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- ****************************************************************
- * (c) Jayne and Richard Dunn 1992 *
- ****************************************************************
- Authors
- Jayne and Richard Dunn
- 26 Bennett Drive
- Warwick
- CV34 6QJ
- tel 01926 496691 >6pm
- 20th February 1995
- Welcome to MAGIC STORYBOOK, a truly unique, interactive package
- for children of all ages!
- MAGIC STORYBOOK is not public domain software but shareware.
- This product is subject to the copyright of the authors.
- It may only be copied in accordance with the instuctions given in
- the section on registration.
- It may only be distributed by libraries which agree not to tamper
- in any way with the code or document files.
- For full terms of usage please read the section on registration.
- MAGIC STORYBOOK is one of the most versatile educational packages
- currently available for any computer. Children can use this
- remarkable program:
- -To effortlessly create illustrated stories, cartoons or
- animated models
- -To bring these stories to life with easy animation
- -To add atmospheric sound effects
- -To save and print out their work.
- The use of this program can be as simple or as complex as
- children wish it to be: the stories that they produce will be
- limited only by their progressing abilities and their
- imaginations.
- Our philosophy has always been to provide not only the very best
- in educational software, but also software that children will want
- to return to time and time again. With this unique and fun to use
- educational product, children will be able to develop a number of
- important basic skills as they play.
- MAGIC STORYBOOK is a complex program. This does not, however, mean
- that it is difficult to use. At its simplest, children as young as
- five will have no trouble in mastering enough commands to be able
- to display magically animated stories. As they gain in confidence
- and ability, children will find that the package grows with them.
- They will soon be adding sounds to stories, altering text and
- drawing new background pictures.
- Eventually, with the use of the MAGIC STORYBOOK EDITOR they will
- be able to write, draw and animate their own unique stories.
- This version of MAGIC STORYBOOK is as much of the commercially
- available version that will fit on one disc. It comes with two
- of the five illustrated tales found in the complete package. With
- each of these, a wide range of sprites and sounds is provided to
- allow children to bring them to life within minutes of first
- loading:
- The full list of stories is as follows..
- -Goldilocks and the Three Bears...the classical childrens story.
- -Robin to the rescue...How Father Christmas was helped by an
- ordinary Robin.
- - The Angry Dragon: A story set in the days of knights in armour
- and fire-breathing dragons.
- -The Selfish Giant...Oscar Wilde's classical childrens tale.
- - The Christmas Story: The story of the very first Christmas.
- ****************************************************************
- Magic Storybook started as an idea in 1989. At that time my
- youngest daughter Rebecca was nearly 5 and she used to bring home
- from school, stories she had written and illustrated. These were
- extremely short and simple but as all parents have experienced
- with their own children, absolutely delightful.
- We had achieved some success with the computer spelling series
- LET'S SPELL and we thought it would be great if we could write a
- program which allowed children to write and illustrate stories to
- the maximum level of their abilities. We had seen that our four
- year old had creative ideas far beyond her ability to express them
- in words and pictures.
- Our original program allowed her to write stories using simple
- colour coded word lists and illustrate them with static "fuzzy-
- felt" like objects placed onto simple backgrounds. We then thought
- why should we limit it to only little children as all children
- love stories? And so we added:
- animation to the "fuzzy felt"
- easy background creation
- sound effects
- and a simple word processor
- We now had a program which allowed children to create a wide
- variety of stories easily and with fun. They were also able to
- save their masterpieces, print them out to paper or even to
- present them as a mini-play.
- BUT......... MAGIC STORYBOOK doesn't just stop there. It was
- expanded in 1991 to include a separate animation editor which
- allowed a child or adult to alter, or create from scratch every
- aspect of the backgrounds, animation objects and animation
- movements that were present in the original program. In short it
- allowed any story, cartoon or audiovisual animation to be created
- with ease.
- This was marketed in 1991 by Softstuff Software and sold
- throughout the country as MAGIC STORYBOOK (c). MAGIC STORYBOOK was
- received with rave reviews on the TV and in the press.
- We were asked with our daughter Rebecca to appear on Rolf Harris'
- Cartoon Club in September 1992. He was very impressed and said:
- -"It's terrific! It's great! It's a joy for children!"
