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Text File | 1994-01-19 | 119.7 KB | 2,129 lines |
- A.I.B.B.
- Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks
- A system performance evaluation utility for the Amiga
- Program Release Version 6.5
- Copyright 1991-1993 LaMonte Koop
- All Rights Reserved
- This software is provided as is. No warranty as to the performance or
- validity of data obtained within is stated or implied. Bug reports and
- suggestions for improvement are welcomed, and every effort will be made
- to evaluate such reports.
- AIBB is freely distributable provided no fee other than a moderate
- fee for disk copying charges is made for its acquirement. It may be
- distributed across any electronic network, provided no fee is charged
- specifically for it's download. A broad-based download fee is acceptable
- provided it is charged universally for all such file downloads. All
- associated files included with the distribution archive of AIBB are to
- remain intact and unaltered. BBS listing notices and the like may be
- included in the archive provided no alterations are made to the actual
- distribution files themselves.
- This program, and all accompanying files are not public domain. They
- are copyright material and may not be used for commercial purposes without
- permission from the author. In most circumstances such permission will
- be granted, but the author must be contacted before any distribution with
- a commercial product.
- AIBB is not shareware, as no donation or usage fee is required.
- However, any donations are always appreciated, and can only encourage
- further development of the program. This is an ongoing project, and will
- continue to be so as long as interest in it is shown.
- AIBB is a utility primarily designed to assist in the evaluation of
- system performance on a basic level. It consists of a series of
- performance tests, the results of which are evaluated against other systems
- and the displayed for comparison purposes. It should be noted that care
- must be taken when making a definitive evaluation of the performance of
- any system, as much more is involved in making a thorough determination
- than the data which can be provided by AIBB alone.
- System performance evaluation, commonly referred to as "benchmarking",
- is the rather dubious science of trying to determine which system or
- system architecture is "fastest". Unfortunately, all to often it is not
- completely clear what is meant by which system is "fast".
- Computer systems in general usually consist of a number of devices
- interconnected to form a whole. These individual devices can be on one
- circuit board, such as the case with certain coprocessor devices, etc...
- or even as seperate entities completely, physically connected in some
- external fashion, such as with expansion boards. All of these devices will
- have certain advantages and disadvantages with respect to performance
- levels. Combined together, it is generally the overall use of the system
- in general which determines how much of an effect is seen in these factors
- when observing overall system performance. Before delving into these
- factors further, it is necessary to first clarify a few of the key
- components which are main players in the performance game.
- I. The system CPU.
- The CPU ( Central Processing Unit ) of a computer is often the focus
- of most performance discussions. This unit is generally responsible for the
- non-specific portion of any computing task. It's duties involve general
- program instruction execution, and in many cases it is the device
- responsible for 'mastering' the system and coordinating the system effort
- as a whole. Note that this is a generalization. Systems do exists which
- are distributed; their CPU is not as readily defined, or consist of multiple
- processing units each coordinated as a whole. However, in the context of
- this discussion a single primary device will be assumed.
- Since the CPU of any system does often receive a great deal of the
- overall responsibility for program execution and task organization, it is
- thus a very key part in the overall performance of the system as a whole.
- However, often times it is considered solely as the factor which determines
- the "speed" a computer can perform a particular operation. This assumption
- is not always valid, and must be thought out carefully. Many other factors
- may affect the efficiency of the CPU itself in performing it's operations,
- which is why the system as a whole must be evaluated towards a particular
- job which it is to be given. But before this relationship becomes clear,
- the other components which are factors must first be recognized.
- II. Coprocessor Devices
- A coprocessor is any system processing unit which works in conjunction
- with the primary processor (CPU) in the actions of the system. Such devices
- are often subsystem-specific, and are responsible for a particular set of
- computing tasks. For example, a system may include a FPU, or Floating
- Point Unit to take on the task of floating point computations. These
- processors are generally fine-tuned to that specific task, and thus are
- more efficient at it than the main processor would be if it were to do the
- same job.
- Thus, the primary use of coprocessors is to alleviate some of the total
- system computing load from the CPU. These devices may be directly coupled
- to the CPU, thus being closely tied to the performance of the master
- processor, or may be of a loosly coupled variety. This latter type of
- coprocessing unit is tied to the CPU only when it requires data and
- information from the main processor, and in some situations may be capable
- of accessing and modifying system memory without going through the
- CPU at all. Although this concept is not unique to coprocessors alone,
- it is relevant, and thus will be explained here. Such memory accessing
- capabilities denote a Direct Memory Access device (DMA). These devices
- do not necessarily rely on the CPU to transfer data to them, and thus are
- often 'decoupled' from the CPU in such a way as to have a different
- performance ratio from the CPU itself. Even non-DMA devices are often
- afforded a level of concurrent, or simultaneous operation with the main
- CPU, so as to provide a more efficient method of task completion. However,
- DMA devices are more closely tied with another set of subsystems to be
- considered when dealing with system performance.
- III. Bus interfaces.
- This is often a confusing topic. The term 'bus' is used a great deal,
- but all to often it is not clear what is meant by it. As stated before,
- a computer system consists of a number of devices integrated together to
- form the whole. A bus is, simply put, a communications pathway between
- devices. Over these pathways control, address, and data signals are
- transferred to devices which are required to perform a portion of any
- particular task. Most systems contain more than one bus in which this
- communication takes place. Usually, a primary bus or combination of
- specific primary buses is responsible for the majority of data transfer and
- communications between all devices in general, with lesser buses used as
- specific pathways between certain devices. Buses are often 'sized', or
- given in terms of bit-bandwidth. Basically, this is a determination of the
- maximum size of a single data transfer across the pathway between devices.
- For example, an 8-bit bus can transfer an 8-bit quantity of data across
- it at once, while a 32-bit bus can transfer 32 bits at a single time
- ( Where a bit is defined as an electrical signal value representing a binary
- number, either 0 or 1 [ Logical FALSE or TRUE, which orientation depending
- upon the design of the system ] for each bit ). Although there are other
- sizing factors which come into play, this is a general idea, and suitable
- for the discussion at hand.
- As any system relies on the coordinated efforts of all its components,
- the efficiency and effectiveness of communication between each device is
- of importance when considering the overall performace of the computer. A
- bus which is not up to par with the capabilities of the devices it
- interconnects will hinder the system while one which is capable of handling
- the individual components will allow for a more efficient setup. More of
- this relationship will be given later after the other component members are
- introduced.
- IV. Input and Output ( I/O ) Devices.
- This is a lose subset of devices collectively describing such units as
- storage media devices ( disk/tape drives, etc... ), external communications
- devices ( serial and parallel communications to external units ), and
- specific control input units, such as keyboards and other data input means.
- While the latter of these devices is generally not considered to be of much
- influence in system performance, the former members, such as storage devices,
- can have a great impact on performance levels.
- Storage devices are in general the slowest of data transfer devices
- on any system. For this reason they are often considered to be a
- 'bottleneck' in system performance evaluation. However, many advances have
- been made in the design of such units, including the use of DMA access from
- storage device control units to the system main memory, which helps by
- alleviating the CPU's responsibility in data transfer from these devices.
- Generally, I/O devices are more important to systems requiring a great
- deal of access to large quantities of data, or ones involved in data
- transfer as their primary mechanism of use.
- V. System Memory.
- This subsystem has been mentioned in passing previously, but until
- this section not given full attention. System memory resources also play
- a big part in overally system performance evaluation. Memory can affect
- a system's performance in many ways. Depending on the speed of other
- devices, utilizing memory subsystems which are slower (requiring the
- addition of 'wait states - periods of time in which the data requesting
- device waits for the data to be available - to properly interface to the
- system) can cause any data accesses to occur at a slower rate than the rest
- of the system could otherwise handle them. Many memory subsystems do
- indeed utilize wait states, as other devices are too fast for such memory and
- the memory access speeds required for zero-wait-state access would make for
- prohibitively expensive systems. Although a completely zero-wait state
- system is often not feasible, methods are available to system designers to
- try and reduce the overall memory latency periods. One widely used method
- is the use of cache memory.
- VI. Cache Memory.
- Cache memory is a memory storage medium which is usually designed for
- the fastest possible access to frequently used resources, usually
- microprocessor instructions and/or data. This area is generally small
- compared to the size of an entire system memory complement, and thus can be
- implemented at a cost lower than that of employing very fast components for
- all memory. The general operation of most memory caches is to store the
- most recently accessed instructions or data within the cache, then make a
- check for them there upon the next memory access call. In this sense, if
- the instruction or data is in the cache, it can be accessed almost
- immediately, rather than having the processor fetch the required data from
- the system's main memory resources. A cache 'hit' is the term used to
- indicate the processor did indeed find the data within the cache, and did
- not have to fetch from main memory, whereas a 'miss' denotes when the
- processor was forced to get the needed data or instructions from the main
- system memory. When a miss occurs, the cache will usually be updated with
- this new data in the case it is called for again, thus keeping the data
- in the cache fresh.
- The main theory behind such caches is that many programs spend a
- great deal of time within the confines of a definable event loop.
- Therefore, depending on the size constraints, part or all of such a loop
- can be held within the cache, decreasing execution time. Caches can be
- found both external to the microprocessor or, increasingly, within the
- microprocessor itself. They may be seperated such that they only
- instructions or data are held individually, or may be set up such that both
- types of memory accesses are kept within one cache. There are tradeoffs to
- both types of design, but in general the cache in any form is a
- useful mechanism for increasing system performance. One must be cautioned
- however, as the cache can also lead to a misrepresentation of system
- performance comparisons. Benchmarking tools are often small segments of
- programs, and as such may be easily completely cached on systems equipped
- with such. Thus, a benchmark result may not accurately depict the true
- system performance with a real-world application which would not be
- entirely housed within a such a cache.
- VII. A word on clocks and clockspeed ratings.
- No mention has been made of clockspeed ratings of various devices
- so far because they are often misleading terms and can be taken in the
- wrong context in many cases. Therefore this subject is placed in a
- seperate section of discussion.
- "Clockspeed" ratings of devices are in actuality frequency
- measurements. Almost all digital devices operating in a computer system
- today require some sort of timing input to coordinate their internal and
- external responses. Generally, this is provided by a clock signal fed to
- that device, and in some cases the device itself may be responsible for
- the generation of additional clock outputs to other devices.
- Clock frequency ratings for system components are usually today given
- in terms of MegaHertz ( MHz ). This is a cyclic frequency rating indicating
- a the number of cycles per second an oscilating periodic signal undergoes.
- As an example, a rating of one MegaHertz indicates a frequency of one
- million cycles per second.
- As indicated earlier, almost all digital system components require
- some form of clock input. To see where this is important, take the case
- of the CPU. Generally, instruction execution timing is stated in terms
- of the number of clocks a given instruction takes to complete. A faster
- clock means that although an instruction takes the same number of clocks
- to finish, more clock input edges occur in a given time frame, and thus
- afford a faster response. In this sense, faster clock rates generally
- indicate faster devices. The system bus, and other devices are also
- managed in terms of clock inputs signals. These may or may not be the
- same input as given to the CPU, or the CPU itself may control them itself.
