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- 20/12/91 * *
- * S C E N E P L A Y E R V1.0 *
- * *
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- Sceneplayer V1.0 is written by G. Vergauwe (alias Flipper from STORMS)
- General information
- -------------------
- Sceneplayer is Public Domain and may be freely spread(on condition that
- this text is always included and only a nominal fee is asked for it).
- ScenePlayer is conceived as a utility to allow users of the 'Take 2'-
- package to distribute their animations without violating any software
- copyrights. It can be used without the 'Take 2' software by creating
- the scriptfiles, normally output by the program, manualy in any ASCII
- texteditor. It is obvious that this method is more errorprone and has
- to be tested by trial and error, rather than in an interactive way
- which is one of the strong points of the 'Take 2' software...
- About TAKE 2
- -------------
- Take-2 is an animation program that runs on all Amiga models.
- Its main purpose is to create animations from several elements, made
- within the program or imported from another, in a very flexible way.
- The concept is modeled after the procedure followed in a traditional
- animationstudio, and it can therefore be used to simulate such work-
- method. You could say it is an animationstudio at home.
- You can digitize your drawnings from within the program (rostrumcamera),
- create and edit the timing (exposuresheet), use multiple layers (cells)
- synchronize sound (editingtable) and view your animation (projection)
- in real time. Many professional animators and animationstudents contri-
- buted to the concept, making it the most animator tailored program on
- any personal computer.
- It is programmed by Geert Vergauwe (a professional animator himself),
- distributed by Rombo, Scotland and costs around £100. For more infor-
- mation look for the advertisements from Rombo in the Amiga magazines.
- Preparing a Scene
- -----------------
- What is a Scene ?
- A Take-2 scene is a collection of all files needed to play an ani-
- mation. All files need to be in the same directory, in order to be
- found. The name of this directory is the name of the Scene.
- A Scene consists of an .xsht-file, all pictures used in it, and an
- optional .trck-file. Samples may be stored in another directory.
- The .xsht file:
- This is an ASCII textfile, containing the name of the pictures
- to be shown in each level for every frame. The end of a frame is
- marked by a linefeed character (ENTER or RETURN key). Thus the
- next frame starts on a new line.
- Each frame will be displayed 1/25th of a second. You must there-
- fore repeat imagenames on succesive lines to have them displayed
- longer on screen. Most often this will be 2 or 3 times.
- If you use more than one picture on a frame (layer/unionskin),
- you must separate each picturename by spaces or tabs.
- The .xsht-extension is required for the file to be recognized.
- example: pic_1A pic_1B pic_1C > 3 levels of animation
- pic_1A pic_1B pic_1C > repeat image for 1/25"
- pic_2A pic_2B pic_2C > next layered image
- The picturefiles:
- All pictures used in the .xsht-file must have the same resolution
- and reside in the scene-directory. If a picture is not found, the
- previous image in the same level will be displayed to keep the
- timing and sound synchronisation correct.
- Only standard IFF-ILBM pictures, as are used by almost all graphics
- packages for the Amiga, can be loaded. All current Amiga resolutions,
- including HAM and EHB, are supported.
- No special extension is required for these files to be recognized.
- The .trck-file:
- This is also an ASCI textfile, which can be created and altered in
- any texteditor or wordprocessor. It consists of keywords followed
- by parameters. Two keywords are used (SMP,SND) which must be at the
- start of a new line, but may be proceeded by spaces or tabs.
- All parameters must be separated by one or more spaces or tabs.
- The .trck-extension is required for the file to be recognized.
- The SMP keyword must be followed by the name of a sample on disk,
- which will be loaded in memory. This sample will be used by the
- following SND keys, until another SMP key is used.
- Use absolute disknames (such as Demo:) rather than logical device-
- names (such as DF0:) to be sure that the samples can be located on
- any system.
- example: SMP DemoDisk:Samples/effect
- The SND keyword must be followed by 6 nummeric parameters, separated
- by spaces or tabs, in a defined order, as described hereafter.
- Each SND will use the last loaded sample for data and calculations.
- the required parameters are:
- 1. frame: The position in 25ths/second where the sound should start.
- 2. channel: Which of the four Amiga soundchannels should be used.
- 3. length: How long in 25ths of a second it must be played, at most.
- 4. pitch: At witch speed it must be played (depends on the sample).
- 5. volume: How loud it must be played (64 is maximum volume).
- 6. repeat: How many times the sound should be repeated (0=until next)
- example: SMP Stormsdemo:Stormssound/Cat.smp
- SND 25 1 16 300 32 1
- SND 128 2 13 250 64 3
- first SND: starting image = 25
- channel = 1
- number of images = 16
- pitch = 300
- volume = 32
- number of repeat = 1 time
- second SND: starting image = 128
- channel = 2
- number of images = 13
- pitch = 250
- volume = 64
- number of repeat = 3 times
- NOTE: The TAKE 2 software generates .xsht and .trck files automaticaly !
- Using the ScenePlayer
- ---------------------
- The sceneplayer can be started for the CLI or from the Workbench.
- Although it will mostly be used to create standalone animation disks,
- and thus be launched from the startup-sequence (CLI), a Workbench
- interface has been provided, mainly for aiding the preparation of such
- an animation disk.
- From WorkbBench:
- Simply doubleclick on the ScenePlayer icon to start the program from
- WorkBench. A window will appear, allowing to type in the name of the
- Scene in a stringgadget and to set any desired options with the toggle-
- gadgets. Pressing ENTER in the stringgadget or clicking on PROCEED will
- load and display the Scene.
- From CLI/Shell/startup-sequence:
- Type ScenePlayer followed by the scenename and parameters (optional) to
- start from CLI or a batchfile. All parameters must be separated by spaces
- or tabs and are preceded by a '-' character. You may use Run or Runback
- to launch the program and allow the batchfile to proceed.
- Options:
- Once: Play the Scene once and quit (otherwhise it loops until stopped).
- Turbo: Play the Scene as fast as possible (depends on processor).
- Dbuff: Use double-buffering to get rit of screentrashing (filty images).
- Slide: Wait for mouseclick for each frame (LMB=forward/RMB=backward).
- NoPtr: Hide mousepointer while playing the Scene.
- Flter: Disable the audiofilter to obtain clearer sound.
- Use the first letter of the option preceeded with '-' to use options as
- parameters when using the CLI or a batchfile.
- example: SYS:ScenePlayer StormsDemo:SmallStorms -d -p -f
- launch program scenename options
- An aditional option is available when using ScenePlayer from CLI.
- The -e parameter will cause the animation to be played forever. It can
- then only be stopped by resetting or turning of the computer. This fea-
- ture has been added to allow stores to display demos, without them being
- stopped by customers pushing keys or mousebuttons.
- Last important notes
- --------------------
- * Some parameters don't go together, for example -s and -t.
- * Press any key or mousebutton to exit (only keys while using s-option).
- * When using sceneplayer V1.0, all pics and sounds are loaded in memory.
- Keep in mind that pictures are usualy compressed when stored on disk
- and take up more space when held in memory !
- Text written by Ratt and Flipper
- Our adress: STORMS
- PB 24