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- XAnim List of Changes between Revisions. Not all revisions have been
- let loose.
- Rev 2.27
- + Initial beta test release.
- Rev 2.28/227a
- + Fixed core dumps on Sun's and cmap screw up on Sun3's.
- Rev 2.29
- + removed big endian dependencies in code.
- + added support for IFF type l (small L not 1) anims.
- + redid options to make them more flexible.
- + GIF and TXT anims use all cmaps found. If a cmap is
- the same as the current cmap, it isn't changed.
- + Support for PseudoColor displays with less than 256 cmap
- entries put in but not tested.
- + Groundwork for TrueColor support put in, but not fully there yet.
- (finally got a TrueColor in my office, so that will help.)
- + added option to prevent window resizing.
- + added start,stop and single step keys while anim is running.
- + added reverse direction key. Most anims are meant to be played
- backwards do to compression schemes. But if anim if buffered
- 1st with optimizations off, then it should work okay. Currently,
- only goes backwards with in an anim file.
- + added update option that only affects single stepping.
- Basically with this option on and single stepping, xanim will
- move forward until the image gets changed on the screen. Useful
- if you don't want to treat a cmap change as a step.
- + removed Xt calls from signal handler routine.
- + codes getting cleaner and more commented but still a ways to go.
- Rev 2.29.1 (enough features added to prove useful but still a ways to go.)
- + some support for GIF89 anim extension blocks(not robust yet)
- + support for new FLI chunk types 4 and 7. (FLC ?)
- + improved single step code so that anim stops with key press
- instead of showing one more frame 1st.
- + xanim will try to remap each gif file into previous colormaps
- in an attempt to minimize color flashing.(Need to add luma
- sorting when new colormap is needed).
- + fixed bug in FLI color chunk code that effected color chunks
- of more than one packet.
- + fixed FLI COPY chunk bug.
- + internal structure is still changing rapidly.
- Rev 2.29.2
- + added luminance sorting for GIFs colormaps to minimize cmap
- flickering.
- + added pixmap options to speed up X11 performance.
- + fixed bug in size optimizations in FLI type 7 chunks.
- + fixed bug that effected Amiga anims with nonstandard sized
- ANHD chunks.
- + redid cmap handling of IFF cmaps that cleared up some
- inconsistencies.
- + fixed bug in +i option with gifs or buffered anim chunks.
- Rev 2.29.3
- + experimented with cmaps. aborted.
- Rev 2.29.4
- + officially support True Color for GIF87s,FLIs,IFFs.
- Rev 2.29.5
- + added 1 bit Monochrome support for GIF87s,GIF89s,FLIs,IFFs.
- + added True Color support for GIF89s and HAM IFFs.
- + fixed GIF unlacing bug.
- + consolidated a lot of routines and redid internal structure
- to better handle different display types.
- + allow default condition of flags to be specified at compile time.
- see xanim_config.h
- + fixed bug in command line parser. Affected d,f,j,l flags that
- weren't immediately after a + or -.
- + fixed bug in luma sorting that caused incorrect colors to be
- displayed.
- + Added options to turn luma sorting on or off.
- + Added cmap_try_to_1st options. This tries fitting each new cmap
- into the previous one. (see xanim.readme for more info).
- + Added cmap_map_to_1st options. This forcibly maps each new cmap
- into the 1st one. (see xanim.readme for more info).
- + fixed up interlace mode.
- Rev 2.29.6
- + fixed artificial limitation on number of files(was 50).
- this was an oversight. It's now dynamic.
- + changed autoincrements on casts(ex: *( (ULONG *)(ptr)) )++ )
- because it's not supported(or legal) on some compilers.
- Rev 2.29.7
- + More robust support for .FLC files.
- + Added support for .DL files.
- Rev 2.29.7d
- + Makefile and includes changes help systems that don't put
- the X11 includes into /usr/include/X11.
- + Imakefile courtesy of Rich Thomson.
- + XtOpenDisplay now gets argc and argv.
- + colormap install problem.
- + fixed problem with .DL version 2 large formats(wouldn't recognize)
- + fixed cmap with multiple dl's. (it always used 1st cmap).
- Rev 2.29.8
- + added -display option.
- + Added Amiga PFX file support.
- + Added Amiga MovieSetter file support.
- + Added Amiga MovieSetter support of non-concatenated animatons.
- (ie. all the pieces are in separate directories - Moviebacks,
- Moviesets and Moviesounds).
- Rev 2.29.9
- + made actions dynamic.
- + frame list now contains timing info for more flexibility.
- On the Way to 3.00
- Rev 2.30
- + redid internal image handling.
- + with pixmap option, display Images as converting to pixmaps.
