(set hello (cat "\n\n\nThis will extract the " @app-name" archive\nto your chosen location.\n\n\nSelect NOVICE to simply extract\n to RAM: or a floppy drive."))
(set noDiscSpace (cat "\n\n" @default-dest " has not enought space on it."))
(set extractionError (cat "lzx reported an error when extracting\n" @app-name " to the destination path " @default-dest ".\n\nThis could either be a problem with how your computer is setup or with the disk itself.\nMake sure you are running from the cover disk and you have read the installation instructions.\n\nIf problems persist ring 01625 878888 and ask for Amiga Computing Technical Help." ))
(set lowMem (cat "\nSorry you only have " totalMem " bytes of RAM,\nand you need " arcSize " bytes, to be able\nto extract " @app-name " into RAM:.\n\n\nTry removing some other applications,\nor use a blank floppy disc."))
(set discRequest (cat "\n\n\n\n\nPlease insert a (blank) disc into "))
(set lowDiskSpace (cat ": does not have enought room for " @app-name " to fit. You can either replace the current disk with another or I will format the current one."))
(set removeCoverDisc (cat "\n\n\n\n\nPlease remove the cover disc,\n\nand insert a (blank) disc in "))
(set formatCheck (cat ", does not have enough room. You will have to format it.\n\nTo do this click on its icon, and then select 'Format Disk' from the Workbench menu.\nFormating a disc DESTROYS ALL the data on a disc.\nPress YES when done or NO to quit."))
(set deviceTooSmall (cat " bytes,\nand so " @app-name " cannot fit onto it.\n\nTry using RAM:, or buy a hard drive.\n\n\n\n(You won't regret it;-)"))
(set @askchoice-help (cat "\n\nEach button represent a destination. You can select either to extract the program into RAM:, or onto a floppy disc using one of the drives.\n\nSimply press the appropriate button, then proceed."))
(set wrongKick (cat "\n\nWarning, you need at least Kickstart v" requiredKick " (" Kickversion ")\n\nto use " @app-name ".\n\n\nPress 'proceed' to continue anyway;\n\n\n\nBut you won't be able to run the program!"))
(set destPrompt "Where do you want the archives extracting?")
(if (getassign "DF1" "d") ;check for external disc drive, and set correct procedure
(procedure @noviceGetDest
(set destination (cat (askchoice
(prompt "\n\nWhere do you want me to put " @app-name "?\n\n")
(if (NOT (exists "c:lzx")) (message "-=* WARNING *=-\n\nI don't seem to be able to find the\nprogram Lzx on the current c: command path.\n\n\nIf a Lzx error is reported, you will need to\ncopy the Lzx program from disk one onto your\nhard drive/floppy's C drawer.\n\nHard Drive users can use the HD-SetUp icon, floppy users should boot using the cover disk."))
(working "\n\n\n\nExtracting " @app-name " to " @default-dest ",\n\nplease wait....")
(complete 100)
(if (= xInstall 1) (set xInstall (cat @app-name " should be installed from your chosen destination, otherwise it may not work correctly")) )
(exit "\nInstallation complete!\n\n\n\n\n" @app-name " has been successfully extracted,\n\nand can be found in " @default-dest ".\n\n\n" xInstall (quiet)) ;don't use standard exit message