- -"What a magic storybook!"
- ST Format magazine gave the program a three page colour review
- (November 1991) and its reviewer said:
- -"Where MAGIC STORYBOOK really scores is that it's got virtually
- all of these facilities (animation, word processor, art package
- and sound editor) in one package, and integrates them all in a
- very innovative way........there are so many levels and so many
- aspects in it that there isn't really an upper age limit. This
- program will grow and develop as your child does - something of a
- rarity these days."
- Amiga Format (January 1992) said:
- -"MAGIC STORYBOOK will help you get the most out of your Amiga,
- because at its most basic level it is a whole lot of fun:
- watching, and adding to, animated stories on your computer. But at
- its most difficult, it will probably stretch parents and children
- alike."
- Amiga Shopper (December 1991) said:
- -"I think MAGIC STORYBOOK is going to knock the socks off the
- educational software currently available..."
- Well with reviews like that you might ask why is MAGIC STORYBOOK
- now being promoted as shareware. The simple answer is the
- recession.
- MAGIC STORYBOOK sold so well in the first few months in major
- retail outlets that demand outstripped supply. Unfortunately
- because of the recession 1/2 of the software distributors simply
- did not and have still not, 12 months later paid for programs that
- they have sold on to the shops. The result for the publisher,
- Softstuff was that without payment they couldn't afford to supply
- it to the distributors any longer. Nor could they afford to
- continue to advertise it.
- We realised that there was immense interest still in MAGIC
- STORYBOOK and reviews in Atari ST REVIEW in May 1992 considered it
- an essential buy. They also said:
- -"Rolf Harris raved over the program on television some months
- ago, and with some justification".
- But no one was able to buy it in the shops and no one really knew
- it was available direct from the publisher. We decided therefore
- to take back the copyright and because we had invested three years
- in making it, decided to make it available easily and cheaply to
- as many people who wanted it.
- We first tried out our new strategy by launching an ST version as
- shareware. This was very successful but we refrained from
- producing an Amiga shareware version because shop sales (at
- 29.95 Pounds Sterling) were still good.
- MAGIC STORYBOOK is no longer a new programme but it still unique.
- We now feel the time is right to provide an Amiga version of MAGIC
- STORYBOOK. We hope you will enjoy using it as much as our children
- and those of thousands of others have.
- ****************************************************************
- ****************************************************************
- MAGIC STORYBOOK contains all of the main program, editor and 2 out
- of the 5 of the stories available on the commercial
- MAGIC STORYBOOK, and is available for you to try entirely free. If
- having done that you want to continue to use the program then
- please register as a user with us.
- This will cost you...
- *UK users............10 Pounds Sterling
- *All other users.....13 Pounds Sterling
- Please only send..
- *Postal orders or
- *Cheques payable to J.DUNN drawn on UK banks or
- *International postal orders if you are not a UK resident
- for the correct sum to...
- Amiga MAGIC STORYBOOK Registration
- 26 Bennett Drive
- Warwick, ENGLAND
- CV34 6QJ
- On receipt of your registration fee we will register you as a user
- and send to you:
- * A 20,000 word illustrated and printed manual complete with
- tutorials and parent/teacher helps
- * The 3 stories you haven't already got out of this list...
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Robin to the Rescue
- The Angry Dragon
- The Selfish Giant
- The Christmas Story
- * Hard disc installation help
- * Back up for MAGIC STORYBOOK users
- You will then have essentially the same product that is available
- in the shops (where you can find it) at 29 Pounds 95p for as
- little as 10 Pounds and the cost of this disc. Not a bad deal for
- you, something for us for the work that we have put in and an
- incentive to develop MAGIC STORYBOOK in the future. We are sure
- that you will consider it the best 10 pounds you have ever spent
- on childrens software.
- The best thing to do is just try this program and see for yourself
- how much fun it is to use. You and your children will be able to
- experiment with all the functions of MAGIC STORYBOOK.
- We hope you enjoy this program and if you do, we hope that you
- will register. If you do not want to use it however please pass it
- on to somebody else. IT MAY BE COPIED FOR THIS PURPOSE ONLY but
- only provided all the files on this disc are kept together (in
- fact MAGIC STORYBOOK won't work properly if any files are altered
- or left out). It may be exactly what they are looking for.