- Thus, differences in clock ratings between subsystems can be a source of
- bottlenecking, if one faster clocked subsystem is forced to wait to
- synchronize with a slower subsystem in order to transfer data and control
- signals.
- Let it not be thought that clock input frequency is the sole governing
- force in determining component speed, however. In many cases, other
- effects cause similarly clocked devices doing the same task to finish
- in differing amounts of time. One way this can happen is if one device has
- been enhanced in such a way as that it's internal operations are more
- efficient, thus requiring fewer clocks to complete. Therefore, this factor
- must be weighed as well as clockspeed in even single device evaluations.
- Device designers are constantly using both increased clock rates, as well
- as increased internal efficiency to advance the performance of system
- components.
- It should be noted here that the term "bus cycle" is often confused
- with the concept of of clockspeed, because of the term cycle. A bus cycle
- is related to the clock cycle rate, but not usually identical. Bus cycles
- are the time required for the CPU or other device to access data and
- complete an external bus operation on it. For example, the MC68000 CPU runs
- a 4 clock memory access cycle in general ( asynchronous memory transfers ),
- requiring 4 CPU clocks to access a given memory operand. This is assuming
- a no-wait state operation. Wait states are additional clock periods added
- to this cycle time in order for the data to be validly returned from the
- accessed device, and are placed in the bus cycle period when a device is
- incapable of responding to the data transfer request within the normal 4
- clock period. This is only given as a particular example; other CPUs and
- architectures have differing bus cycle timing layouts (i.e, the MC68020,
- MC68030, etc... run 3 clock asynchronous bus cycles normally at zero wait
- states).
- VIII. Putting it all together
- Many factors are involved in the evaluation of a system's performance.
- But just as a computer is the sum of its parts, these factors cannot be
- considered alone. They must be put together and seen in entirety in order
- to get a whole picture. Moreover, the intent of the system in use is
- important in weighting these factors towards which are more influencing
- for any particular task.
- As an example, consider a system primarily intended for data processing
- tasks. One might expect that it should have a relatively fast CPU in order
- to work through the data at a reasonable pace. However, if the system's
- memory resources are such that they require the addition of many wait states
- into their accesses, then some of the effect of having a fast CPU is offset. Even further, what type of data is being processed?
- Then again, if the data is of a floating-point varieny, then a very fast
- CPU might not necessarily be as effective as a moderately fast Floating
- Point coprocessor added to the system. Another important factor might be
- the amount of data which needs to be continously accessed from storage
- devices. In the case where a great deal is being pulled from such devices,
- and they are slow in providing the data to the system, then no blazingly
- fast component elsewhere is going to be able to make that system setup mark
- high in it's environment as the data is only able to get to the 'fast'
- devices as fast as the 'slow' storage devices can provide it.
- It is obvious that care must be taken in evaluating any system's
- performance in order to properly take into account all factors involved.
- This includes determination of the usage of the system, and how individual
- components may affect this speed.
- The Commodore Amiga is a particularly interesting system as a whole to
- evaluate, as it houses a fairly complex architecture for its relative price
- range. It includes aspects of multiprocessing within it's design, as well
- as a multitude of different system layouts to consider. However, only
- subsystems relevant to the type of testing performed by AIBB will be
- considered here, these being the 'core' elements of the system, discounting
- I/O devices and external communications units. Of primary interest in this
- discussion is the system CPU, coprocessing devices, and memory subsystems of
- the Amiga.
- I. System Layout
- A. Primary system processors.
- The Motorola M68000 series of microprocessors is utilized as the
- main CPU in all Amigas in production today. Various models of Amigas
- exist which utilize all of the primary variants of this microprocessor
- family, with third-party add-on accelerator units providing an upgrade
- path for many systems originally borne with earlier 68000 series CPUs.
- An overview of the various M68000 microprocessors and their main uses in
- Amigas is as follows:
- MC68000/MC68HC000
- The MC68000 was the CPU the Amiga was born with, utilized in
- the Amiga 1000 first, and subsequently in the A500 and A2000
- stock system models. This CPU is characterized by a 24-bit
- address bus, giving it a 16 megabyte addressing capability, and
- a 16-bit data bus. This microprocessor is classified as being
- a 16/32 bit device. Its external data pathways are 16 bits
- in size, while internally it supports a 32-bit model by
- containing full 32-bit register implementations.
- In all stock Amiga models utilizing this CPU, the device is
- clocked at the rate of the system bus, approximately 7.15 MHz for
- NTSC based systems, and about 7.09 MHz for PAL systems. Certain
- add-on accelerators do exist which are built around this CPU,
- replacing the stock motherboard component with an add-on board
- which runs the CPU at 14.28 MHz, or in some designs, 16.0 MHz.
- Recently, the MC68HC000 variant of the 68000 has been
- introduced into the Amiga market on an accelerator board. The
- 68HC000 is a standard 68000, but manufactured in CMOS technology.
- This design of the part allows it to run at higher clock rates,
- and with less power consumption than the standard 68000. Aside
- from this, the 68HC000 is identical to the 68000 stock device.
- MC68010
- This CPU has not seen wide use in Amiga systems, although
- it can be found occasionally. The MC68010 is pin-compatible
- with the MC68000, allowing for simple drop-in replacement in any
- system utilizing the latter. Most systems do not see a
- tremendous performance boost while utilizing the 68010 as it's
- improvements over the 68000 are not a tremendous leap.
- The MC68010 includes various internal microcode enhancements
- over the MC68000, allowing for faster instruction execution in
- some circumstances, as well as the addition of a specialized
- programmer-transparent 'loop mode' which enhances CPU performance
- in tight program loops by allowing said loops to be latched into
- the CPU instruction prefetch queue where external bus cycles are
- not necessary for the loop code proper. As indicated earlier
- though, this CPU has not seen a great deal of use in Amiga
- systems, and is mostly found in circumstances where owners of
- 68000-based Amigas have chosen to replace their stock CPUs with
- this device directly.
- MC68020
- A major upgrade to the line, the MC68020 includes a great
- many advances over the previous members of this microprocessor
- family. The MC68020 is the first fully 32-bit capable
- microprocessor of the M68000 series, incorporating full 32-bit
- address and data buses, as well as a 256 byte instruction cache,
- in order to keep program code sections used often within a
- fast-access medium. The MC68020 is a major step above the
- MC68000 or MC68010, with an architecture more capable of handling
- larger demands upon its resources.
- The 68020 is utilized in earlier acclerated Amiga systems,
- including as the main processing engine of the first A2500 series
- of machines which housed the CBM A2620 accelerator unit. Many
- acclerators using this CPU were produced by third-party
- manufacturers, including low-cost units found in some A500 units,
- as well as in the A2000 line. In most designs, this CPU is
- clocked at approximately 14.28 - 16.0 MHz, with a few of the
- lower-cost accelerators running the CPU at the ~7.15 MHz (NTSC) /
- ~7.09 MHz (PAL) system clock of the Amiga.
- MC68030
- Improvements were made to the MC68020, including the addition
- of a 256-byte data cache to complement the existing instruction
- cache, and the inclusion of an on-board memory management unit
- ( MMU ) in order to produce the MC68030. Additional improvements
- exist internally to this CPU over the MC68020 to give it a stand
- against its generation of competing microprocessors. The 68030
- can be viewed as an incremental improvement to the 68020, adding
- additional features but not being a tremendous architectural
- change from its predecessor.
- The MC68030 is found as the accelerated CPU of the later
- A2500 series of Amigas, as well as being the main processor of
- the Amiga 3000 line. This microprocessor has also been widely
- implemented in accelerator units for all models of Amigas and is
- used at a wide variety of clock frequencies ranging from 16.0 MHz
- to 50.0 MHz.
- MC68040
- Currently found in a variety of accelerators, and as the
- main processor for the A4000/040, the 68040 is a generation
- leap over the previous MC68030 model and incorporates a great
- many advances over all previous models in this series of
- microprocessors. Both instruction and data caches found in the
- MC68030 are present, but their size has been increased to 4K
- bytes each. In addition, the data cache of this processor now
- supports a 'CopyBack' mode of operation, providing for faster
- data access times by allowing memory writes to be deferred to the
- cache until an update of memory contents is absolutely required.
- On-chip MMUs exist for both data and instruction streams within
- the CPU, and the internal pipelines have been further optimized
- for increased performance. A subset Floating Point Unit (FPU) is
- also included on-chip for floating-point calculations.
- The 68040 is at present found in only 25 and 33 MHz rated
- varieties at this writing, though this will likely change in the
- future. Unfortunately, it does seem to be a developing trend in
- the Amiga community to somewhat overclock the 68040, an action
- neither sanctioned nor recommended by Motorola.
- There are several variants of these primary microprocessor models in
- production. The newest such variants are the Motorola "EC" series of
- M680x0 parts, and "LC" series of MC68040 parts. The "EC" ( Embedded
- Controller ) series are characterised by changes from the standard part
- ranging from simple packaging to the removal of certain internal features.
- This latter option is what has been taken with the MC68020, MC68EC030, and
- MC68EC040 parts. The MC68020 is given by a 24 bit address range, as opposed
- to the normal 32 bit address range of the standard 68020 part. Aside from
- this difference, it is identical to the 68020. The MC68EC030 is
- characterized by the lack of an on-chip MMU. It functions identically to
- the standard MC68030 with this exception. The MC68EC040 and MC68LC040
- are similar to each other except that the on-board MMUs of the normal 68040
- are preserved, in the LC part, with just the FPU not functional on the unit,
- while the EC part removes both the FPU and MMU units from the chip.
- At this point it is of interest to bring up a point of common interest
- with accelerated Amiga systems; that of asynchronous vs. synchronous
- accelerator designs.
- Synchronous designs were the first accelerators to appear for the
- Amiga. These are generally found in the MC68020 based accelerator units,
- and also in many of the low-cost MC68000-based accelerators. A synchronous
- design is one in which the devices present on the accelerator are clocked
- at a rate which is absolutely synchronized to the main system clock signals.
- For the A500 and A2000, this means the clock rate of such accelerators
- must be an even multiple of the ~7.15MHz (NTSC) / ~7.09 MHZ (PAL) system
- clock rate. Because of the difficulties involved in maintaining
- synchronicity at high clock rates, generally these accelerator units are
- restricted to about 14 MHz, or double the system clock rate.
- Asynchronous designs, on the other hand, have no such restrictions.
- These units are somewhat more difficult to design, but in general the
- accelerator components may be operated at nearly any clock input, provided
- they are themselves capable of performing at the given frequency. This
- operation mode is what all MC68030-based accelerator designs for the A500
- and A2000 utilize, thus giving the wide range of clock rates found in these
- accelerators.
- It must be noted however that an ambiguity exists in the terms
- synchronous and asyncronous. The 680x0 microprocessor series is characterized
- by normally running asyncronous bus cycles. This simply means the processor
- initiates a read/write action, and it is up to the external device to terminate
- ( acknowledge ) the cycle, thus completing it. This behavior is NOT related
- to accelerator design as might be confused by the use of the same terms. In
- accelerator design terms, asyncronous and synchronous are designating how the
- accelerator state machine relates to the main system clock, and NOT how
- individual bus cycles are run by the CPU in general.
