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- Introduction
- ************
- `ARcalc' is a program, developed for the Amiga series of computers,
- that emulates a scientific calculator. `ARcalc' can be used with any
- Amiga model running a version of the operating system greater then 1.3.
- Version 2.1 of the operating system introduces a localization
- feature which allows programmers to write programs that are able to
- comunicate with the user in the language he chooses. `ARcalc' is able
- to make use of this feature, and is distributed with the files needed
- to localize the calculator menu items and error messages in a number of
- languages. I decided not to localize the button labels, because even
- on a real calculator these are not usually localized.
- `ARcalc' provides almost every feature you might expect from a
- scientific calculator, including binary, hexadecimal and octal base
- calculation. The trigonometric functions can be applied to values
- measured in degrees, radians, or decimal degrees; numbers can be
- rappresented in scientific notation, with fixed decimal point (allowing
- you to choose the number of decimal digits), or as a combination of
- formats. Every computation is performed with an internal double
- precision.
- The current release of `ARcalc' is version 2.0.
- Version 1.0 was never released, and was not localized. Version 1.11
- had some bugs fixed. Versione 1.12 added iconization features (by
- pressing the "Icn" button that replaces the "Inf" button of previous
- versions). Version 2.0 adds the ability to cycle-jump over public
- screens, an ARexx port, standard AmigaDOS argument parsing, the ability
- to evaluate an expression specified on the command line without opening
- its interface.
- Remember that `ARcalc' does not work with versions of the operating
- system lower than 2.0; if you try to start it using an earlier version
- of the operating system, nothing will happen.
- Using ARcalc
- ************
- The program can be started from Workbench or Shell. It looks like a
- standard calculator, sitting on a public screen screen, in which you
- should recognise the display and the keyboard. To avoid confusion, the
- word `keys' will be used to indicate the Amiga keyboard keys, while the
- word `buttons' will be used to indicate the `ARcalc' keyboard keys.
- You may start `ARcalc' from shell with the following template:
- Note that the standard AmigaDOS argument parsing is a new feature of
- `ARcalc' V2.0.
- You can vary the font and font size used to display `ARcalc'. The
- font used, as many other initial characteristic that we will see later,
- is defined in a configuration file called `ARcalc.config' that would
- have to resides in the same directory as the `ARcalc' program. If this
- file is not present `ARcalc' uses the same font as Workbench. Starting
- from Shell, you can specify an alternate font by typing:
- `ARcalc FONT=<font name> SIZE=<Y dimension>'
- `ARcalc' will override the config file default, and will try to open
- the specified font. The font chosen is used for the keyboard labels and
- for the display, but not for the `ARcalc' menus. It is also possible
- to change the font after the calculator has been started, using the
- `Set font ...' item in the `Settings' submenu of the `Project' menu.
- (*Note ARcalc menus::.)
- You can open the calculator on a different public screen by using
- the SCREEN parameter, as in the following example:
- `ARcalc SCREEN myscreen'
- If You just need to do a little shell calculation, you can use the
- EVAL parameter. By typing
- `ARcalc EVAL <expression>'
- the result of the evaluation will be printed on the CLI without
- opening `ARcalc' interface.
- `ARcalc' boot can fail for a number of reasons (not enough memory,
- font chosen too big, errors opening libraries..); if this happens the
- user is informed with an appropriate error message.
- The main feature of `ARcalc' is the ability to type complex
- expressions in the same way they are usually written. This can be done
- using either the Amiga keyboard or the `ARcalc' keyboard. You can see
- the expression you are typing at the top of the display; this is called
- the "edit area". You can edit the expression using either the tipical
- Amiga string gadget shortcuts or the special `ARcalc' editing buttons.
- To calculate the result of the given expression, you have only to
- press the `RETURN' key, or to click the `=' button; the result will be
- displayed on the right side of the bottom of the display. This is
- called the "result area". `ARcalc' uses the result area also to show
- you its messages about syntax or miscalculation errors.
- Note that if a syntax error is found in the typed expression, the
- cursor of the edit area indicates where the error is, while if a
- miscalculation occurs (e.g. a division by zero) the cursor position is
- meaningless. For a complete list of the syntax/miscalculation errors,
- *Note ARcalc menus::, of this manual.
- Detailed description of ARcalc buttons
- **************************************
- Let's now see the meaning of `ARcalc' buttons. There are four
- button types:
- Editing buttons
- ===============
- You can find this kind of button in the upper right part of the
- calculator. They are:
- `<='
- (left arrow): allows you to move the cursor of the edit area one
- character left. You can do the same thing using the corresponding
- Amiga keybord key.
