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- Mouse Emulator Copyright (C)1994 Kevin Glover
- --------------
- 'Introduction ' Introduction to MouseEm
- 'Usage ' How to use MouseEm
- 'Disclaimer ' Legal information
- 'Conditions ' Shareware information
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- Disclaimer
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- Disclaimer
- **********
- I hereby reject any liability or responsibility for these or any
- other consequences from the use of MouseEm whatsoever. This includes,
- but is not limited to, damage to your equipment, to your data,
- personal injuries, financial loss or any other kinds of side effects.
- Although MouseEm has been tested thoroughly on several different
- machines, I cannot rule out the possibility that MouseEm
- * is somehow incompatible to your equipment
- * has bugs that show up on your equipment
- * does not do what it is supposed to do on your equipment
- It is your responsibility to take any precautions necessary to
- protect yourself from these or any other effects. I explicitly
- reject any liability or responsibility from the consequences of you
- using MouseEm
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- Conditions
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- Shareware
- *********
- MouseEm is shareware. The program may be freely distributed and
- copied, as long as the following conditions are fulfilled:
- * The sales price must not be higher than the cost of an (empty)
- disk plus a nominal copying fee plus costs for shipping. The total
- price must not be higher than £2.
- * All parts of the program and the documentation must be complete.
- The distribution of single parts or incomplete subsets of the
- original distribution is NOT ALLOWED.
- * MouseEm or parts of it may not be sold in combination with or
- as part of commercial software.
- * Program and documentation may not be changed in any way.
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- Introduction
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- Introduction
- ************
- MouseEm allows a joystick in port 1 to control the movements of the
- mouse pointer on WorkBench and other public screens. MouseEm is a
- commodity and therefore only works on WorkBench 2 or more. It is
- only a small program (less than 10K) and can easily be put in the
- WBStartup drawer and forgotten about until needed.
- MouseEm was designed for use when using WorkBench to load a two
- player game when you have joysticks in both joystick ports or when
- the mouse is broken. This could help save wear and tear on your mouse
- port and stops the need to use WorkBench's built in key control which is
- pretty useless
- MouseEm might have to be turned off on games which use joystick and
- work off a public screen since the pointer can become a nuisance and
- can accidentally swap screens if fire is pressed when the pointer is
- where the Screen Depth Gadget is.
- MouseEm was programmed using Blitz Basic II and it's new commands
- for commodity support which is something you won't find on AMOS.
- If you want the source code for the program please send £5 to this
- address:
- Kevin Glover
- Rose Cottage
- Thistle Hill
- Knaresborough
- N. Yorkshire
- England
- HG5 8JW
- Please include your name+address, your Amiga models and your
- kickstart+workbench versions
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- Usage
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- How To Use MouseEm
- ******************
- MouseEm is controlled through the WorkBench's commodity exchange
- from there it can be disabled, enabled or removed. Starting MouseEm
- for a second time will make it remove itself.