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- About AMOS Professional Version 1.11
- This section of help describes the modifications done to AMOSPro since the
- previous version V 1.00. Please select one of these options:
- {[IFeatures ,4,3] Features added to V1.00 }
- {[IProblems ,4,3] Problems removed from V1.00 }
- {[IUserGuide ,4,3] Corrections to the User Guide }
- {[IExtensions ,4,3] How to install Compiler and 3D extensions }
- {[IFrenchGreet ,4,3] A French greeting list }
- {[IFuture ,4,3] The future updates }
- {[IHelpInfo ,4,3] Latest News of Version 1.00 }
- A French Greetings list by François Lionet!
- First of all, a small apology. 1992 has been so stressful that I was
- unable to answer lots of my mail. AMOSPro came first. So if you didn't
- receive any answer from a letter, please forgive me. It must be in my 30
- inch high letter stack!
- Being so busy during the final rush for finishing AMOSPro, I simply forgot
- to write and add my greeting list to the main Help Menu.
- I want to thank many people, in French! (Please get a dictionary.)
- - Nicolas Costes et Pascal Varennes de Commodore France. Très grand merci
- pour votre support completement technique.
- - Eric Andréani et Syntex, pour toutes les magnifiques démos et surtout
- pour être si sympas.
- - Jean Michel Forgeas, l'être le plus patient que je connaisse, qui m'a
- tiré d'affaire bien des fois.
- - Denis Bernard et Philippe Bouzitat pour tant de dynamisme. Je croise les
- doigts pour le club.
- - Yves Lamoureux pour sa patience (lui aussi). J'ai bientot fini, promis.
- - Pascal Kasmerszac et ATACOM. Vivement ATACOM 93!
- - Richard Vanner, of course, le project manager le plus sympa et
- stressant que je connaisse.
- - Christopher Payne qui m'a fait confiance au tout début d'AMOS.
- - Et plein d'autres (dans l'ordre de mon agenda!): Pierre Berloquin,
- Stephane Schreiber, Philippe Ducalet, Olivier Coquet, Philippe Ulrich,
- Frédéric Botton, Thierry Drago, Orion Diffusion, Pierre Philippe Launay,
- Francis Poulain, Nicolas Mathieu, Olivier Rogé, Len and Ann Tucker, David
- Gaussinel, Stephane Dujourdy, Neil Miller, Wayne Johnson, Gilles Bihan,
- Jerome Pages, Bruce Leppers, Johan Francois, Francois Scheurer...
- ..et encore pleins d'autres de qui j'ai usé et abusé et qui ne m'en
- voudront pas (j'espère) de ne pas figurer dans cette liste...
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }
- Features added to AMOS Professional
- Many things have been improved compared to the previous version of
- AMOSPro.
- - AMOSPro now works on a AA machine (1200/4000).
- You can now launch AMOSPro from the workbench on a AA machine, and flip
- between AMOSPro and the workbench. AMOSPro does not yet exploit the new
- resolution modes: we are currently working on it.
- You should just switch off any virus checker or any resident utility that
- might bring the workbench screen to the front while AMOSPro is on the
- screen (you can however, leave the screen blanker utility ON while AMOSPro
- is running).
- This small problem will be corrected in the true AA version of AMOSPro, to
- be released later this year.
- - AMOSPro now works with a screen blanker.
- A screen blanker can work under the workbench without causing problems
- with AMOSPro. When AMOSPro is displayed it sends fake mouse movements
- every 5 seconds simulating a user input. This prevents the screen blanker
- from popping up in the background.
- - The file selector has been vastly improved.
- * Full Multitasking: the input/ouput of the file selector is now handled
- by a separate task. You can safely type in a file name while the directory
- is being read.
- * STORE slider: instead of this button's old affect of displaying random
- directories, you are now presented with a list of all the stored directory
- pathnames. Just click on the pathname you wish to view and the list will
- be presented.
- * The Right mouse button now has an affect. This was originally in AMOS
- and Easy AMOS: click the right mouse button and you'll get the current
- device list displayed in the file selector. Click again and you'll receive
- the assign list, click another time and you'll get the stored list of
- directories, and another time brings you back to the directory you started
- from.
- * You can now enter full pathnames into the filename zone. For example, if
- you type "Work:AMOS_Pro/Interpretor_Config.AMOS" into the name zone and
- press return, the filename will be computed into: "Work:AMOS_Pro" in the
- path zone and "Interpretor_Config.AMOS" into the filename zone. Press
- RETURN another time to accept the name.
- * Fast file finding: enter one letter into the name zone, and press HELP,
- the file list will be positioned at the begining of the specified letter
- (or as close as possible. This feature is best used on large directories,
- there is no benefit if used in a directory of say nine files.
