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AMOS Source Code | 1993-03-16 | 16.5 KB | 575 lines |
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' IFF Compactor
- ' By J.P. Cassier & F.Lionet
- ' (c) Europress Software 1992
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' This program will allow to grab the bank back to the previous program if
- ' it is called from the editor's menu, with a command line equal to "GRAB"
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '
- Dim DIAL$(15)
- ' Stops the user leaving the program with Control-C
- Break Off
- ' Grab the command line
- If Command Line$="GRAB" : GRB=-1 : End If
- ' Call the INITIAL procedure to set up the menu
- ' If you want to automatically call the LOAD PICTURE option when the program
- ' is run, remove the ' in front of the PIC_LOAD statement below...
- '
- ' - Main program loop
- ' - Reads the menu
- Do
- ' Display a message on Screen 2 if required
- If INF$<>"" : INFO[INF$,0,0,0] : Screen 3 : End If
- ' Wait for the user to read the message
- ' Read the menu zones
- Do
- ' Get the number of the menu option and load it into Z
- XM=X Screen(X Mouse) : YM=Y Screen(Y Mouse) : Z=Zone(XM,YM)
- ' If the user has pressed the Left mouse button, and the pointer
- ' is over a valid menu item, we'll call up the appropriate procedure
- If Mouse Key=1 and Z>0
- ' First, wait for the mouse button to be released
- ' Now execute the command
- If Z=1 : PIC_LOAD : Exit : End If : Rem LOAD PICTURE
- If Z=2 : SCR=1 : SELECT_ZONE : Exit : End If : Rem PACK AS SCREEN
- If Z=3 : SCR=0 : SELECT_ZONE : Exit : End If : Rem PACK AS BITMAP
- If Z=4 : SAVIT[1] : Exit : End If : Rem SAVE MEMORY BANK
- If Z=5 : SAVIT[0] : Exit : End If : Rem SAVE BINARY DATA
- If Z=6 : _QUIT : End If : Rem QUIT
- End If
- Multi Wait
- Loop
- Loop
- '
- Procedure _QUIT
- If GRB
- If Prg Under
- If SCR0
- QUESTION["Copy bank (number 10) to previous program?","< Yes >","< No >",50]
- If Length(10)=0 : COMPACT : End If
- Bsend 10
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Erase 10 : Fade 1 : Wait 16
- For S=0 To 7 : Trap Screen Close S : Next
- Edit
- End Proc
- Procedure INITIAL
- ' - Initialises the screen and sets up all the variables
- '
- ' - Remove any existing pictures from memory
- Erase 10
- '
- ' - Enter the various system messages into DIAL$
- DIAL$(0)="Packing in progress."
- DIAL$(1)="Size of packed picture:"
- DIAL$(2)="Saving."
- DIAL$(3)="This is not an IFF file!"
- DIAL$(4)="Load a picture first !"
- DIAL$(5)="File not found !"
- DIAL$(6)="Bad IFF format !"
- DIAL$(7)="Loading: "
- DIAL$(8)="Current picture: "
- DIAL$(9)="Enter the name of the bank to save."
- DIAL$(10)="(bank number 10)"
- DIAL$(11)="Enter the name of the file to save."
- DIAL$(12)="(raw data)"
- DIAL$(13)="<SPACE> to pack, <ESC> to abort."
- DIAL$(14)="Please choose an IFF picture."
- DIAL$(15)="Press mouse-key."
- '
- ' - If we are currently looking at screen 0, fade it out
- If Screen=0
- Curs Off : Fade 1 : Wait 16
- ' and delete it!
- Screen Close 0
- End If
- '
- ' - Unpack the MENU picture from Bank 15, and load it into screen 3
- Unpack 15 To 3
- ' - Centre the menu screen on your TV display
- Screen Display 3,208,45,,
- ' - Reserve enough space for six menu items
- Reserve Zone 6
- ' - Now define the menu zones
- Set Zone 1,7,29 To 161,46 : Rem - LOAD IFF
- Set Zone 2,7,48 To 161,65 : Rem - PACK AS SCREEN
- Set Zone 3,7,67 To 161,84 : Rem - PACK AS BITMAP
- Set Zone 4,7,86 To 161,103 : Rem - SAVE MEMORY BANK
- Set Zone 5,7,105 To 161,122 : Rem - SAVE BINARY DATA
- Set Zone 6,7,124 To 161,141 : Rem - QUIT
- ' - Open a small screen for the INFO line
- Screen Open 2,640,8,2,Hires
- Screen Hide 2
- Curs Off
- Colour 1,$FFF
- '
- Screen 3
- Wait Vbl
- ' - Limit mouse to the title area of our menu
- Limit Mouse X Hard(5),Y Hard(26) To X Hard(163),Y Hard(143)
- '
- ' Choose PACK AS SCREEN as the default
- SCR=1
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure PIC_LOAD
- ' - Load an IFF picture
- '
- ' - Handle errors
- On Error Goto ERREUR
- '
- ' - Call up a file-selector
- F$=Fsel$("**","",DIAL$(14))
- ' If the user selects QUIT, EXIT from the procedure (EVITE means EXIT)
- If F$="" Then Goto EVITE
- '
- ' - If screen 0 is aleady open, we'll have to close it, so that
- ' - we can check whether the loading option was successful
- '
- ' - Display message line
- INFO[DIAL$(7)+Right$(F$,40),0,1,0]
- ' - Close screen 0
- If SCR0=1 Then Screen Close 0 : SCR0=0
- '
- ' - Load new picture into screen 0
- Load Iff F$,0
- ' - Hide the picture away in the background
- Screen To Back 0
- Screen Hide 0
- Wait Vbl
- '
- ' - Get the number of the current screen
- S=Screen
- ' - If S<>0, screen 0 has not been opened by the LOAD IFF command
- ' - So we know that the loading failed!
