áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááᢠWELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK ¢ááá¿π⌐õ¨ÕؼáIJ∈⌠Θπáס⌡Γ∮Θ≤ΦΘ∈τáח∈π«ááᢢMost of the programs on this disk are¢written in Atari BASIC. Some require¢special hardware or specific operating¢instructions. Please read the matching¢issue of ANTIC Magazine for complete¢documentation.¢¢SUBSCRIPTION Info & Orders:¢(800) 347-6969.¢¢BACK ISSUE Orders: (800) 234-7001¢(Visa or Mastercard only, please.)¢¢XXX¢¢The menu that appeared on the screen¢when you booted the disk will only¢RUN programs with a .BAS extender.¢If you try to run a program and the¢response is 'cannot run Filename',¢check the file extender with this¢list:¢XXX¢.BAS BASIC saved program, use menu¢ RUN or LOAD and RUN.¢.LST BASIC listed program, ENTER¢ then RUN.¢.EXE Assembly language 'Load and¢ Go' file. Remove BASIC, boot¢ DOS, type L then enter the¢ filename.¢.M65 "LISTed" MAC/65 assembly ¢ language source code.¢ Must be compiled.¢.SYS Reserved for DOS system files.¢.DOC Text file. Usually accessed¢ by another program.¢.ACT ACTION! language source code.¢ Must be compiled. ¢.PIL PILOT language source code.¢ Must use PILOT cartridge.¢XXX¢¢December, 2019,¢All programs from ANTIC issues dated¢prior to August 1984 have been typed in or gathered from various Internet sources.¢¢You can contact me through www.Atariage.com. My user name is 'Allan'.¢¢Good luck, and ENJOY!¢¢ -Allan Bushman¢ Atari 8-bit Archivists¢¢