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- OPT c+,l-,o+
- *********************
- * *
- * BootPAL 1.1 *
- * *
- * by Nico François *
- *********************
- incdir "INCLUDE:"
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/execbase.i"
- include "exec/memory.i"
- include "exec/resident.i"
- include "exec/exec_lib.i"
- include "graphics/gfxbase.i"
- include "graphics/graphics_lib.i"
- include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
- NULL equ 0
- movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)
- move.l ($4).w,a6
- lea DosName(PC),a1
- jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6) ; open DOS
- lea DOSBase(PC),a1
- move.l d0,(a1)
- move.l d0,a6
- jsr _LVOOutput(a6) ; get stdout
- lea stdout(PC),a1
- move.l d0,(a1)
- lea header.txt(PC),a0 ; print header to console
- move.l #header.len,d3
- bsr puts
- move.w $DFF004,d0 ; check for new 1Mb Agnus
- and.w #$2000,d0
- bne.s ok1MbAgnus
- addq.w #8,a7
- lea oldagnus.txt(PC),a0 ; if not available print
- move.l #oldagnus.len,d3 ; message
- move.l ($4).w,a6
- bra putsandexit
- ok1MbAgnus:
- movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0 ; get command line back
- move.l ($4).w,a6
- move.b #0,0(a0,d0.w) ; zero terminated
- cmdloop:
- move.b (a0)+,d0 ; look for 'I' or 'R'
- beq.s template
- cmp.b #'i',d0
- beq.s install
- cmp.b #'I',d0
- beq.s install
- cmp.b #'r',d0
- beq quit
- cmp.b #'R',d0
- beq quit
- bra.s cmdloop
- template: ; print usage line
- lea usage.txt(PC),a0
- move.l #usage.len,d3
- bra putsandexit
- install:
- move.l ($4).w,a6
- lea PortName(PC),a1
- jsr _LVOFindPort(a6) ; find our port
- tst.l d0
- beq.s allocit
- lea already.txt(PC),a0 ; found, so already installed
- move.l #already.len,d3
- bra putsandexit
- allocit:
- move.l #BlockLen,d0
- move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1 ; allocate memory for reset code
- jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) ; must be in CHIP !!
- tst.l d0
- bne.s memok
- lea nomem.txt(PC),a0 ; out of memory ???
- move.l #nomem.len,d3
- bra putsandexit
- memok:
- move.l d0,a5 ; a5 holds address of copy
- lea StartBlock(PC),a0
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l #BlockLen,d0
- jsr _LVOCopyMem(a6) ; copy block to allocated memory
- move.w #$4000,$DFF09A ; DISABLE
- addq.b #1,IDNestCnt(a6)
- lea RomTagPtrs-StartBlock(a5),a0
- move.l KickTagPtr(a6),4(a0) ; old romtag pointer in array
- beq.s yestag
- bset #7,4(a0) ; set bit if there are more
- yestag:
- move.l a0,KickTagPtr(a6) ; pointer to our array
- lea RomTag-StartBlock(a5),a1
- move.l a1,(a0) ; fill in our romtag pointer
- lea myMemList-StartBlock(a5),a1 ; init memlist and put in
- move.l a5,ML_SIZE+ME_ADDR(a1) ; KickMemPtr list to protect
- move.l KickMemPtr(a6),d0 ; our memory
- move.l d0,LN_SUCC(a1)
- move.l a1,KickMemPtr(a6)
- inittag:
- lea RomTag-StartBlock(a5),a1 ; init romtag
- move.l a1,RT_MATCHTAG(a1)
- lea RT_SIZE(a1),a2
- move.l a2,RT_ENDSKIP(a1)
- lea TagName-StartBlock(a5),a2
- move.l a2,RT_NAME(a1)
- move.l a5,RT_INIT(a1)
- jsr _LVOSumKickData(a6) ; calculate checksum
- move.l d0,KickCheckSum(a6)
- lea Port-StartBlock(a5),a1 ; init and add our port
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)
- move.l d0,LN_PRED(a1)
- lea PortName-StartBlock(a5),a0
- move.l a0,LN_NAME(a1)
- jsr _LVOAddPort(a6)
- subq.b #1,IDNestCnt(a6) ; ENABLE
- bge.s noenable
- move.w #$C000,$DFF09A
- noenable:
- lea installed.txt(PC),a0 ; inform user of installation
- move.l #installed.len,d3
- bra.s putsandexit
- quit:
- lea PortName(PC),a1 ; are we already installed ?
- jsr _LVOFindPort(a6)
- tst.l d0
- bne.s portfound
- lea nohandler.txt(PC),a0 ; no, can't quit then
- move.l #nohandler.len,d3
- bra.s putsandexit
- portfound:
- move.l d0,a4 ; we found our port, so remove it
- move.l a4,a1
- jsr _LVORemPort(a6)
- move.w #$4000,$DFF09A ; DISABLE
- addq.b #1,IDNestCnt(a6)
- lea myMemList-Port(a4),a1 ; remove our memlist from
- lea KickMemPtr(a6),a0 ; KickMemPtr list.