- `=>'
- (right arrow): allows you to move the cursor of the edit area one
- character right. You can do the same thing using the
- corresponding Amiga keybord key.
- `Del'
- (Delete): allows you to delete the character the cursor is over in
- the edit area. You can do the same thing using the Amiga Del key.
- `Bck'
- (Backspace): allows you to delete the character at the left of the
- cursor in the edit area. You can do the same thing using the Amiga
- <- (backspace) key.
- `Clr'
- (Clear): allows you to clear the edit area, loosing the expression
- you was editing. You can do the same thing with the Amiga-Left X
- shortcut.
- Status buttons
- ==============
- This kind of button modifies the status of the calculator. The
- status is showed as a set of abbreviations in the lower left part of
- the display; this is called the "status area". Note that the global
- state when you start `ARcalc' depends on the configuration file
- `ARcalc.config'; if this file is not found, default values are assumed.
- The status buttons are the following:
- `Bse'
- (numeric BaSE): allows you to choose the base in which you are
- going to work, between binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal. The
- actual setting is shown in the status area, by one of the
- following abbreviations:
- `dec'
- decimal base
- `hex'
- hexadecimal base
- `oct'
- octal base
- `bin'
- binary base
- Pressing the `Bse' repeatedly cycles through the bases, in the
- following order:
- `... -> dec -> hex -> bin -> oct -> ...'
- When you change base, the actual expression is automatically
- cleared. This is because every number in the expression would
- change it's value in the new base. When the base is not
- hexadecimal, certain buttons become redundant (e.g. the `A', `B',
- `C', `D', `E', `F' keys, if you are working with decimal base).
- Also note that `ARcalc' is able to use real numbers only in
- decimal base; if you work in a different base you must use only
- integer numbers. This implies that many functions, although still
- available, are meaningless (e.g. the `sin(X)' function still
- works, but X must be integer, and it returns only 0 or 1). If the
- `ARcalc.config' file is not present when starting, the decimal
- base is used by default.
- `Fse'
- (Fixed,Scientific,normal): this button allows you to choose the
- notation in which the results are shown. Pressing `Fse' repeatedly
- cycles through the following options:
- `Fixed': indicated by the `fix' abbreviation; the results are
- shown as numbers with a fixed number of decimal digits. You can
- fix the number of decimal digits using the `Fix' button.
- `Scientific': indicated by the `sci' abbreviation; the results are
- shown in the scientific form. Note that the number of digits fixed
- with the `Fix' button is not longer related to the number of
- decimal digits, instead it indicates the number of significant
- digits.
- `normal': indicated by the `nor' abbreviation; the results are
- shown using whichever of the above notations generates the
- shortest string.
- Note that by changing format, the result shown in the result area
- changes its format also. If the `ARcalc.config' file is not
- present when starting, the normal format is used by default.
- `Drg'
- (Degrees, Radiant, Decimal Degrees (Grad)): this button allows you
- to choose the measuring system unit for arcs in trigonometrical
- functions. Pressing `Drg' repeatedly cycles through the following
- options:
- * `Degrees': indicated by the `deg' abbreviation.
- * `Radians': indicated by the `rad' abbreviation.
- * `Decimal Degrees': indicated by the `grad' abbreviation.
- If the `ARcalc.config' file is not present when starting, radians
- are used by default.
- `Fix'
- (fix significant digits): this button allows you to fix the number
- of significant digits or decimal digits, depending on the chosen
- format. When you press this button in the result area you will see
- the following display:
- `Set number of digits (0 - 9)'
- Now you should press one of the digit buttons of `ARcalc', from 0
- to 9, fixing in this way the number of digits; if you press a
- different button, nothing happen, the operation is aborted keeping
- the same number of digits as before. Note that it does not matter
- how many digits you fix: every calculation is performed in an
- internal double precision format. If the `ARcalc.config' file is
- not present when starting, the number of digits is fixed to 9 by
- default.
- `Inv'
- (Inverse function): this button allows you to obtain the inverse
- functions. When you press it, the `inv' abbreviation is displayed
- in the status area: if the next button you press indicates a
- function, and if is possible to invert this function, then you
- will get it; otherwise the `Inv' press produces no effects.
- `Hyp'
- (Hyperbolic function): this button allows you to obtain the
- hyperbolic functions. When you press it, in the status area you
- can see the `Hyp' abbreviation: if the next button you press
- indicates a trigonometrical function, then you will get its
- corresponding hyperbolic function; otherwise the `Hyp' pression
- produces no effects.