- ' - We've probably tried to load a file in the wrong format!
- ' - We'll therefore exit from the procedure with an error message
- ' - and let the user have another attempt
- If S<>0 Then Boom : INFO[DIAL$(3),0,1,1] : Goto EVITE
- '
- ' - If we've got this far, we know that the picture loaded successfully
- ' - So we'll grab the screen characteristics using a bit of AMOS magic
- ' - and continue...
- SCR0=1
- '
- RES=Screen Mode
- NC=Screen Colour
- ' - Set initial values for the bottom right corner of the selection window
- EX=Screen Width
- EY=Screen Height
- LEX=EX-1 : LEY=EY-1
- '
- ' - Open a work screen with the same number of colours as our picture
- Screen Open 1,EX,EY,NC,RES
- ' - Hide it away in the background for future use
- Screen To Back 1
- Screen Hide 1
- ' - Initialise it
- Curs Off : Flash Off
- ' - Load it with a copy of the picture, and grab the colour palette
- Screen Copy 0 To 1 : Get Palette 0
- Wait Vbl
- ' - Set start of the selection window used by PACK AS BITMAP
- SX=0 : SY=0
- EX=EX-1 : EY=EY-1
- ' - Display the full name of the current picture
- INF$=DIAL$(8)+Right$(F$,40)
- Hide On
- ' - Display picture on the screen
- Screen Show 0 : Screen To Front 0
- ' - Press mouse key message
- INFO[DIAL$(15),0,1,1]
- ' - Remove picture and hide it away in memory
- Screen Hide 0
- Show On
- '
- Screen 3
- Pop Proc
- '
- ' - Handle errors
- ' - and display an appropriate message on the INFO line
- ERR=Errn
- ' - File not found
- If ERR=81
- INFO[DIAL$(5),0,1,1]
- End If
- ' - Bad IFF file
- If ERR=30
- INFO[DIAL$(6),0,1,1]
- End If
- INF$=""
- Change Mouse 1
- Resume EVITE
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure SELECT_ZONE
- ' - Selects a small part of the picture to be compressed
- ' - and then packs this screen using the COMPACT procedure
- '
- ' - If there's no picture, we'll return straight back to the menu
- If SCR0=0 Then INFO[DIAL$(4),0,1,1] : Screen 3 : Pop Proc
- '
- Screen 2 : Cls
- Screen Show 0
- Screen Hide 3
- Screen 0
- '
- ' - Create a dotted line for the grow box
- Set Line %1111000011110000
- '
- ' - Limit the mouse movements to the current screen area
- Limit Mouse X Hard(0),Y Hard(0) To X Hard(LEX),Y Hard(LEY)
- ' - Change mouse cursor to a set of crosshairs
- Change Mouse 2
- '
- ' - Draw grow box around the screen
- Box SX,SY To EX,EY
- '
- ' - Generate a grow box which can be controlled using the mouse
- Do
- ' - Get coordinates of the mouse, and check if a button has been pressed
- X=X Screen(X Mouse) : Y=Y Screen(Y Mouse) : K=Mouse Key
- K$=Inkey$
- ' - If the user has pressed a key
- If K$<>""
- ' - Wait for it to be released
- '- If it's not ESC then COMPRESS the picture inside the grow box
- If Asc(K$)<>27
- End If
- '
- ' - Reset mouse and remove screen 0
- Change Mouse 1
- Screen Hide 0
- '
- ' - If it's ESC then abort the operation and hide INFO line
- If Asc(K$)=27
- Screen Hide 2
- End If
- ' - Display menu again, and set the mouse movements back to normal
- Screen Show 3
- Screen 3
- Limit Mouse X Hard(5),Y Hard(26) To X Hard(163),Y Hard(143)
- '
- Pop Proc
- '
- End If
- ' - Display the INFO line along with the coords and size of the grow box
- I$=" Pointer: ("+Mid$(Str$(X),2)+","+Mid$(Str$(Y),2)+") - Box size: ("+Mid$(Str$(EX-SX+1),2)+","+Mid$(Str$(EY-SY+1),2)+")"+" - "+DIAL$(13)+" "
