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- Note: This Soundtracker is based on the MasterSoundtracker V1.0
- by TIP/PROPHETS and mainly on Soundtracker V2.2 by Unknown/D.O.C
- Soundtracker V2.3 - A Quick Clarification.
- ------------------------------------------
- Update : April 1989.
- Update done by : MnemoTroN.
- Instructions : Tracer and Unknown of D.O.C / Based on J.C.-Instructions
- MnemoTroN.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modifications by D.O.C:
- -----------------------
- A sample sort function
- Corrected 'DisplayPattern' routine
- Corrected preset-editor
- Improved record function
- Extended keymap (Sonix style)
- Pattern play function
- Delete Song function in the dos menu
- Improved ANALYZER
- Pattern changing during play
- Pattern break command
- Position jump command
- Sample zero function
- New playroutine for use in demos/intros/games
- Improved graphics (colors,styling,font)
- Nice scrolling
- Animated mousepointer
- Directory Sort function
- New Colors for the Analyzer
- Extension to 31 Instruments
- Modifications by MnemoTroN:
- ---------------------------
- Scroll-Line removed
- Animated Mousepointer removed
- Extended DOS-Window
- Key-Help-Page
- Nice 'Sure?'-Requester
- Reinsertion of Length-,Repeat- and RepLen-Gadgets
- Lowpass-Filter is switched off
- Load Module
- Save Sample
- Format Disk
- Clear Song
- and some small details that must not be mentioned here
- The Song.
- ---------
- Any piece of music written with Soundtracker 2.3 is build up from patterns.
- Soundtracker holds a table with information about the sequence in which
- these parts must be played. With 'Position' you determine your position in
- the table. With 'Pattern' you define what pattern to play at that
- position. 'Length' defines the total size of the table. The full sequence
- of Patterns is the Song.
- The Keys.
- ---------
- The original (V1.8) version of the Soundtracker had a German keymap.
- Version 2.3 supports a standard USA keymap and this ensures compatibility
- with ALL Amigas. The keyboard has been extended, try typing on the whole
- key-rows. The keys on your Amiga have been grouped to represent the layout
- of a two- octave piano-keyboard. You can "shift" the keyboard one octave
- up or down with the aid of the F1 and F2 keys, thus incrementing the range
- of the keyboard to three octaves.
- The Functions.
- --------------
- The Soundtracker V2.3 offers many functions to the user to make the
- development of music as easily as possible. The Play, Stop and
- Edit-Functions should be self-explaining. Record allows you to record a
- pattern in real-time, but it is recommended that you better use the normal
- Edit-Mode. 'Clear Song' will erase all song- and sample-data from memory
- after a security-check. 'Use PSET' will load the selected sample into the
- current slot and 'Disk Op' switches to the DOS-Menu. Here you can
- Load/Save/Delete Songs and Modules. If you are into ripping music, you
- will find the 'Save Sample' option useful. Just select the sample to be
- saved (you may change the disk and name by simply clicking on the
- 'sample-name'-line) and it is done! 'Format disk' will do just that.
- After a security-check you are asked for the volume-number. Only numbers
- will be accepted. The formatting will begin just after you entered the
- number, so please be careful. If you enter '00', Soundtracker will
- automagically create a song- and a module-directory.
- While editing:
- --------------
- Cursor-keys move cursor.
- shift + Cursor-keys move cursor fast.
- alt + Cursor-keys move cursor fastest.
- F6 - Set cursor to first line of pattern.
- F7 - Set cursor to 16th line of pattern.
- F8 - Set cursor to 32th line of pattern.
- F9 - Set cursor to 48th line of pattern.
- F10 - Set cursor to last line of pattern.
- DEL - Delete note under cursor.
- shift + F3 - Cut track of current pattern and copy into a buffer.
- shift + F4 - Copy track of current pattern into a buffer.
- shift + F5 - Copy buffer to track of current pattern.
- alt + F3 - Cut the whole pattern and copy into a buffer.
- alt + F4 - Copy pattern into a buffer.
- alt + F5 - Copy buffer to current pattern.
