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- >Node "Main"
- >Title "ObjManipV2.0 -THE converter!-"
- []==================================================================[]
- || Mark Papadakis proudly presents... ||
- || ||
- || <B><I>ObjManip® V2.0<UB><UI> -<B>THE<UB> converter!- ||
- || Copyright[C]1995 <B>Mark Papadakis<UB> ||
- || ||
- || ShareWare version! ||
- || Thanks go to <L"Nick Eleytherianos","NickTheGreek"> for moral support! ||
- || ||
- []==================================================================[]
- Another <L"CyBERDYNE SySTEMS","CyBERDYNE SySTEMS"> production...
- >> Revision:2.0b <<
- ObjManip was programmed in order to become an invaluable tool to all
- <I>BlitzII<UI>, <I>AMOS<UI>, <I>C<UI> and <I>assembly<UI> programmers. It works in three phases:
- It was programmed totally in <B>BlitzBasicII<UB> V1.9. AmigaGuide file created
- using the most excellent <B>Heddley<UB>.
- Graphics done in <I>EA DeluxePaint IV AG<UI>A and <I>Cloanto PersonalPaint 2.0<UI>
- <B><I>NOTE<UB><UI>:If you cannot run the program ('Can't open Screen!' requesters etc)
- then copy the <I>OMPREFS<UI> file to <I>S:<UI> This will give 16 colours so that
- you will be able to run it in any machine. This probably won't happen
- 'couse any <B>Amiga<UB> can handle 32 colours screens, but just in case..
- The non-<B>AGA Amigas<UB> cannot handle more that 32 colours on screen(well, they
- can but to cut the long story short, you can use up to 32 colours on these
- <B>Amigas<UB> and upto 256 in <B>AGA<UB> based <B>Amigas<UB>). The program will detect if you
- have an <B>AGA Amiga<UB> and will act on its own. Dont worry if you got your
- demo verson from a friend that has an <B>AGA Amiga<UB> and he saved the prefs
- for 256 colours. The program will get you in 32 colours mode. If any pro
- blems occur then do the above trick. If you run it on <B>NTSC<UB> then the
- screen will be interlaced 'couse else it wouldn't fit!
- Vana, this program is also dedicated to you...
- (i like being with you..)
- Well, choose what would you like to know..
- <L"Introduction","Introduction"> -What is this program anyway?
- <L"Registration","Registration"> -This is a shareware piece of software you know!
- <L"Author ","Author"> -About me..(WOW!)
- <L"Interface ","Interface"> -Info about the interface
- <L"HowToUse ","HowToUse"> -Instructions..
- <L" Menus ","MenusUse"> -Menus..
- <L"Coding ","Coding"> -Programmers stuff
- <L"Future ","Future"> -What about the future..
- <L"History ","History"> -and the previous versions?
- <L"MPInstaller ","MPInstaller"> -Installer info
- <L"Greetings ","Greetings"> -Greetings list
- The demo version must not be spreaded without this file!
- Copyright[C] ©1995 <B><I>Mark Papadakis<UB><UI>
- Internet:The linked heaven!
- >EndNode
- >Node "Introduction"
- >Title "ObjManipV2.0 Introduction"
- <B>ObjManip<UB> <I>V2.0<UI>
- This stands for 'ObjectsManipulator'. Its mainly a converter. It can
- convert images. Additionally, it can proccess them, alter the, perform
- some palette operations and some other things that you will find out
- once you will run the program.
- I wrote this program, mainly 'couse i had nothing else to do and i said
- to my self 'How about making a game in <B>Blitz<UB> using an <B>AMOS<UB> game's bobs
- and compare them?'. So, i created the first version. That version was
- bugged but i never released it anyway. So, i made the program and i
- never bothered about it ever since until <L"Nick Eleytherianos","NickTheGreek"> said that
- he liked it. The problem was that he spread the version and the version
- was bugged!. So i felt guilty! I sat down and wrote this version wich
- has nothing to remind the previous versions. It is bug-free and can
- be used for a lot more things, it can manipulate more image formats and
- loads more. Overall it is BETTER!.