- Text buttons
- ============
- This kind of button allows you to insert digits, functions, etc. in
- the expression. You can also do this using the Amiga keyboard, but
- these buttons offer a convenient shortcut. Note that the expression
- parser is not case sensitive, so you can type it in upper or lower
- case. The text buttons are:
- `log'
- if pressed alone produces the string `Log(', indicating the
- *logarithm* function (using base 10); if you press `Inv' before,
- you obtain the string `10^'.
- `ln'
- if pressed alone produces the string `Ln(', indicating the *natural
- logarithm* function (using base e); if you press `Inv' before, you
- obtain the string `e^'.
- `x2'
- if pressed alone produces the string `^2', indicating the square;
- if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `Sqrt('
- indicating the *squareroot* function.
- `mod'
- when pressed, produces the string `Mod(' indicating the function
- *modulus*. `Mod(A,B)' is the remainder of the division A/B.
- `sin'
- if pressed alone produces the string `Sin(' indicating the
- trigonometric function *sine*; if you press `Inv' before, you
- obtain the string `ArcSin(', indicating the *arcsine* function;
- note that result of these functions depends on the measuring
- system unit chosen. If you press `Hyp' before, you obtain the
- string `Sh(' or `ArcSh(', indicating the *hyperbolic sine* and its
- inverse function;
- `cos'
- if pressed alone produces the string `Cos(', indicating the
- trigonometric function *cosine*; if you press `Inv' before, you
- obtain the string `ArcCos(' indicating the *arccosine* function;
- note that result of these functions depends on the measuring
- system unit chosen. If you press `Hyp' before, you obtain the
- string `Ch(' or `ArcCh(' indicating the *hyperbolic cosine* and
- its inverse function;
- `tan'
- if pressed alone produces the string `Tan(', indicating the
- trigonometric function *tangent*; if you press `Inv' before, you
- obtain the string `ArcTan(' indicating the *arctangent* function;
- note that result of these functions depends on the measuring
- system unit chosen. If you press `Hyp' before, you obtain the
- string `Th(' or `ArcTh(' indicating the *hyperbolic tangent* and
- its inverse function;
- `and'
- when pressed, produces the string `and' indicating the binary
- *and* operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit
- integers, before performing the operation.
- `or'
- when pressed, produces the string `or' indicating the binary *or*
- operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit integers,
- before performing the operation.
- `not'
- when pressed, produces the string `not' indicating the binary
- *not* pre-operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit
- integers, before performing the operation.
- `xor'
- when pressed, produces the string `xor' indicating the binary
- *xor* operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit
- integers, before performing the operation.
- `fct'
- when pressed, produces the string `Fact(' indicating the
- *factorial* function.
- `rnd'
- when pressed, produces the string `Rnd(' indicating a
- *one-parameter* function, for the generation of a pseudo-random
- number. If x is the value of the parameter, the number will be
- generated in the range `[0,X]' if X`>0', in the range `[X,0]'
- otherwise.
- `( & )'
- these buttons produce the corresponding character.
- `pi'
- this button produces the string `Pi' indicating the symbolic
- constant `PI', whose internal value is `3.14159265358979323846'
- `e'
- this button produces the string `e' indicating the symbolic
- constant `e' (Napier's constant), whose internal value is
- `2.718281828459045'.
- `0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F'
- when pressed,these buttons produce the corresponding character,
- indicating a digit. Obviously, when you compose an expression, the
- number interpretation depend on the numeric base you have set.
- Note that all these keys will always work, even if in some bases
- they should not be used.
- `Exp'
- this button produces the `E' character, that you have to use to
- type a number in exponential form. This character is not different
- from the e indicating the Napier's constant, or from the `E' digit
- in hexadecimal base; its interpretation depend on the context in
- which it is found.
- `,'
- this button produces the corresponding character, needed to
- separate the arguments of a function. Only the `Mod(A,B)' function
- has more than one argument, so you may feel that using keyboard is
- sufficient, however this button has been included to preserve the
- ability to use the calculator only by mouse.
- `+,-,*,/,^'
- these buttons produce the corresponding character, indicating the
- *sum*, *difference, product, ratio* and *power* operators. Note
- that the minus sign can also be used as a preoperator to modify
- the sign of an operator.
- `v,w,x,y,z'
- these buttons produce the corresponding character, indicating one
- of the five `ARcalc' variables. If, during the expression
- evaluation, `ARcalc' finds one of this variables, it use its
- current value. To learn how to assign a value to a variable, see
- the description of the `sto' button.
- Special buttons
- ===============
- This class consist of the buttons with special functionalities.