- nextnode:
- move.l LN_SUCC(a0),d0
- cmp.l d0,a1
- beq.s foundmylist
- move.l d0,a0
- bra.s nextnode
- foundmylist:
- move.l LN_SUCC(a1),d0
- move.l d0,LN_SUCC(a0) ; LN_SUCC = 0, so this also works for KickMemPtr
- move.l RomTagPtrs-Port+4(a4),KickTagPtr(a6) ; old RomTag back
- beq.s noclr2
- bclr #7,KickCheckSum(a6)
- noclr2:
- jsr _LVOSumKickData(a6) ; calculate checksum
- move.l d0,KickCheckSum(a6)
- subq.b #1,IDNestCnt(a6) ; ENABLE
- bge.s noenable2
- move.w #$C000,$DFF09A
- noenable2:
- lea StartBlock-Port(a4),a1 ; free our copied block
- move.l #BlockLen,d0
- jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)
- lea removed.txt(PC),a0 ; and inform the user
- move.l #removed.len,d3
- putsandexit:
- bsr.s puts ; print string in A0, length D3
- move.l DOSBase(PC),a1
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ; close DOS and exit
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- * text-ptr in A0, length in D3
- puts:
- move.l a6,-(a7)
- move.l a0,d2
- move.l stdout(PC),d1
- move.l DOSBase(PC),a6
- jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
- move.l (a7)+,a6
- rts
- header.txt:
- dc.b $9b,'1mBootPAL 1.1 ',$9b,'0m',$9b,'33mby Nico François',$9b,'0m',10
- header.len equ *-header.txt
- oldagnus.txt:
- dc.b 'You haven''t got the ECS 1Mb Agnus, so run out and buy one !',10,0
- oldagnus.len equ *-oldagnus.txt
- already.txt:
- dc.b 'PAL RomTag already installed !',10,0
- already.len equ *-already.txt
- usage.txt:
- dc.b 'Usage: BootPAL [I=INSTALL|R=REMOVE]',10,0
- usage.len equ *-usage.txt
- installed.txt:
- dc.b 'PAL RomTag installed, reset to activate !',10,0
- installed.len equ *-installed.txt
- nomem.txt:
- dc.b 'No memory for RomTag (I only need about 250 bytes) !?!',10,0
- nomem.len equ *-nomem.txt
- nohandler.txt:
- dc.b 'PAL RomTag not installed !',10,0
- nohandler.len equ *-nohandler.txt
- removed.txt:
- dc.b 'PAL RomTag removed !',10,0
- removed.len equ *-removed.txt
- DosName:
- dc.b 'dos.library',0
- DOSBase:
- dc.l 0
- stdout:
- dc.l 0
- *****************************************************************************
- StartBlock: ; this is the routine that will
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; be executed when we reset
- move.l ($4).w,a6
- lea Port(PC),a1 ; add our port to the system list
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)
- move.l d0,LN_PRED(a1)
- lea PortName(PC),a0
- move.l a0,LN_NAME(a1)
- jsr _LVOAddPort(a6)
- **** Put AMIGA in PAL mode ****
- lea GfxName(PC),a1
- jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6) ; open graphics.library
- move.l d0,a1
- move.w #311,gb_MaxDisplayRow(a1) ; Normally not allowed, but needed !
- move.w gb_DisplayFlags(a1),d0
- and.b #%11111110,d0 ; clear NTSC flag
- or.b #%00000100,d0 ; set PAL flag
- move.w d0,gb_DisplayFlags(a1)
- move.w #256,gb_NormalDisplayRows(a1) ; WorkBench 256 pixels high
- move.l a1,a2
- jsr _LVOSumLibrary(a6) ; recalculate checksum
- move.l a2,a1
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
- move.b #50,VBlankFrequency(a6) ; change VBLANK
- jsr _LVOSumLibrary(a6) ; recalculate checksum
- ************************
- move.w #32,$dff1dc ; this one does all the magic
- ************************
- endtag:
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; back to kickstart
- rts
- RomTagPtrs:
- dc.l 0,0 ; array of RomTag pointers
- GfxName:
- dc.b 'graphics.library',0
- PortName:
- dc.b 'BootPAL.port',0 ; port name
- TagName:
- dc.b 'PAL-boot',0 ; tag name
- myMemList: ; memory list for reset protection
- ds.b LN_SIZE
- dc.w 1
- dc.l NULL
- dc.l BlockLen
- Port: ; our port structure
- dc.l NULL
- dc.l NULL
- dc.b 0
- dc.l NULL
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 0
- dc.l NULL
- ds.b 14
- RomTag: ; the RomTag to inform kickstart
- dc.w RTC_MATCHWORD ; of what we want
- dc.l NULL
- dc.l NULL
- dc.b 1
- dc.b 0
- dc.b -10
- dc.l NULL
- dc.l NULL
- dc.l 0
- BlockLen equ *-StartBlock ; length of block to be copied
- *****************************************************************************