- >> <U>So here goes the features list<UU> <<
- >> It can save and load :AmosBobs, AmosIcons, BlitzIIShapes, IFFBrushes
- and .info files images.
- >> It can handle images up to 320*200 size and up to 256 colors.
- >> It can Copy, swap, delete, rotate and flip images.
- >> It can trim images and even reduce their width and height based on
- two 'shrink' algorythms.
- >> It can control the 'HotSpot' of the images, manualy(using the mouse)
- or by defining a pre-selected position.
- >> It can apply a negative filter on the image, it can remap the image
- and it can perform some palette operations(Load, Edit, Save)
- >> It can scroll the image in four directions.
- >> It can clear the image, scale it in botz X and Y axis and it can
- perform a pixels count.
- >> It can grab the palette from AmosBobs, AmosIcons and IFF brushes.
- >> It can automatically save an icon with each images file.
- >> You can select an images file and a palette file to be loaded in
- startup.
- >> You can configure it to handle from 2 to 256 colors images.
- >> It has a font-sensitive interface.
- >> It can run on any Amiga!
- >> It utilises the AGA chipset and improves its capabilities.
- And much more...
- >EndNode
- >Node "Registration"
- >Title "How to register.."
- This programm is <B>shareware<UB>. You may spread freely the DEMO version(with
- the docs), but you may <B>NOT<UB> spread a registered one!
- The registration fee is not that high. In fact it is quit a 'cheap'
- program. You will have to send me [10 US$] or [8 english pounds]
- or [2500 drs] in order to become a registered user.
- You choose! You will get the registered version(1000 images instead of 20
- of the DEMO version) and some examples. I accept money, postal orders and
- checks.
- Check out <L"my address","Author">!
- >EndNode
- >Node "Author"
- >Title "About the programmer, me that is.."
- Well, my name, as you would probably have already find out, is
- Mark Papadakis. I am an Amiga fun and my main hobby is programming.
- I am 19 years old and i am a student in <B>T.E.I<UB> of Heraklio, Crete in
- Greece. I am programming in <B>BlitzII<UB>, after trying <B>C++<UB>(boring..) and <B>AMOS<UB>
- <B>Pro<UB>(i was using <B>AMOS<UB> for about 3 years) and <B>HiSoft Pascal<UB>(....no comment!)
- <B>BlitzII<UB>, is, in my humble opinion, the programming language of the decade
- since with it you can create marvelous things. The <I>'SkidMarks'<UI> series,
- the <I>'Seek'n'Destroy'<UI>, <I>'Woody's World'<UI> and loads more were created using
- <B>BlitzII<UB>. Anyway, i aint gonna advertize this language but i strongly
- suggest it to all of you. These that are still using <B>AMOS<UB> will be amased
- (that goes for Nick..).
- Note:According to ACID's Simon Armstrong (acid@iconz.co.nz) the next
- version
- (the next BIG THING for BlitzII) will be tottally awesome...)
- You can contact with me with the following methods
- <I>Standard mail<UI>
- -------------
- Mark Papadakis
- Fournofarago Monofatsiou
- Heraklio Crete
- Greece
- P.O Box 70010
- <I>Phone<UI>
- -----
- [0893] 41516
- <I>E-Mail<UI>
- ------
- gsa50@cs.teiher.gr
- <I>IRC<UI>
- ---
- <B>MarkForce<UB> (<I>#amiga<UI> and <I>#hellas<UI>)
- If you cannot use this e-mail address, you may use the following addresses
- but state that your message is for Mark Papadakis
- alpapada@csd.uch.gr
- alpapad@forthnet.gr
- Keep programming!!<B>
- ******
- * * *
- ********
- * * ******* * ***** ***** for ever!
