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- AMIGA POWER Issue #38 coverdisk (.ADF/PAL) June 1994
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- We've crammed so much onto this month's two coverdisks that there
- quite literally isn't enough room on this little column to tell you
- about all of it. We've got two exclusive demos and a whole clutch of
- fantastic and exclusive PD, so stop reading this rubbish and get
- playing, eh?
- Introducing disk 38...
- It's the sequel to one of the most popular PD games ever, it's
- extremely hard, it's completely complete and it's EXCLUSIVE to
- Your second chance to play this fabulous cross between Dyna Blaster
- and Pengo, from the author of, spookily enough, Super Obliteration.
- Yep, we've gone completely David Papworth bonkers this month, folks.
- A huge playable complete level of the new platform game from Virgin
- that'll leave you completely legless. And 'armless as well. Etc.
- A special, never-seen-before add-on mission for Bullfrog's ultra-
- violent hostile-takeover-'em-up.
- COMPLETE GAME! A fabby little PD 10-pin bowling simulation. We've
- been playing it quite literally all month, punters.
- ======================================================================
- Author: David Papworth
- Anyone who's read George Orwell's Animal Farm will know that all
- animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others, and
- that's the way we feel about our readers. Not that you're pigs you
- understand, just that, although we think each and everyone is great
- for buying our mag, we regard some of you as being extra special.
- Like Ian Rich from Monifieth for instance -- where would our letters
- pages be without him? Or Isabella Reese, who brightens up our days
- with her kooky correspondence. Or David Papworth, who's supplied us
- with two of the best complete games we've ever had on the coverdisks.
- Hoorah for you all!
- David's latest blockbuster is Super Obliteration, which is sort of
- Asteroids meets Pang meets Turrican meets... well, Obliteration,
- presumably. It's a complete game with 30 levels, it's completely
- exclusive to AMIGA POWER, and it's completely fab. We know for a fact
- that David's open to offers at the moment, so if there are any
- software companies reading this -- give this man a job.
- The idea's the same as Asteroids, so you've got to destroy all the
- rocks to move onto the next level. When the big rocks break up, they
- drop powerups, which are always helpful on the early levels, but get a
- bit nastier further on. In a brilliant show of common sense over
- convention, you retain all your powerups even if you get killed, which
- certainly helps things. So anyway, jump around, shoot things and,
- most of all, enjoy.
- There are all sorts of control options in the opening menu, but we
- recommend that you go for the 'Two joysticks' option. Cheetah Bugs
- are best for this, as you can hold one in each hand, or any joystick
- with decent suckers, but with this option you've got the noticable
- advantage of being able to run in one direction while firing in the
- other. Take our word for it: it helps.
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- Author: Virgin
- First things first. If you've got an A1200, disable the CPU caches
- before booting this disk. Then enjoy.
- Dressed like Nigel Mansell, completely bald and with huge black and
- yellow stickers on the sides of their heads, Crash Test Dummies have
- been a regular feature of vehicle R&D sites and toy shops for a good
- few years now. In the former, they help prevent massive crush
- injuries to the chest by improving car design, and in the latter they
- amuse children with their ability to run into walls and come apart.
- Now they've done the decent (or inevitable) thing and popped up in
- a computer game. It's all to do with some Bad Dummy who wants to take
- over the world, or the test plant, or something. Well, suffice to say
- he wants to take over something, and you've got to stop him by...
- ...running around a platform maze. There are loads of spanners to
- pick up and throw, and plenty of nasty Dummies to throw them at. As
- you're a Dummy, damage merely knocks your limbs off, but collecting
- enough yellow and black circles replaces them, so that's all right
- then.
- ======================================================================
- Author: David Papworth
- We always get a bit of feedback from coverdisks, but the entire world
- went completely barmy when we first gave you this way back in AP22.
- Seeing as everyone liked it so much and the original didn't work on
- the A1200, we thought it would be a cruel and heartless act to deprive
- all our new readers (you know, the ones that have made us the best
- selling Amiga games mag in the ENTIRE WORLD) such an excellent
- complete game, so here's another umpteen levels of Papworth-written
- excellence.
- As with the classic Pengo, the idea's to get rid of all the baddies in
- the maze by flattening them with blocks. If you push against a block
- and press fire, it'll slide along until it hits another block. And if
- you push against a block that can't move, it'll melt away. Bombs,
- invicibility and time-freeze powerups pop up occasionally to give you
- much-needed advantage, and problems occur when the lemming baddies
- start exploding. The game really shows its total playability in the
- two-player mode, where you've got to avoid killing your partner as
- well as ducking his blocks and all the baddies. Phew, eh readers?