- Many accelerated Amigas also utilize an FPU for floating-point math
- intensive operations. The main FPUs in use by the various Amigas available,
- and the add-on accelerators in use on the Amiga, are manufactured by
- Motorola as well, either as seperate coprocessor devices, or as in the
- case of the MC68040 are embedded within the main CPU itself. An overview
- of the various FPUs in use is given below:
- MC68881
- This is a seperate floating point coprocessor device
- which provides fast hardware-supported floating-point operations
- to any system software which supports it's use. This unit does
- provide a certain level of concurrancy, giving it the abililty to
- perform certain instructions at the same time the main CPU is
- performing other operations. Support for this coprocessor is
- provided either by a built-in hardware microcode interface, found
- on the MC68020 and MC68030, or by software trap interfacing for
- the MC68000 and MC68010. The latter method is used in but a few
- early Amiga accelerator boards, while the preferred interface,
- that to the MC68020 or MC68030, is supported by virtually all
- accelerators utilizing those CPUs.
- The MC68881 may be run asynchronous to the CPU clock input,
- meaning it need not run at the same clockspeed as the CPU itself.
- Thus, a faster FPU may be used to give somewhat of a boost to
- floating-point operations. The MC68881s in use in Amigas today
- are found mostly running at clock frequencies ranging from
- 12-20 MHz.
- MC68882
- The successor to the MC68881, this unit incorporates the
- same interface and operations as the former device, but with
- certain internal enhancements. The microcode for many operations
- has been optimized for faster response, and support for further
- multiple floating point instruction concurrency was added. In
- general this FPU will perform at about 1.5 times the speed of the
- MC68881 at the same clock input frequency. The MC68882 is
- primarily operated at clock rates of 12-50 MHz, depending on the
- accelerator or system utilizing it.
- MC68040
- The MC68040 CPU incorporates an FPU within the processor
- itself. This FPU unit is a basic subset FPU of the MC68882,
- eliminating mainly the transcendental (sin, cos, etc...), and
- complex functions found in microcode on the former. Nevertheless,
- the optimized nature of the existing FPU instructions provided
- allow for emulation of the missing functions in such a way as to
- give faster execution than the MC68882 for almost all operations.
- B. The custom chips.
- In addition to the main processing units, the Amiga also incorporates
- a number of custom designed devices, known collectively as the Amiga's
- custom chips. Their primary purposes are varied, but they are generally
- in charge of such things as DMA access and arbitration to various memory
- areas, and graphics/sound generation and effects. These custom chips are:
- Agnus/Alice
- Probably the most talked about custom chip, Agnus is found
- in a number of flavors, ranging from the original device, to the
- 'super' version found in the A3000. Aside from minor internal
- changes, the main differences between these different versions is
- the amount of memory they can directly access. Agnus is
- responsible for for control of 25 system DMA channels, generation
- of all system clocks in the A500 and A2000, and provides control
- and addressing for CHIP RAM, which is the memory accessable by
- these custom chips. The size of this memory region is determined
- by the Agnus in use, and is either 512 KBytes, 1 Megabyte, or
- 2 Megabytes in range. As the custom chips are utilized primarily
- for graphics and sound coprocessing tasks, all such data must be
- located in this CHIP RAM area.
- Agnus also contains within it what is referred to as a
- Blitter. This internal device is a fast memory copy unit designed
- to move areas of memory as efficiently as possible, and has the
- capability to also perform specific logic manipulations to the
- data in the process.
- Finally, Agnus also contains Copper. Copper is the system's
- Display Synchronized Coprocessor. This device assists with screen
- refreshes and display building, and is a major factor in the
- Amiga's graphics engine.
- Alice is the successor to Agnus, and part of the AGA graphics
- chip found in the latest Amiga models. Containing the same 16 bit
- data bus interface to CHIP RAM, Alice is nonetheless capable of
- directing 32-bit fetches to RAM, as well as take advantage of
- double CAS page mode cycles, providing for a larger bandwidth to
- memory, and increased performance.
- Denise/Lisa
- The Denise custom chip is primarily responsible for color
- generation and display resolution modes. This chip also contains
- the eight hardware display sprite controllers used in the system.
- Lisa, part of the AGA custom chip set, is the replacement
- for the aging Denise. This new chip is implemented in full CMOS
- technology, and incorporates the ability to handle up to 24-bit
- RGB video, as well as do double 32-bit fetch cycles to memory
- which increase its data bandwidth rate to 64 bits per cycle, or
- four times that of the earlier Denise chip.
- Paula
- Paula is a more or less diverse device. It controls sound
- generation, contains the system floppy disk control circuitry,
- and houses the I/O control circuitry for the disks as well as
- external control ports. Paula also contains an interrupt control
- system for various system operations.
- The custom chips of the Amiga and the coprocessors associated with
- them are designed in such a way as to alleviate the main CPU of many
- intensive tasks, such as graphics operations and sound generation. They
- support a concurrent level of operation, allowing the main CPU to continue
- with non-specific computing tasks while the custom chips handle their
- respective operations. The devices are capable of DMAing directly into
- the CHIP RAM area, freeing the CPU completely from task responsibility
- in those respects.
- Bus layout.
- The seperation of operations and the definition of the CHIP RAM memory
- area is further accentuated by the fact that the Amiga utilizes two buses
- along these lines. The CHIP RAM bus is a seperate entity from the main bus
- utilized by the CPU and other devices, but is accessable by the CPU as
- well. The seperation can even be greater given the fact that the CHIP RAM
- bus can be decoupled from the CPU bus completely under certain
- circumstances.
- The CHIP RAM bus is primarily utilized by the custom chips, with the
- CPU being given access to it on an interleaved cycle basis ( every other
- bus cycle can be a CPU access cycle ). The custom chips have priority in
- this domain, and this is where the idea of bus contention arises. If a
- great deal of bus activity is in progress by the custom chips, they may
- 'lock out' the CPU, forcing it to wait if it needs data or information
- from this bus' memory space. This is where the touted 'FAST RAM' comes in.
- FAST RAM is memory not on the CHIP RAM bus, but rather on the main
- system bus or expansion bus. This memory is not accessable by the custom
- chips, and thus no contention for it's access occurs between them and
- the CPU. Due to the seperate nature of the buses, it is possible for the
- CPU to be processing instructions and data utilizing FAST RAM while the
- custom chips are concurrently operating in the CHIP RAM area. This
- parallel operational status allows the Amiga to perform a great variety
- of graphics operations in such a way as to done on a bus which is not
- operated at a great speed.
- The CHIP RAM bus on all Amigas is operated at a clock frequency of
- approximately 7.15 MHz. On the A500 and A2000, this is the main system
- clock frequency. For those machines, the CHIP RAM bus is accessed via
- a 16-bit wide bus port, while on the later A3000/A4000 systems the bus port
- for external accesses is a full 32-bit interface, affording larger data
- transfer sizes at the same clock rate.
- Because of bus contention, a system containing only CHIP RAM may very
- well have slower operations than one which contains FAST RAM as well. The
- FAST RAM equipped machine will be capable of having the CPU operate
- concurrently on information on that bus, while the custom chips operate on
- their tasks. The CHIP RAM only system is going to have circumstances where
- the CPU will be forced to wait to access data, as the custom chips may be
- utilizing the CHIP RAM bus heavily.
- FAST RAM in the A500 and A2000 series of machines can be located on
- many devices, from standard expansion card extenders which exist on the
- system expansion bus and operate at the system clock frequency, to other
- methods of RAM addition which have been devised that do not directly use
- the common Amiga expansion routes. FAST RAM located along the standard
- expansion backplane on these systems operates at the system bus clock
- rate ( 7.15 MHz ), and is accessed accordingly. On A3000 machines, FAST
- RAM is generally located on the system motherboard, and is accessed
- according to the system clock rate of those machines, which on stock models
- may be 16 or 25 MHz.
- It should be noted that some systems utilizing only 512K of CHIP RAM
- have in their memory lists a region of RAM which is called FAST, but in
- fact is on the same bus as CHIP RAM. This is generally the memory found
- on the A2000 motherboard for 512K CHIP RAM machines, or on the A501
- expansion card for A500s. This memory will suffer from the same bus
- contention that CHIP RAM is exposed to, and thus it is generally advisable
- to be sure that program code is not put here unless it has to be ( e.g, if
- true FAST RAM exists, it should be prioritized ). The utility program
- "FastMemFirst" supplied by CBM is meant to do just that.
- FAST RAM located within the domain of an accelerator is not limited to
- the system bus clock rate. It may be operated at such, but in general can
- be accessed at a clock rate much different, usually at the accelerator's
- CPU clock. Systems utilizing accelerators benefit from this setup, as
- an accelerator does not change the system clock rate, and therefore in
- order for an accelerator's CPU to use system resources, it has to
- synchronize with the system clock, and may even have to contend with a
- narrower bus interface. Such is often the case on the A500/A600 or A2000
- when utilizing MC68020 or MC68030 based accelerators, which are best suited
- for 32-bit bus ports. Since those processors take a performance hit when
- accessing narrower bus ports, as well as a hit from the possibly slower
- clock rate of the system bus, accelerators often are equipped with their
- own RAM resources which is designed to operate at the CPU clock frequency
- and utilizes a more efficient bus port size ( 32-bit ). The case with the
- A3000/A4000 is slightly different.
- The A3000 and A4000 utilize a 32-bit bus for their memory resources
- already, therefore this is not a problem with accelerators for those
- machines. However, the bus on the A3000/A4000 is clocked at 16 or 25 MHz
- ( depending on the model ), and if a faster CPU is used in an accelerator
- it may be profitable for the unit to contain it's own RAM resources in order
- to lower access delays to a minimum. The A3000/A4000 does include
- provisions for an accelerator to supply it's own clock signal to the
- motherboard, but as of this writing, this has not been employed by any
- devices.
- II. Summary and overview.
- It can be seen from all this that there is a great deal to be visualized
- when trying to make a comparison of system performance levels. A great
- many factors come into play when trying to determine just what system is
- best and quickest for the task at hand. Various factors can determine how
- efficient an accelerator is on a particular system, or how efficient a
- system is in general. Interface efficiency, accelerator or general
- system design, and intended use all play a part in determining which setup
- is the 'winner' in the speed race. Indeed, there may not be a winner,
- except in a particular task category, and this must always be remembered.
- No benchmark or performance test can possibly hope to test all of these
- categories, and the others which also play roles. Thus, it is necessary
- to utilize data obtained from any set of benchmarks as only a portion of
- the picture to be analyzed, and not as a rock-solid performance indication.
- System design has improved to the point where many benchmarks can be fooled
- into giving higher performance measures than would be found in any typical
- application. As benchmarks are typically small pieces of code, they must
- be evaluated as such. They can indeed give clues as to the performance
- level of a system, but certainly not a definitive answer.
- Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks ( AIBB ) is a program primarily
- designed to test various aspects of system performance at the CPU and
- accompanying device level. It does not test such things as I/O efficiency
- and storage media data retrieval and placement efficiency ( storage I/O ).
- The tests contained within AIBB by no means give a complete picture of any
- system's performance level, but does provide some basic information and
- comparison data for a variety of systems.