- * * * * * * * * * *
- *** *** * * * * ***** *******
- *
- *****<UB>
- >EndNode
- >Node "Interface"
- >Title "Interface guide"
- MPInterface version utilised:1.2a
- Interface routines are copyrighted [C]1995 <B>Mark Papadakis<UB>
- This program uses my own interface and none of WorkBench's features such
- as gadgets and requesters. This make the programs that implement it to be
- KickStart independed. That means that they can run with the same interface
- on any Amiga model, ranging from 1.1 to 3.1
- <I>Requesters<UI>
- In file requesters, ASL file requesters are utilised in WB2+ machines
- else the BlitzII FileRequester is used.
- In text requesters, my requester is used. When there are two alternatives
- press ENTER for the first one, or CANCEL for the second, else press
- <I>Gadgets<UI>
- Each gadget may have a key assigned to it. This key activates it.
- the gadget. Some gadgets react different if LeftAmiga is pressed when you
- activate them(by pressing that key).
- For example:In a slider gadget that has the key 's' assigned to it, if you
- press 's' you will select the next item. If you press 's' and the
- LeftAmiga key, then you will select the previous item.
- Interface routines are written in <B>BlitzII<UB>. If any of you <B>BlitzII <UB>programmers
- is interesting then i could give him/her? the source.
- >EndNode
- >Node "HowToUse"
- >Title "HowToUse "
- How to use this program
- First of all, click here for a <S"picture of ObjManipV2.0","convdata/DOC_OMV20_MAIN.IFF">
- Now i 'ill explain you how does the main window work. The big box
- is the box where the image is displayed. If the image is larger than
- this box, you can use the sliders or the cursor keys to scroll it.
- There are some boxes at the bottom of the window that are used to
- display some information like the images dimensions and the free memory.
- There are three icons there too. The first one, '<B>Author<UB>' will give you
- some info about the programmer, the second '<B>Join<UB>' will inform you about
- the version and will provide you with some registration info and the last
- one '<B>Docs<UB>' will give you some info about the docs.
- The '<B>Status<UB>' box shows what is happening. The '<B>Images<UB>' box displays the
- number of images loaded.
- <B><I>NOTE<UB><UI>:Some gadgets may not work. That happens when there are no images in
- memory. Load some and then they will work. For example, '<B>Clear<UB>', '<B>Save<UB>'
- and most of the '<B>Operation panel<UB>' gadgets won't work if there are no
- images in memory.
- Gadgets
- <B>Clear<UB> Delete ALL images from memory. You will have to confirm this
- action first.
- <B>Load Images<UB> Loads images from a device. The program will scan the file
- for its file type. BlitzII shapes files do not have any
- file signature so i had to use their file extension(*.shp)
- for checking. So, if you load a file with the extension .shp
- and it is not a shapes file, the program will crash! I can
- do nothing about this! This happens becouse BlitzII crashes
- when a corrupted shapes files is loaded. If the program won't
- be able to find out what kind of file is this, you may choose
- to use it as a shapes file. If it is a .info file you may
- choose what image would you like to load(if there are two
- images stored). Regular is the image displayed when the icon
- is not active and Selected the image displayed when the icon
- is selected. <B>Beware<UB>:Do not load too big images from .info
- files! You may have problems!
- All images have a limit of 320X200. The images will be croped
- in order to fit. If an image's depth is greater that the
- depth in use, then the image will get the depth in use.
- AmosBobs and AmosIcons will be converted first.
- <B>Save Images<UB> Saves the current image or the all the images in file,
- depending on the save format. If you save as a .info file you
- will have to choose a .info file that allready exists. You
- can save the image as the regular or the selected one.
- Iff brush will save the current image as an IFF brush that
- can be used by DPaint for example. When you save
- AmosBobs or AmosIcons they will be automatically converted.
- <B>Save Format<UB> You can choose the format to be used when you want to save
- a/some image/s.
- <B>Adjust<UB> When this is on, everytime you load some images, they will be
- converted in order to make their width multiple of 16. I used
- this 'couse i was working on a project that wanted this to
- happend. AmosBobs or AmosIcons will be adjusted everytime
- they are loaded. The same happens when saving.