- As a new feature, these commands can be reviewed at any time (except when
- using the DOS-Menu) by pressing the HELP-key!
- A small word about the +/- gadgets: pressing the left AND right
- mousebutton will in-/decrease the value faster !!
- Sample sort function:
- ---------------------
- Unknown inserted a special sort function in the load-song routine, so you
- needn't be a D.J. anymore.
- Only the D.O.C-Soundtrackers V2.1 to V2.3 will load ALL Samples from the
- Disk 'ST-01', then from 'ST-02', then from 'ST-03' and so on.
- Sample zero function:
- ---------------------
- While editing you're able to set the sample to the value zero (0!). Press
- both mousebuttons at the position of the samplegadgets (plus, minus = +,-).
- Now you can edit the pattern with the sample 0 to prevent difficulties
- according to the volume (Frog's idea) !!!
- Correct 'DisplayPattern' routine:
- ---------------------------------
- The 'MasterSoundtracker V1.0' and the 'D.O.C-Soundtracker V2.0' had an
- incorrect 'DisplayPattern' routine !!! The highest bit of the command- and
- infobyte had been deleted on screen, but not in the memory !!!!!!!!!!
- Unknown discovered this bug and removed it.
- Example: Entered - E-2 C2FF <=- Correct !
- Printed out later - E-2 427F <=- Wrong instrument and infobyte!
- Still in memory - E-2 C2FF <=- Correct !
- Instruments.
- ------------
- You can use up to thirtyone different instruments in one music-piece. All
- instruments are listed in the preset-list. The volume is always 64, but
- you can change it to each value between 0 and 64. To change the other
- values of each instrument you have to load the preset-editor or use the
- gadgets in the program (this is only for small changes. use the preset-ed
- otherwise!). With the PresetEd you can change the whole preset-list. TIP
- improved the preset-editor: some values (Length, Repeat and RepLen) have
- to be entered in hexadecimal !!! Now you can use samples up to $8000
- (=32768) bytes !!!! (Press right mouse-button to quit).
- Unknown corrected the preset-editor: It got a nice bug ! (Not TIP's fault)
- Example: You've an instrument called 'HeavySynth' in your preset-list, now
- you want to INSERT an instrument with the name 'Heavy' in it.
- The preset-editor searches for the word 'HEAVY' in the list, find
- the name 'HEAVYsynth' and DELETES it to insert the name 'Heavy' !
- Of course Unknown discoverd and removed this bug, too.
- Notes:
- ------
- C#1 0 3 C 2 3
- / / | \|
- / / | Info
- / / Command
- / Inst#
- Note to
- be played.
- Note: This is simply the note that is played with that particular
- ----- instrument.
- Inst#: This is the number of the instrument that is used to play that
- ------ note. When the instrument number is zero, the last selected
- instrument will be used.
- Command: This number tells Soundtracker what special functions shall be
- -------- performed while playing the note.
- These functions are as follows:
- 0 - Normal play or arpeggio.
- 1 - Portamento up.
- 2 - Portamento down.
- A - Volume slide.
- B - Position jump.
- C - Set volume.
- D - Pattern break.
- E - Set filter on/off.
- F - Set speed.
- Info: This byte contains the additional information for the commands.
- -----
- Arpeggio: Arpeggio is used for simulating accords. This is done by rapidly
- --------- changing the notes while playing an instrument. Arepggios are
- selected whenever the info byte has a non-zero value and no
- other command is selected.
- When arpeggios are used, Soundtracker looks five times during
- the play of one note, at the information contained in the info
- byte. Each nibble (4 bits) in this byte defines how many notes
- Soundtracker must add to the the note currently played. In each
- of the five passes Soundtracker does the following with the
- information in the info byte:
- 0 - Play the current note (immediately).
- 1 - Add the first nibble to the current note.
- 2 - Add the second nibble to the current note.
- 3 - Play the current note.
- 4 - Add the first nibble to the current note.
- 5 - Add the second nibble to the current note.
- Portamento: Portamento is used for 'sliding' the frequency of the sample.
