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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main
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- PrtSc V1.75
- by Jan Hagqvist
- 'What is PrtSc? '
- 'How does it work?'
- 'How do I use it? '
- 'Notes '
- 'Contact '
- 'History '
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- copyright
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c) 1993, Jan Hagqvist, All Rights Reserved.
- This program is 'SHAREWARE'. You may freely use and distribute this
- program under the following conditions:
- 1) No modifications are made into the program or this documentation
- and all the files are spread together. However, you are allowed
- to compress all the files into an archive for distribution.
- 2) No money (other than nominal copying fees) is charged for its
- distribution.
- 3) You may freely test the program and if you like it and find it
- useful, it would be advisable (and greatly appreciated), if you
- would send me the $3 registration fee. It is all up to you.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- disclaimer
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- whatis
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What is PrtSc?
- PrtSc is a little utility that makes the PrtSc-key to work as it
- should, so by pressing the 'PrtSc-key', you get a dump of the foremost
- screen. PrtSc needs DOS2.0 (V36).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- howwork
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How does it work?
- PrtSc waits you to press the 'PrtSc-key' and when pressed, it dumps
- the current screen via printer.device using the current printer
- 'preferences'. PrtSc works in the background, so it should't slow
- the machine down a lot. At least I've used it for months without
- even remembering it's there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- howuse
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How do I use it?
- Copy the program to your c: drawer and execute it from there with
- the 'run' command. PrtSc uses the printer.device so it should be in
- the devs: drawer. All the 'other files' that are needed to print
- something, need to be in their own drawers too.
- To get a dump of the foremost screen press the Shift and PrtSc-keys.
- There's no matter which Shift you use, the Left or the Right, both
- should do. The PrtSc-key should be found on the numeric keypad. In my
- (A500) keyboard it is with the '*'-key.
- The options window:
- To enter to the options window, press Alt and PrtSc. The gadgets are
- used to alter the output and work as follows:
- Reset before/after: If you can't get your printer to print when these
- flags are off, try setting the reset before flag, because your printer
- might need resetting before it can dump the image.
- Aspect: Selecting this gadget makes the other dimension of the dump
- to be scaled, so that the dump has the same aspect ratio as the
- screen.
- Center: Centers the image between the left and right edge of the
- paper.
- No formfeed: Prevents the page to be ejected after the dump.
- Full rows: The height of the image is set to the maximum possible, as
- determined by the printer limits.
- Full columns: The width of the image is set to the maximum possible,
- as determined by the printer limits.
- ActiveScreen/FirstScreen: This cycle gadget lets you choose whether
- to print the ActiveScreen or the FirstScreen when you press PrtSc.
- The ActiveScreen is the screen currently active (selected) and the
- FirstScreen is the first (frontmost) screen in the Intuition screens
- list.
- Dump screen/Save screen: This one lets you to choose whether to dump
- the screen to the printer or save it onto a disk when the PrtSc-key
- is pressed.
- File: Enter the name of the ILBM file to save into this gadget.
- Save: Saves the gadget states in the file 's:PrtSc.cfg'. The file is
- automatically loaded on the startup, if it exists.
- Quit: Simply quits the program.
- To exit the options window select the CloseWindow-gadget (the program
- will still be running).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- notes
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes
- - To alter the preferences that are not defined internally in PrtSc,
- use the PrinterGfx program on your Workbench-disk, in the Prefs-
- drawer.
- - I'm not sure if every option works, but I have found that at least
- both of the reset options, center and ActiveScreen/FirstScreen do
- work with my Mannesmann Tally 81.
- - Now the window is opened to its previous place, so if you move the
- window around before closing it, next time the window is opened,
- it will be on the place where you put it. Note: If you have the
- window open on the far edge of the screen and then reduce the
- screens size, next time the window is opened, it will try to open
- outside the screen and the open fails.
- - When you open the options window, the Workbench screen will be
- brought to front and when you close the window, the screen which was
- the frontmost before the open, will be brought back into front.