- <B>.info<UB> When you save a .info image, the selected rendering method
- will be stored with it. If you have two images in a .info
- file you better use the last option.
- <B>File<UB> Select the file to be loaded.
- <B>Current<UB> The current image. Click in the gadget and type the image's
- number
- <B><|<UB> Moves to the first image in memory
- <B><<UB> Moves to the previous image
- <B>><UB> Moves to the next image
- <B>>|<UB> Moves to the last image
- You can also use the slider next to those gadgets
- <B>Work<UB> Selects the current 'operation pannel'(Use SPACE or F1-F10)
- Pannels
- 1-<I>Images Manipulation<UI>
- <B>Copy<UB> -Copies the current image. You can duplicate if images<MaxImages
- <B>Delete<UB> -Deletes the current image
- <B>Swap<UB> -Swap two images
- <B>Rotate<UB> -Rotates 90°
- <B>FlipX<UB> -Flips in X axis
- <B>FlipY<UB> -Flips in Y axis
- 2-<I>Image Trimming<UI>
- <B>Left<UB> -Trims to the left
- <B>Right<UB> -Trims to the right
- <B>Top<UB> -Trims top
- <B>Bottom<UB> -Trims bottom
- <B>Best<UB> -Reduces image dimesnions(saves memory)
- <B>Shrink<UB> -Shrinks the image(saves memory, avoid objects problems)
- 3-<I>HotSpot<UI>
- <B>Center<UB> -Places hotspot at the center of the image
- <B>UpLeft<UB> -Places hotspot at the top-left corner of the image
- <B>DnLeft<UB> -Places hotspot at the bottom-left corner of the image
- <B>UpRight<UB> -Places hotspot at the top-right corner of the image
- <B>DnRight<UB> -Places hotspot at the bottom-right corner of the image
- 4-<I>Palette functions<UI>
- <B>Negative<UB>-Applies a negative filter to the image
- <B>ReColor<UB> -Changes the colours of the image(my favourite..)
- <B>Load<UB> -Loads a palette file(IFF ILBM)
- <B>Save<UB> -Saves palette as and IFF ILBM file
- <B>Edit<UB> -Edit the palette with palette requester
- <B>WBPal<UB> -Grabs WorkBench's palette
- 5-<I>Image Scrolling<UI>
- <B>Left<UB> -Scrolls to the left
- <B>Up<UB> -Scrolls upwards
- <B>Right<UB> -Scrolls to the right
- <B>Down<UB> -Scrolls downwards
- 6-<I>Image Process(2)<UI>
- <B>Clear<UB> -Clears the image
- <B>Scale<UB> -Scales the image in both X and Y axis. Use the slider..
- <B>PixCount<UB>-Counts the pixels and comes up with some statistics
- 7-<I>Mescellanous<UI>
- <B>Scrol<UB>l -Scrolling speed(when using the cursor keys)
- <B> UseImagesPalette<UB> -When loading an AmosBank or an IFF Brush, you can
- use their palette too, if this option is on
- <B>SaveImages+Icons<UB> -When this option is on, evertytime you save a
- /some image/s and this file doesn't have a .info
- file, ObjManip adds a .info file for them
- 8-<I>StartupPrefs<UI>
- <B>Images<UB> -Images to be loaded on startup
- <B>Palette<UB> -Palette to be loaded on startup
- <B>Save<UB> -Saves startup prefs
- 9-<I>Preferences<UI>
- <B>Depth<UB> -You can set the number of colors to be used on-screen. You
- have to save and re-start the program in order to use this
- option (If you set more than 64 colours and you don't have
- an AGA machine, then only 64 colours will be used)
- <B>Save<UB> -Save preferences
- 10-<I>System Info<UI>
- <I>KickStart<UI> -Kickstart version
- <I>GFX Chipse<UI>t -AGA or ECS
- <I>Depth<UI> -Current number of colours in use
- <I>MaxImages<UI> -Maximoum images that this version can handle(DEMO=20)
- <I>Processor<UI> -Computer's processor
- You can also use the menu options..
