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- ;;
- ;; $Final Writer Lite Cover Disk Floppy Installation Script British (UK) Version $
- ;; $Date: 1995/12/18 13:12:23 $
- ;; $Revision: 1.1 $
- ;;
- (set is_update 0)
- (set @user-level 1) ; force to use average mode
- (complete 0)
- ; Installation Disk Names
- ;
- (set #install_disk_1 "Disk 1")
- (set #program_disk_1 "FWProgram")
- (set #program_disk_2 "FWSystem")
- (set #ram_disk "ram:")
- (set #fw_drawer_name "FinalWriter_Lite_B")
- ; LHex file
- ;
- (set #lhex_program
- (cat #install_disk_1
- ":lhex"
- ))
- ; Format program
- ;
- (set #format_program
- (cat #install_disk_1
- ":Format"
- ))
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; TEXT TRANSLATION SHOULD BEGIN HERE - Translate everything in quotes.
- ;
- (set #ask_disk_prompt
- (cat "\n\nPlease insert \"%s\" in any drive."
- ))
- (set #ask_disk1_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains the Final Writer program, libraries, system fonts, and data files to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk_prompt_extra
- (cat "\n(This is the disk that was most recently formatted.)"
- ))
- (set #install_program "Installing Final Writer program from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_program_icon "Installing Final Writer program and icon from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_datafiles "Installing Data Files from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_libs "Installing Libraries from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_sysfonts "Installing System Fonts from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_sampledocs "Installing Sample Documents from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_program_err "Error installing Final Writer Program.")
- (set #install_datafiles_err "Error installing Data Files.")
- (set #install_libs_err "Error installing Libraries.")
- (set #install_sysfonts_err "Error installing System Fonts.")
- (set #install_ssmpledocs_err "Error installing Sample Documents.")
- (set #kickstart_err
- (cat "You must have Workbench 2.04 or greater to install Final Writer! "
- "(Workbench version 37.67 and Kickstart 37.175 or greater.)"
- ))
- (set #welcome_message
- (cat "Welcome to the FinalWriter_Lite Floppy Disk Installation Utility. "
- "You will need to have two (2) empty floppy disks available for the "
- "installation. The installation procedure will format and install "
- "the correct files to each floppy disk. Please note that all "
- "previous data on each disk to be formatted will be lost. As a "
- "precaution you should make sure that your installation disks "
- "(Disk 1) are write protected.\n\n"
- "The two disks created will be named "
- #program_disk_1
- ", and "
- #program_disk_2
- "."
- ))
- (set #insert_empty_message
- (cat "Please insert an empty disk into drive df0:.\n\n"
- "This disk will be formatted as \"%s\" and the correct files will be installed.\n\n"
- "WARNING: All data currently on the disk will be lost! Click on \"Proceed\" "
- "when you are sure that you have an empty disk in drive df0:."
- ))
- (set #format_message
- (cat "Disk \"%s\" is being formatted.\n"
- "Please wait."
- ))
- (set #format_err
- (cat "Error formatting disk \"%s\"."
- ))
- ;
- ; TEXT TRANSLATION SHOULD END HERE - nothing below needs translation.
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;==========================================
- ; Procedure to get and format an empty disk
- ;
- ; Inputs:
- ; format_disk_name - the name of the disk to format.
- ;
- ;==========================================
- (procedure GetAndFormatDisk
- (set @execute-dir "")
- (set empty_disk 0)
- (set last_disk 2)
- (while (= empty_disk 0)
- (
- ; Ask for empty disk.
- ;
- (message (#insert_empty_message format_disk_name))
- ; Check if the inserted disk is empty.
- ; We will consider it empty if the disk is not one
- ; of our installation disks or one of the floppy
- ; disks that the installation has created.
- ;
- (set which_disk 0)
- (set no_go 0)
- (set device_name (getassign "df0" "d"))
- (while (AND (<= which_disk last_disk) (= no_go 0))
- (
- (set which_disk_name
- (select which_disk
- #install_disk_1
- #program_disk_1
- #program_disk_2
- )
- )
- (if (= device_name (cat which_disk_name ":"))
- (set no_go 1)
- )
- (set which_disk (+ which_disk 1))
- )
- )
- (if (AND (= no_go 0) (> which_disk last_disk))
- (set empty_disk 1)
- )
- )
- )
- (working (#format_message format_disk_name))
- (set error
- (run
- ("%s DRIVE DF0: NAME %s FFS NOICONS" Formatter format_disk_name)
- )
- )
- (if error
- (abort (#format_err format_disk_name))
- )
- )
- ;==========================================
- ; Procedure to get archive file and install
- ; its files to a program disk.
- ;
- ; Inputs:
- ; install_disk_name - the name of the installation disk the file is on.