- AIBB is divided into a number of sections. Several are simply
- informative in nature and are designed to give a better picture of the
- system conditions during the actual testing phases. Other portions of the
- program allow for a certain measure of system control, giving the ability
- to somewhat modify the parameters under which tests are performed. It is
- important to try to pay attention to the parameters and information given
- by AIBB, as they may in turn give important clues as to the nature of the
- test results reported.
- AIBB is set up to allow a user to perform a number of tests on the host
- system, and compare those results against a series of other systems.
- Comparison data is given in both graphical and numerical form. AIBB also
- allows the entire series of tests to be performed, and the results and
- system state stored as a "load module" which may later be loaded and used
- as one of the comparison systems against which a possibly different host
- will be checked against. Tests may be manipulated by code type and system
- situation in order to allow a better picture of the system performance
- criteria being looked at.
- I. System Requirements.
- AIBB may be run on any Amiga system utilizing AmigaOS 1.3 or greater,
- but it should be noted that the tests performed are designed primarily for
- accelerated systems or fast systems in general. Therefore, tests may be
- exceedingly long on Amigas utilizing slower CPU units, and the general
- speed of the program may seem a bit slow on such platforms.
- Users of MC68040 based systems must be utilizing AmigaOS 2.0 or
- greater in order to run AIBB. Modified versions of AmigaOS 1.3 do exist
- which are patched to somewhat deal with the problems of that OS version
- and the 68040, but as per CBM's official stance, this is not a supported
- method of utilizing the 68040 as a system processor. For this reason,
- AIBB will abort if it detects a 68040 and the system OS version is less
- than 2.0.
- AmigaOS 1.3 users with accelerators must be sure to be using the latest
- SetPatch routines for those OS versions. ( SetPatch v1.34 ) SetPatch
- corrects a problem with FPU code with those OS versions, and is necessary
- for proper operation of AIBB. AmigaOS 2.0x also is shipped with a SetPatch
- routine which should be executed in the Startup-Sequence to assure any
- future OS bug fixes and corrections will be applied.
- When AIBB first starts up, it performs a series of system tests to
- determine the type of system it is being operated on, ascertaining such
- things as CPU type, FPU type, MMU type, etc. Unfortunately, some low-cost
- accelerator units may experience a problem here...most notably in the
- MMU type tests.
- The MMU on systems which house the unit as a seperate device ( such
- as 68020 + 688851 systems ) is treated by the CPU as an external
- coprocessor...much like the FPU on such systems is. The MMU or FPU in
- such a setup responds to an instruction when the instruction coprocessor
- ID field matches the hardware set ID of the device. This allows more than
- one coprocessor in a system ( such as both an MMU and FPU ). The ID
- decoding mechanism is handled in hardware...and this is where the problem
- arises with some accelerators. Such accelerators do not fully decode the
- coprocessor ID, and thus the FPU may respond as an MMU, etc. Most of the
- time this causes no problems to the system, but it does for AIBB which is
- looking for these devices. Unfortunately, AIBB will most likely not work
- on systems afflicted with this until the hardware bug is corrected by the
- manufacturer. It should be noted that most systems/accelerators do NOT
- have this problem, but a few may show up from time to time.
- This program does not absolutely have any absolute requirements other
- than those previously mentioned in order to be operated, but it does have
- some suggested configurations. In order to utilize the program's file
- functions, AIBB must be able to find one of the following shared libraries
- in the libs: directory on your system disk:
- 1. asl.library ( AmigaOS 2.0 systems only )
- 2. kd_freq.library ( library version 3.0 or greater )
- 3. req.library ( library version 2.0 or greater )
- 4. reqtools.library
- AIBB will search for these libraries in this order, and utilize the first
- one found. Primarily, the library need is for file requester utilizing
- functions within AIBB. AIBB will still operate without finding one of
- these libraries, but it will block access to the file-requesting functions
- it normally provides.
- This will be the last version of AIBB to include support for AmigaOS
- versions below 2.0. At this time, more effort is being placed into
- compatibility with later AmigaOS generations, and this will be the mode
- of support emphasized.
- Getting Started.
- AIBB may be started from either the CLI/Shell or WorkBench. If the
- latter method is used, it is imperative that the icon used ( if not the
- supplied one ) have it's STACK value set to 20000. AIBB invocations from
- the CLI/Shell have no special requirements or stack settings as AIBB will
- perform the necessary set-up in this environment. It is recommended that
- careful attention be paid to the existing system memory resources before
- starting AIBB. AIBB is quite large, and if you wish it and it's test code
- to be loaded into a certain memory medium ( generally a fast medium if
- possible ), then enough contiguous memory must exist in that memory region.
- AIBB will give information as to where exactly it's code is located, but
- if you are interested in loading AIBB in a certain region, this must be
- taken into account BEFORE starting the program.
- Several options are available from the command line when invoking AIBB
- from the CLI/Shell, or equivalently through the icon TOOLTYPES array when
- starting from the WorkBench. These options are listed below:
- CLI/Shell Options: These options must be preceded by a dash ('-'), with
- no spaces between the dash and the option. The
- argument following the option is listed below as <arg>
- and should be formatted as such: -<option><arg>, such
- as -m0.
- -c<arg>: Sets the CPU type AIBB will use for the host system.
- Available arguments are:
- 0 : 68000 CPU
- 1 : 68010 CPU
- 2 : 68020 CPU
- 3 : 68EC020 CPU
- 4 : 68030 CPU
- 5 : 68EC030 CPU
- 7 : 68040 CPU
- 8 : 68EC040 CPU
- 9 : 68LC040 CPU
- Any other value will be ignored.
- -f<arg>: Sets the FPU type AIBB will use for the host system.
- Available arguments are:
- 0 : NO FPU
- 1 : 68881 FPU
- 2 : 68882 FPU
- 3 : 68040 FPU (Internal)
- Any other value will be ignored.
- -m<arg> Sets the MMU type AIBB will use for the host system.
- Available arguments are:
- 0 : NO MMU
- 1 : 68851 MMU
- 4 : 68030 MMU (Internal)
- 7 : 68040 MMU (Internal)
- Other values will be ignored.
- -cs<arg> Sets the CPU clockspeed aibb will show/use for the
- host system. The argument field should be a valid
- clockspeed rating, such as 25.0 for a 25MHz rating.
- -fs<arg> Sets the FPU clockspeed aibb will show/use for the
- host system. The argument field should be a valid
- clockspeed rating, such as 25.0 for a 25MHz rating.
- -b This option accepts no arguments. Supplying it on
- the command line turns off the 'Click' sound AIBB
- makes when a gadget is pressed.
- WorkBench options: These options mimic the ones given above for the
- CLI/Shell, with the exception that they are contained
- within AIBB's icon TOOLTYPES field. The options
- available are:
- CPU=<arg>:
- Sets the CPU type AIBB will use for the host system.
- The CPU type may be specified as:
- 68000
- 68010
- 68020
- 68EC020
- 68030
- 68040
- 68EC030
- 68EC040
- For example, to specifiy a 68EC030 CPU, the option
- to give would be CPU=68EC030.
- FPU=<arg>:
- Sets the FPU type AIBB will use for the host system.
- The FPU type may be specified as:
- 68881
- 68882
- 68040
- For example, to specifiy no FPU, the option to give
- would be FPU=NONE.
- MMU=<arg>:
- Sets the MMU type AIBB will use for the host system.
- The MMU type may be specified as:
- 68851
- 68030
- 68040
- For example, to specifiy no MMU, the option to give
- would be MMU=NONE.
- CPUSPEED=<arg>:
- Sets the CPU clockspeed aibb will show/use for the
- host system. The argument field should be a valid
- clockspeed rating, such as 25.0 for a 25MHz rating.
- For example: CPUSPEED=16.0 would set a CPU speed of
- 16.0MHz which AIBB will then use internally.
- FPUSPEED=<arg>:
- Sets the CPU clockspeed aibb will show/use for the
- host system. The argument field should be a valid
- clockspeed rating, such as 25.0 for a 25MHz rating.
- For example: CPUSPEED=16.0 would set a CPU speed of
- 16.0MHz which AIBB will then use internally.
- Using this tooltype option turns off the click sound
- AIBB uses when a gadget is depressed.
- The CPU/FPU/MMU options given above are for special circumstances only!
- Normally, AIBB will determine all of the above independently, and tampering
- with these values will be detrimental. However, these options can come in
- very handy under certain circumstances.
- Some accelerator models on the market suffer from a hardware bug: They
- do not properly decode the coprocessor ID in hardware for systems with
- such devices. The end result is attempted accesses to an MMU may end up
- with the FPU on the system erroneously responding instead. Now, since AIBB
- relies on an 'exception' occuring when no MMU exists in its efforts to ID
- the system MMU, this becomes a problem if the FPU responds instead. The
- result of this is that AIBB may fail to function properly on such systems,
- and this is where the above options come in.
- When the options above are specified, AIBB will take them at face value.
- No further testing of the system is attempted. Therefore, by specifying
- various values, the problem above can be circumvented as AIBB will not
- perform the internal checks which may cause errors. If you suspect your
- system is one with such a hardware bug, try manually setting the system
- CPU, FPU, and MMU types to see if this cures the problem. You should not
- have to set the device clockspeed ratings manually, as AIBB will still
- be able to perform this.
- ------------------------
- ONCE AGAIN, do not take the CPU/FPU/MMU command options lightly! If
- false values are given, it may very well result in program errors within
- AIBB, or possibly a system failure. Under most circumstances, you will NOT
- need to use these options AT ALL, and can allow AIBB itself to determine the
- system configuration.
- ------------------------
- Under some circumstances, AIBB may request that the processor type
- be supplied manually by the user. This is primarily in situation where
- AIBB can't positively determine whether a 68EC030 or 68030 exists, or in
- the case of 68LC040/68EC040 determination. If AIBB requests this
- information, please supply the correct processor type, as failing to do
- so can result in serious problems on occasion. This is especially true
- in the case of the 68EC030 vs. the standard 68030. AIBB may not be able
- to determine the exact processor in this case if for some reason the
- MMU enabled bit is set in the processor's Translation Control ( TC )
- register. Both the 68EC030 and 68030 have valid TC registers, even if
- with the EC part the MMU is non-functional. Since AIBB attempts to
- parse MMU tables if the MMU is active (for locating system structures),
- fooling AIBB into thinking that an EC part is a standard 68030 in the
- case of a seemingly active MMU can result in AIBB attempting to parse
- a non-existant MMU table. This can be very problematic, and in extreme
- cases result in a system failure.
- ------------------------
- Once AIBB loads, a few moments may be needed by the program while
- it evaluates the system it is being operated on, the exact time depending
- on the relative speed of the host system in question. A screen displaying
- a message of that sort will be given while this is in progress. Following
- this evaluation, you will be presented with AIBB's main program screen.
- III. Operation/Features of AIBB
- A. Main Screen Description
- AIBB's primary screen consists of several informational areas designed
- to provide information about test operations and basic system information.
