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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- WindowDaemon 1.9 Copyright (C)1992,93,94 David Swasbrook.
- ================
- If you are upgrading from version 1.8 or earlier then you may wish to know
- that the configuration is now stored in the ENV: and ENVARC: directories
- and no longer as tool types.
- 'Disclaimer ' Legal information
- 'Shareware ' Shareware information
- 'Requirements ' Whats needed
- 'Introduction ' Introduction to WindowDaemon
- 'How to Install ' How to install WindowDaemon
- 'Update Information' How to get the latest WindowDaemon version
- 'Special Thanks ' Thankyou for your ideas/support
- 'History ' A very brief history of WindowDaemon
- 'Index ' A brief index
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disclaimer
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disclaimer
- **********
- I hereby reject any liability or responsibility for these or any
- other consequences from the use of WindowDaemon whatsoever. This
- includes, but is not limited to, damage to your equipment, to your
- data, personal injuries, financial loss or any other kinds of side
- effects.
- Although WindowDaemon has been tested thoroughly on several different
- machines, I cannot rule out the possibility that WindowDaemon
- o is somehow incompatible to your equipment
- o has bugs that show up on your equipment
- o does not do what it is supposed to do on your equipment
- It is your responsiblity to take any precautions necessary to
- protect yourself from these or any other effects. I explicitly
- reject any liability or responsibility from the consequences of you
- using WindowDaemon.
- Swaz.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Conditions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shareware
- *********
- WindowDaemon is shareware. The program may be freely distributed and
- copied, as long as the following conditions are fulfilled:
- o The sales price must not be higher than the cost of an (empty)
- disk plus a nominal copying fee plus costs for shipping. The total
- price must not be higher than 5 US$.
- o All parts of the program and the documentation must be complete.
- The distribution of single parts or incomplete subsets of the
- original distribution is NOT ALLOWED.
- o WindowDaemon or parts of it may not be sold in combination with or
- as part of commercial software.
- o Program and documentation may not be changed in any way.
- o Permission has been given for distribution through Aminet and
- Fred Fish.
- WindowDaemon is shareware, this means I request those users, who
- use WindowDaemon, to send me the shareware fee of 10 US$ (20 $NZ) (or
- any other contributions gratefully accepted) to the following address:
- Postal: David Swasbrook,
- 43 Pickwick Parade,
- Howick,
- Auckland,
- New Zealand.
- Internet: swaz@iconz.co.nz (private)
- or msd@iconz.co.nz
- Please include the following information in your registration:
- o your name, address (electronic mail addresses preferred)
- o your Amiga model(s)
- o Kickstart and Workbench versions
- o the WindowDaemon version number
- I assure you that the information you send me will be treated
- confidentially.
- I will try and inform everybody, who has registered with me as
- described above, when a new version of WindowDaemon becomes available.
- If you have sent a sharware donation, if possible, you will recieve
- an update through mail (preferably email).
- Thank you very much in advance !
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
- ************
- The following are required for WindowDaemon to run:
- o Kickstart V37 or higher.
- o 'matrix.library' version 23.1916 or higher
- o For additional features for WindowDaemon you should be using
- kickstart V39 or higher.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MxLib
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MatrixLibrary
- *************
- Copyright © David Swasbrook, All Rights Reserved.
- o Yet another library to put in your LIBS: drawer.
- o Matrix.library is a development tool which will be used in
- fourthcoming releases of programs I have written.
- o The name "matrix" came from "The Matrix" - The computer system used
- by the TimeLords (Re: Dr Who).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- ************
- WindowDaemon gives you more control over intuition windows and screens.
- 'Arexx ' Control via arexx
- 'Commodities ' Standard commodities interface
- 'Configuring ' How to configure
- 'List of Hotkeys ' Assign keys to perform actions
- 'Locale ' Interface available in different languages
- 'Screen/Window Requestor' Goto a screen or window easily
- 'Sounds ' Sound effects
- 'Workbench Enhancements ' Workbench improvements
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ScrWinReq
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Screen/Window Requestor
- ***********************
- This provides a way to find a screen or window by simply
- pressing the right mouse button in the top right hand corner
- of a screen. The requestor will list all named screens and
- windows (or just screens only). Double clicking on a screen
- or window will bring the screen and window to the front of
- the display... saving you the trouble of looking for it.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Comodity
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Commodities Support
- *******************
- WindowDaemon is a commodity and supports standard commodities features.
- The following arguments may be specified as either ToolTypes or
- entered in on the command line. If possible WindowDaemon will load
- the tooltypes from the icon (if available) and any cli arguments
- will overide the tooltypes specified.
- CX_POPKEY - The hot key to display the WindowDaemon interface.