- Press '<B>Help<UB>' for some keyaboard shortcurts
- EnJoy!!!
- >EndNode
- >Node "MenusUse"
- >Title "Menus descriptions.."
- Menu '<I>Project<UI>' and menu '<I>Palette<UI>' items are described in the HowToUse
- sections. We will concetrate on '<I>Xtra<UI>' menu here. <B>Animate<UB> A simple animator,
- just for testing the images. It supports three types of playback:
- <B><I>PlayOnce<UB><UI> :Will play the animation once and then it will stop
- <B><I>F-B<UB><UI> :Will play the animation forwards-backwards
- <B><I>Ping <UB><UI> :Will use the 'ping-pong' technic You can control the first
- and the last frame with the two sliders. The '<B><I><<<UB><UI>' and '<B><I>>><UB><UI>' icons will play
- the animation using the settings you want. The '<B><I>||<UB><UI>' icon will stop the
- animation. The small slider next to the '<B><I>>><UB><UI>' icon controls the animation
- speed and the cycle gadget next to it sets the animation playback method(see
- above). You can click inside the images display box and change the display
- position. The frame displayed number will be also displayed in the images
- display box. <B>Device Info<UB> A requester will pop up with some info about the
- loaded images file's device such as capacity etc <B>FindFile<UB> You can scan a
- selected directory for the files matching the given string. Wildcards
- supported. Uses '<B><I>Search<UB><UI>' to search for a file and '<B><I>Stop<UB><UI>' to abort scanning.
- I made this option 'cose i wanted to test the program with any .abk or .shp
- files i had in my hard disk. I think it will be usefull to you too.
- <B>DeleteFile<UB> Select a file to delete (If you are having SERIUS disk disk
- storage problems!)
- >EndNode
- >Node "Coding"
- >Title "Coding ObjManipV2.0"
- Well, the only thing that i would like to say about that, is that it
- implements a lot of checking routines. It consists of almost 6000 lines
- of pure <B>BlitzII<UB> code. It needs about 2MB to be compiled(without using
- the 'make smallest code' option). Compiling it with 'make smallest code'
- option on, take about 90 secs(1.5 mins).
- The routine for directory handling(FindFile option in menus) was
- programmed
- seperatly and the file-type scanning routine was programmed a lot time ago
- and was used in my <B>LpackAGE<UB> project.
- <B>NEVER<UB> use the <B>BlitzII<UB> routines such as<I> Chdir, MoreEntries<UI> etc since they
- are bugged and they can couse Software failures and memory problems
- since the FileLock is not unlocked when neccessary. Thats why i wrote
- my own routines.
- <B>REQUEST<UB>:I want some <B>AREXX<UB> examples in <B>BlitzII<UB>. I am planning to add
- <B>AREXX<UB> support to all my programs(including this one) but i never had
- any experiance in programming on <B>AREXX<UB> ports and that kind of stuff.
- Anyone that will help(i mean some source..) will get a free registered
- version of this program.
- Programming this program was easy.
- You can do something similar
- Just <B>TRY!!<UB>
- >EndNode
- >Node "Future"
- >Title "Future versions.."
- Here are some features that i may include in the next version(s).
- Please contact with me, for any suggestions. I 'd appreciate that!
- So, here it goes
- >> Compression
- >> Image print
- >> Add an images scanner/grabber
- >> On-Line help
- >> More image formats?
- >> More processing effects
- >> Speach instead of messages(Sampled voices) ( I love this! )
- >> Multi-lingual support (routines already ready..)
- Thats all i can think!
- Any suggestions are welcome!
- P.S I am looking for some algorythms:
- 1 Color2Gray
- 2 Brightness, contrast, gamma correction
- If any of you will help me with this, will get a registered version of
- this program! (Gee!!!)