- These areas are divided up as follows:
- Performance Graph
- The performance graph is a bar graph display of the comparisons
- made after each test is performed. Ratings are given in reference
- to the base machine for comparisons, with the highest performing
- system having it's bar displayed in RED, while all others are
- in YELLOW. Note that although numerically two machines may have
- the same results out to 2 decimal places, AIBB may still show one
- in red. This is due to rounding, and the fact that the one
- highlighted machine does in fact have a higher rating if a few
- more decimal places were shown numerically. However, such small
- quantities should not be taken literally, as far too many variables
- exist to use such values in accurate comparisons.
- Test Result/Information
- This area provides several pieces of data. First, it gives the
- name of the test last whose information is being displayed
- currently. The numerical result of the test performed is given
- here, as well as the memory node reference number where the test
- code, and possibly any test data is located. To reference these
- node numbers, please see the section on the "System Information
- Display".
- Base Machine Indication
- Below the Test Result/Information area is a small reference
- which lists the current comparison system being utilized as the
- base for all comparisons performed.
- Comparison Information
- This section provides several key pieces of information about
- test performance. It gives the numerical ratings of all systems
- utilizing the base machine as a reference. These values are the
- same as those used to generate the performance graph.
- The system headers here which label the machine in each
- row are in fact gadgets that when pressed will move AIBB to its
- System Information Display, showing data on the system selected.
- In addition, this area houses the test code type gadgets/
- indicators. Selection of code options for the host system causes
- AIBB to perform any tests utilizing those options. Selections
- under the comparison systems result in AIBB using the figures for
- that code type ( previously obtained when the comparison data was
- generated ) when making comparisons. Note that not all options
- will be available, depending on system capabilities.
- The gadgets allow for seperate selection of CPU and floating
- point code models. Floating point code selections will only have
- effect on tests which use such operations, while the CPU code
- model will be in effect across all tests. Thus, when performing
- a non-floating-point test, the current floating point code model
- selection is ignored.
- The gadgets are cyclic in nature; repeated selection will move
- them through all available code models. The currently available
- CPU code types are:
- Standard 68000 Code
- Having this item selected sets the code type to that which
- is compatible with all MC680x0 series microprocessors. Note
- that this means no advantage is taken of the capabilities
- or code optimizations available on later-generation
- microprocessors of this series, but it is a good base
- selection as it can be utilized on all existing Amiga systems.
- 68020+ Code
- This item selects code compatible with later generation
- MC680x0 series processors. It will not be compatible under
- most circumstances with earlier ( MC68000 or MC68010 ) based
- systems, but will take advantage of some of the more advanced
- capabilities of these later processors in the series.
- The currently available floating point code options are given
- below. As indicated earlier, they will affect only tests which
- utilize floating-point math in nature.
- Standard Math Code
- Using this option sets the code type to use software
- emulation of floating point routines. This is compatible with
- all Amiga systems in use, as it is not hardware specific.
- In-Line Coprocessor Code
- This option sets the test code type to that which uses
- faster in line FPU instructions for floating point operations.
- As not all systems will have a coprocessor available, this
- option is not universally available on all systems.
- 68040 Enhanced Math Code
- For use with 68040-based systems, this option allows the
- use of FPU code which is more optimized for 68040 processors.
- Such processors do not have hardware-assisted transcendental
- functions and this option will set up for in-line emulation of
- such, alleviating the need for trap-based libraries such as
- 68040.library or similar vendor supplied code.
- Basic Information
- Located just below the performance graph, this area provides
- key pieces of information about the current state of the host
- system. The system CPU type, FPU type, and MMU type in use are
- displayed, as well as the current operational status of the MMU.
- Also displayed are the approximate CPU and FPU clock speed ratings,
- as calculated when AIBB first evaluated the host system on startup.
- This area also contains the system cache status indicators/
- gadgets. These show the current state of any CPU caches which may
- exist, and also allow their condition to be changed by selecting
- the cache parameter desired. Clicking on a particular parameter
- toggles it through both its "ON" and "OFF" states.
- A lot of confusion tends to exist about the CPU cache modes,
- and the MC680x0 cache BURST mode ( supported on the MC68030 and
- MC68040 ) is often not understood. BURST mode operations are a
- special form of cache filling ( updating the contents of the cache ) where an
- entire "line" of cache data may be filled sequentially and faster
- than the single-entry mode of cache filling. A cache "line" in
- this case is a series of 4 longwords ( 32 bits each ) arranged
- simplistically as:
- entry: 1 2 3 4
- line 1 ---- ---- ---- ----
- line 2 ---- ---- ---- ----
- ...
- where each entry is one longword. The MC68020 and MC68030 utilize
- cache sizes of 16 lines, giving 256 bytes of cache storage. The
- MC68040 increases this to give a total of 4K of cache space for
- each of the data and instruction caches.
- BURST mode is essentially a compromise in performance.
- Average-case CPU performance is enhanced at the cost of worst-case
- performance. The latter effect is true because during BURST mode
- operations the CPU bus controller is committed to a memory fetch
- sequence for a longer period of time than with single-entry mode.
- The mode enhances average and best case performance by allowing the
- CPU to sequentially fetch 3 additional longwords from memory faster
- than normally done by the usual asynchronous single-fetch bus cycle.
- Once it has fetched the first longword, the next 3 are clocked into
- the cache line utilizing only 2 clocks per fetch, thus filling one
- cache 'line' in 9 clocks ( assuming a zero-wait state initial
- fetch ) rather than 15 clocks. The theory behind this is that the
- data/operands sequentially surrounding the initial fetch will most
- likely be needed soon in any case, and placing them in the cache
- leads to their eventual faster access.
- BURST mode operations are not universally applicable to all
- systems however. Generally, the memory controller on the system
- ( or particular memory board ) must be capable of supporting BURST
- mode operations, or the BURST request by the CPU will not be
- fulfilled. In systems not capable of these modes, activating them
- will not be detrimental, but will go unnoticed in performance terms.
- The CPU will request BURST fills when it deems appropriate, but the
- memory controller will not acknowledge the request and thus simply
- force the CPU to do single-entry fetches as in standard operation.
- Test Activation Gadgets
- These are located in the lower right-hand corner of the screen
- and serve several purposes. Normally, they are utilized to start a
- test, but this is dependent upon the mode of operation AIBB is
- currently in. See the section on "Review Mode" for further
- information of this nature.
- Activation of a gadget in standard mode starts a test with the
- current code parameters and general settings, as detailed in the
- appropriate sections later. Tests are divided into two groups:
- "Standard" and Floating-Point. Standard test types, denoted with
- WHITE lettering, are more general to the system, and represent code
- more often found in operational situations. Floating-Point tests,
- given YELLOW lettering, utilize a great deal of floating-point math
- to test the system's performance across that domain. See the test
- descriptions for more detailed information on the tests available
- within AIBB.
- B. Main Screen Menus.
- AIBB's primary screen has attached to it a number of menu items, which
- give even more options and control over program operation. Those operations
- are described below, in the order of the menus as they appear on the screen.
- Menu 1: General
- About AIBB
- This option presents a requester giving credits and
- information about this version of AIBB.
- Load Module Prefs
- AIBB allows the use of alternate systems than those
- contained internally in order to make comparisons against
- the host system. This menu item will bring up a requester-like
- arrangement which will allow the paths to load modules to be
- used in place of the internal defaults to be specified. To
- replace an internal module at startup for comparisons, simply
- enter the full path name to the alternate load module in the
- respective entry in this requester. Leaving an entry blank
- informs AIBB to use it's internal default for that system.
- Note that this configuration will take effect when AIBB is
- next started, and the the next menu item, "Save Configuration"
- as detailed below, must be selected to save the choices made
- here.
- Color Settings
- The colors AIBB uses for its main screen displays are
- user selectable, and may be changed if personal taste desires.
- This menu option will bring up a color requester which will
- allow AIBB's palette to be modified to suit. This may be
- particularly useful for users of monochrome monitors which can
- only display levels of grey, rather than color. Under such
- circumstances some of AIBB's normal colors may map to grey
- shades so similar as to be indistinguishable on the screen.
- Use of this option can correct such a situation.
- Use of the "Save Configuration" menu item will save the
- color palette chosen with this option to file, and AIBB will
- use that palette in subsequent invocations.
- Save Configuration
- This saves the current state of AIBB's menu item selections,
- as well as the current order of the comparison machines as they
- are placed. For more information on these regards, see the
- section on loading new comparison modules from the default
- systems within AIBB. AIBB currently saves this data to a file
- called "aibb.prefs", which may be located in an assigned
- directory called AIBB:, or your system S: directory. This
- file will be searched for, in that order, when AIBB is first
- invoked, and the values contained within will set AIBB's
- startup options. If AIBB cannot locate a preferences
- configuration file, it will notify you and use internal
- default values.
- This item forces termination of AIBB.
- Menu 2: System
- AIBB Task Priority
- A submenu-endowed item, this selection allows for the
- changing of AIBB's task priority. This is primarily for
- running tests while still allowing multitasking to occur,
- while examining the effects of different task priority levels.
- For information on disabling multitasking during test
- operations, see the "Disable Multitasking" entry under the
- Test Options menu descriptions.
- Menu 3: Test Options
- Disable Multitasking
- When this item is selected, it indicates AIBB should
- perform all tests in such a way as to disable all system
- multitasking during the run of any test. This allows a figure
- to be generated which indicates the system performance FOR
- THAT TEST more accurately, as there is no task context
- switching during the test runs. Note that all comparison
- system figures are generated with this option enabled, so this
- should be selected in order to compare the systems on an even
- par. When this item is utilized, the previously mentioned
- ability to set AIBB's task priority will have no impact on
- test performance, as no task switching will occur, and thus
- the task priority level becomes meaningless.
- It should be noted that when using this option, it is a
- good idea NOT to be running much in the background. The
- Amiga's operating system is a near-real-time setup, requiring
- in many cases fast response to system conditions. Use of this
- option can affect certain other operations adversely, most
- notably that of serial communications and the like.
- Screen Overlay
- Using this option results in AIBB putting a one bitplane
- ( two color ) low-resolution screen over it's main screen
- during every test. AIBB's normal screen is a high-resolution
- 4 bitplane ( 16 color ) screen, and on CHIP RAM only systems,
- and for some tests even on FAST RAM equipped systems this may
- result in a great deal of bus contention on the CHIP RAM
- bus. Subsequently, performance levels may be adversely
- affected for the test. The use of this option attempts to
- alleviate some of this problem by utilizing a screen overlay
- which minimizes bus contention on the CHIP RAM bus by limiting
- the required DMA activity by the custom chips to display it
- while it is the topmost screen. Again, all comparison data
- for the other systems is obtained with this option enabled,
- so in order to keep comparisons on par this option should be
- enabled, which it is by default values.
- Note that for graphics-related tests this option will not
- be activated as it would be detrimental to what those tests are
- indeed trying to analyze. It is advised that if this option
- is enabled while multitasking is permitted that screens not
- be shuffled while a test is in progress. The uppermost screen
- is the cause of the CHIP RAM bus display DMA effects, and to
- shuffle to another screen during a test could nullify the
- advantage of using this option.