- Default = "CONTROL ALT w" 'See HotKey'
- CX_POPUP - Show the WindowDaemon interface. Default = FALSE.
- CX_PRIORITY - Set the priority of the WindowDaemon broker.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- ************
- Double click on the "install" icon.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Workbench Enhancements
- **********************
- o Selecting the CLOSEWINDOW gadget and holding down the CONTROL
- key will open the drawers parent window.
- o Double clicking on a drawer while holding down the CONTROL key
- will close the current window (unless it is the main workbench
- window).
- NOTE: This is only available under V39 or higher kickstarts.
- o Selecting the CLOSEWINDOW gadget and holding down the ALT key
- will close all workbench drawer windows.
- o The HELP key may be used to obtain information on the currently
- selected icons.
- o The DEL key may be used to delete the currently selected icons.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AboutWindow
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The About Window
- ****************
- This window may be displayed by either running WindowDaemon while
- it is currently installed, through the POPKEY, or through the
- Commodities Exchange.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Settings
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WindowDaemon Settings Editor
- *****************************
- The editor for WindowDaemon settings may be activated through the
- WindowDaemon interface by selecting the "Settings" button from the
- 'about window'.
- ALT patch - if checked then patches will be installed for
- the ALT-CloseWindow to perform the action of
- closing all workbench windows.
- WBWindow patch - if checked then a patch is installed such that
- when you double click on a drawer on workbench
- the currently active window will be closed if
- you are holding down the CONTROL key. And also
- when closing a drawer the parent drawer can
- be opened automatically.
- Reverse Close - if set then when a window is closed its parent
- window will be opened. Also when a drawer is opend
- its parent window will be closed. It is necessary
- to set the WBWindow patch for these features.
- Screen Select - if set then pressing the right mouse button in the
- top right hand corner of the screen will display
- a 'requestor to select a screen or window'.
- Both Buttons - if checked this will enable the window to front
- or back action to be performed when both mouse
- buttons are down.
- MSDSounds - if checked this will send an Arexx command to the
- Arexx Port named "PLAY". See 'Sound Useage'.
- Arexx Port - Sets the name of the arexx port.
- Listview - This is a 'list of all the hotkeys', double click
- on an entry in this list and you get a brief
- description on what that hotkey action does and
- you are able to define the 'hotkey'.
- Help - If checked, then pressing the HELP key will display
- the information about the selected icons.
- (This is the same as selecting the "Information"
- menu item from the icons menu).
- Del - If checked, then pressing the DEL key will delete
- the selected icons.
- (This is the same as selecting the "Delete" menu
- item from the icons menu).
- Font - Sets the font to be used for the windows.
- WBWindow Qual - This is the qualifier for use with the WBWindow Patch.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Save - Save the current settings to the icon.
- Use - Use the current settings
- Cancel - Do nothing, thouch nothing, get Kryten!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotkeyList
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- List of HotKeys
- ***************
- The following are a list of possible actions that you may assign
- a 'hotkey' to:
- Action Breif Description
- ------ -----------------
- BACK Push window to the back
- CLOSE Ask window to close
- CLOSEPARENT Ask parent window to close
- CLOSEWBWINDOWS Close all workbench drawer windows that are open.
- DECREASEPRI Decrease the priority of current task
- FORCECLOSE Close the window. This WILL close the window
- no matter what. This is a dangerous action
- to perform if the window is still in use.
- You should only use this if the task owning
- the window has crashed etc.
- FRONT Bring window to the front
- FRONTBACK Push window to front, or to the back if it
- is already at the front
- INCREASEPRI Increase the priority of current task
- MAKEBIG Size window to maximum size
- MAKEPUBSCREEN Make the active screen the default public screen.
- It must however be a public screen.
- MAKESMALL Size window to minimum size
- NEXTSCREEN Bring next screen to front
- NEXTWINDOW Activate the next window
- PUBSCREEN Bring default public screen to the front.
- PREVWINDOW Activate the previous window
- REMTASKOWNER Remove the task that owns the window from
- the system
- SCREENCLOSE Close the screen. This is a very dangerous
- action. See FORCECLOSE for more details.
- SCREENTOP Move screen to top of display
- TOGGLEREVERSECLOSE Toggle reverse close state.
- WSCREENFRONT Bring windows screen to front
- WBTOFRONT Bring the Workbench screen to the front
- ZIP Zip/unzip window
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Arexx
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Useage of WindowDaemon with Arexx
- **********************************
- WindowDaemon has an arexx port named "WINDOWDAEMON" and it will
- accept the following commands:
- General Commands
- ****************
- HIDE - hide the interface window
- QUIT - ask the WindowDaemon to quit
- SHOW - display the interface window
- Window Commands
- ***************
- BACK - push active window to the back
- CLOSE - send a close message to the active window
- CLOSEPARENT - close the parent window of the active window
- CLOSEWBWINDOWS - closes all the drawer windows open on the
- workbench screen.