- >EndNode
- >Node "History"
- >Title "History of ObjManipV2.0 "
- This program's history is not that long since this is the third version of
- this cool program.
- <I>V1.1<UI> The very first version. The best thing with this version and its
- successor, V1.2 is the multi-lingual support. I will re-add this
- feature in V2.1 though. It supported AmosBobs, AmosIcons and
- BlitzII shapes. It was bugged(too bugged!), and it was using
- Amiga O/S standard interface. It had limited features and it was
- somewhat slow. This version is not spreaded. It was coded within
- 5 days or so.
- <I>V1.2<UI> I removed some bugs from V1.1 and sent it to <L"Nick Elytherianos","NickTheGreek">.
- He spreaded the version and i this it is in <B>Compulink<UB> and in
- <B>Aminet<UB> now, although i never checked that..
- <I>V2.0<UI> Current version. Should be available from <B>Aminet<UB> and <B>Compulink<UB>
- <B>network<UB> (the demo version of course..)
- >EndNode
- >Node "MPInstaller"
- >Title "MarkPapadakisInstaller"
- <B><I>MPInstaller<UB><UI> V1.0 info
- >> Revision:1.0b <<
- Copyright[C]1995 <B>Mark Papadkis<UB> Freely Distrubutable!
- <B>MPInstaller<UB>, short for MarkPapadakisInstaller, is a small installing
- utility, written by me, in order to help installing software.
- I was using Commodore's <B>Installer<UB> but i made this in order to be
- KickStart independed, meaning that it can run in any Amiga.
- You can use it either from CLI or WorkBench
- Its CLI syntax is MPInstallerV10 [scrip file]
- If you define the 'script file' the program will load this scrip
- and install according to its instructions.
- <I>Gadgets<UI>
- <B><I>Script<UB><UI> :Select script
- <B><I>About<UB><UI> :About MPInstaller
- <B><I>Quit<UB><UI> :Quits...
- <B><I>Install<UB><UI> :Installs
- A script is a simple ASCII file.
- Available script commands:
- <B>copy<UB> <I><file1> <file2><UI> :Copy file1 to file2
- <B>delete<UB> <I><file><UI> :delete file1
- <B>makedir<UB> <I><dir><UI> :creates dir dir
- <B>message<UB> <I><message><UI> :displays <message>
- <B>end<UB> :quits MPInstaller
- Click here for <S"MPInstallerV1.0 picture","ConvData/DOC_MPINSTALLER.IFF">
- >EndNode
- >Node "Greetings"
- >Title "Greetings! "
- Well, well what do we have here?!
- Its a greetings list!
- Besides the fun, i would like to thank some certains individuals for
- their support
- <L"Nikolaos Elytherianos","NickTheGreek"> -For his moral support
- <I>George Papadakis<UI>(My twin bro) -For bugging me :-)
- <I>Biribas Jr<UI> -For waking me up!
- <I>Kosiva Stella<UI> -For Internet support and her friendship
- <B><I>Vana<UB><UI> -Well, ytalk turned out to be a great
- command!
- Greetings to
- <I>John Labrakis<UI> -Well 'Norton' i guess you will become famous now!
- <I>Alex Papadakis<UI> -Alex i guess ITE(F.O.R.T.H) will be benefited
- from your computer knowledge.. Keep on programming
- man, but take an Amiga. Your Pentioum is not that
- good compared to 68060!
- <I>Pantelos Papadakis<UI> -My best cousine! The GrandBerries greatest fun!
- <I>Mike Papadakis<UI> -For setting up the audio equipment in my room
- <I>Jim Giaourakis<UI> -How is your cat?
- <I>George Melabianakis<UI> -Get an Amiga man!
- I am sure there a lot more that i forget! Sorry!
- >EndNode
- >Node "NickTheGreek"
- >Title "About Nick Eleytherianos"
- Nick Eleytherianos is the pal who 'made' me to make this version. This
- version would NEVER be out without his moral support. I never thought about
- writting a new version for <B>ObjManip<UB>.