- Set Gfx Test Display Mode
- AIBB allows all graphics tests to be run on any system
- supported display mode, and this option allows the user to
- select the display resolution and depth (number of colors)
- to use when running such tests. Selection of this menu item
- brings up a screen mode requester via the asl.library
- requester functions. As versions of asl.library which support
- the screen mode requester are required for this to function,
- the host system must be running AmigaOS 2.1 or greater.
- Once a particular screen mode is selected, any graphics
- tests run will be done in that mode. This is particularly
- useful for comparing the effects of differing resolutions and
- display depths on graphics performance levels. One must be
- careful to take note of the modes used for the other systems
- as well, else improper conclusions as to how well a system
- does in these tests could be drawn. For this reason, AIBB
- will post a warning if the screen mode of either the host
- system, or a comparison system does not match the modes in use
- on the other machines. If simple, fair and straightforward
- checks are desired, all systems should be compared using
- the same screen mode.
- View Comparison System Gfx Modes
- As AIBB does allow differing screen modes to be used for
- graphics tests, through this function it also allows browsing
- though the various modes in use on the host/comparison systems.
- Selection of this item brings up an interactive requester
- which allows movement through various systems, and comparison
- of the various display parameters in each.
- Set Comparison Base
- This item contains the names of the comparison systems in
- a submenu area. Selecting one of these submenu items sets
- the current comparison base system to that machine. The
- comparison base is the system utilized as the 'base' value for
- test results when computing performance ratings. All
- percentages shown are given as percentages of the base system,
- with a 1.0 value for a system indicating a performance
- equal to the base system.
- Menu 4: Special
- Enter/Exit Review Mode
- Entering Review Mode gives a method for reviewing
- previously performed tests and their comparisons. When this
- mode is active, selecting a test gadget, or setting a
- comparison option ( code type, etc ), will result in the
- display of the results last obtained for that test. If no
- test results for the host system are available, the
- information for the comparison systems currently in use will
- be shown, and the host system will data will be marked with a
- "N/A" indicating the information is not available. The
- ability to display the comparison system data without running
- the actual test on the host system is provided to allow a
- quick view of the performance of said comparison machines
- before running the test(s) on the host.
- Code type options may be manipulated here, and if a test
- result is available for those settings, it will be displayed.
- For example, if you were to have the Matrix test as the
- current test you are viewing, and you want to see the results
- of the test under 68020+ code, selecting that item under the
- "This Machine" code type selection will show the Matrix test
- results utilizing this code type ( if they were previously
- performed, making the data available ).
- Start/Stop Log File
- AIBB has the ability to keep a "log file" of test
- activities. This option allows you to start this logging
- operation, or stop it once in progress. The log files contain
- basic information, in text form, about each test as it is
- performed, as well as essential system information.
- Starting a log file involves selecting a file name to
- which AIBB will save this data. If the file is an existing
- one, AIBB will check for the words "AIBBLogFile" at the start
- of the file. If this is not found, you will be warned and
- given the option of aborting the use of this file as a log
- file. Heed this...AIBB WILL write into any file if told it
- is acceptable, including executable load files. This checking
- is done in order to prevent accidental file damage or
- destruction.
- All Tests | Make Module
- This is a rather important option. As indicated earlier,
- AIBB has the ability to create a "load module" of comparison
- results in order to utilize them later in other runs as a
- comparison system. This selection allows the generation of
- just such a load module. Selecting this menu item will result
- in a requester being displayed which warns that this option
- may take considerable time, and that multitasking will not be
- functional during it's operation. At this point, the
- operation may be cancelled if it is not desired at that time.
- When performing all the tests, the options "Disable
- Multitasking", and "Screen Overlay" previously mentioned are
- automatically enabled in order to give consistancy to all
- such generated modules which may be utilized in AIBB. Using
- this option, all tests are performed in all possible code
- combinations available on the host system configuration, in
- order that later comparisons will have as much data to go by
- as possible.
- Upon completion of all the tests, a requester will be
- displayed informing you if the tests completed successfully,
- and asking if you wish to create such a load module at that
- time. If you choose to do so, a file requester will appear
- asking for the name of the file to save the module under.
- Following this, a smaller requester will appear asking for
- the name to use with the module under the graph display for
- it. This defaults to the first 8 characters of the filename,
- but may be changed as desired. Note that only names of up
- to 8 characters are supported at this time.
- If "Cancel" is selected in reference to the module
- creation requester, AIBB will go back to it's normal
- operations, and other tests may be performed. In this manner,
- it is possible to use this option simply to perform all
- possible test combinations for later review. If you wish to
- review the tests done before making a module, this is
- possible by not saving the module at the time, and entering
- "Review Mode" upon finishing. If no further tests are
- performed ( which would invalidate the consistancy of the
- module's data ), then selecting "All Tests | Make Module"
- again after reviewing the data will result in a requester
- informing you that the data for a module is still valid and
- will ask you if you wish to create one now.
- It should be noted that comparison options and settings
- are not in effect during the performance of the tests with
- this option. AIBB will merely do all tests with all code
- types possible, and keep the results ( if desired ).
- Comparison options are only effective ( and necessary ) when
- viewing the information present, and are not important when
- generating a load module.
- Once all module options are completed, AIBB will present
- an analysis of the overall system performance with respect to
- the various comparison modules currently in use. This analysis
- consists of averages in Integer, Graphics, and Floating-Point
- performance when put against each comparison machine in turn.
- This average gives somewhat of an "all around" look at the
- host system's performance levels.
- Show Aggregate Results
- Once a load module has been performed on the host system,
- this item becomes available for selection. When activated, a
- requester displaying combined totals for the host system in
- terms of Grapics, Integer, and Floating Point performance will
- be shown. These totals are given as figures against the
- currently loaded comparison systems. Additional tests may
- be run after the original load module creation to see any
- effects may take place in different configurations (cache,
- etc...). Rerunning tests under the same situations as the
- module run uses will most likely not affect these figures
- significantly.
- C. System Information Display
- The System Information Display is a seperate display which is brought
- up when the Main Display gadgets for individual systems are selected.
- This display gives various information about the state of the system
- selected, and is also the location from which other load modules to enter
- as comparison systems may be selected.
- The display here is broken into several sections, giving modular
- information areas pertaining to various system data. If the host system
- is the system being viewed, the data represents the current state of the
- host system. If a comparison system's information is being viewed, then
- the data is representative of the system state when that machine's module
- was created for further comparisons.
- The upper portion of the display consists primarily of CPU/FPU/MMU
- data and state information which is fairly self-explanatory. Other
- information given in this section includes the display type in use, Agnus
- and Denise custom chip revisions of the system, and several items of
- particular interest:
- System Stack Memory Location
- The system stack ( or "Supervisor Stack" ) is the memory region
- reserved for use by the processor while operating in what is known
- in M680x0 terms as "Supervisor Mode". Supervisor mode is the CPU
- mode of operation most often associated with operating system
- use, and various system maintenance operations. Supervisor mode
- is characterized primarily by the fact that it allows unhindered
- access to certain CPU operations which are of primary interest only
- to system-level operating system functions. User Mode is the
- operational status in which almost all applications function, and
- said CPU operations are considered "off limits" in this mode. This
- is to protect the integrity of the system from runaway programs and
- the like, and to more easily facilitate multiprocessor/multiuser
- system environments. It is a characteristic of the M68000
- microprocessor series and serves to allow a seperation between
- operating system priviledges and user program priviledges.
- The system stack is where much CPU state information is stored
- during operating system activities, and thus it is important to
- recognize it's location in memory. Depending on the memory type
- where this stack is located, it may affect certain operation speeds,
- and it's location is thus given here to allow this to be taken into
- account when evaluating system performance. It should be noted
- that although this is an important item of interest, it is
- generally not going to have much effect on the greater majority of
- AIBB's operational modes and testing.
- AIBB Process Stack Memory Location
- This item is probably of more interest than the System Stack
- location. AIBB's process stack is a memory region which is
- assigned to AIBB ( and any user program ) when it is invoked.
- Certain program variables and data are stored on the stack during
- operations, and thus it's location can affect performance levels.
- This should be taken into account carefully, as some of the testing
- AIBB does utilizes this stack for data, and thus results will be
- affected if it is located in a slower memory medium than optimal
- for the system configuration.
- Operating System Version
- This field identifies the operating system version in use on
- the system in question. Certain versions may have different
- features, and may affect certain of the test performance levels.
- Operating System Location
- On certain MMU equipped accelerated systems, or on such system
- with special hardware setups, the operating system ROM image may
- be relocated to a faster memory medium. ROM access times are
- generally slower than that of RAM resources, and in the case of an
- A500 or A2000 with an accelerator which is more at home with a
- 32-bit data bus than those systems' normal 16-bit 7.15 MHz bus,
- it is extremely advantageous to move the operating system kernel
- code to such a faster accessed memory region. Often times, this
- relocation is done by using a system's MMU ( Memory Management
- Unit ), which allows for address translation of memory "pages".
- Translation occurs by mapping a certain memory region such that
- accesses to it are rediverted to an alternate location in this
- kind of setup. Programs such as Dave Haynie's SetCPU and the
- CPU program which comes with AmigaOS 2.0 and above allow this type
- of operation. AIBB is capable of determining the actual memory
- location of the ROM code image by checking through the MMU
- translation tables, and will report where the code resides.
- Some accelerators allow for translation of the ROM image
- without utilizing an MMU. Such units utilize a custom hardware
- arrangement, and at this time AIBB cannot accurately determine the
- memory location of the ROM image for these systems. In these cases, it
- is recommended that such translations be noted for further
- reference if comparisons are to be made against other systems
- utilizing a module or log file results so that no confusion about
- the system setup occurs.
- The lower portion of the System Information Display contains provisions
- for examining system memory node, expansion board, or pertinent sytem
- library information. Three gadgets to the right of this area provide the
- means to select the desired display. The list of nodes or boards can be
- moved through using the 'Next' and 'Previous' gadgets located below
- the selection gadgets, while the library information is static. The
- information given for memory nodes is:
- Memory Node Index
- This is an index value corresponding to which node is currently
- being viewed, and how many total nodes exist. This value
- directly relates to the main screen's "Code Loc" and "Data Loc"
- test information values and can be used to determine where AIBB's
- test code and data is located.
- Memory Node Name
- This is simply the name of the given memory node.
- Memory Node Address Range
- The address range for the current memory node is displayed here
- in a hexadecimal form. Both the starting address, and ending
- address are given.
- Memory Node Total Size
- The total usable memory within the given node is displayed here.
- Memory Node Priority
- Memory on the Amiga is prioritized for allocation. This means
- that memory of a higher priority is given precendence over other
- memory regions when an allocation request is attempted. For
- example, a memory region of priority 5 will be scanned first for
- a suitable memory chunk for a given allocation request before
- attempting other regions. If there is not enough memory in this
- region, the next priority region is tried, and so on. The main
- item of note otherwise is that this is true for GENERAL memory
- requests. Memory requests which specifically ask for CHIP memory
- will have the allocation attempted there, regardless of priority.
- Memory Node Bus Port Width
- This is the bus width of a given memory region. A 16 bit bus
- corresponds to a data path width of 16 bits, 32 meaning a 32 bit
- data path width, etc. For 68020+ systems, memory port widths of
- 32 bits will have the advantage over 16 bit ports for efficiency
- reasons, as the 68020 and above have 32 bit data paths, whereas
- the 68000/68010 have 16 bit data paths.