- And the shocking thing is that this isn't the end of the story.
- If you type in CATHERINE ZETA JONES on the menu screen, you'll hear
- 'Ready' and be into the cheat mode. Once you're in the game, 'S'
- skips levels, 'L' toggles infinite lives on and off, and 'I' toggles
- invincibility. To access the level editor, type in ZANDALEE, and
- you'll then be able to build your own screens just by following these
- easy instructions:
- Each screen consists of three layers, which you can toggle through
- by pressing 'D.' Depth 0 is the background; depth 1 is where the ice,
- mud and mines go; and depth 2 is where you make the maze. On this
- depth, pressing 'SPACE' takes you to the block select screen, where
- you can select a block by pressing fire. The bottom of the screen now
- tells you you're in BLOCK MODE and you can place a block on the screen
- by pressing fire again.
- Staying on depth 2, pressing 'M' toggles you between BADDIE MODE
- and BLOCK MODE. You place both players by pressing '1' and '2' at the
- desired position. Toggle through the baddies using the comma and full
- stop keys, and place them by pressing fire. Baddie characteristics
- can be changed by highlighting them and using the arrow keys.
- UP - Increase baddie speed
- LEFT/RIGHT - Decrease/increase the rate at which baddies drop hazards,
- from 00 (no hazards) to 99 (a hazard every 99 moves)
- DOWN - Increase drop speed by 10
- Pressing RETURN takes you to the QUE screen where you can place up to
- 50 replenished baddies, and pressing '0' changes the time interval
- between these appearing. Other helpful keys are:
- ESC - Return to main menu
- DEL - Totally blanks the selected depth
- G - On depth 2, toggles through the graphic styles
- Easy eh?
- ======================================================================
- Authors: Bullfrog
- A bit of a bonus for Syndicate gamers this, and also a taster of the
- much-lusted-after American Revolt mission disk. To play this, you'll
- need a copy of Syndicate (natch) and have to be able to follow these
- easy-to-understand instructions.
- 1. Load Syndicate as normal.
- 2. Type MARKS TEAM into the Company Name in the Configure Company
- option. This will give you the ability to play any country in the
- world, with all weapons and mods researched and the cryo-chambers
- full of equipped agents. You'll also have pots and pots of cash.
- 3. On the map screen, select the Rockies. For the geographically
- challenged, these are near the middle of the USA.
- 4. When asked for disk 4, insert the cover disk.
- 5. And that's it, really. If you play it and want more, more, more,
- then flick to page 10 to find out how to get a complete disk full
- of exciting new Stateside-based missions. Go on -- you know you
- want to.
- ======================================================================
- Author: Kirk Bonner
- Cool! Bowling in the comfort of your own home! Life has rarely been
- so good, eh readers? This one's great, so whether you like it or not
- depends on your feelings toward the superb and noble sport of ten pin
- bowling.
- It's all mouse-controlled, and you start by moving the ball to
- where you want to throw it from. Click the left mouse button and move
- the pointer over to the side, where you can alter the speed and swerve
- of the ball. When you're satisfied, click on the ball icon at the
- bottom and watch the little shark's fin zip across the alley. When
- it's where you want it to go, click again and the ball aims for the
- fin and hopefully stays out of the gutter.
- If you don't like this control method, then simply grab hold of the
- ball and fling it down the alley. The speed and direction the ball's
- going as it crosses the front line is then taken as the ball
- trajectory, and it makes its own way to the end. Strike!
- ======================================================================
- Author: David Papworth
- The David Papworth collection is finished off with this little tank
- game. As you know, we're terribly fond of ancient video games, and
- this one's just like one of the tank games on the Atari VCS Combat
- cart.
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- Author: Paul Gaze
- It's a PD racing game. A bit like F1GP. Only split screen. And a PD
- game, of course. You race. Around the track. A bit like F1GP. Only
- cheaper.
- ======================================================================
- THIS MONTH'S MORAL: Don't take the car -- you'll kill yourself.
- Amiga Power is printed in the UK. Copyright Future Publishing 1994
- Note: All games were verified to load under one emulator or another,
- excepting the Syndicate add-on mission which I didn't attempt.
- Docs re-keyed courtesy of Knuckles Dragon. Original author uncertain.
- Please send clarification to: knucklesd@hotmail.com