- - The text reader now accepts hypertext.
- By using the enhanced text reader, it is now possible to add interactive
- help files to your programs and even have a professional looking window in
- which to display the text. This is a simple process of just adding a few
- codes into your text.
- The hypertext system is of course based on the AMOS Interface hypertext
- system. It's best that you take a look at page 09.03.15 of the AMOSPro
- User Guide and read up on the HyperText command before using this system.
- You can also edit the file called "Equate.Doc" (located in
- AMOSPro_Productivity1:Equates.) This file is a perfect example of such a
- text.
- How to proceed.
- * Your text must begin with a special code, of 8 letters:
- #HYPx000
- #HYP tells the text reader that the text includes hypertext codes.
- "x" is a number, from 1 to 9 informing the text reader how many hyper text
- codes there will be on one line.
- "000" is not used yet and is reserved for future expansions. You must keep
- it to 000!
- * Within the text define the hypertext zone using the normal method. The
- action taken when the user clicks on your zone depends on the TYPE (string
- or digit) of your zone.
- + Digit: the number reported by the zone is a LINE NUMBER. When the user
- clicks on this zone, the text reader will simply go to the specified line.
- Example:
- { [32 ,6,3] How does it work? }
- will branch to line #32 in case of click...
- + String: a click on this zone will close the text reader and report
- the keyword to the main program in =Param$. If the user clicked on the
- CLOSE icon of the text reader, =Param$ will return an empty string.
- Example (from Equate.Doc):
- { [ADD,4,7] RUN and add equates current file }
- { [CRE,4,7] RUN and create a new equate file }
- { [QUT,4,7] QUIT }
- In the program:
- Read Text "Equates.Doc"
- If Param$="ADD"
- ...
- Else If Param$="CRE"
- ...
- Else
- ... Quit the program
- End If
- Hyper-text is a simple and user-friendly way of creating menu driven
- program documentation.
- - Testing speed has been improved.
- The testing process has been rewritten, and is now up to 50% faster
- (usually 30 to 40% on a 68000 based Amiga). The difference is obvious for
- bigger programs such as the Disc Manager and the Object Editor.
- - You can now configurate your own default screen. Getting bored of the
- orange lowres screen? You'd prefer it to be workbench grey, hires
- interlaced and overscanned? No problem, just set it up to your heart's
- desire using the new options in the Interpreter_Config.AMOS program.
- How to proceed?
- + Call the "Set Interpreter" option from the Config menu under the
- editor.
- + Load the Default Configuration
- + Select "System Configuration Page 1"
- + Select "Set Default Screen"
- + With the buttons, just define the characteristics of your screen.
- Number of bitplanes: 1 for 2 colours, 2 for 4 colours, 3 is 8 colours
- 4 is 16 colours. Hires mode on or off,
- Interlaced mode on or off.
- + Use the sliders to set the colour palette.
- + Once the characteristics of your screen are defined you can modify its
- size and position on the screen by clicking on "Set Screen's Position"
- + When everything is done, just click 3 times on EXIT (you have to keep
- moving back out through the various menus), and save out the
- configuration. Your default screen will appear next time you boot AMOSPro.
- Important Warning:
- Some program may rely on the default "default screen". That is 320x200 16
- colours, lowres with the old colour palette. They might stop with an error
- or the display may be corrupted. So to fix these programs just add the
- command:
- Screen Open 0,320,200,16,Lowres
- to the start of the program's code.
- - You can now configure the Amiga-A key combination. Up till now there has
- been no choice, Amiga-A was the only way to flip between AMOS and the
- Workbench. Now you can define your very own key combination.
- How to proceed?
- + Call the "Set Interpreter" option from the Config menu under the editor.
- + Load the Default Configuration
- + Select "System Configuration Page 2"
- + Enter the desired letter into the AMOS / Workbench edit zone
- + Click on the correct shift combination
- + Quit and save you configuration. The new key shortcut will be active
- after your next boot.
- - The ugly little workbench screen has been removed.
- AMOSPro used to open a small screen at the bottom of the workbench display
- to do its graphical work. Some users have complained about this (and
- rightly so). It has now been removed. In fact the entire screen system in
- amos.library has been totally re-written so that it is much more
- system-friendly.
- - It is now possible to relocate the mouse pointer when in direct mode.
- If you have lost your mouse pointer (it's off the screen or you've hidden
- it), just press the <HELP> key and the mouse pointer will appear in the
- top-left corner of the direct mode window.
- - Direct mode history buffer now works exactly as the CLI history system.