- Memory Node Type
- Whether the given node is FAST memory or CHIP memory is
- displayed here.
- Custom Chip Bandwidth
- This will only be seen when examining a CHIP memory node, and
- only under AmigaOS 3.0 or greater, and indicates the bandwidth
- specified for CHIP memory on the system. Note that at present
- the only differences here will be seen between AGA chipset
- equipped systems and non-AGA equipped machines.
- CPU/Memory Access Latency Index
- This figure represents the latency between a memory cycle, and
- when another cycle can be performed. Lower ratings indicate better
- response times for a particular memory node, with the unattainable
- goal of 0.0 indicating that no latency occured at all. Basically,
- this gives information as to the relative efficiency of various
- memory nodes (eg, one with a rating of 5.0 would be more efficient,
- and hence faster than one with a rating of 7.0.). Note that this
- can only be used as a valid comparison across different systems if
- other factors such as processor type, clockspeed, and bus width are
- also taken into account. This figure is most useful in comparing
- two different memory regions on similar systems, such as two memory
- boards on a 68030 based system against each other for relative
- efficiency. Note that this figure will only be given for
- FAST RAM memory regions.
- When Expansion Board information is selected, information about the
- system AutoConfig® boards will be shown. The given fields will be as
- follows:
- Board Index
- The index value for this board, and the total number of
- expansion boards for which information is available is shown here.
- Board Address
- This is the configuration address of the given board. For
- memory boards, this will generally reflect the starting address of
- the memory region it occupies.
- Board Size
- The total byte size reqirements for the board will be displayed
- here. This shows the amount of memory this board will take up
- when configured onto the system. Note that with memory boards,
- this will generally reflect the size of the memory available on
- the expansion board.
- Board Manufacturer ID
- Commodore-Amiga assigns all valid AutoConfig® board
- manufacturers a unique ID code. This field contains the ID of the
- manufacturer of the given board being shown.
- Board Product ID
- Manufacturers have the option of assigning a product ID to
- their boards. This shows the product ID given to a particular
- expansion board.
- Board Type
- At this time, this field will simply designate whether the
- given board is a memory board, or some other type of peripheral
- expansion.
- Board Attributes
- This field basically gives information as to whether the
- expansion device is configured as a valid Zorro-II or Zorro-III
- setup.
- Ident
- AIBB contains a number of expansion board identifications
- internally, and will attempt to match the board found with one of
- these in the lists. If no match is found, the statement "No
- Information Available" will be given to indicate this. If you see
- this message, and wish the board in question to be listed in
- AIBB's lookup tables, please let me know by way of providing me
- with the expansion board Product ID, Manufacturer ID, and
- the identity of the device.
- When Library node information is selected, information about pertinent
- system libraries will be shown. Note that not all system libraries
- currently in use are displayed. Only selected ones which are of interest
- when determining performance factors are recorded. Currently these
- are:
- exec.library
- graphics.library
- intuition.library
- layers.library
- expansion.library
- The information given is of the following form:
- Library Name
- This is simply the name of the library in question.
- Library Version
- This field gives the version and revision of the system
- library being displayed. This may be important when looking at
- performance statistics of tests which make use of system kernel
- calls (such as graphics tests).
- Library Base:
- This is the base address of the library, and indicates where
- in memory it is located. Again, this may be of interest when
- examining the performance of tests which make use of system
- kernel calls.
- The System Information Display also includes a number of menu options
- which are explained below:
- Select Other:
- A submenu attached to this item allows you to switch to viewing
- another system's attributes from within this display.
- Load New:
- This is the option to utilize if you wish to load a comparison
- module in place of the ones alread in use. The loaded module
- will replace the currently displayed system's location in the
- comparison systems. This option is not available when viewing
- the host system's data. Subitems attached to this menu item
- allow you to select the type of module to load. These are:
- From File:
- This should be selected if you wish to load a previously
- saved module in file form. A requester will be displayed
- asking for the file name to load. AIBB will attempt to load
- the module, and if all data consistancy checks are valid, it
- will place this data in the location of the previously
- displayed system.
- Under this option is a list of the internal default modules
- AIBB contains. This allows the rearranging of the order of the
- default systems as they appear on the graph in the Main Display,
- and also allows a default system's values to be re-loaded if one
- is superseded by a file-based module at an earlier time. Note that
- the order of the system default modules is one of the items saved
- in the AIBB.prefs file, so you may choose any ordering of the
- internal startup default systems which suits you best.
- Return to Main:
- Returns you to the Main Display portion of AIBB.
- AIBB's Default Comparison Systems
- AIBB's internal default comparison systems were selected to give a
- broad overview of a number of system configurations and hardware types.
- These systems are:
- A600-NF
- An Amiga 600 system with no FAST RAM ( NF ) complement. This
- is an all CHIP RAM based machine, and is provided here to give a
- comparison towards systems utilizing only CHIP RAM. This is a
- stock machine, with accelerator devices or other additional
- enhancements. AmigaOS 2.x was the operating system used and was
- located in ROM.
- A1200-NF
- Commodore's low-end AGA machine, the Amiga 1200, was used to
- gather the data for this system. No FAST RAM was used in this
- machine, and AmigaOS 3.0 ( V39.106 ) in ROM was the operating
- system present
- A3000-25
- The comparison data here was obtained from a 25 MHz CPU rated
- system, which utilizes the MC68030 CPU and MC68882 FPU as it's
- processing engines, and equipped with static-column (BURST mode
- capable) FAST RAM. AmigaOS 2.x was the operating system in use,
- and was located in ROM on the system A3000's motherboard.
- A4000-25
- An Amiga 4000 utilizing a 25 MHz 68040 CPU (stock configuration)
- was utilized to obtain comparison data. AmigaOS 3.0 was utilized
- as the system OS ( V39.106 ) and was located and run out of ROM on
- the motherboard.
- It should be kept in mind that all parameters for each system should
- be noted when making comparisons by checking the statistics located
- on AIBB's System Information Display. Small items such as the system
- stack location, cache settings, OS version and image location, etc...,
- could play a part in any apparent discrepency. Making note of these is
- important to fully understand the figures being provided.
- One important aspect of performance regarding the Amiga which has
- come more seriously to light is the question of display parameter
- effects on test results. With the advent AGA, and the new
- display modes it contains, a great deal more care must be taken when
- making system comparisons because of the system bus bandwidth limiting
- effects some modes may have. Please do make sure to note the display
- mode used on the default A4000 contained here (AIBB will show if Mode
- Promotion was in effect (DBLModes)) when comparing systems. Also, when
- making modules or test result notes, it is wise to carefully monitor
- what types of screens are currently in use and displayed when AIBB is
- performing tests.
- In all the systems above, all tests performed were done with AIBB's
- test code and data located in the fastest memory medium located on each
- system.
- No third-party accelerated machines were included in the lineup as
- this would leave an unfair advantage/disadvantage to any particular
- manufacturer. Comparisons of that sort can still be carried out
- utilizing AIBB's load-module capability to bring in data from such
- systems for direct comparisons.
- The tests AIBB incorporates are described below. The type of test,
- and it's basic operations are given in the descriptions, as well as the
- amount of memory each test may need to allocate external to AIBB itself.
- The "standard" tests are as follows:
- A. WritePixel
- The WritePixel benchmark will open a screen/window combination
- and fill it completely with a given color pattern. The work is
- done one pixel at a time, utilizing the operating system routines
- SetAPen() ( sets the current RastPort primary pen color ) and
- WritePixel() ( which sets a pixel to the current primary pen
- color).
- The test is basically a benchmark of the time needed to call
- these routines, and for them to execute. For the most part, this
- it will be primarily useful for evaluating the effective ROM
- image access time for systems which differ from the conventional
- ROM access method found on the Amiga 500/600 and 2000, namely
- accessing the ROM over those systems' normal 16 bit bus. As these
- routines also result in many accesses to the CHIP RAM bus, it can
- also give a hint as to the efficiency of a system's CHIP RAM bus
- interface.
- WritePixel reports its results in pixels per second drawn.
- Please note that this is NOT the maximum pixel rate of any
- particular system, as there are more efficient methods of doing
- this kind of work. This is the effective pixel rate of the system
- when the methods and routines used by this test are employed.
- Memory Usage: No direct memory resources external to AIBB are
- allocated. CHIP memory is utilized for the screen
- and window.
- B. Dhrystone
- This test should be fairly familiar to most people, as it has
- been utilized on many different system for benchmarking purposes.
- It is a test which attempts to put conditions upon the system
- which more closely simulates a possible applications program
- section. It returns, not run-time in seconds, but rather a rating
- of Dhrystones per second, where in this case, the larger number
- indicates better performance.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- C. Matrix
- A matrix manipulation benchmark utilizing 3 50x50 integer
- matrices. The test simply performs a series of matrix operations
- (addition/subtraction, multiplication, transposition, etc) upon
- these matrices. The test is set up in such a way that a great
- amount of time is spent moving data, as well as performing
- arithmetic operations upon it. Therefore, this could be thought
- of as also testing memory manipulation efficiency. The test
- is an indicator of how well a processor/memory combination handles
- memory accesses to data and operations on such, as the test does
- not allow the processor to simply perform the data operations
- solely within it's registers.
- Memory Usage: 30,000 ( 29.3K ) bytes external to AIBB are allocated.
- D. MemTest
- This test is memory-bound, as its name implies. In essence,
- it is a memory block movement test, timing the efficiency of memory
- accesses and transfers using longword (32 bit) sizes. It should be
- noted that the Data Loc portion of the test result information
- will supply the node location of the RAM being tested. Systems
- with FAST RAM will show higher results, as the test will execute
- quicker, and as can be expected, 32-bit ported FAST RAM will
- perform better than its 16-bit ported counterpart. Note that this
- test will use FAST RAM as a memory medium if available, and
- will report its results in megabytes transferred per second.
- Memory Usage: 32,768 ( 32K ) bytes external to AIBB are used.
- E. Sieve
- Another test which should be familiar to most, the Sieve of
- Erathosthenes. It uses a fairly simple algorithm to determine
- prime numbers within a range of numbers. This test simply times
- your system when implementing this algorithm, which is decribed
- fully in many textbooks, or one can simply look at BYTE Magazine's
- benchmarks, which use a similar Sieve test.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- F. Sort
- A series of 30,000 16-bit integers is sorted from a pseudo-
- random setup, and the procedure is timed. "Pseudo-random" meaning
- that the number arrangement is not created in a random fashion, but
- rather in a mixed fashion so that on each invocation of the test
- the numbers will be created in the SAME mixed fashion. This is
- because the sorting algorithm is sensitive to the mixing, and if
- each time the test was run a different group of values was used,
- no two tests results could be compared well. The mixing method I
- used was to insure that the algorithm would be forced to do the
- most work for each test.
- Memory Usage: 60,000 ( 58.6K ) bytes external to AIBB are allocated.
- G. IMath
- Integer Math. This test performs a wide variety of integer
- math functions. Included among these operations are the standard
- functions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
- and a few additional bitwise functions, such as ANDing, ORing, and
- XORing.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- H. TGTest
- Text/Graphics test. This test is another one which is
- dependent upon the efficiency of the system graphics routines'
- execution speed, as well as the efficiency of the CHIP RAM bus
- interface on the system.