- INFO[I$,Y,0,0] : Screen 0
- '
- ' - Now for the grow box stuff
- ' - LEFT button moves the top left corner of the box
- If K=1
- ' - Round the screen coordinate to the nearest eight pixels
- X=(X/8)*8
- ' - If the coordinates have changed, redraw the grow box
- If X<>SX and X<EX or Y<>SY and Y<EY
- ' - Redraw the screen under the old grow box
- Gosub EFFACE_R
- ' - If box is greater than 15 points wide
- If X<EX and EX-X>=15
- ' - Use the new coordinates
- SX=X
- Else
- ' - Expand the box to 15 points
- SX=EX-15
- End If
- ' - Check for minimum height
- If Y<EY and EY-Y>=7
- SY=Y
- Else
- SY=EY-7
- End If
- ' - Redraw box at new position
- Box SX,SY To EX,EY
- '
- End If
- End If
- '
- ' - RIGHT button moves the bottom right corner of the box
- If K=2
- X=7+(X/8)*8
- ' - If the coordinates have changed, redraw the grow box
- If X<>EX and X>SX or Y<>EY and Y>SY
- ' - Redraw the screen under the old grow box
- Gosub EFFACE_R
- ' - If box is greater than 15 points wide
- If X>SX and X-SX>=15
- ' - Use the new coordinates
- EX=X
- Else
- ' - Expand the box up to 15 points
- EX=SX+15
- End If
- ' - Check for minimum height
- If Y>SY and Y-SY>=7
- EY=Y
- Else
- EY=SY+7
- End If
- ' - Redraw box at new position
- Box SX,SY To EX,EY
- '
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- '
- ' - Replace the top line from the copy in screen 1
- Screen Copy 1,SX,SY,EX,SY+1 To 0,SX,SY
- ' - Bottom line
- Screen Copy 1,SX,EY,EX,EY+1 To 0,SX,EY
- ' - Left side
- Screen Copy 1,SX,SY,SX+1,EY+1 To 0,SX,SY
- ' - Right side
- Screen Copy 1,EX,SY,EX+1,EY+1 To 0,EX,SY
- Return
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure COMPACT
- ' - Compresses a screen or bitmap to a fraction of it's original size
- '
- ' - SCR selects the mode
- ' SCR = 1 uses the PACK AS SCREEN option
- ' - = 0 sets the PACK AS BITMAP system
- '
- ' - Display a message on the INFO line
- INFO[DIAL$(0),0,1,0]
- Change Mouse 3
- '
- ' - Select between PACK AS SCREEN and PACK AS BITMAP
- If SCR
- Else
- End If
- ' - Display length of compressed image
- INF$=DIAL$(1)+Str$(Length(10))
- ' - Redraw the menu, and return
- Screen 3
- Change Mouse 1
- '
- Pop Proc
- '
- ' - Pack as a screen
- SCR:
- ' - Restore the image to pristine condition using the copy in screen 1
- Screen Copy 1 To 0
- '
- L0=(LEX+1)/2 : Rem - L0=Screen width
- L1=(EX-SX)/16*16+16 : Rem - L1= Image width
- ' - Open a new screen with the exact dimensions of the image to be packed
- Screen Open 1,L1,1+EY-SY,NC,RES
- ' - Hide it away
- Screen Hide 1
- Screen Display 1,128+L0-(L1/2),,, : Rem - Centre screen number 1
- ' - Initialise it and load the original colours from screen 0
- Curs Off : Flash Off : Cls 0
- Get Palette 0
- Screen 0
- ' - Copy the selected area of the picture into the new screen
- Screen Copy 0,SX,SY,EX+1,EY+1 To 1,0,0
- ' - Pack it into memory bank 10
- Spack 1 To 10
- '
- ' - Open a new version of screen 1 to hold the full picture
- Screen Open 1,LEX+1,LEY+1,NC,RES
- Screen To Back 1 : Screen Hide 1
- Curs Off : Flash Off : Cls 0
- Get Palette 0
- ' - Copy the picture back into it from screen 0
- Screen Copy 0 To 1
- Return
- '
- ' - Pack as bitmap
- ZON:
- ' - Just pack the picture from screen 1
- ' - Easy isn't it!
