ocr: 2 - BOM - - - - ER * A - - The - object.of the. gane is.to survive for as conge as, POSSibte.by catching the bombs being. - dropped by rea he Maci BoMber. - abomb hits the sround YOU. Lose ones of Your < cives. zach bomb caught scores Youone - point. mhe. ane sraduacty qets. more difficuut t with sagh round compeeted. the bombs JILL arop faster ane FredWitu become nuch qUi icker. A MOUSE or oYstick can - be usea. to control Your - cat Cher- TE YoU are. using E JoYst ick, then houding down the: fire button Wh' iust: - Moving WiLL speed you - UP - If you have any. comments about this sane then s ...