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- AMIGA POWER Issue #39 coverdisk (.ADF/PAL) July 1994
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- Far from resting on our laurels, reflecting on the glory of last
- month's coverdisks, we've assembled two more -- and they're even
- more splendid. With an exclusive demo of the most eagerly-awaited
- beat-'em-up in history, and the world's greatest two-player game...
- well, phew.
- Introducing disk 39...
- Don't be fooled by their pointy ears and delicate-looking attire.
- These folk are spoiling for a fight and, thanks to AP, you can give
- them one.
- Anyone with contacts in the shady world of PC gaming will have heard
- of Doom, and its exciting two-player network facility. Well, here's
- your chance to play a simpler, slightly cheaper-looking, but no less
- enjoyable version of your own. Kill! And kill again!
- Try out a whole level of this tremendous insect-based shoot-'em-up.
- Let nothing get away unscathed -- not even the gladioli.
- Two-player Thrust with guns. It's that simple. And that good.
- Really, really, really, really good, in fact.
- The first of two variations of the digging-tunnels-underground theme
- this month. So make like a mole.
- More underground fun, but this time with fruit. You should be
- getting good at this by now. Eh, chums?
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- Authors: Audios
- We've had a few problems with this game on one (but not all) of our
- 1200s, so if you get any funny stuff, boot up while holding both mouse
- buttons down, and then select the ENHANCED option in the CHIP SET
- memory and then it'll load. Don't ask us why it does this, because we
- simply don't know.
- According to our best estimates, the first time Apidya came (AP13,
- 89%) it sold about 22 copies, even though we raved about it, and even
- though it stands tall and proud at number 11 in the AMIGA POWER All
- Time Top One Hundred. This fact, along with Lee Harvey Oswald getting
- framed for capping JFK (And England winning the World Cup in 1966. --
- Stuart) are some of the greatest injustices in the world today, and
- being the upholders of justice and truth that we are, we've been
- trying to rectify them ever since. AMIGA POWER's much-publicised
- collaboration with Oliver Stone went some way to clearing the name of
- Oswald, but even though we've been going on and on about how great
- Apidya is, no one out there seems to have been listening. That is...
- (dramatic pause) until now.
- Team 17 have lofted the mighty Apidya battle banner high, and
- reckon that with their marketing clout behind it, such an awesomely
- fab game simply can't fail to sell by the bucket load. Let's hope so,
- eh? The full game's teeming with insect-related business, drenched
- with thumping techno tracks, and dripping with bugs, maggots and
- squidgy dead rats, and to whet your appetite, here's all of level one
- to sample, which is three complete sections. The full game's also got
- a rather odd two-player game, where one player's the wasp and the
- other's a kind of drone gnat thing, but this demo's one-player only.
- In the spirit of horizontally scrolling shoot-'em-ups, you simply
- blast your way to the end, taking out dung beetles, butterflies and
- even dead leaves that get in your way. If you pick up the red flowers
- left along by dead bugs, the meter at the bottom gradually creeps up,
- and when you get to the power up you want, simply press the SPACE bar.
- If you save up enough flowers, you'll even get to see that little
- drone bug, and who knows, maybe at last this top game will get the
- recognition it deserves.
- Still, don't just take our word for it, slap it in yer disk drive,
- power the little funster up and get ready to blast your way to
- insectoid glory.
- ======================================================================
- Authors: Barf and Mad Lamer
- Not Workbench 1.3 compatible
- In the few weeks this has been in the office, it's been hailed by many
- (but not all) of AMIGA POWER as the best game of all time due to its
- irresistibly competitive nature, which has made us think how cruel
- life can be. When professional programmers are getting paid vast
- amounts of money to come up with gaming drivel such as Dracula and The
- Last Action Hero (reviewed this issue, folks) and true talent such as
- the curiously named Barf and Mad Lamer are writing this in their spare
- time, then there really is no justice.
- As you can see, it's gravity- and inertia-heavy Thrust wars, with each
- player trying to take out their opponent. Sensibly, FIRE is used to
- thrust and UP to fire, which makes things a lot easier. DOWN
- activates the special weapon, the default one being bomb, which
- produces a fearsome shockwave. Shields, fuel and weapons can be
- recharged by landing on any base, the water makes a pleasant 'plop'
- when you drop into it, you can race round various levels, and there's
- about fifty levels to choose from. Absolutely everything can be
- tailored to suit your requirements, from the weight of shots to the
- type and effects of special weapons; our choice for tournament games
- is currently the fearsome unguided missile.
