscaled form into Photogenics quickly...
- b) Append a frame to a sequence
- Just save the picture which you want to append to an animation with the
- HHsYUVSq.gio saver. In the file requester you should select the filename
- of the animation to which the frame should be appended.
- New: If you have at least Photogenics V1.2 you can select "Prefs" options
- for the saver: an option allows to make file name selection permanent; if
- this is selected, the file name of the sequence will only be requested
- once (as long as the saver module is not flushed out of memory), enabling
- you to simply append frames by calling the saver. If you want to change
- the file name later, you first have to deselect this Prefs option. This
- option should be esp. useful if a future version of Photogenics becomes
- available with ARexx support, so that automatic appending of multiple
- frames becomes possible (this is already possible with ImageFX and
- XiPaint for which I have created similair modules).
- Important: You can only append images of the correct size to a sequence.
- Differently sized images can not be saved in one sequence. Please scale or
- crop the images to the size of the first frame in the sequence.
- Special note for EGS-TV users: You can load and edit sequences created with
- this module with EGS-TV as well. In the other way this is only possible if
- the sequence is of the right kind (color,sequential mode,half frame/LoRes).
- Registration of UniversalGIO Modules
- ====================================
- You can register for the modules at the small add-on price of only 8US$ or
- 10DM if you order it together with one of my other shareware programs,
- e.g. CyberShow, the universal viewer and slideshow program for all Amigas
- with at least OS3.0 (loading the same formats as the UniversalGIO and
- additionally JPeg) or EGSPhotoAlbum or EGS-TV. Please use the registration
- forms of thoose programs and specify your add-on module order there and
- include the extra amount.
- Otherwise you should use the supplied registration form to register.
- If you only want to register for the modules, the registration fee is
- 18US$ outside europe or 20DM in europe. You will also get the latest demo
- versions of my other programs. Additional modules (XiPaintModule for
- XiPaint or FastIFXModules for ImageFX) can be ordered at the lower
- add-on price.
- If you are already a registered user of one of my programs and now want to
- register for the modules, the registration fee is 13US$ outside europe or
- 15DM (in europe). Additional modules (e.g. XiPaintModule for XiPaint or
- FastIFXModules for ImageFX) can be ordered at the lower add-on price.
- (Special note for users in germany only: Wenn Sie schon registrierter Benutzer
- eines meiner Shareware-Programme sind und sich Ihre Anschrift nicht
- geändert hat, können Sie die Module direkt per Überweisung bestellen.
- Als Verwendungszweck geben Sie bitte "UniGIO für ...." an, wobei Sie
- das Programm was Sie schon haben und die Registriernummer angeben.
- Zusätzlich möglichst auch noch Name/Anschrift; die Bankverbindung:
- Konto-Nr. 5740147 BLZ 310 500 00 Stadtspark. Mönchengladbach)
- (No bank transfers from outside germany!)
- Send your filled in registration form together with cheque, international
- postal money order or banknotes to:
- Helmut Hoffmann
- Rubensstrasse 4
- D-41063 Moenchengladbach
- Germany
- Special Thanks
- ==============
- My special thanks go to Mr. J. Ralph and Almathera for their kind support.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- This software (program and documentation) is provided "as is" and
- comes with no warranty, either expressed or implied.
- The author is in no way responsible for any damage or loss that may
- occur due to direct or indirect usage of this software. You use
- this software entirely at your own risk.
- Copyright and Distribution
- --------------------------
- HHsFastUniversalGioModules (modules and documentation) is
- copyright by
- Helmut Hoffmann
- Rubensstrasse 4
- D-41063 Moenchengladbach
- Germany
- The demo version may be freely distributed and used as
- long as the following conditions are met:
- 1) All files have to be kept together
- 2) No file may be modified or crunched/packed.
- The only official way to distribute the demo packed is the
- original universalgio.lha archive.
- The modules may not be disassembled or analysed. The limitations
- integrated in the demo version may under no circumstance be removed
- or bypassed.
- 3) Distributors may only charge for the duplication process (including media)
- and not for the software. Theese charges may not exceed the following
- limits: a) Demo on a PD-disk: 7$ (US-dollar) including
- postage&packing (in Germany: 10DM)
- b) Demo on a PD-CD-ROM: 40$ (US-dollar) including
- postage&packing (in Germany: 60DM)
- c) Demo on a BBS/Mailbox/ftp-site or other electronically
- callable system: Maximum charge 3$ (US-dollar) (in Germany: 5DM)
- for downloading
- Anyway, it must be made explictly clear to the buyer, that he does not
- pay for the modules (demo) itself but only for the duplication service.
- 4) It is not allowed to distribute this demo with any commercial product
- without a written permission by me. One exception is the distribution of
- the demo version with products not exceeding the above price limits (e.g.
- a cover-disk magazine for 7$ or less).
- The following companies have my explicit permission to distribute the
- demo with their products: Almathera, Ingenieurbüro Helfrich, MacroSystem.
- 5) The registered version may not be redistributed. It may only run on one
- machine per registration. It is allowed to make a backup copy of the
- original disk.
- Version history
- ---------------
- V1.0 (5th aug. 95): Initial release supporting 20 file formats and DataTypes
- V1.1 (21th aug. 95): First full version release (incl. revised documentation)
- V2.0 (29th aug. 95): Support new file formats: binary-EPS bitmaps (RGB,CMYK)
- and TBCPlus frames/fields
- V2.1 (20th sep. 95): Show Datatype specific ID string during Datatype loading
- V3.0 (27th sep. 95): Support downscaled loading as option
- Included GIO saver module to create HHsYUVSq animations
- (for playback you can use CyberTVPlayer or EGSTVPlayer)
- V3.1 (28th sep. 95): HHsYUVSq animation saver extended by Prefs option to
- make sequence file selection permanent
- V3.2/a (9th oct. 95): Extended TIF loader to support "Intel" byte order files
- and more variants
- V3.3 (15th nov. 95): Extended IFF loader to support 0-length chunks
- Added support to load partially defective files
- V3.4 (20th feb. 96): Extended IFF loader to accept unusual sized color maps
- V3.5 (24th march 96): Changed PCX loading for more compatibility
- V3.6 (29th april 96): Extended PCX loading for even more compatibility