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- ; $VER: Virus_Checker Install 7.15 (22.8.95)
- ; Script to install Virus_Checker
- (set @app-name "Virus_Checker")
- ; 0% complete
- (complete 0)
- (user 2)
- (set default_dev
- (askdir
- (prompt "Which Drive should Virus_Checker be installed?\n"
- "A directory called Virus_Checker will be created here.")
- (help "This section lets you choose on which drive"
- " Virus_Checker files should be installed.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- )
- (default "SYS:")
- )
- )
- ;Make Name for us eg SYS:Virus_Checker
- (set @default-dest (tackon default_dev "Virus_Checker"))
- ;Make dir if it does not exist
- (if (not (exists (@default-dest)))
- (makedir @default-dest)
- )
- ;copy drawer icon if it does not exists
- (if (not (exists (cat @default-dest ".info")))
- (run (cat "copy /Virus_Checker.info to " default_dev))
- )
- (complete 10)
- (working "Installing BootBlock.library")
- (copylib
- (prompt "Installin Bootblock.library to LIBS:")
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/BootBlock.library")
- (dest "LIBS:")
- (confirm)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying Brainfiles to L:")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "l")
- (choices "Bootblock.brainfile")
- (dest "L:")
- (confirm)
- )
- (complete 20)
- (working "Installing unpack.library")
- (copylib
- (prompt "Copying unpack.library to LIBS:")
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/unpack.library")
- (dest "libs:")
- (confirm)
- )
- (complete 30)
- (working "Copying xfdmaster.library to LIBS:")
- (copylib
- (prompt "Copying xfdmaster.library to LIBS:")
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/xfdmaster.library")
- (dest "libs:")
- (confirm)
- )
- (set brain (exists ("L:VirusChecker.brain")))
- (if (<> brain 0)
- (set libvernum (getversion ("L:VirusChecker.brain")))
- (set libver (/ libvernum 65536))
- (set librev (- libvernum (* libver 65536)))
- (set libverstr ("%ld.%ld" libver librev))
- )
- (set flag
- (askbool
- (prompt (cat
- "\nI have found version " libverstr "\n"
- "of the VirusChecker.brain in L:\n\n"
- "If you are running Virus_Checker from the\n"
- "directory you installed it then select Remove It\n"
- "If you are running it from Workbench then it will\n"
- "be copied over anyway\n\n"
- "Shall I remove it?"))
- (help @message-help)
- (choices "Leave It" "Remove It")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= flag 0) (delete "L:VirusChecker.brain"))
- (complete 40)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Shall I install the XFD extra crunchers")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "libs/XFD")
- (dest "LIBS:XFD")
- (all)
- (confirm)
- )
- (complete 50)
- (working "Copying Main files to selected Directory")
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "I will now copy the main files")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "")
- (choices "Virus_Checker.guide"
- "Virus_Checker.guide.info"
- "NZ_VC.bsh"
- "Install_Virus_Checker"
- "Install_Virus_Checker.info"
- "Virus_Checker"
- "Virus_Checker.info"
- "VirusChecker.brain"
- "MakeKey"
- "MakeKey.info"
- "Arexx"
- "catalogs"
- )
- (dest @default-dest)
- (confirm)
- )
- (complete 60)
- ;Get where to run from 0 = s:user-startup, 1 = WBStartup, 2 = none
- (set install_where
- (askchoice
- (prompt "Where would you like to run Virus_Checker from?")
- (help "Best place is the s:User-Startup")
- (choices "S:User-Startup"
- "SYS:WBStartup"
- "Manually Run")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (set cmd (tackon @default-dest "Virus_Checker"))
- (complete 70)
- (if (= install_where 0)
- (startup @app-name
- (prompt "I need to add the following line to your S:User-Startup file\n\n"
- cmd)
- (help @startup-help)
- (command cmd)
- )
- )
- (complete 80)
- (if (not (= install_where 1))
- (if (exists ("SYS:WBStartup/Virus_Checker"))
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt "I have found that you have Virus_Checker"
- "in your SYS:WBStartup.\n"
- "As you have not selected WBStartup this "
- "file should be deleted"
- )
- (help @message-help)
- (choices "Delete It" "Leave it")
- (default 0)
- )
- (run ("delete SYS:WBStartup/Virus_Checker#?"))
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 90)
- (if (= install_where 1)
- (askbool
- (prompt "For this to work I will need to copy "
- "some files that would\n"
- "normally be in PROGDIR: to the default places.\n"
- "These are\n"
- "VirusChecker.brain to L:\n"
- "catalogs to LOCALE:catalogs\n"
- )
- (help @message-help)
- (choices "Okay" "Okay")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= install_where 1)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying Virus_Checker.brain to L:")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "VirusChecker.brain")
- (dest "L:")
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- (if (= install_where 1)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying catalogs to LOCALE:catalogs")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "catalogs")
- (dest "locale:")
- (all)
- )
- )
- (if (= install_where 1)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying Virus_Checker to SYS:WBStartup")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "")
- (choices "Virus_Checker"
- "Virus_Checker.info")
- (dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- (if (= install_where 1)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying Virus_Checker to SYS:WBStartup")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "Virus_Checker.info")
- (dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- )
- )
- (set helpex (exists ("HELP:english/Virus_Checker.guide")))
- (if (<> helpex 0)
- (delete "HELP:english/Virus_Checker.guide")
- (delete "HELP:english/NZ_VC.bsh")
- )
- (if (= install_where 1)
- (copyfiles
- (Prompt "If you want online help then I need to install "
- "the file Virus_Checker.guide into HELP:english/")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "")
- (choices "Virus_Checker.guide"
- "NZ_VC.bsh")
- (dest "HELP:english")
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- (complete 100)
- (askbool
- (prompt "Remember that Virus_Checker is SHAREWARE.\n"
- "Please support the SHAREWARE concept and the author. "
- "If you have not done so please read the Virus_Checker.guide "
- "file now and check out the History part for changes/updates."
- )
- (help "Just read it")
- (choices "Thank You" "Thank You")
- (default 0)
- )
- (exit)