- It's a shame that we didn't get to see this one in time for our All
- Time Top 100, as it would almost certainly have been right up near the
- top. Never mind. Maybe sometime next year, Gravity Force 2 will get
- the glorious recognition that it so richly deserves.
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- Author: Justin Leck
- Known to the greater mass of us as Dig Dug, that classic old arcade
- game involving digging through the ground and killing nasties by
- blowing them up with a bicycle pump in a sadistic manner not entirely
- unlike that thing little kids do with frogs and drinking straws. The
- great thing about old arcade games is that what you have to do is so
- amazingly obvious that you can just play them. So just play it.
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- Author: Justin Leck
- Or Mr Do, that classic arcade game involving digging around and
- avoiding nasties and, er, hang on, haven't we already done this?
- Mr Do is, it must be admitted, awfully similar to Dig Dug, but whereas
- you had the fiendish bike pump in Dig Dug, in this one you've got a
- magic ball that clatters along tunnels and then returns to you. This
- may be a minor change, but it makes a whole lot of difference to the
- gameplay, so give it a whirl. It's all-time top fun, we reckon.
- ======================================================================
- Author: Duncan Stuart
- Inspired by the likes of Doom and Wolfenstein on the PC, and the
- fabulous Extreme Violence on AP24's coverdisk, AP reader Duncan
- Stuart's answered our call to arms and been thoroughly rewarded for
- his efforts. It's two player fun once more, only this time you've got
- to run around an odd maze dressed as a wizard and try to blow the
- other chap (also, curiously enough, dressed as a wizard) out of his
- little blue curly boots.
- The compass shows you where the other guy is and the bar shows your
- damage, but you'll quickly find out that running up to each other and
- blazing away isn't the solution, oh no. What you need is tact,
- cunning, and as many power ups as you can grab out of the rooms. You
- choose them by pressing DOWN and FIRE to get the arrow at the bottom,
- and activate them by pressing FIRE. Here's what they are and what
- they do:
- [jam-pot icon] Pickles? Jam? Anyone?
- [tractor icon] A Tractor. Geddit?
- [glowing icon] Invulnerability. Pretty handy.
- [snowflake icon] Stops the bad guy moving.
- [invisible-man icon] Invisibility. It's a good 'un.
- [magnet icon] Messes up the bad compass.
- [pill icon] Remember, just say no.
- [crystal-ball icon] We really have no idea.
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- Authors: Terramarque
- It's a beat-'em-up. You beat things. Up.
- AND?
- No, that's about it. Work out all the moves for yourself. You can
- access them all by either moving the joystick or pressing FIRE and
- then moving the joystick. At the end of the round, the one left
- standing is the winner. It's ever so simple when you think about it.
- Oh, okay then. Terramarque are a bunch of Nordic types, long in limb
- and fair of hair, and they've been keeping themselves busy with
- Elfmania, clattering away on their little keyboards, for ages now.
- It's now finished, so to get the full lowdown on the game, check out
- Stuart's review on page 32. This demo's one-player-only and features
- top babe-on-babe action, complete with very short shorts, very clingy,
- toppy, er, tops and masses and masses of great hair. Hnnnngggg!!!
- Punches and kicks that connect produce a shower of coins
- (presumably from the combatants' pockets) which can be picked up for
- bonuses or punched towards the enemy as nasty impromptu ninja stars,
- and you can access the secret move by repeating a certain move until
- the move kicks in. (Ooh, a bit of a clue there, it's in the wording.)
- Obviously, since it's a secret move, we're not going to tell you what
- it is, because then it wouldn't be secret any more, would it? We're
- like that.
- ======================================================================
- THIS MONTH'S MORAL: Don't start what you'll only have to finish.
- Amiga Power is printed in the UK. Copyright Future Publishing 1994
- Note: All games were verified to load under one emulator or another.
- Docs re-keyed courtesy of Knuckles Dragon. Original author uncertain.
- Please send clarification to: knucklesd@hotmail.com