- - If nothing happens when you press the PrtSc-key, try pressing it
- longer. If nothing still happens, try something like 'list to prt:'
- to see if you get that printed. If nothing happens, check the
- connections and that all the system files needed to print are
- placed correctly.
- - Though this program is ShareWare, you don't need to pay anything to
- use it. But if you really like it, I would appreciate some $3 with
- some comments how the program runs on your machine or maybe a
- printout made by it.
- - There is nothing disabled in this version, this is the full and
- complete version of the program.
- - Special thanks go to Barlow Soper, for your help.
- - And now a bit of Finnish:
- Terveisiä Kotkasta! On mukavaa, että juuri sinä olet kiinnostunut
- tästä pienestä ohjelmasta, arvoisa käyttäjä. Toivon, että ohjelma
- toimii hyvin koneessasi, eikä aiheuta sinulle turhaa päänvaivaa.
- Jos todella pidät tästä ohjelmasta, olisi mukavaa saada palautetta
- tai mahdollisesti parannusehdotuksia. Kiitos kiinnostuksestasi tätä
- ohjelmaa kohtaan.
- If you understood the standard written Finnish (are you a Finn?)
- try this (spoken Finnish):
- Terveisii Kotkast! On tosi kiva nähä, et just sä oot kiinnostunu
- mun pikku ohjelmast. Mä todella toivon, et tää ohjelma toimii
- hyvin sun koneessas, eikä sul oo mitää vaikeuksii tän ohjelman kans.
- - How about you to learn the Finnish language? We've got only some 15
- cases in the Finnish language and no prepositions (some examples:
- koti=home, kodin=homes=of home, kodissa=in home, kotiin=to home,
- kodista=from home, kotona=at home etc.)
- If you still want to learn Finnish, how about tuning to Radio
- Finland on 558kHz, 963kHz (MW, Europe), (for other frequencies, try
- scanning the SW). They've got broadcasts in Finnish, Swedish,
- English (Starting Finnish etc.), German, French, Russian and of
- course in Latin! And no, I'm not working for them.
- - A1200/A4000 users: do you have any problems using the program?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- contact
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contact
- If you have any comments, bug reports, bribes or shuttle tickets to
- the moon :-), please contact me at:
- EMail:
- Fidonet Jan Hagqvist @ 2:220/861
- InterNet Jan.Hagqvist@ursa.fi
- SnailMail:
- Jan Hagqvist
- Reinolankatu 5 A 1
- 48600 KARHULA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- history
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- History
- V1.07 (Wednesday, 3 March 1993)
- The first usable version of this program. There are no options yet.
- The print size should be as many pixels as the screen size is. V37
- is required.
- Size = 1084 bytes
- V1.08 (Wednesday, 23 June 1993)
- A very minor update. I browsed the Kernel Manual and realized that
- this might even work on V36 machines, so now it needs V36 to work.
- Size = 1084 bytes
- V1.50 (Thursday, 30 September 1993)
- Fed up with creating a new version every other Wednesday, I finished
- this one Thursday. Some would say it's a major update, now containing
- a simple (disordered) options window, with some print options and
- Save config/Quit-options. Still doesn't eat the '*'-char, when you
- press Shift/Alt+PrtSc (though you can get rid of it by altering your
- keymap).
- Size = 3528 bytes
- V1.52 (Wednesday, 13 October 1993)
- Yet another Wednesday edition. Now the program creates a little input-
- handler to eat the '*'-char, when PrtSc is pressed with a Shift or Alt
- key. No need to use a script from Workbench anymore, the program can
- handle the Workbench startup-message.
- Size = 3980 bytes
- V1.55 (Tuesday, 19 October 1993)
- Now the proggy uses GadTools gadgets for the better looks. Should I
- consider a career of a beautician, or what? Or maybe I should become a
- student of English language, so that you could better understand me.
- At least I can understand what I'm writing in here.
- Size = 3504 bytes
- V1.75 (Saturday, 12 March 1994)
- Since nobody has sent me any suggestions about how to improve the
- program, I decided to make up some myshelf. Now you can also save
- the screen into a file instead of dumping it onto paper. So no printer
- is necessary anymore to use the program.
- Size = 4468 bytes