- ****************************************************************
- * (c) J&R DUNN 1992 *
- ****************************************************************
- This is a very brief account of how to use MAGIC STORYBOOK. The
- best thing is to try all the control icons and see what they
- do...most are obvious.
- Remember if you register you will receive a detailed printed and
- illustrated manual and tutorial.
- L click means click the left mouse button
- R click means click the right mouse button
- If you cannot see immediately what a function does then try
- clicking with both mouse buttons and then move the pointer off the
- menu bar. You can't crash the program by clicking on anything. If
- you get to the stage that you want to understand how the more
- complex functions operate then you probably need to register
- following which you will receive all the goodies mentioned earlier
- and full instructions.
- ***************
- ***************
- You can put this disc into drive df0 and boot up the computer if
- you just want to see what MAGIC STORYBOOK can do. If you want to
- do more with it though you will need to make up some discs.
- You will need 3 blank initialised discs.
- Make a copy of this disc and call it the MAGIC STORY disc. Put
- this disc away somewhere safe.
- Now taking the other discs. Call one the WORKBOOK disc and the
- other the PICTURES disc.
- Create a directory called WORKBOOK on the WORKBOOK disc and then
- create a directory called PICTURES on the PICTURES disc.
- The WORKBOOK is used for saving your stories. The PICTURES disc is
- used for storing IFF picture files. Any part of these files can be
- grabbed into the MAGIC STORYBOOK Editor.
- ****************************
- ****************************
- Switch on your Amiga and then put the MAGIC STORY disk in drive
- df0: .
- MAGIC STORYBOOK will load and run. This will take 2 minutes so be
- patient.
- At the first menu select a story using the mouse. You may only
- select a story that is shown with red letters. The grey lettered
- stories will be provided on registration. L click to load your
- story.
- MAGIC STORYBOOK loads in a story and runs a demo of the first
- page.
- L click to stop this.
- L click on MENU to go to main menu.
- *********************
- *********************
- This takes you to the picture designer.
- This takes you to the story editor.
- This takes you to the sound editor.
- The play button allows a child to play back the story as an
- animated play. This is cartoon making made easy.
- This takes you to the MAGIC STORYBOOK EDITOR. It is with this that
- you can really be creative. Instructions on how to use it are
- found in the manual which you get on registering.
- With this editor:
- -sprites can be completely changed or just altered -animation
- movements can be edited under direct visual control.
- -backgrounds can be effortlessly redrawn using a built in paint
- package.
- -background blocks can be edited -artwork from other packages can
- be imported.
- Print your story as:
- -text only
- -it appears on the screen along with the picture
- -an outline for colouring in
- -to disk
- You will need an epson compatable 9 pin printer with double
- density graphics capability connected and on line.
- Printing to disk as an IFF file allows users with incompatible
- printers to see their work in print.
- -Print a page to disc. You will need a PICTURES disc to do this.
- -load in a new story
- -load a demonstration story -load a previously saved story.
- Save your masterpiece to disk.
- You will need your WORKBOOK disc for this. One disk will save
- about 5 stories.
- (5+/8+)
- L click.. to toggle between age modes.
- This is not available as an icon but if the ESC keyboard key is
- held down for 2 seconds while on this screen the programme ends.
- A summary of how to register will appear if you click here. Follow
- the prompts to return to the main programme. This message will
- disappear after registration.
- All the screens are accessible from this main menu screen.
- Also you can always get to the picture and story screens by
- clicking on the picture and the story page.
- Turning pages is done by clicking on the left and right page edge.
- Actually on the yellow clasp. This can't be done from the main
- menu screen.
- ****************
- ****************
- L click.. on sprite to pick it up.
- Position sprite then..
- L click again.. to place it on picture.
- R click.. to drop it .
- As before.
- L click.. moves mouse pointer into the picture area. Place pointer
- over the Sprite to be removed. It will flash. L click again to
- erase it. To exit move pointer away from picture.
- R click.. clears all the sprites.
- L click.. animate picture.
- R click.. animate picture with sound effects.
- UP/DOWN arrows
- These alter sprite priority (ie Z axis position).
- Default is automatic (ie higher sprites are behind lower sprites).
- R click.. automatic priority
- L click.. manual priority.