- FORCECLOSE - this will force the active window to be closed
- without informing any tasks using the window.
- This is only of use if an application crashes
- and leaves windows open.
- (NOTE: If you close windows that are still in
- use you may find that you will crash)
- FRONT - bring active window to the front
- FRONTBACK - push active window to the front or back
- INCREASEPRI - increase priority of task owning current window
- DECREASEPRI - decrease priority of task owning current window
- MAKEBIG - size active window to maximum dimensions
- MAKESMALL - size active window to minimum dimensions
- NEXTWINDOW - activate the next window
- PREVWINDOW - activate the previous window
- ZIP - zip/unzip the active window.
- Screen Commands
- ***************
- CLOSESCREEN - this will close the active screen without
- informing any tasks using the screen. If
- necessary any windows on the screen are also
- closed without informing the tasks that own
- them. This is only of use if an application
- crashes and leaves screens open.
- (NOTE: If you close screens that are still in
- use you may find that you will crash)
- MAKEPUBSCREEN - make the active screen the default public screen,
- it must however be a public screen.
- NEXTSCREEN - pop the next screen to the front of the display
- and activate its last window.
- PUBSCREENTOFRONT - bring the default public screen to the front
- SCREENTOP - pop the active screen to the top of the display
- at (0,0)
- WINDOWSCREENFRONT - bring the screen with the active window to the
- front.
- WORKBENCHTOFRONT - bring the Workbench screen to the front.
- Miscellaneous Commands
- **********************
- REMTASKOWNER - this will *REMOVE* the task that owns the active
- window.
- TOGGLEREVERSECLOSE - this toggles the current state of the reverse
- close feature for CONTROL CLOSEWINDOW.
- The above commands may be executed from CLI via Arexx by typing
- rx ' address <PORTNAME> <COMMAND>
- Examples:
- *********
- 1) To quit the WindowDaemon
- rx ' address WINDOWDAEMON QUIT
- 2) To close the active window
- 3) To zip/unzip the active window
- rx ' address WINDOWDAEMON ZIP
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MSDSounds
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MSD/UPD Sounds
- **************
- WindowDaemon will play sounds through a Sound Daemon such as MSD or
- UPD. These add an Arexx port to the system called "PLAY" and the
- following sound id's are sent to the port:
- WindowDaemon/CloseScreen - when a screen is closed
- WindowDaemon/CloseWindow - when a window is sent a CLOSEWINDOW
- WindowDaemon/CloseWindowTrue - when you FORCE a window to be closed
- WindowDaemon/DecreaseTaskPriority - task priority decreased
- WindowDaemon/DefaultPubScreen - when the default pub screen is brought
- WindowDaemon/IncreaseTaskPriority - task priority increased
- WindowDaemon/NextWindow - activation of next window
- WindowDaemon/NextScreen - activation of next screen and window
- WindowDaemon/RemTaskOwner - removal of task owning window
- WindowDaemon/ScreenToTop - screen has been moved to (0,0)
- WindowDaemon/WindowBig - window is made big
- WindowDaemon/WindowScreenToFront - the active windows screen has been
- brought to the front
- WindowDaemon/WindowSmall - window is made small
- WindowDaemon/WindowToBack - window pushed to back of display
- WindowDaemon/WindowToFront - window brought to front of display
- WindowDaemon/WorkbenchToFront - Workbench brought to the front
- WindowDaemon/ZipWindow - zip/unzip of active window
- Acknowledgements
- ****************
- UPD is Copyright © 1991 Jonas Petersson & Absolut Software (aka Sirius Soft)
- MSD is Copyright © 1992,93 David Swasbrook. (Not released yet)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Updates
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Update Information
- ******************
- I will try and further improve WindowDaemon if I have time for it.
- Registered users will at least get a notification when new versions of
- WindowDaemon get available that contain significant changes or enhancements.
- New versions of WindowDaemon will also be available on the Internet per
- "anonymous FTP" (look on Aminet).
- In order to be able to improve and/or correct WindowDaemon, I would like to
- ask every user to do the following:
- o send me the registration fee of US$ 10
- o send me bug reports, if you find any bugs
- o give me hints how to improve WindowDaemon
- Thank you very much in advance !
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKey
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What is a HotKey?
- *****************
- HotKey description strings have the following template:
- 'CLASS ' 'QUAL ' 'SYN '
- (o means zero or more occurances of the of the expression in brackets)
- Examples:
- *********
- "CONTROL \\"
- This hot key is activated when the "\\" (backslash) key and the control
- key are pressed at the same time.