- Pack 1 To 10,SX,SY,EX+1,EY+1
- Return
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure SAVIT[ABK]
- ' - Save the packed image into a new file on the disc
- '
- ' - ABK selects the mode
- ' ABK = 1 uses the SAVE AS MEMORY BANK option
- ' - = 0 sets the SAVE AS BINARY system
- '
- 'Handle errors
- On Error Goto ERREUR
- '
- ' - If there's no picture, we'll return straight back to the menu
- If SCR0=0 Then INFO[DIAL$(4),0,1,1] : Screen 3 : Pop Proc
- '
- ' - Enter the name of a .ABK or .BIN file as appropriate
- If ABK
- S$=Fsel$("*.ABK","",DIAL$(9),DIAL$(10))
- Else
- S$=Fsel$("*.BIN","",DIAL$(11),DIAL$(12))
- End If
- '
- ' - If the filename is ok, then save it to the disc
- If S$<>""
- '
- ' - If the picture hasn't already been compressed, then pack it
- If Length(10)=0 : COMPACT : End If
- '
- If ABK
- '
- INFO[DIAL$(2),0,1,0]
- Change Mouse 3
- Save S$,10
- '
- Else
- '
- INFO[DIAL$(2),0,1,0]
- Change Mouse 3
- Bsave S$,Start(10) To Start(10)+Length(10)
- '
- End If
- '
- Change Mouse 1
- End If
- '
- ' - Exit
- Screen 3
- Pop Proc
- '
- ' - handle errors
- Change Mouse 1
- Resume EVITE
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure TEST_MK
- '
- ' Tests mouse key
- '
- Y=27+Z+(Z-1)*18
- '
- Screen Copy 3,6,Y,162,Y+19 To 3,7,Y+1
- '
- ' Wait until a button has been released
- Repeat
- Multi Wait
- Until Mouse Key=0
- '
- 'Animates the pressed button
- Screen Copy 3,7,Y+2,164,Y+20 To 3,6,Y+1
- '
- 'Clears the area from where the button was copied from
- Cls 0,162,Y To 163,Y+20
- Cls 0,6,Y+19 To 162,Y+20
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure TEST_KEY
- ' - Wait until the mouse button has been released and the keyboard is free
- '
- Repeat
- Multi Wait
- Until Inkey$="" and Mouse Key=0
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure INFO[I$,Y,F,ALERT]
- ' - Displays an INFO line
- ' - I$ = Contains the message text to be displayed
- ' - Y = Holds the Y position of the message screen
- ' - F = CLS flag (Set it to one to clear the message line before use)
- ' - ALERT = FLASH flag (A value of one FLASHES the message on the screen)
- '
- ' - Display the line on screen 2
- Screen Show 2 : Screen To Front 2 : Screen 2
- '
- If F : Cls 0 : End If
- '
- 'The message line is placed away from the mouse so that you can
- 'ensure a clean grab is made
- If Y<140 Then Screen Display 2,128,238,,
- If Y>160 Then Screen Display 2,128,55,,
- '
- ' Display the appropriate text
- Centre I$
- '
- ' Flash the message line on the screen
- Screen Show 2
- Flash 1,"(000,10)(fff,20)"
- '
- ' Wait for a keypress or a mouse click
- Repeat
- Until Inkey$<>"" or Mouse Key<>0
- '
- ' Wait for the keypress or mouse click to finish
- ' Stops the current command from accidentally selecting a menu option
- '
- ' Turns off the flashing effect and removes the INFO line
- Flash Off
- Colour 1,$FFF : Cls 0
- Screen Hide 2
- End If
- '
- End Proc
- Procedure QUESTION[I$,Y$,N$,Y]
- Screen Show 2 : Screen To Front 2 : Screen 2
- Reserve Zone 2
- If Y<140 Then Screen Display 2,128,238,,
- If Y>160 Then Screen Display 2,128,55,,
- Palette 0,$FFF : Paper 0 : Pen 1
- Clw : Print I$; : Gosub PRT
- Wait Vbl
- Limit Mouse X Hard(0),Y Hard(0) To X Hard(Screen Width),Y Hard(Screen Height)
- Repeat
- Multi Wait
- Z=Mouse Zone : Gosub PRT
- A$=Upper$(Inkey$)
- If A$=Left$(Y$,1) : Z=1 : Exit : End If
- If A$=Left$(N$,1) : Z=2 : Exit : End If
- Until Z<>0 and Mouse Key<>0
- Inverse Off : Cls 0
- Screen Hide 2
- Screen 3
- Wait Vbl
- Limit Mouse X Hard(5),Y Hard(26) To X Hard(163),Y Hard(143)
- Pop Proc
- PRT:
- If Z=1 : Inverse On Else Inverse Off : End If
- Locate 60,0 : Print Zone$(Y$,1);
- If Z=2 : Inverse On Else Inverse Off : End If
- Locate 70,0 : Print Zone$(N$,2);
- Return
- End Proc
- '