- L click again and position pointer on sprite to be moved.
- L click.. to move sprite backwards.
- R click.. to move sprite forwards.
- Move pointer off picture to exit.
- L click.. turns pointer into background block (a tree).
- L and R cursor keys will change pointer into other background
- blocks.
- L click again.. to paint block onto background.
- R click.. to exit.
- This creates easy backgrounds in minutes.
- <BCK>
- L click.. moves background on one.
- R click.. restores default background.
- L click.. selects next pages sprites.
- R click.. restores default sprites for page.
- An easy way to create your own story using the existing sprites.
- The SCENE designer has been created to provide the utmost
- flexibility to the creative child. To this end there is no limit
- to where they can position the sprites on the page. Variation of
- this can produce some very interesting effects. Furthermore the
- sprites have been made to provide growing interest. Many sprites
- only become obvious after they are animated.
- ****************
- ****************
- As before.
- By default the text is already on the page. R click on OOPS will
- clear it.
- All words are colour coded.
- Red.. verbs
- Blue.. nouns
- Green.. adjectives and descriptive adverbs
- Grey.. prepositions and other words
- 5+ option
- Shows each sentence one by one.
- L click.. on word will select that word.
- R click.. on word box for new sentence.
- 8+ option
- Shows all the words for that page at once.
- L click.. on word will select that word.
- L click.. removes last word
- R click.. removes all words
- , " ? . !
- Click to select punctuation
- L click.. selects next pages words.
- R click.. restores default words for that page.
- View allows more complex sentence construction by selection from a
- wider range of words.
- L click.. turns on word processor.
- R click/ESC key.. turns off word processor.
- The word processor has simple text wrap and allows any story to be
- written.
- Cursor keys, insert, delete and backspace keys may be used.
- CLR/HOME key erases page and UNDO restores it.
- ****************
- ****************
- L click.. on blue sounds to select sound.
- These icons have already been explained.
- L click.. wipes the last sound and any wait data with it.
- R click.. clears the whole sound string.
- Play sound string
- L click.. add 5/5th seconds to end of sound string.
- R click.. add 1/5th second to end of sound string.
- FORWARD/BACK (the left/right arrow icons)
- Play NEXT sounds forward or backwards.
- Must be set before choosing the sound.
- Play NEXT sounds as a loop or sweep(forward and backwards).
- Must be set before choosing the sound.
- Must be followed by a wait for this effect to be played in.
- The sound menu has been designed to be as flexible as possible to
- allow you the choice of creating a multitude of sounds. On the
- other hand the basic sounds are availble for a very young child
- to put in place.
- Please note that samples are 2bit and therefore not of the best
- quality. If enough interest is generated we will be making
- available an 8bit sample version for registered users in the
- future.
- Complete instructions on every aspect of MAGIC STORYBOOK including
- several tutorials and the Editor are in the MAGIC STORYBOOK
- manual. This is available only on registration with us as a user.
- ****************************************************************
- ****************************************************************
- The LET'S SPELL series of programs were widely acclaimed as the
- best spelling programmes on the Atari ST and Amiga. Some of them
- received awards from various Amiga and Atari Magazines including a
- Format Gold for Let's Spell Out & About. They include multiple
- colourful interactive screens with sampled speech to recreate the
- letter sounds. They are suitable for children aged 4 to 11. They
- are now available in Archimedes and IBM PC formats and have so far
- sold over 10,000 copies in this country alone.
- In the past these programmes sold for #19.95 each. The AMIGA
- versions can now be bought for less than #5 direct from us.
- Let's Spell at the Shops
- Let's Spell at the Shops in French
- Let's Spell at Home
- Let's Spell at Home in French
- Let's Spell Out and About
- Let's Spell Out and About in French
- Each game costs 5 Pounds Sterling.
- Or ...Any 3 for 10 Pounds Sterling.
- These are UK prices. Please add 3 pounds if you live outside the
- UK.
- Then send a cheque made payable to J. DUNN or a postal order or an
- International Postal order to...
- Amiga Let's Spell offer
- 26 Bennett Drive
- Warwick
- England
- CV34 6QJ
- or telephone 01926 496691 (>6pm) for further details.
- Jayne and Richard Dunn 20/02/95