- 1st time through might be slower than subsequent times, but
- there is less of a pause on start up.
- + added +Cn (nice cmap flag). Allocates colors from existing cmap.
- + added support for StaticColor,GrayScale and StaticGray Visuals.
- + added color quantizing, remapping and a little dithering.
- Rev 2.31
- + some optimization on IFF delta decoding routines.
- + some optimization on HAM decoding routines.
- + XInstallColormap now an option.
- + X11 Visual selection now possible.
- + X11 Verbose command line selectable.
- Rev 2.50
- + Added nested loop support of DL files.
- + Added HAM8 support and IFF 256 color images.
- + certain Weather GIFs had extra bytes encoded. check for this.
- + Added Sizing and On the Fly rescaling features.
- + redid color cycling and added support for cycling during
- animations.
- Rev 2.50.1
- + on 8 bit display that support TrueColors with 256 cmap entries
- instead of 8, xanim was incorrectly choosing this as a default
- visual. Should be fixed now.
- + added an option +Cc to forcibly install the cmap before each
- image. (NOTE: this only will happen when a cmap can be installed).
- Has no effect with +Cn or on static displays etc.
- Rev 2.50.2
- + Hugh D.R. Evans added MAKE.COM, XANIM.OPT and VAXTIME.h to allow
- xanim to be compiled under VMS.
- Rev 2.50.3
- + installing wrong cmap with +Ca/+Cf options for unbuffered FLIs or
- IFF anims.
- Rev 2.54.0
- + fixed bug in FLC code on visuals of depth > 8.
- + fixed bug in HAM6/HAM8 code.
- + Added pre-buffer scaling to conserve memory usage.
- Rev 2.55.0
- + Added Amiga IFF anim 7 support
- + Fixed colormap generation of DirectColor visuals on 8 bit machines.
- Rev 2.55.1
- + Was closing display before freeing an image. Possibly causing
- irregular behavior when exiting.
- + Bonehead mistake on XCreateImage. Was passing bytes per pixel
- instead of bitmap_pad.
- + Fixed typo in Imakfile and added -fno-builtin when using gcc
- Rev 2.55.2
- + typo in 2.55.1 release on Monochrome systems causing early
- exit for no reason. fixed.
- Rev 2.55.3
- + fixed up Imakefile.
- + started man page.
- + broke ANIM-J XOR deltas on IFF anims trying to optimize in 2.50.
- Now fixed.
- Rev 2.56
- + added color_quantization/dither options for buffered HAM images
- + added Utah Raster Toolkit RLE file support(with multiple images)
- + added gamma options.
- + added command line and window key input to scale animation speed.
- + modified window commands to have single stepping within and across
- animations.
- + added mouse button events to run, stop and single step animation.
- + added limited support for IFF FACE files.
- + Full buffering support of ANIM-J Movies.
- + MovieSetters are now no longer automatically pixmapped.
- Rev 2.60
- + Added AVI support (CRAM 8 bit only).
- + Redid Delta handling to simplify Code and ease new codecs additions.
- + Fixed bug that caused core dumps on 2 byte visuals.
- + Fixed single-step bug on IFFs introduced in 2.56.
- + removed +Ct option(try to fit) not deemed useful.
- + allow user to select Visual Class using +V option.
- + Fixed cases where anims had more colors than X11 display
- and weren't remapped for other reasons.
- + XAnim checks for a 2nd directory for unpacked MovieSetters. The
- 2nd directory is same as 1st except case of 1st letter switched.
- + thanks Rick Dyson for providing descript.mms and VMS suggestions.
- Rev 2.61 (not released)
- + Added CRAM(Microsoft Video 1) 16 bit support.
- + Added AVI RAW support(thanks Julian Bradfield)
- + Added Quicktime Support for RPZA codecs
- (thanks to Frank Roussel for testing out quicktime code and
- making sure the colors were correct).
- + Added Quicktime Support for RLE8, RLE16, RLE31 and RAW codecs
- Rev 2.62 (not released)
- + Added Quicktime Support for SMC codecs
- + Fixed bug on SGI TrueColor and Sun Rasterflex. Needed to
- create new GC when selected visual depth wasn't the
- default. (thanx Terje Lein-Mathisen for testing out my
- test code)
- + Added +f option to play animations from disk for
- avi,fli and qt anims.
- + Added Quicktime Support for RLE24 codecs.
- + Added +f option of IFF anims(except BODY).
- + Added support for quicktime anims with own colormap.
- + Added RLE depth=1 support for quicktime anims.
- Rev 2.63.0 (not released)
- + fixed Amiga IFF Type J bug for anims of odd depth.
- + Thanks to John Kneitz for some VMS fixes and suggestions.
