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Text File  |  1995-02-14  |  3.7 KB  |  303 lines

  1. _OK
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  119. Wordworth and Datastore
  120. Digita Mailshot Plus
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  152. Create List
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  171. _Natural
  172. _Male
  173. Female
  174. Robot
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  181. Document Information
  182. Name:
  183. Drawer:
  184. Date Created:
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  188. Text Information
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  190. Selection
  191. Pages:
  192. Paragraphs:
  193. Pictures:
  194. Words:
  195. Characters:
  196. Lines:
  197. _More...
  198. More Statistics
  199. Revision Number:
  200. Last Saved:
  201. _Saved By:
  202. Last Printed:
  203. Spell Check
  204. Unknown:
  205. R_eplace With:
  206. _Make Suggestions
  207. _Ignore
  208. Ig_nore All
  209. _Learn
  210. _Done
  211. Auto Correct
  212. Corr_ections
  213. _Replace:
  214. _With:
  215. Options
  216. _Auto Correct As You Type
  217. Ca_pitalise Day and Month Names
  218. Thesaurus
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  222. _Meanings
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  231. Text:
  232. Cancel
  233. Sunday
  234. Monday
  235. Tuesday
  236. Wednesday
  237. Thursday
  238. Friday
  239. Saturday
  240. January
  241. February
  242. March
  243. April
  244. May
  245. June
  246. July
  247. August
  248. September
  249. October
  250. November
  251. December
  252. JAN
  253. FEB
  254. MAR
  255. APR
  256. MAY
  257. JUN
  258. JUL
  259. AUG
  260. SEP
  261. OCT
  262. NOV
  263. DEC
  264. {-DATE-}
  265. {-TIME-}
  266. Endnote #
  267. Text not found
  268. Replaced %d occurrence(s)
  269. Index
  270. Table of Contents
  271. Spell checking document...
  272. '%s' is\nspelt correctly.
  273. End of text reached.
  274. Delete double word:\n'%s'?
  275. no information available in Thesaurus
  276. Thesaurus or speller in use.
  277. Cannot read speller phonetics.
  278. Cannot open Thesaurus.
  279. Cannot initialize Thesaurus.
  280. Cannot open Linguibase.
  281. Cannot open core lexicon.
  282. Cannot read speller env.
  283. Cannot initialize speller.\n\nContact Digita for details on\nupgrading to Wordworth 3.1SE which\nincludes an English Collins\nDictionary and Thesaurus.
  284. Cannot open user dictionary.
  285. Error: cannot open librarian.
  286. Librarian in use.
  287. Cannot open merge file.
  288. Copying text to clipboard...
  289. Cutting text to clipboard...
  290. Erasing text...
  291. Pasting text...
  292. Undoing...
  293. Opening librarian...
  294. Saving librarian...
  295. Finding...
  296. Finding and replacing...
  297. Counting words in document...
  298. Creating table of contents...
  299. Creating list...
  300. Creating index...
  301. Sorting paragraphs...