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_OK _Apply _Cancel _Insert Insert Page Break Column Break Page Number Page Count Current Date Current Time Updating Date Updating Time Endnote Bookmark... List Entry... Index Entry... Symbol... Find _Find What: R_eplace With: Special: Special Codes Tab Paragraph Mark Hard Space Wildcard Wildcards _Match Case _Whole Words Only _Search: Forward Backward Find _Next _Replace Replace _All Defined _Tabs Left Right Centred Decimal _Position: _Fill Tabs With: _New _Delete Delete A_ll D_efault Tabs: _Style Font Colour Style Typesetting _Typeface: _Size: 8 pt 9 pt 10 pt 12 pt 14 pt 18 pt 24 pt 36 pt T_ext: Backgrou_nd: P_lain _Bold _Italic _Underline _Position: Normal Superscript Subscript T_racking: _Kerning: None Text Design Paragraph Spacing _Before: Af_ter: Line _Height: Auto Loose 6 lpi 8 lpi Line _Spacing: Single 1½ Double Indentation _Left: _First Line: _Right: Formatting _Justification: Left Right Centre Full _Keep Lines Together Allo_w Hyphenation Tabs Default Spacing: Fill Character: Sort _Order Ascending (A to Z) Descending (Z to A) _Sort Insert Bookmark _Name: Mail Merge ASCII Data File _Name: _Select... File _Includes Header Record Separators _Format: Wordworth and Datastore Digita Mailshot Plus Superbase (CSV) Data Interchange Format (DIF) Custom _ASCII Field Separator: ASCII _Record Separator: Return Comma Full Stop Line Feed _Print... Librarian _Text: _New _Delete _Insert Create Index _Title: _Include Letter Headings _Use Page Ranges P_age Range Separator: _Page Number Prefix: Page _Number Separator: _Subentry Prefix: C_reate Insert Index Entry Index _Entries _Main Entry: _First Subentry: _Second Subentry: I_nclude All Other Occurrences E_xclude This Occurrence Create List _List _Title: _All Levels Range of Levels _Subentry Prefix: _From: T_o: _Include Page Numbers O_nly Number Last Level Insert List Entry _Lists _Name: List _Entries _Text: L_evel: Speech Parameters Voice _Natural _Male Female Robot _Pitch: _Speed: _Talk As You Type _Read Statistics Document Information Name: Drawer: Date Created: _Description: Editing Time: Total: Text Information _All Selection Pages: Paragraphs: Pictures: Words: Characters: Lines: _More... More Statistics Revision Number: Last Saved: _Saved By: Last Printed: Spell Check Unknown: R_eplace With: _Make Suggestions _Ignore Ig_nore All _Learn _Done Auto Correct Corr_ections _Replace: _With: Options _Auto Correct As You Type Ca_pitalise Day and Month Names Thesaurus _Word: _Look Up _Synonyms _Meanings Mixed Fit Page Fit Width From Left: %s From Top: %s Column %d Page %d %s Select Merge Data File Overtype Number Lock Insert Symbol Text: Cancel Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April May June July August September October November December JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC {-DATE-} {-TIME-} Endnote # Text not found Replaced %d occurrence(s) Index Table of Contents Spell checking document... '%s' is\nspelt correctly. End of text reached. Delete double word:\n'%s'? no information available in Thesaurus Thesaurus or speller in use. Cannot read speller phonetics. Cannot open Thesaurus. Cannot initialize Thesaurus. Cannot open Linguibase. Cannot open core lexicon. Cannot read speller env. Cannot initialize speller.\n\nContact Digita for details on\nupgrading to Wordworth 3.1SE which\nincludes an English Collins\nDictionary and Thesaurus. Cannot open user dictionary. Error: cannot open librarian. Librarian in use. Cannot open merge file. Copying text to clipboard... Cutting text to clipboard... Erasing text... Pasting text... Undoing... Opening librarian... Saving librarian... Finding... Finding and replacing... Counting words in document... Creating table of contents... Creating list... Creating index... Sorting paragraphs...