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- ====================================
- PrtCheaper 36.4 (29.4.94)
- Copyright (c) 1994 Ralph Seichter.
- All rights reserved.
- ====================================
- I decided to program PrtCheaper because I wanted to reduce the
- amount of wasted printer paper when printing simple text files. A
- "simple" file is a file which contains any number of pages, optionally
- seperated by standard form feed control codes (0x0C). I use PrtCheaper
- to print the odd numbered pages first, then feed the printed output to
- my HP DeskJet printer again (upside down), and finally print the even
- numbered pages. I hate wasting paper, as this is extremly nasty with
- respect to our environment (and it is costly).
- PrtCheaper From/A, To, FP=FirstPage/K/N, LP=LastPage/K/N,
- PL=PageLength/K/N, IN=Indent/K/N, OP=OddPages/S,
- EP=EvenPages/S, NFF=NoFormFeed/S, HD=Header/S, Quiet/S
- FROM is the source file to print, TO is the output file (defaults
- to PRT:). FIRSTPAGE and LASTPAGE define the first and last page to be
- printed, respectively. ODDPAGES and EVENPAGES can be used to output
- only odd (even) numbered pages. PAGELENGTH can be used to override the
- preferences settings, which will be used by default. INDENT sets the
- number of blanks before each line of text (defaults to 0). NOFORMFEED
- surpresses the form feed code printed after each page. The HEADER
- option prints "Page <n> of file <name>" at the beginning of each page.
- QUIET disables all output.
- PrtCheaper requires Kickstart 37.175 (OS 2.04) or better, and will
- run on any Amiga platform.
- PrtCheaper is Copyright (c) 1994 Ralph Seichter. You are free to
- make copies as you wish, as long as these conditions are met: You must
- not delete anything from the distribution archive, you must not add
- anything to it, and you must not change any part of the distribution
- archive. You must under no circumstances redistribute PrtCheaper with
- the aim of making profit! Permission is hereby granted to include this
- program in the Fred Fish "AmigaLibDisk" series. Please send your bug
- reports, suggestions and gifts of any kind to:
- Ralph Seichter
- Deutscher Ring 6
- D-50354 Huerth
- Germany EMail: zodiac@darkness.gun.de
- There is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by
- applicable law. I provide the program "as is" without warranty of any
- kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
- implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the
- program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume
- the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
- V36.1 Initial release.
- V36.2 Added automatic printer.device query for page length, form
- feed codes are no longer vital to operation.
- V36.3 Earlier versions didn't respond to a user break, fixed. The
- overall code size was reduced.
- V36.4 Completely new printing routine. New command template, two
- additions (line indeting and page headers).