- - Closing the last window also gives you the option to quit the AMOSPro
- editor.
- When you close the last available window of the editor, you now have a
- requester asking whether you want to QUIT AMOSPro or not. It's not
- necessary to select the QUIT option from the AMOS menu any more. NOTE: you
- can even quit faster by quiting AMOSpro without any warning when you close
- the last window. This is activated if you de-select 'Confirm Quit' in the
- "Quit Options" from the "Config" menu.
- - Disc Manager format and copy.
- The disc manager now copies discs. It can also copy and format high
- density discs on an Amiga 4000.
- - The monitor does not single step through closed procedures anymore.
- This allows much faster debugging: just open the procedures you want to
- step through and call the monitor. Any closed procedure will be treated as
- a single instruction.
- - The Resource Bank editor now has a "PRINT" option to print the strings
- contained in the bank.
- - The Editor remote control commands are now listed in the equate file.
- You can have full details about all the commands by running the program:
- AMOSPro_Productivity1:Equates/Editor_Commands.AMOS
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }
- Problems removed from Version 1.0
- With your help, we have been able to locate and remove the following
- problems from V1.0:
- * Main instruction set
- - =Dev Check function used to return 0 just after opening the device.
- - Device instructions now check for the completion of the previous command
- before sending a new one.
- - Printer device now send its requester to AMOSPro and not the workbench
- screen as it used to do.
- - The equate system now works fine. For more information on equates,
- please run AMOSPro_Productivity1:Equates/Make_Equates.AMOS
- - Machine language procedures used to have difficulty accepting more than
- one parameter.
- - ERRN now returns the proper error number.
- - ERR$ returns the good error message.
- - Track Loop On / Off now works
- - On Break Proc works.
- - LPrint does not leave the printer device open: you can now do an LPrint
- and then a Printer Open.
- - The testing process does not report an error with the following line:
- If A$="" And B$="" Then ...
- - Mid$, Left$, Right$ as instructions are now corrected. In the previous
- version, this program:
- A$=String$("a",5)
- B$=A$
- Left$(A$,1)="b"
- Print A$
- Print B$
- ... used to print:
- baaaa
- baaaa
- Now it will print:
- baaaa
- aaaaa
- - =Input$(1,65536) used to crash.
- - =Input$() used to mess strings with input longer than 32767 bytes.
- - Set Buffer 0 used to crash.
- * Monitor
- - Now works in interlaced mode.
- - Pressing HELP while a program was run used to mess up the system.
- - You cannot evaluate any more the command =FSEL$() and any special
- functions. They used to cause funny effects!
- - Marking an array without marking the indexes used to crash.
- - Used to crash when accessing the program slider of a very small listing.
- - Expression evaluation problems removed.
- * File Selector
- - Default name now works.
- - The slider used to be badly positioned with a small number of files.
- * Editor
- - A random line number used to be displayed in the Edit / Direct window
- after an error. Stupid bug this one. Sorry.
- - Blocks do not include random characters any more.
- - A program which included extension commands that weren't available used
- to crash.
- - The User menu's add and delete options now work fine.
- - Autosave sometimes appeared for no reason.
- - You can now record a macro over an existing one without crashing.
- - You can now remove a keyboard shortcut.
- - Shift+Space does not produce a line of garbage any more.
- - The Insert / Overwrite button now indicates the current state.
- * Direct Mode
- - BStart and BLength used to crash
- - History buffer system corrected.
- - EDIT now works.
- - RUN now works.
- - CONTROL-C does not crash any more.
- - Dialog boxes do not grab all the keyboard inputs anymore.
- * Misc.
- - Make_Equates.AMOS program is present on the disc.
- - Disc Manager disc-copy option now works fine.
- - HELP Program now uses the printer device instruction to print the help
- files and checks for the presence of a printer.
- - Object Editor: when grabbing a bank from the current program, the hot
- spots are not lost any more.
- - Default_Resource.IFF now has the correct colour palette.
- - AMOSPro.IFF now has the correct dialog box definition.
- - The default font for any AMOS screen is now Topaz 8, whatever the
- default workbench font is.
- - EDialog reports the correct number.
- - Resource Bank editor: edited messages do not wrap any more.
- - Resource Bank editor: you cannot lose a bank grabbed from the previous
- program, without really wanting to.
- - German users, please note that it has always been possible to get the
- ' (apostrophe) character with your keyboard, by pressing ALT + ä
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }
- Corrections to the User Guide
- Page 08.01.01
- The second line of the program listing should read:
- Flash 1,"(FFF,1)(000,147)(A5F,2)"
- Page 09.01.09
- Line five of the second listing should read:
- A$=A$+"RU 0,%1100, wait for either a mouse click or a key press"
- Page 09.02.06
- The JmP command is in fact JumP.