- Anyway, this version is dedicated to him and Vana(....!)
- Nick is the programmer of <B><I>Total Excess<UB><UI>, a super boosted shoot'em'up written
- in <B>AMOS<UB>. It is a masterpiece, taking in mind the capabilities of <B>AMOS<UB>. Get
- it and register!
- This is Greek!--
- ||
- \/
- Lipon Niko, sou kano kai diafimisi! Keep programming!
- Note:I love the rocks effect in <B><I>TotalExcess<UB><UI>!
- Using DualPlayfield mode is cool for such effects..
- I hope you get <B><I>TotalExcess AGA<UB><UI> out soon, 'couse i really
- would like to see it..
- []====================================[] *<B><I>Amiga friends group<UB><UI>*
- || <B> *** <UB> || -----------------------
- || <B> * * <UB> . || This is something that all
- || <B>***** ***** * ***** ****** <UB> || Amiga users should consider...
- || <B>* * * * * * * * * *<UB> || Call the following persons for
- || <B>** * * * * ***** ********<UB> || further info..
- || <B> *<UB> || Nick Eleytherianos :01-9820102
- || <B>*******************<UB> || Stefanos Siopoulos :01-9349963
- []====================================[] Stefanos Papamihail:01-2027873
- >EndNode
- >Node "Help"
- >Title "MultiView Help"
- >Help
- Please, read the documentation of <B>AmigaGuide®<UB> package. If you dont have it
- dowload it from Aminet.
- >EndNode
- >Title "CyBERDYNE SySTEMS :The new to come.."
- It is a new development team that has one goal:
- To produce high quality coded software..
- There are two members so far
- <I>Mark Papadakis<UI> :Applications programmer
- <I>Nick Eleytherianos<UI> :Games programmer
- \ / Latest productions of
- 1. <I>ObjManip<UI> The best objects manipulator so far..
- 2 <I>TotalExccess<UI> A super boosted shoot 'em up!
- 3 <I>InternetBOX<UI> Internet cataloguing system
- []===================================[]
- []===================================[]
- >EndNode
- >Node HeddleyAutoIndex
- >Title "Index"
- >Index
- Index of database ObjManipV2.0
- Documents
- <L"About Nick Eleytherianos","NickTheGreek">
- <L"About the programmer, me that is..","Author">
- <L"Coding ObjManipV2.0","Coding">
- <L"CyBERNETIX SySTEMS :The new to come..","CyBERNETIX SySTEMS">
- <L"Future versions..","Future">
- <L"Greetings! ","Greetings">
- <L"History of ObjManipV2.0 ","History">
- <L"How to register..","Registration">
- <L"HowToUse ","HowToUse">
- <L"Interface guide","Interface">
- <L"MarkPapadakisInstaller","MPInstaller">
- <L"Menus descriptions..","MenusUse">
- <L"MultiView Help","Help">
- <L"ObjManipV2.0 -THE converter!-","Main">
- <L"ObjManipV2.0 Introduction","Introduction">
- Buttons
- <L" Menus ","MenusUse">
- <L"Author ","Author">
- <L"Coding ","Coding">
- <L"Future ","Future">
- <L"Greetings ","Greetings">
- <L"History ","History">
- <L"HowToUse ","HowToUse">
- <L"Interface ","Interface">
- <L"Introduction","Introduction">
- <L"MPInstaller ","MPInstaller">
- <S"MPInstallerV1.0 picture","ConvData/DOC_MPINSTALLER.IFF">
- <L"my address","Author">
- <L"Nick Eleytherianos","NickTheGreek">
- <L"Nick Elytherianos","NickTheGreek">
- <L"Nikolaos Elytherianos","NickTheGreek">
- <S"picture of ObjManipV2.0","convdata/DOC_OMV20_MAIN.IFF">
- <L"Registration","Registration">
- >EndNode