- Rev 2.64.0 (Released 14 Feb 1994)
- Rev 2.64.1
- + Potential core dump when exiting from unkown animation types.
- Was re-Destroying and already Destroyed Image.
- thanks to trs@csc.liv.ac.uk
- + Finally added MSDOS DESQview/X options
- thanks to Steve G.(goodrich@qdeck.com)
- Rev 2.64.2
- + Realized I totally broke fli code on some little endian machines.
- Rev 2.64.3 (not released yet)
- + Finished making fli code more robust to handle fli's whose chunk
- sizes don't add up to the frame size.
- + Added +k1 (k for kludge) for flis that don't include pad bytes
- on odd byte length chunks(no way that I know of to detect
- this automatically - there's no magic in the chunks like there
- is in the frame hdrs).
- + Attempting to make XAnim more resilient to errors, etc.
- + If you use AUFS from the Columbia Appletalk Package, then
- Quicktime Animations have the resource forks stored in
- a directory called .resource. Scott Davis has provided
- code to support this.
- Rev 2.67.0
- + +Cn option now the default.
- + Fixed bug that caused problems on machines whose Address
- bus is larger than 32 bits(Alpha's).
- + Fixed bug with visual selection on machines with more than
- one screen.
- + Fixed bug with odd width FLC anims.
- + Cleaned up AVI RGB codec.
- + Added AVI RLE8 codec.
- + Added Cinepak codec to AVI and Quicktime and optimized.
- + Added SMC code 0x50(also clarified code 0x40).
- + Fixed bug in Mono and Color dither routines.
- + Added +Z option to cause xanim to exit after playing command
- line instead of looping forever.
- + Added +B option to used X11 shared memory extension. Only
- used for tempory image bufs on non-buffered anims(i.e. no
- affect when +b option is used or animation always buffered).
- + Added +CF4 option for anims whose color depth is > than 8
- AND who has a "colorful" 1st frame. Beats the default
- truncation of RGB color info to 3-3-2 on 256 color displays.
- + Optimized CRAM8 and CRAM16 codecs.
- + Allow Gamma changes on all AVI and Quicktime codecs.
- Rev 2.67.1
- + Fixed CVID color generation.
- + Fixed bug in AVI RGB code for odd width anims.
- Rev 2.67.2
- + Thanks to John Kneitz and Martin Zinser for all the help
- with the VMS/AXP testing and makefiles.
- + minor niceties added.
- + RPZA optimization.
- Rev 2.68.0 (release)
- Rev 2.68.1
- + I messed up the make.com right before release. what was I thinking?
- + Also when I changed the +f option from fread to read, I didn't
- realize VMS didn't have unistd.h(it used unixio.h instead).
- Rev 2.68.2
- + more fixes to VMS make files.
- + fixed bug/typo with +CF4 option and Cinepak codec.
- Rev 2.68.3 30Jun94
- + For VMS, a new make.com file that creates the correct
- xanim.opt file.
- + +Z changed to +Ze and +Zp# option added.
- + Quicktime SMC(Apple Anim) codec optimized for speed.
- Rev 2.68.4 04Aug94
- + Added +Cs# option that greatly improves +CF4's usefullness when
- running 16 and 24 bit animations on 8 bit display. It's also
- on by default now. (+CF0 to turn off).
- + QT filename parse potential cores when called from Mosaic
- + bug when freeing shared memory caused potential cores.
- *********BEGINNING OF AUDIO SUPPORT*****************************************
- Rev 2.69.0
- + Added Buttons(thanks to George Ferguson for the code)
- + Added IBM Ultimotion to AVI.
- + Added Sparc Audio to AVI and Quicktime.
- Rev 2.69.1
- + Added Linux and SGI coded. They compile but may not work.
- + Added DL Format 3 support.
- + Added +Cs# option that greatly improves +CF4's usefullness.
- + Added Quicktime YUV2 codec.
- Rev 2.69.2-3
- + unsuccessful attempt to find a generic fix for Alarm Clock
- and other errors.
- Rev 2.69.4
- + Use XtAppAddTimeOut instead of signals and interval timer.
- Fixes: Alarm Clock.
- Suspended temporarily
- Known BUGS/Features
- + XAnim compiled on machine without XtNVisual(usually older
- revs of X11 or machines with only 1 visual) cannot be
- run on displays that have multiple visuals. X11 Feature.
- + background colorcycling not supported in MovieSetters.
- + Visuals of depth 4 or depth 2 that put more than one pixel
- in a byte aren't fully supported yet.
- Any additional bugs, suggestions or comments email to:
- Mark Podlipec podlipec@wellfleet.com
- http://www.portal.com/~podlipec/home.html "The XAnim Home Page"