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- --- B R E A T H L E S S ---
- Copyright (c) 1994/95
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Some features :
- - 256 AGA colors (no chunky-copper screen)
- - Variable window size (320x200, 288x180, 256x160, ..... )
- - Variable pixel size (1x1, 2x1, 1x2, 2x2)
- - Ceiling and floor textures
- - Variable height floors and ceilings
- - Lifts and doors
- - Sky textures when the player goes in the open air
- - Animated textures
- - Variable lighting
- - Fog lighting effect
- - Looking up/down capabilities
- - "Bouncing movement"
- - Automapping
- - Multitasking
- - HD installable
- - Fully ray-traced graphic
- Keyboard commands:
- - Up cursor key : Move forwards
- - Down cursor key : Move backwards
- - Right cursor key : Turn right
- - Left cursor key : Turn left
- - Ctrl key : Speed up movements
- - Shift + Right cursor key : Move right
- - Shift + Left cursor key : Move left
- - Left/right Alt : Fire
- - F1-F6 : Weapon selection
- - '7' key on numeric pad : Look up
- - '4' key on numeric pad : Reset look
- - '1' key on numeric pad : Look down
- - '-' key on numeric pad : Increase window dimensions
- - '+' key on numeric pad : Reduce window dimensions
- - '[' key on numeric pad : 1x1 pixel resolution
- - ']' key on numeric pad : 2x1 pixel resolution
- - '/' key on numeric pad : 1x2 pixel resolution
- - '*' key on numeric pad : 2x2 pixel resolution
- - 'P' : Pause game
- Some infos about the complete game
- ----------------------------------
- - This demo was made before completing beta-testing and code
- optimization. Some minor features are non implemented in this demo.
- For example, no in game music is available, you can't define your
- keyboard configuration, and so on...
- The complete game will be available before Xmas'95
- - The game (and the demo too...) will run on every Amiga with AGA
- chipset and at least a 68020 processor.
- - Please, don't try to compare Breathless running on an Amiga 1200 at
- 320x200 and 1x1 pixels size to other engine running at 192x100 and 2x2
- pixels size. If you want to compare Breathless to other games, please
- consider that, as other games, Breathless MUST run at 2x2 pixels size
- and in a little window on a normal Amiga 1200. The playability will
- not be compromised; many other games run in a small window and at 2x2
- pixel size, even on faster machine!
- - Some 3D engines can run on a simply Amiga 1200 in a large window,
- using a 3x2 pixel size. We prefer to run Breathless in a small window
- (not too small, about 192x100, some other 3D engine do it...) but with
- the better 2x2 pixel size.
- - The strenght of Breathless 3D engine is that it can run on a simply
- Amiga 1200 at the same conditions of other 3D engines, but it can run
- better on faster Amigas. If you have a more powerful Amiga,
- Breathless will take advantage from it (Some other 3D engine can't do
- it). A simply fast-ram expansion, or a more better accelerator board,
- will speed up Breathless frame rate. So, you can consider to enlarge
- its game window, and/or to use better pixel size.
- Remember that this demo is not fully optimized to run on certain
- faster processor. Complete game will be!
- - A simply consideration: today PC games are made to run "only" on
- Pentium machines. On the other side, some Amiga users dream about
- "Doom-like" games running on a simply 1200 at 320x200, 1x1 pixels, 256
- colours, 25fps! We can respect their wishes, but a simply 68020/14Mhz
- can't do it! Why don't we get realistics, and consider to buy a cheap
- accelerator board?
- - About enemies artificial intelligence (AI) : every enemy in
- Breathless has his own AI. Some enemies can run away from player,
- some other may try to avoid player shots. Playing Breathless needs a
- little bit of strategy. Enemies AI and some game parameters (as
- player health, weapon energy an so on...) let the player find the best
- behavior. For example, sometimes player will have to hide himself
- from enemies, and not to face them.
- If you like this game philosophy, you will like Breathless!
- - A complete "game editor" will be available later. Everyone will be
- able to create new worlds, using his own graphics and sounds.
- - Fields of Vision are some Italian people who love Amiga and his
- philosophy. They are engaged in doing Amiga games and they hope to
- continue this work in the future. They also hope you will like
- Breathless and consider to buy it.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- For contacts:
- Alberto Longo alblon@maxonline.it
- Fields of Vision WWW page:
- http://www.maxonline.it/html/fov/fov.html