- Page 09.04.04
- The message table should read:
- Positive number String from the Resource Bank
- 0 Full pathname of APSystem folder
- Negative number Configuration system strings, as follows:
- -1 to -15 Default file names
- -16 to -42 All 26 extensions
- -43 -44 Communication ports
- -46 Default cursor flashing
- -1001 to -2000 Miscellaneous strings used by the editor
- -2001 to -3000 Editor menu options
- -3001 to -4000 Editor messages
- -4001 to -5000 Test time messages
- -5001 to -6000 Run time errors messages
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }
- How to install Compiler and 3D Extensions
- * Please note: The Compiler extension only works with the old Compiler. Not
- the new AMOS Pro Compiler which is due for release June 1993. You can only
- compile programs that use the old AMOS command set. New commands in AMOS
- Pro must be compiled with the new Compiler.
- This disc includes special versions of the AMOS1.3 Compiler and 3D
- extensions that work under AMOSPro.
- Warning: in order to run the Compiler under AMOSPro, you must possess
- AMOS V1.34 and Compiler V1.34 (or over). If you don't have versions this
- high, order the 1.34 updates (2 discs) from your usual PD library. You
- can also order the discs from any of the AMOS Clubs.
- Any version of 3D can be updated to work under AMOSPro.
- The following information is supplied for both Compiler and 3D. Of course,
- if you just own Compiler, skip past information on 3D, and vice-versa.
- You just have to follow the installation procedure, which depends greatly
- on your system's configuration.
- {[IExFloppy ,4,3] You do not have a hard drive }
- {[IExHard ,4,3] You have a hard drive }
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }
- Installing Compiler or 3D without a hard drive.
- Create a working disc containing:
- AMOS1.34, the Compiler and/or 3D extensions installed.
- This disc will be used by AMOSPro's new extensions. 3D can then access the
- file "c3D.lib" from it, and Compiler will grab the Compiler and all the
- necessary libraries from it. This method leaves your AMOSPro_System
- untouched and avoids having to delete files to make room for 3D and/or
- Compiler. In fact there isn't room on a floppy disc for AMOSPro, the
- Compiler libraries and 3D.
- Follow these instructions carefully:
- - Boot AMOSPro in the usual manner
- - Load the disc manager from the User menu (which now copies discs
- properly).
- - Now make a backup of your AMOSPro_System disc before beginning. You must
- work with a backup!
- Note: Once you've installed AMOSPro with new extensions you may find that
- AMOSPro fails to load. This will be due to AMOSPro being asked to load an
- extension that just can't be found or isn't compatible with the extension
- location it's being loaded into. If this were to happen you can easily
- revert back to your backup copy and start again. Otherwise you'll never be
- able to get back into AMOSPro. So please take the time to back-up your
- original.
- - From the Disc Manager open the "Extensions" folder on the root of your
- AMOS Professional Productivity disc 2.
- - For the Compiler, copy the file:
- AMOSPro_Productivity2:Extensions/AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib
- directly into your APSystem folder of your back-up AMOSPro System disc.
- - For 3D, copy the file:
- AMOSPro_Productivity2:Extensions/AMOSPro_3D.Lib
- directly into your APSystem folder of your AMOSPro System disc.
- It should fit on the disc, but very tightly. You will need to remove a few
- files. AmigaDos will damage a disc beyond recognition if it gets over
- full, so we suggest that you remove the following file:
- AMOSPro_System:Install_Data/Explosion.Abs
- This file contains the installer graphics data for the title. Removing it
- will not prevent the installer from working, but will simply skip the
- title.
- - For the Compiler, copy the file:
- AMOSPro_Productivity2:Extensions/APCmp
- directly into your AMOS_System folder on your AMOS 1.34 disc. It should
- sit next to "ACmp" the original Compiler for AMOS1.34.
- - Quit the Disc Manager and call the Interpreter Configuration accessory.
- - Load the default configuration
- - Select "Set Loaded Extensions"
- - For the Compiler: click on line number 5, and enter the
- following line EXACTLY as it appears here:
- AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib -fAMOS:AMOS_System/
- - For 3D: click on line number 4, and enter the following line EXACTLY as
- it appears here:
- AMOSPro_3D.Lib -fAMOS:AMOS_System/
- - Save the default configuration and quit the program.
- - If you're installing the Compiler, load "Compiler.AMOS", and change the
- line at the beginning of the program.