- ; install_disk_help - help string for ask disk.
- ; lha_file - the name of the archive file
- ; program_disk_name - name of the program disk to install to
- ; new_drawer_name - name of drawer to create on program disk.
- ; empty string "" if no drawer needed.
- ; working_msg - message to display when installing
- ; error_msg - message in case of error.
- ;
- ;==========================================
- (procedure InstallArchive
- ;
- ; Ask for the installation disk.
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt install_disk_name))
- (help (install_disk_help install_disk_name))
- (dest install_disk_name)
- )
- ; Copy the lha file to ram:
- (copyfiles
- (source (cat install_disk_name ":" lha_file))
- (dest #ram_disk)
- )
- ; Ask for the program disk.
- (askdisk
- (prompt (cat (#ask_disk_prompt program_disk_name) #ask_disk_prompt_extra))
- (help @askdisk-help)
- (dest program_disk_name)
- )
- ; Make the drawer.
- (if new_drawer_name
- (makedir (cat program_disk_name ":" new_drawer_name) (infos))
- )
- ; Unarchive the lha files.
- (set @execute-dir (cat program_disk_name ":" new_drawer_name))
- (working (working_msg install_disk_name))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"%s\" >NIL:" DeArcher (cat #ram_disk lha_file))
- )
- )
- (delete (cat #ram_disk lha_file))
- (if error
- (abort error_msg)
- )
- )
- ; Make sure we are running under V37 or higher...
- (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
- (
- (abort #kickstart_err)
- )
- )
- (message #welcome_message)
- ; Copy the extraction and format utility
- ; to ram: and remember where they are.
- (copyfiles
- (source #lhex_program)
- (dest #ram_disk)
- )
- (set DeArcher (tackon #ram_disk "lhex"))
- (copyfiles
- (source #format_program)
- (dest #ram_disk)
- )
- (set Formatter (tackon #ram_disk "Format"))
- ; ==========================================
- ; Get and Format FWProgram: (program disk 1)
- ; ==========================================
- (set format_disk_name #program_disk_1)
- (GetAndFormatDisk)
- ; --------------------------
- ; Install the program.
- ;
- (set install_disk_name #install_disk_1)
- (set install_disk_help #ask_disk1_help)
- (set lha_file "FinalWriter.lha")
- (set program_disk_name #program_disk_1)
- (set new_drawer_name "")
- (set working_msg #install_program_icon)
- (set error_msg #install_program_err)
- (InstallArchive)
- (complete 20)
- ; =========================================
- ; Get and Format FWSystem: (program disk 2)
- ; =========================================
- (set format_disk_name #program_disk_2)
- (GetAndFormatDisk)
- ; --------------------
- ; First install FWFiles...
- ;
- (set install_disk_name #install_disk_1)
- (set install_disk_help #ask_disk1_help)
- (set lha_file "FWFiles.lha")
- (set program_disk_name #program_disk_2)
- (set new_drawer_name "FWFiles")
- (set working_msg #install_datafiles)
- (set error_msg #install_datafiles_err)
- (InstallArchive)
- (complete 40)
- ; ---------------------
- ; Now Install FWLibs...
- ;
- (set install_disk_name #install_disk_1)
- (set install_disk_help #ask_disk1_help)
- (set lha_file "FWLibs.lha")
- (set program_disk_name #program_disk_2)
- (set new_drawer_name "FWLibs")
- (set working_msg #install_libs)
- (set error_msg #install_libs_err)
- (InstallArchive)
- (complete 60)
- ; ---------------------
- ; Now Install FWFonts...
- ;
- (set install_disk_name #install_disk_1)
- (set install_disk_help #ask_disk1_help)
- (set lha_file "FWFonts.lha")
- (set program_disk_name #program_disk_2)
- (set new_drawer_name "FWFonts")
- (set working_msg #install_sysfonts)
- (set error_msg #install_sysfonts_err)
- (InstallArchive)
- (complete 80)
- ; ---------------------
- ; Now Install FWDocs...
- ;
- (set install_disk_name #install_disk_1)
- (set install_disk_help #ask_disk1_help)
- (set lha_file "FWDocs.lha")
- (set program_disk_name #program_disk_2)
- (set new_drawer_name "FWDocs")
- (set working_msg #install_sampledocs)
- (set error_msg #install_sampledocs_err)
- (InstallArchive)
- ; ---------------------
- ; Create empty ClipArt and TextClip drawers.
- ;
- (makedir (cat #program_disk_2 ":FWClipArt") (infos))
- (makedir (cat #program_disk_2 ":FWTextClips") (infos))
- (delete DeArcher)
- (delete Formatter)
- (run ("C:Avail FLUSH"))
- (complete 100)
- (set @default-dest "")
- (exit)