- These buttons are:
- `sto'
- allows you to store the value of the expression currently beingin
- edited in a variable. When you press this button, the following
- message is shown in the value area:
- `choose var. to store:'
- You should now press one of the five variable buttons: if you do,
- the expression will be evaluated, and the result will be assigned
- to the variable you chose. If you press any other button, instead
- of a variable one, there is no effect.
- `cpy'
- this button allows you to insert, in the expression you are
- editing, the value of the preceding evaluation, visible in the
- value area.
- `get'
- this buttons allows you to copy a text from the Amiga clipboard, to
- the edit area. In this way you can cut an expression from an
- application, and inport it to `ARcalc', ready to be evaluated.
- You can do the same using the `Paste Expression' item in the
- `Clipboard' menu.
- `put'
- this buttons allows you to copy the value visible in the value area
- to the Amiga clipboard (as a string). In this way you can cut the
- result of an evaluation from `ARcalc', and paste it in an other
- application. You can do the same using the `Cut Result' item in
- the `Clipboard' menu.
- `='
- by pressing this button, you start the expression evaluation. If no
- syntax/evaluation errors are encountered, the result will be shown
- in the value area, otherwise an error message will be shown in the
- same area. Note that, depending on the `AutoCLR' flag, the
- expression text may or may not be cleared after the evaluation.
- The `AutoCLR' flag value can be changed using the `AutoCLR' item
- in the `Setting' submenu of the `Project' menu (*Note ARcalc
- menus::.)
- ARcalc menus
- ************
- `ARcalc' has two menus, named as `Project' and `Clipboard' (using
- english localization).
- The `Project' menu has the following items:
- `Settings'
- this is a submenu with items as follows:
- `Set Font ...'
- allows you to modify the font actually used to show the
- calculator, using a standard Amiga font requester. If the
- font you choose is too big, an error requester appears,
- informing you about it. Note that the new font will not be
- used the next time you start `ARcalc' if you do not use the
- `Save defaults' option.
- `Use WB font'
- this allows you to use the Workbench font, instead of one
- chosen with the preceding item. Note that this is different
- from using the previous item and specifying the Workbench
- font. With this item, if you save the defaults, when the
- calculator is started it looks for the current Workbench
- font, that might have been changed from the last time you
- used `ARcalc'.
- `AutoCLR'
- this item acts like a switch, allowing to set the `AutoCLR'
- flag on or off. If the flag is on, after every evaluation,
- preformed with the `=' or `sto' buttons, or with the `RETURN'
- key, the text of the expression in the edit area is cleared.
- If this flag is off, the text is not cleared, allowing to
- make changes to it and evaluate again.
- `Save defaults'
- allows you to save some calculator settings in a file named
- `ARcalc.config'. When `ARcalc' is started, it looks for this
- file, and adopts the settings specified within it. The
- following settings are saved:
- * Position of the calculator on the screen
- * Font (and Y dimension) used.
- * `AutoCLR' flag status
- * `ARcalc' status (numeric base, arc measuring system unit,
- numeric format, number of significant digits).
- `Jump'
- This item is has been added in V2.0 of `ARcalc'; when you select it
- `ARcalc' jumps on the next public screen available.
- `About ...'
- it shows a requester with informations about the program and its
- author. The same function is performed by the `Inf' button in
- `ARcalc'.
- `Quit'
- quits the program. The same effect is obtained pressing the
- `ARcalc' CloseWindow gadget.
- The `Clipboard' menu has the following items:
- `Cut Result'
- copies the most recently evaluated result to the Amiga clipboard.
- The same effect is obtained pressing the `ARcalc' `put' button.
- `Paste Expression'
- copies text from the Amiga clipboard to the edit area, skipping
- non-alphanumeric characters. The same function is performed by the
- `ARcalc' `get' button.
- Syntax/evaluation errors
- ************************
- Here is a detailed description of `ARcalc' error messages, shown in
- the result area of the display:
- Syntax errors
- =============
- * `Invalid Operator': after a valid operand, `ARcalc' found a
- sequence of symbols not recognised as a valid operator.
- * `Missing digits in number': there are no digits after a decimal
- point.
- * `Invalid Exponent': the exponent of a number written in the
- exponential format, is too big, is missing, or is incorrect.
- * `Missing parenthesis': opened parenthesis has not been closed.
- * `Unknown operand': where an operand is expected, an unknown
- sequence of symbols is found.
- * `Missing Operand': the expression is ended by an operator.
- * `Too many digits': in the numer there are too many digits.
- Evalutation errors
- ==================
- * `Underflow': during the evaluation the value has become too small
- to be represented with a double precision format.
- * `Overflow' or `invalid number': during the evaluation the value
- has become too big to be rappresented with a double precision
- format.