- ----------- If portamento is in use, the information contained in the
- the info byte will be added to (or subtracted from) the period
- of the note playing in each of the five passes.
- Example: D#2 3208 Slides down $08
- --- 0208 Slides down $08
- --- 0108 Slides up $08
- --- 0210 Slides down $10 (=16)
- etc.
- Volume slide: This function uses the same parameters as Portamento except
- ------------- for that it changes the volume.
- Position jump:
- --------------
- The position jump command will do the same like the pattern break
- command, but the info byte gives the playroutine the no. of the
- position.
- Example: E-2 3B04 - Break the pattern and jump to position 4
- --- 0000
- --- 0B06 - Break the pattern and jump to position 6
- Volume: One of the enhancements that the V2.3 version provides is the
- ------- ability to change the volume at any time during play.
- When command $0C (=12) is selected, the volume is set to the value
- contained in the info byte. The volume will remain at this level
- until the next SAMPLE is played. At this time, the volume is reset
- to the default volume level of that sample.
- Example: C#1 1C22 - Set volume to $22 (=34) and use instrument # 1 to
- play the C#1 note.
- D-2 0000 - Use instrument # 1 to play the D-2 note.
- (Volume level remains at $22 (=34))
- B-1 1000 - Use instrument # 1 to play the B-1 note and
- set volume to default value for that
- instrument.
- Pattern break:
- --------------
- Pattern break is used to create shorter patterns than 64 notes.
- The note with the $0D command will be played and after that the
- next pattern in the position-table will be played.
- Example: A#3 1D00 - At this point the pattern interrupts.
- --- 0D00 - same.
- C-1 0D30 - same.
- Filter: This Soundtracker version allows you to turn the lo-pass filter
- ------- on/off.
- Example: G#2 1E01 - Turns the filter and the power-led off.
- --- 0000
- E-1 1E00 - Turns the filter and the power-led on.
- Warning to all Amiga 1000 owners (like Unknown and Esteban): Don't play
- with the power-led because some A500 and A2000 owners will not be happy
- when they hear your song.
- Speed: This function allows changing the speed during play.
- ------ You can only enter a speed from $01 to $0F.
- Setting the info byte to zero doesn't effect anything.
- The normal speed is 6.
- Example: D-2 4F04 - Set speed to 4
- --- 0000
- E-1 0F00 - Nothing happens to speed.
- --- 0FC3 - Set speed to 3
- G-2 2F06 - Set normal speed
- For your convenience the speed will now be set to 6 everytime you
- load a song/module or clear the song.
- The Playroutine.
- ----------------
- The Playroutine on the Soundtracker disk is for using your music in demos,
- intros, games etc. It was written using the Seka-assembler and the source
- of the routine can directly be incorporated in your demo/intro source.
- When you are finished writing your music using D.O.C-Soundtracker, save it
- to Disk. Use the function 'SAVE MODULE'. You will find in the
- 'MODULES'-DIR a file, which contains all songdata and samples. Load with
- SEKA the source of the playroutine and enter the size of saved module at
- the label 'mt_data'. Assemble. Now load the saved module to 'mt_data'.
- How to play a song:
- -------------------
- At the beginning of your program, call the 'mt_init' routine.
- Each vertical blank jump to the 'mt_music' routine.
- To stop the song jump to the 'mt_end' routine.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - This Soundtracker-Version consists of ONE disk which should include the
- following files:
- - Soundtracker (V2.3)
- - Songplayer (V1.4)
- - SongPrinter (V1.1d)
- - PresetEd,PED!,PED!! (V1.1 by The BallCrackers)
- - PresetEd +
- - PLST (this is my (MnemoTroN) PLST and please do not ask for the
- samples because that are 13 disks!
- - MuzakRipper (by NorthStar)
- - Soundtracker Instruments Ripper (by Beastie Boys)
- - 'mod.echoing' and 'mod.my way to the stars' in the module-directory
- (my favourites!)
- - all DOC files in the 'Text'-Directory
- - the 31 Instruments Replay-Routine (also in 'Text')
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------