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- rem Epson GQ3500 Laser Printer with Resident Fonts.
- rem Portrait fonts only
- rem
- rem 'e', 'n' and 'p' are exclusive. Setting one toggles the other off.
- rem 'e' uses EDP, 'n' uses Courier and 'p' uses Modern proportional.
- rem 'i' is ignored unless an italic font is available.
- rem 's' and 't' use EDP char set unless a 15 pitch char set is available.
- rem 'l' sets double width
- rem 'z' sets 'shaded' background. Top left and bottom right are
- rem marked with 'z' codes, in similar fashion to 'BOX' mode.
- rem Character widths are set for 'p', using Modern Proportional Font
- cc '@'=27,"@",27,"v",0,1,27,"v",7,1,12,0,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,6,0,7,0,7,128,+
- 63,192,63,224,63,240,63,224,63,192,7,128,7,0,6,0,4,0,27,"v",0,2,27,"v",7,2,12,0,+
- 17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,1,128,3,128,7,128,15,240,31,240,63,240,31,240,15,240,+
- 7,128,3,128,1,128,0,128,27,"v",0,3,27,"v",7,3,12,0,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,+
- 0,0,15,0,15,0,15,0,15,0,255,240,127,224,63,192,31,128,15,0,6,0,27,"v",0,4,27,"v",+
- 7,4,12,0,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,15,0,31,128,63,192,127,224,255,240,15,+
- 0,15,0,15,0,15,0,0,0
- cc 'b'=27,"E" ; 27,"F"
- cc 'd'=27,"G" ; 27,"H"
- cc 'e'=27,"p",0,27,"y",0,2
- cc 'i'=27,"4" ; 27,"5"
- cc 'l'=27,"W",1 ; 27,"W",0
- cc 'n'=27,"p",0,27,"y",0,0
- cc 'p'=27,"y",0,4,27,"p",1
- cc 's'=27,"S",1 ; 27,"T"
- cc 't'=27,"S",0 ; 27,"T"
- cc 'u'=27,"-",1 ; 27,"-",0
- cc "z" 27,"~",3,1 ; 27,"~",0,1
- hl 27,"J",18
- mm 4
- pw 25
- cw 30
- mf 1
- ff on
- rc 24=27,"v",12,3,2,2," "
- rc 25=27,"v",12,4,2,2," "
- rc 26=27,"v",12,1,2,2," "
- rc 27=27,"v",12,2,2,2," "
- rc '§'=21
- rc 20=27,"v",0,5,27,"v",7,5,12,0,18,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15,224,30,224,62,192,54,+
- 192,62,192,30,192,14,192,6,192,6,192,6,192,6,192,6,192,6,192,6,192,+
- 27,"v",12,5,2,2," "
- rc 1=27,"v",12,3,2,2," "
- rc 2=27,"v",12,4,2,2," "
- rc 3=27,"v",12,1,2,2," "
- rc 4=27,"v",12,2,2,2," "
- rc 158=225
- rem Modern proportional font
- width 20=24
- width '§',25
- width 24=24
- width 25=25
- width 26=24
- width 27=24
- width ''=35
- width 1=24
- width 2=25
- width 3=24
- width 4=24
- width 158=26
- width ' '=24
- width '!'=16,22,26,26,26,26,14,17,17,24,24,14,24,14,18
- width '0'=24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24
- width ':'=16,16,21,24,21,22,30
- width 'A'=32,29,32,32,29,29,32,33,19,27,32,30,35,31,34,29,34
- width 'R'=32,28,29,32,31,35,34,32,28
- width '['=23,16,23,24,26,20
- width 'a'=27,29,25,29,26,22,27,30,19,18,30,19,35,29,28,29,29
- width 'r'=24,25,22,30,29,35,29,27,22
- width '{'=24,16,24,24
- width 'Ç',32
- width 'ü',30
- width 'é',26
- width 'â',27
- width 'ä',27
- width 'à',27
- width 'å',27
- width 'ç',25
- width 'ê',26
- width 'ë',26
- width 'è',26
- width 'ï',21
- width 'î',21
- width 'ì',19
- width 'Ä',32
- width 'Å',32
- width 'É',29
- width 'æ',34
- width 'Æ',35
- width 'ô',28
- width 'ö',28
- width 'ò',28
- width 'û',30
- width 'ù',30
- width 'ÿ',27
- width 'Ö',34
- width 'Ü',32
- width 'ø',25
- width '£',27
- width 'Ø',29
- width '',23
- width 'á',27
- width 'í',19
- width 'ó',28
- width 'ú',30
- width 'ñ',29
- width 'Ñ',31
- width 'ª',27
- width 'º',28
- width '¿',22
- width ''=29
- width '¬'=29
- width '½',24
- width '¼',24
- width '¡',16
- width '«',32
- width '»',32
- width ''=28
- width 'ß'=26
- width ''=28
- width ''=27
- width ''=29
- width ''=28
- width 'µ'=29
- width ''=23
- width ''=31
- width ''=25
- width ''=30
- width ''=26
- width ''=31
- width ''=28
- width ''=27
- width ''=29