- Original line:
- DPATH$=":AMOS_System"
- Change it to:
- Note: Ensure the disc with AMOS1.34, Compiler1.34 and/or 3D is still
- called "AMOS:". If it has changed, rename it using the Workbench menu
- option.
- Save Compiler.AMOS to disc.
- - Reboot your computer. AMOSPro should boot and load the new extensions.
- Check it with the "About New Extensions" menu option.
- - Compiler: when you call the Compiler, make sure your AMOS1.34 disc is
- present in a drive. All Compiler data will be loaded from there.
- - 3D: you will be asked to insert your AMOS1.34 disc to load the "c3D.lib"
- library. If you're not short of memory, use the "TD KEEP" command to keep
- the 3D library in memory after it has been loaded for the first time.
- {[IExInfo ,4,3] Read this important Compiler information }
- Installing Compiler or 3D with a hard drive
- - If you own AMOS1.34 with the Compiler and 3D, your original AMOS_System
- folder should be located at the root of your current partition. This means
- that both 3D and Compiler extensions when run from AMOSPro can access the
- files by using the following pathname:
- ":AMOS_System/".
- If your AMOS_System folder is elsewhere on your hard disc then read the
- text below located at the (*) marker now.
- - Load the Disc Manager utility.
- - Open the "Extensions" folder on the root of your AMOS Professional
- Productivity disc 2.
- - Copy the files:
- AMOSPro_Productivity2:Extensions/AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib
- AMOSPro_Productivity2:Extensions/AMOSPro_3D.Lib"
- directly into your APSystem folder on your hard drive.
- - Load the Default Configuration
- - Select "Set Loaded Extensions"
- - For Compiler click on line number 5, and enter the following line EXACTLY
- as it appears here:
- AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib
- - For 3D: click on line number 4, and enter the following line EXACTLY as
- it appears here:
- AMOSPro_3D.Lib
- - Save the default configuration, quit the program and quit AMOSPro.
- - Reboot AMOSPro, your new extension should be loaded into memory. Check
- it with the option "About Loaded Extensions" from the editor menu.
- - You can now use 3D and Compiler as normal.
- (*) Your AMOS_System folder is not located at the root directory
- - Write down the FULL, EXACT pathname of your AMOS_System folder. The name
- must include the Device: and all sub directories. It should end with a
- ":" or a "/".
- - Proceed as explained above, except when you enter the names of the
- extensions in the Interpreter Configuration.
- - Enter the name of the extension, followed by "-fpath", where path is the
- pathname of your extension. There should not be any space between "f" and
- the pathname.
- - Load "Compiler.AMOS", and change the following line at the beginning of
- the program:
- Old line:
- DPATH$=":AMOS_System"
- New line:
- DPATH$="...path of your extensions..."
- Warning, There must not be a "/" character at the end of the path!
- Example:
- * Path to extension: Work:AMOS/AMOS_System/
- * Compiler definition: AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib -fWork:AMOS/AMOS_System/
- * 3D definition: AMOSPro_3D.Lib -fWork:AMOS/AMOS_System/
- * In Compiler.AMOS: DPATH$="Work:AMOS/AMOS_System"
- {[IExInfo ,4,3] Read this important Compiler information }
- Important information about the Compiler
- This new Compiler extension will allow you to call AMOS Compiler V1.34
- from AMOSPro. This is NOT the new AMOSPro Compiler which is currently
- still under development at this stage (18/01/93). As a consequence:
- - The Compiler will only Compile 1.34 compatible programs. Use the "Check
- 1.34" option from the "Project" menu under the editor. Obviously, the
- Compiler will not compile any new instructions, and will refuse bank
- numbers over 16.
- - If you compile a program as .AMOS type it will only run under AMOS1.34.
- This is because AMOS1.34 has different call equates to AMOSPro.
- - The configuration files used by the Compiler are not the ones used by
- AMOSPro. The Compiler uses:
- AMOS1_3_PAL.ENV (or NTSC) with error messages, or
- RAMOS1_3.ENV without error messages.
- You should use your "Config1_3.AMOS" program to change anything in the
- configuration for the Compiler.
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }
- The future updates
- AMOS Professional is kept up-to-date and modern all the time. This is
- version 1.11 which is the result of four months extra work on the project
- after the initial release of V1.0.
- So keep up-to-date with the latest version by calling the AMOS Clubs or the
- AMOS PD library.
- We will continue with our update policy. Here is some of the things you
- can wait for in the future:
- - Intuition On / Off to display an AMOS Screen under intuition and
- therefore create real workbench applications.
- - New instruction to handle intuition screens.
- - More integration to the Amiga's system.
- - and all your good ideas!
- {[IHelpInf ,4,3] Back to main menu }