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- ********************************************************
- MultiDos v1.12 is (C) Copyright 1990,1991 by Kjell
- H. Didriksen. All rights reserved. Freely
- distributable, except that it may not be distributed for
- profit without written permission from the author.
- Hereby, Fred Fish explicitly gets permission to include
- MultiDos in his library of freely distributable Amiga
- software.
- *********************************************************
- What is it?
- ===========
- A Cross-Dos/MSH like program. It will allow you to
- read MS-DOS disks with a standard 3 1/2 drive.
- Installation:
- =============
- Copy l/MultiDosFileSystem to l:
- Copy devs/multidos.device to devs:
- Execute PcMountAll from Workbench or CLI(put it in
- your s:user-startup).
- What do I do now?
- =================
- MS-DOS disks will now be available through dfx: as
- all other Amiga disks.
- What is MultiDos? If you have heard of CrossDos or
- MSH, it is just about the same thing. Only better,
- since you can read both MS-DOS and AMIGA-DOS disks from
- the same Device name (DF0:, DF1:, DF2: and DF3:).
- There is also a non standard format supported. (MS-DOS
- on trackdisk blocks, gives you 880K disks.) Just note
- that 880K format is not readable on a MS-DOS computer.
- It is possible to make a mountlist entry to support
- this.
- If MultiDos are mounted as MDx:, it will steal DFx:.
- This is done to cut down the diskchange overhead. This
- will also make it possible to read MS-DOS diskettes from
- DFx:. If you mount MultiDos whith another name, it will
- not steal DFx:.
- System/PcMountALL
- =================
- Starts MultiDosFileSystem on all mounted DFx: drives.
- PcMountALL
- System/PcKillALL
- ================
- Removes MultiDosFileSystem from all DFx: drives. But
- leaves the devicenodes in the list (in case that
- somebody still have a pointer to the devicenode).
- PcKillALL
- System/PcFormat
- ===============
- This format command will try to get as much as
- possible out of a disk / partition. But if you like
- cracy formats you can define them as a entry in the
- S:PcFormat.spc file.
- Spesial care is taken when formatting DFx: devices.
- As default it is assumed that you want to format a disk
- as a MS-DOS compatible disk. But if you want to use a
- non-standard disktype (880K MS-DOS FORMAT) on a
- diskette, use the option AMIGA, when formatting.
- PcFormat DRIVE <drive> NAME <name> [QUICK] [NOICONS] [NOVERIFY]
- [NOLABEL] [AMIGA] [SMALLCLUSTERS] [-f<formatname>]
- QUICK = Just initialize the disk.
- NOICONS = Dont put a 'DISK.INFO' icon on the disk.
- NOVERIFY = Don't verify disk when formatting.
- NOLABEL = Don't give the disk a name (is not recomended).
- AMIGA = forces PcFormat to use trackdisk.device when formatting
- diskettes (WARNING: not compatible with MS-DOS).
- SMALLCLUSTERS = Use 512 bytes clusters instead of 1024 bytes clusters.
- <formatname> refers to a index in the file 'S:PcFormat.spc'
- Formats a diskette as a MD-DOS disk.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Example of a body of a entry in 'S:PcFormat.spc':
- F9: /* Format index, can be anything
- you like, but it is recomended
- that it differs from the
- KeyWords below. This index
- refers to a standard 3.5" disk */
- SystemID = MDos1.0 /* System name (8 cps). */
- BytesPerSector = 512 /* Usually 512 bytes. */
- BlocksPerCluster = 2 /* Standard is 2. */
- PreAlloc = 1 /* Number of blocks before first
- FAT. */
- NumbersOfFats = 2 /* Usually 2. */
- NumberOfRootDirEntries = 112 /* Entries in root dir. must be a
- multiple of 16 */
- TotalBlocksOnDisk = 1440 /* Total number of blocks on disk */
- FormatID = 0xF9 /* Format type, 0xF9 is 3.5" disks */
- /* 0xF8 is for hard-disks */
- BlocksPerFat = 3 /* 3 on standard diskettes. */
- BlocksPerTrack = 9 /* 9 on standard diskettes. */
- Surfaces = 2 /* 1 or 2 on a standard diskette. */
- HiddenSectors = 0 /* Internal use, leave 0 */
- BigTotalSectorsOnDisk = 0 /* If TotalBlocksOnDisk is greater
- than 65535 then use this instead */
- PhysicalDriveNumber = 0 /* Internal use, leave 0 */
- ExtendedBootRecordSignature = 0 /* Internal use, leave 0 */
- VolumeSerialNumber = 0 /* Internal use, leave 0 */
- VolumeLabel = MultiDos1.0 /* Internal use */
- ## /* End marker for index. */
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Caveats
- =======
- Don't copy a file with name longer than 8 characters
- to MS-DOS disks under 1.2/1.3 Workbench. Workbench will
- crash. Commodore has fixed this under 2.0.
- Kjell H. Didriksen,
- Melhus,
- N-4370 EGERSUND,
- Norway.