- Memory Usage: No direct memory resources external to AIBB are
- allocated. CHIP RAM is used indirectly for the
- screen/window creation.
- I. EmuTest
- This test is basically a small CPU emulator core running an
- instruction set simulation (basically a small program). The Amiga
- seems to have gained a bit of a precedence in CPU emulation, and
- this test was developed for the purpose of showing various systems'
- ability to perform such emulation efficiently and speedily. The
- simulated CPU is a standard 68000, though the results from this can
- be taken as indicative of other CPU emulators as the basic principle
- is the same. All instructions and internal operations are
- completely software emulated. The results for this test are given
- in Simulated MegaHertz, basically a rating showing how fast the
- emulation is towards an equivalent hardware-based CPU.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- J. InstTest
- This test is not affected by the code settings given for any
- system. It performs a series of the most common CPU instructions in
- a 6K loop, and times their execution. It then does a percentage
- average of the instruction makeup, and gives a result in
- Instructions per Second. THIS IS NOT A STANDARD "MIPS" TEST! Most
- tests using the "MIPS" scale are very simplistic and for the most
- part are not very useful whatsoever. A standard "MIPS" scale test
- will most likely give you numbers much larger than AIBB will. AIBB
- attempts to make an even spread of 680x0 instruction execution, thus
- showing a somewhat more even look at things. This test is basically
- to determine the raw speed of code execution on any given system.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- K. EllipseTest
- This is a test of an applied graphics operation. The test
- draws a series of filled, anti-aliased ellipses and times the
- operation. Anti-aliasing is the technique of "blending" line
- curves so as to soften their sharper edges.
- Memory Usage: No direct memory resources external to AIBB are
- allocated. CHIP memory is utilized for the screen
- and window.
- L. LineTest
- A test of line-drawing primitives. LineTest opens a screen/
- window combination and draws a series of lines throughout them.
- The lines are drawn in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal fashion,
- with emphasis being on the former two. This test reports its
- results in terms of lines drawn per second.
- Memory Usage: No direct memory resources external to AIBB are
- allocated. CHIP memory is utilized for the screen
- and window.
- The floating-point specific tests implemented by AIBB are given
- below. Note that these tests are also dependent on any standard code
- type selections which may be made, as well as the type of floating-
- point code utilized.
- Tests are marked as to their usage of transcendental functions
- ( sin(), cos(), log(), etc... ) for record keeping and comparisons by
- 68040 users, who should see the appropriate notes in this documentation
- concerning the built-in 68040 FPU and transcendental functions. The
- rating scale used below for such usage corresponds to this table:
- Level Meaning
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NONE | No transcendental functions are used
- LIGHT | 5-20% of calculations are transcendental in nature.
- MODERATE | 21-50% of calculations are transcendental in nature.
- HEAVY | Greater than 50% of calculations are transcendental.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- M. FMath
- Floating Point Math. Similar to the IMath test, with the
- exeception that Floating Point values and operations are utilized.
- With this test, no bitwise operations are performed. Single
- precision floating point operations/values are used here.
- Transcendental Usage: NONE.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- N. Savage
- This is another of the "probably familiar" tests. It is a
- standard implementation of the Savage test, which makes nested
- calls to transcendental functions to create a single value.
- Double precision floating point operations/values are used.
- Transcendental Usage: HEAVY; this test is almost exclusively
- transcendental in nature.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- O. FMatrix
- The FMatrix test is similar in concept to the Integer Matrix
- test outlined above. Again, a great deal of data movement is
- performed, in addition to the operations involved, which are
- floating point operations in this case. With the matrix
- operations, the results under Floating Point coprocessor equipped
- systems can be interesting to note, as the system is not able to
- keep the data within fast-access FPU registers, and thus must make
- frequent bus accesses for the data it needs. Double-precision
- floating point math is used for this test.
- Transcendental Usage: NONE.
- Memory Usage: 38,400 ( 37.5K ) bytes external to AIBB are allocated.
- P. Flops
- A common rating of floating-point operations, the term
- 'Flops' denotes Floating point operations per second. This test
- takes a composite of operations and reports its results in terms
- of scalar MFlops, where 1 MFlop is one million floating point
- operations per second.
- Transcendental Usage: NONE.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- Q. TranTest
- This is a test which is solely transcendental in nature. A
- series of transcendental functions are performed in a large loop,
- and timed for speed of operation. This test will tend to show
- the relative efficiency of a system in performing more complex
- mathematical functions.
- Transcendental Usage: HEAVY ( Completely transcendental ).
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- R. BeachBall:
- The BeachBall test was originally written by Bruce Holloway of
- Weitek, and published in the March 1988 issue of Byte Magazine.
- It is essentially a very math-intensive operation which draws a
- beachball on the screen, complete with shading. The test opens a
- 640x400 interlaced 16-color screen, and proceeds to render the
- picture. This test is closer to a true "application" test, in that
- it actually does something visible, and produces an output. The
- system will end up being tested in both the floating point arena,
- and in CHIP RAM access performance, which is done through standard
- operating system graphics handling calls ( thus will be affected by
- the speed of such, which in turn can be affected by ROM image
- re-mapping, etc ).
- Transcendental Usage: LIGHT.
- Memory Usage: No direct memory resources external to AIBB are
- allocated. CHIP RAM is used indirectly for the
- screen creation.
- S. FTrace:
- Another applications-type test. FTrace implements a subset of
- the calculating functions which are used to perform ray-tracing
- operations. Ray-tracing is a particularly floating-point intensive
- art, and this test gives some indication of a system's performance
- in this type of operation. No visible result is produced, so in
- that matter it is not an 'ideal' test, but it can be used to give
- some indications in this arena.
- Transcendental Usage: LIGHT; Calculations are performed in such
- a way that transcendental usage is minimized.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- T. CplxTest:
- This test implements a series of complex-number operations and
- times their execution. Complex number applications are important
- in many of the sciences, and are particularly prevalent in such
- areas as electrical engineering ( circuit analysis ) and vector
- analysis to some degree ( not specifically "complex numbers" in
- that case, but the operations are similar ). This test utilizes
- a lot of quick, small memory moves, as well as performing a
- variety of floating-point operations.
- Transcendental Usage: LIGHT TO MODERATE.
- Memory Usage: No memory resources external to AIBB are allocated.
- It has been indicated before, but it should again be emphasized that
- no benchmark or even suite of benchmarks can hope to give a complete picture
- of system performance alone. A full picture of the system resources, as
- well as an understanding of just what the system in question is being used
- for is necessary to make any type of evalution. AIBB is merely one small
- tool which may be used to try to gather a sampling of data when making
- a performance determination.
- When performing tests, it is very important to keep track of just
- where test code and data is being placed in the system by using the
- information provided by AIBB, and by using other methods if need be. For
- example, if you have a 512K CHIP RAM machine, and some SLOW-FAST RAM
- ( sometimes mistakenly thought of as true FAST RAM ), this could affect
- test results in ways not expected. Keeping careful track of these
- variables can help in determining just what is occuring in the system
- during performance analysis.
- Of some interest in terms of FPU performance is the MC68040's
- built-in FPU unit. This FPU is a subset of Motorola's previous MC68881
- and MC68882 coprocessors, and does not include all functions on-chip
- which were supported by the previous FPUs. Most notably, the transcendental
- function such as sine and cosine, etc... are not hardware supported.
- Rather, the simpler functions such as floating-point multiplication,
- addition, division, etc.. have been greatly optimized and enhanced. The
- MC68040 FPU relies on software emulation of the complex functions, and
- most accelerator vendors, as well as CBM itself, supply a function library
- to emulate these routines in the form of software 'traps'. Since the
- complex functions utilize the simpler functions to derive their actions,
- in theory all functions should still execute faster than on previous
- coprocessors. However, this may not be the case.
- Trap functions such as those supplied in the aforementioned libraries
- are routines executed when the coprocessor indicates an unsupported
- function routine is being called. This is a form of 'exception' routine,
- requireing CPU/FPU internal context saving, and other related actions.
- This is because the CPU/FPU treats the function call as an error, and
- calls the error routine appropriate to it. In this case, it will be
- the math support library, which will execute the proper function and return
- the value needed. Unfortunately, all this activity results in a
- performance hit, resulting in timings which are longer than that of the
- previous coprocessors which emulated these functions in their hardware.
- All this might imply that the 68040 is crippled in this respect. However,
- this is not the case. Applications written to take advantage of of
- 68040's FPU will function much faster, as they will emulate the required
- complex functions in forms not requiring the trap functions. The trap
- functions are there for programs which are using FPU code set up for the
- MC68881 or MC68882, which are at this time the more common FPU units.
- AIBB includes an option, specified earlier, for more efficient 68040
- FPU code. This code emulates the transcendental functions an other
- functions unsupported by the 68040 within AIBB itself. This will alleviate
- the overhead involved with trap-based emulation methods if selected.
- As with all large projects, nothing is accomplished entirely by one
- person. I have many people to thank for their assistance in the
- development of AIBB. A few of the more influential people who have
- contributed greatly to this effort are:
- Kimberly Polglase
- For putting up with me throughout this ordeal :)
- Redmond Simonsen
- One heck of a nice guy and thought provoking fellow. His help
- with interface ideas was very much appreciated, and are still
- instrumental in any upcoming future versions of AIBB.
- Dr. J. Scott Thayer
- Sysop of AmigaFriends BBS, and a dedicated beta tester
- extraordinaire. His comments and testing data were key to much
- of what was done with this program over the course of it's
- development.
- Mathew Rouch
- A good friend of mine, and a computer science student at
- present. His help in several algorithmic coding problems allowed
- me to solve some difficulties which would have taken a great deal
- longer to overcome than they did.
- Unfortunately, I cannot list everyone who has been of assistance with
- this project, but to all of them, listed and unlisted, I wish to express
- my deepest thanks and appreciation.
- Comments and suggestions about this program are always welcomed, as I
- hope to be able to continue its development. Please feel free to make
- any suggestion you see fit, but do try to be constructive in any
- criticism so that I may improve AIBB. Bug reports are certainly wanted,
- and I will do my best to locate and correct such problems.
- I can be reached electronically many ways, but the following are probably
- the easiest methods for those with internet access:
- lkoop@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu ( GP Acct )
- f00012@kanga.stcloud.msus.edu ( Engineering Acct )
- ( Pick your paths :) )
- I can also be found on BIX as "lkoop", and can be reached there easily
- as well. For those wishing to correspond by mail, comments may be sent to:
- LaMonte Koop
- 1001 Summit Ave. North #125
- Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
- As for me, well, I'm an Electrical/Computer Engineering student
- ( currently just a wee bit from done ) with an added major in Physics,
- and an emphasis in systems architecture design. AIBB was originally
- started as a bit of a hobby, and as time went on became a long-standing
- project. This particular version is almost a year in the making, and I
- do intend to continue enhancing the package as long as interest remains in
- it. Enjoy the program; I hope you find it useful, and that it serves
- whatever purpose you may need of it.