- * `Division by zero': the divisor of a division must not be zero
- * `Division by zero in Modulus': the second argument of the Mod
- function must not to zero
- * `ArcSin() argument out of domain': the argument of this function
- must be in the range [-1,1]
- * `ArcCos() argument out of domain': the argument of this function
- must be in the range [-1,1]
- * `ArcCh() argument out of domain': the argument of this function
- must be >= 1
- * `ArcTh() argument out of domain': the argument of this function
- must be in the range (-1,1) (excluding the limits themselves)
- * `Logarithm argument must be positive': the Ln() and Log() functions
- are defined only for positive arguments.
- * `Sqrt() argument must not be negative': Sqrt() function is defined
- only for argument >= 0
- * `Fact() argument must not be negative' the factorial function is
- defined only for argument >= 0
- AREXX support
- *************
- Starting from version 2.0 `ARcalc' have a built in AREXX port called
- "ARCALCPORT". You may write AREXX scripts or programs (like function
- plotters) using `ARcalc' as a function evaluation engine.
- `ARcalc' will ignore any command sent to its port if the OPTIONS
- RESULT flag is not set.
- Some AREXX command may fail. You may know if the command failed
- looking at the RC variable: if its value is 0 then the command didn't
- fail. If RC is not zero then the command failed. In such case, and
- only from an AREXX script, a message explaining the problem may be found
- in the `ARCALC_ERROR' variable.
- You may find some little script in the AREXX directory of the
- distribution archive.
- Here follow the commands supported by `ARcalc':
- `EVAL' <expression> Evaluate the given expression. The result will
- be in the RESULT variable if RC is not zero. Otherwise you will find
- the error in the ARCALC_ERROR variable.
- `SETVAR' <variable> <expression> Evaluate the given expression and
- put the result value in the given <variable>. The variable may
- be one of the following: "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z". You may use
- these variables to store temporary values in a complex computation. As
- for the previous command, in case of error you may take a look
- to the ARCALC_ERROR variable.
- `GETVAR' <variable> Return the value of the given variable in the
- RESULT variable of your script.
- `SETBASE' <base> Set the given base. <base> can be "dec", "hex",
- "oct" or "bin". After you set a base all the numbers involved in the
- expressions (and the results) are expressed in that base.
- `SETDRG' <drg> Set the arc unit for trigonometric functions. <drg>
- can be "deg","rad" or "grad".
- `SETFIX' <digits> Set the number of decimal digit. <digits> can be a
- number between 0 and 9.
- `SETFSE' <mode> Set the notation in which the results are shown.
- <mode> can be "nor","fix" or "sci".
- `QUIT' Quit `ARcalc'
- To do in the future
- *******************
- Version 2.0 implements the AREXX port previously mentioned in this
- chapter. Now... any other suggestions are welcome.
- Acknowledgements
- ****************
- I wish to thank some people, for the help they have given me:
- * Marco Caimi, Federica Colla, Paolo Silvera, Marco Zandonadi, for
- the beta testing of the program;
- * Steve McKinty for the english revision of this manual (I modified
- something after his revision, so maybe it is not still perfect);
- * Reinhard Spisser for converting the doc in TexInfo;
- * All my *official localizers*, that made possible to distribute
- `ARcalc' with so many languages:
- * Steve McKinty (english)
- * Reinhard Spisser (german)
- * Frank Bignone (french)
- * Fer de Jong (dutch)
- * Hannu Helminen (finnish)
- * Anders Hammarquist (swedish)
- * Soeren Berg Hansen (danish)
- * All the "Amiga comunity" of the Computer Science department,
- University of Milan for their entusiasm that helped me much to
- finish this project.
- Program and distribution notes
- ******************************
- `ARcalc V2.0' is a shareware program, (C) 1994,1995 Roberto Attias.
- You may freely distribute it as long as all of its files are included
- in their original form without additions, deletions, or modifications
- of any kind, and only a nominal fee is charged for its distribution; if
- you like it and use it, please be kind enough to send me $10 for my
- efforts. If you don't think this program is useful enough to pay for
- it, please, at least e-mail (or mail) me to tell me what you think of
- it, and suggest how can I improve it.
- This software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind,
- either expressed or implied. By using ``ARcalc'', you agree to accept
- the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program.
- Any suggestions, comments, or complaints are welcome.
- How to reach the author
- ***********************
- e-mail: attias@ghost.sm.dsi.unimi.it
- FIDO: 2:331/301.8
- Mail: Roberto Attias
- Via Lissoni, 5
- I-20162 Milano MI
- Phone: +39-(0)2-6470375