- This hot key is activated when the LEFT ALT key, either SHIFT key
- and F10 are pressed at the same time.
- - This is actually the equivalent of "LCOMMAND SHIFT a"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKeyClass
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *****
- Is one of the following strings:
- If not specified, the class is taken to be RAWKEY.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKeyQual
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ****
- Is one (or more) of the following strings:
- A preceding '-' means that the value of the corresponding
- qualifier is to be considered irrelevant.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKeySyn
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *** Syn (synonym) is one (or more) of the following strings:
- SHIFT - left or right shift
- CAPS - shift or capslock
- ALT - either alt key
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKeyUpstroke
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ********
- If this token is absent, only DOWNSTROKES are considered
- for RAWMOUSE (MOUSEBUTTONS) and RAWKEY events. If it is
- present alone, only UPSTROKES count. If it preceded by
- '-' it means that both up and down strokes are included.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKeyHighMap
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *******
- One of the following strings:
- DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, HELP, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9,
- F10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (, ), /, *, -, +
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HotKeyAnsiCode
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ********
- A single character token is interpreted as a character code,
- which is looked up in the system default keymap.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Locale
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Locale Support
- **************
- The WindowDaemon interface supports locale, the built in language is
- english.
- Included in the archive is the 'Catalog Translation file' just in
- case you would like to translate it into your locale.
- Catalog filename matrix/WindowDaemon.catalog
- Submitting a catalog:
- If you wish to send me a locale for WindowDaemon please could you send
- the actual text translation file rather than the completed catalog
- itself?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanx
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contributors
- ************
- Thanks also to the following who reported bugs and suggestons:
- Jeffrey Peden
- Joachim Worringen
- Seth Harman
- Beta testing performed by:
- Barry McConnel
- Daryl Jay
- o I'm sorry if you have contributed and you name is not in the
- above lists. I try to reply to all email so if you have sent
- me some mail and not received a reply then it is more than
- likely that my mailer sent it to nil: accidentally.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History Information
- *******************
- `V1.9' o The configuration is no longer stored as tool
- types. Config file is saved in ENV:
- o The Workbench window open/close enchancement
- key may be selected from Control, Shift or
- MiddleMouseButton.
- o Bugfix in DEL/HELP code
- o Added screen/window selector
- o Aminet/IRC release
- `V1.8' o Added DEL and HELP key shortcuts to workbench.
- o Removed short versions of hotkey tooltypes.
- o Aminet release
- `V1.7' o Removed unecessary code
- o Fixed small problem with font settings
- o ALT-CloseWindow is working again. V1.6 was crashing.
- o Control-\ can now be disabled
- `V1.6' o Aminet release
- `V1.5' o Added task priority control of active window
- o Beta release only.
- `V1.4' o Fixed data-alignment problem
- o Added locale support.
- o Control-\ patch added to CONTROLKEYPATCHES to close
- the active window. This was added so you can close any
- window not just cli's with this key combination.
- o Hopefully have fixed the `bug' that would occasionally
- lock the system when you double clicked on an icon while
- holding down control.
- o Added option to reverse the CONTROL-CLOSEWINDOW and
- CONTROL-DOUBLECLICK on drawer. To get normal window
- actions you need to hold down control if this flag is
- set. This is toggleable via a hotkey or arexx command.
- o Beta release only.
- `V1.3' o Internal release only.
- `V1.2' o Internal release only.
- `V1.1' o Now has a user interface to configure all the hotkeys
- o Added new argument/tooltypes: CONTROLKEYPATCHES,
- o Can now open parent when you close a workbench drawer window
- when holding down the CONTROL key
- `V1.0' o Initial release on Aminet.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Index
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'About Window ' Program information
- 'Arexx ' Send commands via arexx
- 'Commodities ' Standard commodities interface
- 'Conditions ' Shareware information
- 'Configuration ' Configuring WindowDaemon
- 'Disclaimer ' Legal information
- 'Introduction ' Introduction to WindowDaemon
- 'Installation ' How to install WindowDaemon
- 'History ' A very brief history of WindowDaemon
- 'HotKeys ' How to define a hotkey
- 'Locale ' Interface available in different languages
- 'List of Hotkeys ' Assign keys to perform actions
- 'Matrix Library ' Yet another library
- 'Requirements ' Whats needed
- 'Screen/Window Requestor' Goto a screen or window easily
- 'Shareware ' Shareware information
- 'Special Thanks ' Thanks
- 'Updates ' New versions
- 'Workbench Enhancements ' Workbench improvements
- Other files:
- 'WindowDaemon Catalog ' Catalog Description file for WindowDaemon